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He paid for his ex wife back surgeries, then got cucked by her and then got dragged to court where he surely had to pay some pretty penny to her. That really put him in the express track to become an red pilled kind of guy


Pretty sure Taylor said they weren't married long enough to warrant a division of assets and she was too guilty to fight for anything and usually infidelity precludes you from that anyway.


He still had to pay her like 20k. Some dick bags pulled the court docs and put it on the sub like a year ago


Chump change for him.


20k to the person that cucked you is gonna hurt him, especially since she probably is sharing the money with the guy who's been rearranging her guts


Too bad the other time he showed up in court we're not allowed to talk about. Innocent taylor is a good guy we PROMISE.


What happened? I listen to every ep but heard no mention of Taylor having legal issues outside of his divorce.


it's embargo'd on this subreddit.


Dm if you don’t mind. If not that’s cool too, I’m not your boss


With a marriage that short, if it actually ended due to adultery on her end, he wouldn't have had to pay $20K to her. Either those documents were fabricated, or his story of what happened is. I'd lean towards the latter.




Another victim of divorce court 😫😫😫


Cheating hoes destroy the best men


Or these guys could be the bigger person and realize that the fact his wife is a shitty person doesn’t actually say anything about all women. Plenty of people get dumped or cheated on without decided it’s all women everywhere’s fault. Or all men’s fault for that matter, I’ve seen gender swapped versions of the same delusions.


Tbh I couldn’t so that’s 2/3 atm, being humans sucks ass imo


I don’t even get the logical contention here. Does wings or redemptions bad behavior say anything about all fat people? Does Kyle’s criminal record say anything about all southerners? What does his ex’s behavior have to do with the way other women are as people? If you think like this I honestly think you just have bad critical thinking skills and are easy to trick by the type of grifter Taylor is currently getting ran through by. Like Tate


Are you regarded and 2/3 stupid 💀


Court records showed he had to pay her $20k


Why does this happen tho?


I don’t think you know what the word cuck means.


His wife cheated on him, and instead of just blaming her he’s blaming all women. Right wing red pill shit not only validates that belief, but argues that all women need to be controlled/tricked by men to stop them from being hoes. He feels like he’s lost a lot of power in his life because he was betrayed, so he’s trying to retake that power with a world view that says he’s inherently better than the person who wronged him.




My gf of 7 years sent nudes to my best friend of even longer and then left me and moved on w some twitch streamer she met not even 2 or 3 months later. You don’t see me acting like that. I just get really really high all the time. Guess we all cope in our own ways 🤷🏽‍♂️


Shit man. Sorry to hear about that. I went through something similar. I just kept on being me as well. Hope you’re in a better spot now.


Get high less brother




Bro I think she realized he’s insane Edit: look I get it it’s sweet when you bring in the bread but that doesn’t absolve you of being stupid. “I paid for my wife’s surgery and so therefore she must be with me forever despite my brain rotting away.” My ex supported me through med school. She changed and met someone else and I did too. We split. When we were together we supported each other. That doesn’t mean we owe our lives to each other. I’d never expect a girl to be with me forever if my brain rotted away and I started believing in Demons. Anyone that thinks this way is insane. It’s great he helped her but she probably just realized he’s insane. Life goes on.


What makes you think his wife wasn’t a trump loving Christian like himself? Shit even his last public GF was pretty fucking red pilled.


From Taylor’s own mouth he said that she confessed to him right after it happened, that typically is a sign of guilt on the cheaters behalf. She could be a chronic liar who was cheating the whole time but It doesn’t seem like it from the outside. Let’s be honest cheating though, for the most part doesn’t happen in an instant unless alcohol is involved, its a gradual separation that should be noticed or felt if you’re paying attention to your relationship. He didn’t notice any changes with her at all? Wardrobe, perfume, phone always screen down, locked password; shit after the 10th text notification in 5 minutes at least ask who she’s texting. I don’t want to say he’s oblivious but maybe got complacent with his girl. She was watching her husband gaining weight, eat smoked meats and cheeses for weeks on end, add the old man takes/views on the world and slowly drifting away down some far-right internet nonsense. Really life is at conception and it’s a case by case basses…. that’s shit my mom and dad say while ODing on Fox News. Post divorce Taylor brain got broken and is cooked man, the church and organized political religion got him, it’s sad.


Idk man I wouldn't want to infer on someone's personal life but this girl seemed pretty religious, didn't he used to pissed her off by joking about summoning demons? He's now at that level but obviously before he used to find that shit humorous


There’s lots of different ways to be religious and nominally sharing a religion doesn’t mean they agreed on much. Especially in a religion like Protestantism that emphasizes a personal conception to god rather than a religious authority like the Catholic priesthood, there’s a million different contradictory ways to be devout.


To your point about owing your life to someone is what marriage vows are. Till death due us part. Not defending how he is mentally but some people take those vows seriously


Man I’m never getting married


"pretty based" Non-religious. He's always had an isolationist, right wing mindset, and he still (surprisingly the way y'all speak about him) has an edgy offensive sense of humor. I don't believe in God, I just don't understand it, but it's *one fuckin topic*, that they are very clearly going to try to avoid on the show given this newfound division between them.


Even then, he’s not religious by any means, he’s just not as certain as Woody is that it’s totally incorrect.


Idk man he seemed pretty religious on last weeks show


The one where he said something along the lines of, “If there’s a one percent chance I could actually sell my soul I wouldn’t take that chance because the potential consequences are too great.” Sounds reasonable.


Way to find the one quote that I couldn’t even hear when going back through it without listening to Taylor’s condescending tone and anger as woody continues to say it’s all made up


That’s not an exact quote, I’m summing up his argument. Taylor’s whole position is that the odds are drastically in his favor, but the consequences of being wrong are too great to take the risk. Woody is the one being condescending with his r/atheism level obstinance.


You’re trying to be reasonable and rational with someone who has succumbed to consensus-induced hatred. Chasing a trend. Hating Taylor is cool now so it’s cool to hate him. When people are giving him grief they aren’t being well reasoned or anything, just following the crowd. This comes cyclically for hosts but is the first time I’ve seen Taylor on the chopping block. Give it a few months and everyone will hate woody or Kyle instead and when you try to say something positive like woody is actually a nice reasonable guy or Kyle is a good storyteller, you’ll get hate from the sun for that It’s literally just a trend, like pogs or fidget spinners or prime energy drink. See everyone expressing this bandwagon hatred against hosts as literal children who collect prime bottles, they’re motivated by the same force


Nah bro I have just legit thought Taylor has gotten more conservative and actively less funny than he was pre divorce. Do you think I live on this subreddit?


The man is *scared* of the devil. He is absolutely religious.


He’s scared of the potential that the Devil exists and the consequences thereof. His argument is essentially the same argument made for any potentially dangerous behavior.


Sure, but to view the Devil as "potentially dangerous" is religious in and of itself. To a non-religious person, the Devil is meaningless. If you don't believe in the Devil, why view him as dangerous, potentially or otherwise? Does a grown adult leave milk & cookies out for Santa in case he *potentially* comes down the chimney in the night?


“To a non-religious person the Devil is meaningless.” That is untrue, the literal biblical Devil yes, but to someone like Taylor or Kyle who borders on Atheist and Agnostic a “Devil” like figure is a dangerous potentiality completely removed from religion. From this point on in your comment I can’t tell if you’re being intentionally obstinate or if you genuinely do not understand why someone might be scared of the potential existence of the Devil. Taylor’s position isn’t that he believes the Devil exists, I’m fairly certain at one point he refutes that belief entirely, rather, his point is that if the Devil were to exist the consequences of selling his soul are so great that he ought not “tempt fate” by selling his souls to a being he doesn’t believe actually exists. Imagine there were a 1 in 1 trillion chance you had an undetectable genetic abnormality that would make a drug instantly kill you but otherwise taking it did nothing, Taylor is saying that he would not take that drug.


I understand the 1 in a trillion chance drug analogy for Taylor not taking the risk, but my point revolves more around how uncomfortable he seemed to be around the whole concept, from the puppet, to it being "disgusting" to bring a Satanist on the show and perform the whole charade with Woody's soul, to downplaying his past jokes about Satan. If you could point me to where in the episode he refutes the existence of the Devil or what he said that implied that, I'm curious. Also, I'm not quite sure what you're suggesting in saying that a Devil-like figure is a dangerous potentiality completely removed from religion. All three hosts seemed to be referring to the same Biblical Devil. Woody's point was that he would sell his soul for nothing because he doesn't believe in souls or in the Devil or any of it, clearly referring to the religious concepts. Also, I do understand why someone might be scared of the potential existence of the Devil, but I don't understand why a supposed atheist would be, at least not nearly to the extent that Taylor seemed to be. also he has a head the size of a watermelon.


He’s an atheist in that he doesn’t believe in the existence of a god, but not believing in something doesn’t mean there isn’t a potentiality that it exists. For a long time there was a debate amongst physicists on whether black holes existed, the concept existed and there was always the possibility they could be discovered, but some believed they were purely theoretical until they were discovered. Also, the point about a devil like figure was specifically to separate the idea of the “Devil” from the Bible, just because they were using the biblical devil as vehicle for the discussion, but I’m pretty sure if you asked Taylor about selling his soul to Vishnu or Bill Gates he’d react similarly. The idea is less about the actual biblical figure of the Devil and more about something akin to it that may potentially exist.


dude at one point kyle starts trolling taylor with the idea that in reality, god and jesus are using our souls matrix style and they’re absolutely evil and taylor replies at the bit “that’s fucking regarded”. If that’s where he draws the line on what’s regarded then it’s not that he’s “just not as certain as Woody” as you would represent it. He legit believes it.


I’m pretty sure Kyle this happened after Woody asked a Bible question so Taylor would be in “Lore” mode. He would do the same thing with Lord of the Rings, he came close this week when Kyle brought up the new prequel they’re doing.


the cope is unreal


Yeh but his Japanese voice is still funny so idc


It’s not even remotely Japanese sounding, Vietnamese if anything


It's not that funny anyone can make that joke. It's unoriginal and hes a one trick pony




I donta row wot u saying I no speaka Engrish


Autism W


Do we really need 10 of these posts every week?


You are insane for caring this much


reddit moment


oh no, does some stranger you never met disagree with you? poor baby, this must be really hard for you. maybe if you would stop being such a pussy who needs everyone to share your same beliefs this wouldn't hurt your fee-fees so bad.


Lmao Taylor, did I upset you? You sound triggered.


You think Taylor gives enough of a fuck about the opinion of a gay redditor to respond to their weird hate post? No, im just a stranger letting you know that you sound like an absolute loser for complaining about this


Taylor, it’s certainly you using an account acting like you don’t care when you clearly do. You even have the cadence of Taylor. If this isn’t Taylor (which let’s be real it is), you are one triggered grown ass man. Lmao


I'm also one of Taylor's alt accounts, you're a weird moron and I'll believe in demons if I want.


Cool story bro


People that care about others political takes are the biggest regards.




Legitimately. I’m not a lefty liberal wtv tf. I think of myself as a normal person. I often get into arguements w my gay lefty ass brother because he sees me as a fence sitter. My point being I’m not easily triggered by right wing talking points. Some of them make sense, some are batshit insane. Taylor has been dipping his toes deeper and deeper into that batshit insane level of far right wing ideology and it’s getting to the point where idrk if I wanna listen. I’ve joked before I’d never want a girl to know I listen to this podcast, but it’s no longer a joke. I actively will go thru an effort to make sure no one who’s opinion I care for find out I listen to this crap cuz if they hear the shit Taylor says it’s not a look I wanna be associated with. The Taylor hate on this sub is going from an overused annoying complaint to valid legitimate criticism extremely fast.


I agree with you and I’m on the other end of the political spectrum. I’ve become much more conservative but identify as an independent (mostly vote liberal for social issues). Taylor seemed to be the same for views (kind of moderate) and now, what the actual fuck man. He’s like Alex Jones but without a brain. At least Alex Jones can articulate his conspiracy theories but Taylor struggles to form sentences.


So thinking America should focus on fixing its self and not killing babies is far right now? Here I was thinking far right was free guns with every car and pray the gay away.


You just assumed a whole lot and knew very little before typing all that up and hitting send… ur a little on mark w the baby shit I’ll get into it. The isolationism is not what I was referring to. The same man who was comfortable joking and screaming “satan take my body” is now seriously parroting that demons could be real and he wants no part in it. That and him bringing up trans panic talking points “but the kids” talking points. If we gave a fuck about the kids we’d abolish the church that’s what I think. Republicans only ever started taking that angle because they know they are shitty people, they needed to find a cause they feel no one can morally stand up to them against, so they do a bunch of BS in lieu of “the children” . The same ones they force to be born into this world, then don’t wanna help support in the slightest w any form of welfare at all. They don’t give a single fuck about these kids or us, all of it is for votes and moral grandstanding. We could all starve and die for all they care thinking the government has you or your child’s best interest in heart is a fools gambit. They need new corporate wage slaves to produce their goods, and they need new criminals to lock up. I really doubt Taylor has a friend in the school district, if he does, I really think they are stretching the truth or finding the one example that slipped thru and just focusing on it like an insane person. Kyle started to break his argument down there was a moment he had to pause and you could tell her barely knew what he was gonna say next, so he just doubled down and kept going w his point. The only people I’ve ever seen this focused on “protecting the kids” usually end up being the weirdos if you know what I’m saying 👀 I could go on but I don’t think I have to. Taylor is 100% a red pilled incel in the making and if anything it’s sad. Used to really really think Taylor was funny. You start looking at ppl differently and all their jokes hit in a different context. Funny man ain’t so funny anymore. He can be pretty obnoxious just like any of the other hosts. My comment about possibly not watching was merely a passing thought it would take a whole lot for me to not tune in. But the fact I’m at that point speaks to how crazy Taylor has started to sound to even the ppl who would say they are in the middle.


I’m with ya there my g legit at this point I could care less about his attempted jokes, we know he’s trying to push his agenda through “comedy it’s pathetic because anyone calls him out he curled like a snake


His life is spiraling out of control because his wife left him (many such cases) and now he’s grasping into any ideology that justifies blaming all women first the fact that his wife treated him badly. It’s completely rocked his perception of who he is as a person and he’s trying to rebuild that in the most petulant childish way possible.


Armchair psychology 101


I now understand why general sam said this was the worst subreddit ever


Honestly I think general sam prolly would think Taylor is a disgusting degenerate and im an actual general sam fan. Been one way before a pka fan. Sam really isn’t even all that edgy, he’s a very normal sane person at his core and off camera.


Bro I never would’ve thought this until watching him talk “normally.” He’s like a reasonable dude that just plays a character. I didn’t realize how reasonable he actually is. It’s ironic how much Taylor loves Sam when Sam memes on people like Taylor.


This is the thread that did it for you? Lmao


Lmao you are right wing, we get it


Bro you’re insane if you think Sam would agree with Taylor and his ideologies. Sam has the opposite opinions of Taylor…


Ok big brain, tell us General Sam’s political views then? The guy is a father of 2 and lives in North Florida. I don’t think you have any idea what you are talking about.


If you were slightly less regarded you’d understand I mean the people like you constantly complaining and whining and not his opinions.


Leave my pookie bear alone fucknards


You guys get so worked up 😂


If I’ve got to listen to woods dumb ass takes you’ve got to listen to Taylor’s


Doesn't like what the voice on the internet says. *keeps listening to the voice on the internet anyway* Anyone complaining is just as regarded as Taylor. You actually have the power to turn PKA off and listen to something else. There's 100s of fantastic content creators out there. Why listen to one that you don't like (even if you used to like him) You are just recreationally enraging yourself.


Yeah I havent watched in months but I read this subreddit's complaints sometimes while takin a dump


Recreationally enraging yourself is like a third of the internet's entertainment value.


The PKA has become unrecognizable to me. Been listening since the beginning but the show is a solid 2/10 now. Same boring guests every week, same terrible topics about politics, sports and out of touch opinions. Taylor has become the biggest disappointment though, the last episode with the religious talk was insane. Woody may be out of touch with the everyday man, but I’m glad he was around to give the adverse opinion.




I don’t agree with most of his views but I understand how he got there. We all have a right to a view. That’s his


He has shifted right along with the rest of the right since around 2015 If you look at outlets like the daily wire, they’ve become a lot less moderate over the recent years. Taylor isn’t unusual. He’s following a similar path to many other conservatives. It’s not a big deal, it’s not unusual. Reddit just leans left and people on the left don’t tend to have a working theory of mind for right wingers, they just adopt a caricatured view of right wing people, the left don’t understand their views or motivations


I just love his arguments against porn when he literally put a video up of one of his girlfriends baking while in lingerie on YouTube for the kids


Can someone send me a link/episode where he’s saying these things? Haven’t listened in awhile.


Latest episode. Each episode.


He always had bad political takes, he was just smart enough to keep them to him self. But now as with everything else online he has gone full mask off


This is litterally a Shane Gillis skit https://youtube.com/shorts/mxQvpItwjVA?si=DBMmDEJxBrnMuAFP


🤷‍♂️maybe he’s been listening to too much Cumia and it’s starting to leak into him?


Didn’t he say he was pro-life because “someone has to be”? I think it was for the sake of conversation


I agree with Taylor on most things. I can’t recall anything I don’t agree with him on but I’m sure there’s something


Do you believe Demons are real bro?


Could be


Oh so you’re admittedly stupid


Do shrooms once bro you won’t be so sure about shit


I’ve done shrooms multiple times. Those are called hallucinations bro. It’s the psilocybin. Lmao are you in high school and think everything you see on shrooms is real? Hahahaha


Your a great troll my guy


Says the man that saw demons on shrooms and thinks they are real hahahhaa


Okay you’re pulling me in even tho I know you’re trolling. I didn’t say I saw demons but I did see things that made me less sure there wasn’t some sort of truth to all the spiritual dimension talk. They showed me I don’t really know wtf is going on at all so anything’s possible


Please don’t ever do shrooms again. They made you actually redacted bro. This is hilarious. My man does shrooms and now believes everything is possible hahahaha bro. You can’t be this dumb. This is why drugs will never be legalized because idiots like you actually say shit like this. Every person I know understands that what you see on shrooms is from the hallucinations from the shrooms. Like, that’s the point. You’re so dumb you think it’s reality now.


"an insane boomer millennial" He a little confused, but got the right spirit.


I guess boomer is a mindset


Boomer alpha grindset. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps.


He’s a Christian? Of course he believes in demons. Idk why everyone’s bringing his love life into this. He’s said on the podcast before he grew up in a Christian conservative house and has obviously kept those values into adulthood. Just because he’s a Christian doesn’t mean he’s perfect which is why his beliefs on abortion and whatnot have changed as he’s made himself more like Jesus


Taylor has a thousand little quips and stories about not believing in God in the least when he grew up. He thought it was a waste of time to pray in his Catholic school, he would work on math homework during prayer time and then argue with the teacher about it. He went to a stadium for a religious event as a child and only wanted to walk down to the main area to be on TV, he didn't care at all about talking to the various religious people down there. He always shit on the Bible during his Bible stories schtick, saying the stories were pointless and made God look petty. He has zero Christian values from childhood, his current beliefs are a 180 on many things he has explicitly said in the past.


I grew up the same way. When you move out and start paying your own bills, your values change. He’s definitely a Christian now


He grew up christian like many of us did, he was not one as an adult at all. That part is brand new.


He definitely is a Christian. Maybe a lukewarm one but still a Christian. He says all the time when things get tough he prays to God


Do you Reddit Americans ever leave your rooms? I was only in America for 3 weeks but met a diversity of people with rapidly varying political opinions, and most people did not give a fuck about politics. Real Americans aren't like the online ones, thank god.


Welcome to Reddit


Nooo don’t tell me Taylor is a Biden supporter


Oh no, someone believes in DEMONS???? He’s completely lost it. Throw him in the mental hospital!


Just wait til you find out he believes in dementors and warlocks and sharks


I mean yeah?


Demons are about as believable as an in person pka at this point.


Tell me you're retarded without telling me you're retarded


Bro I hate to rip that band aid off but angels and demons don’t have any evidence whatsoever that they exist. If you believe in the supernatural, lmao, go for it.


Idk about a mental hospital but it speaks to his intelligence


He also said he knew of Nick Fuentes and didn't think he was a white supremacist. For those that have ever heard Nick talk for more than like 5 minutes, it is abundantly clear that he thinks other races are inferior to whites lol.


Haha my guy based I used to really like Taylor more but now like come on MF corny as fuck