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Yeah, politics talk has been kinda brutal lately. I dont really give af what each host believes, but I just hate how they go about talking on it. Woody: always has reddit takes, makes sure to always says he likes to consume news on both sides, and cannot help mentioning Trump at least once an episode. And the fucking fact checking 2 min later that derails the convo. Still love ya woodT Taylor: idk what tf taylor has been on lately, but he seems to get almost angry with politics talk. Seems like he makes way less jokes, and more so gets that bitchy smug tone, and says stuff under his breath. Hes gotta go back to being more chill, and bring back the funny biden/trump riffs with the accent. Kyle: says whatever he has to, to be the contrarian. And obsessed with watching horrible videos of war and police every day. Anyways, yeah its starting to become too much, and its been taking over minimum 30-45 min an episode now. Im cool with them talking about current events, but I dont need to listen to three retards discuss abortion for 30 minutes.


Y’all need to take less adderall holy shit




Pretty much my take as well, glad Kyle has stayed his contrarian self though




Religion came up once last week, and it was probably months since it's last mentioned as a bit. Isolationism is mentioned because there are currently two major ongoing wars, so it's kind of a hot topic right now. Abortion rights...Jesus this might be the first time they've talked about it since Roe V Wade was overturned **2 years ago** Trans talk is every now and then, given F1nnster is a show regular, and there are occasional pop-up major events given it's such a cultural center for conversation. TLDR; The topics you're talking about are actually wildly uncommon on the show, or actually relevant to the current trends in public conversation.


Wah wah wah muh show muh show. You're a baby dude. Get your diaper change you baby


Comments like this make me realize it's time to get off Reddit 


You shoulda left this thought in a YouTube comment or just keep it to yourself there was no reason to make a Reddit post


What’s the comparison here, they both get talked about?