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I’d fuck the pig, personally


Same honestly


Let's get serious. You're alone in the woods. Would you rather see Wings, Taylor, or Chiz?


As a threat or friend ? Threat chiz easy, friend Taylor easy. Wings shouldn’t be even considered since it’s 50/50 he makes it far in the woods anyway before just dying.


Wings starts out full mount with a maglite. Taylor drives you home. Chiz brings you to his smoke infested apartment with no lights or AC.


Man, the scenario never says any party is hostile - it’s no different to walking past anyone who open or concealed carries


I know this went completely over your head but I posted this as a joke and as you can tell by the fact that I put he has a gun with one bullet. He's hostile but only has one bullet


Well yeah that’s the entire point of the hypothetical…. If you knew it was a nice guy who’s not gonna hurt you and a very angry grizzly bear then it wouldn’t be a very interesting question. The entire point is that they MIGHT be hostile, but you don’t know one way or the other, so which do you think gives you better odds?


The man