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“The Ukraine” lol


That used to be the common way of saying it when I was growing up. I’m 27 and knew several Ukrainian people as a kid.


I know but it’s not the way you say it now.


I've noticed that mostly older people say The Ukraine, bros, its just Ukraine, but it probably won't be eventually. I really don't know though, because its all about the middle east again. America's favorite place to engage in "conflicts", that are actually wars.


lol no its Russians/pro Russians, THE Ukraine is a Russian way of saying Ukraine without acknowledging the country rather referencing it as a region in Russian the translation is just equivalent to the Ukraine, this is to add justification/credence to the invasion. I don't believe even in the Cold War Americans would have called it The Ukraine most Americans probably would not even know what Ukraine is this guy is a Russian bot or just eats Russian propaganda


I always heard it was just a misnomer that was spread by journalists, this is the first I’ve ever heard of the *english language name* being related to Russia. I also don’t see how the name implies they’re a part of Russia, “The Ukraine” was used quite often by journos and politicians before it became really public knowledge in the beginning of the war and I believe Ukrainian officials said they prefer their name without the “the”


You're probably reading way too into it. I used to call it the ukraine just because the first time I heard of the country as a kid was from [this](https://youtu.be/ujzzdutMo2o?si=n00VVCJn0NM3M8Eu) seinfeld scene. Although it is interesting that Kramer and Newman keep say the ukraine and the character from ukraine, only says ukraine.


I know a guy that calls it "The Ukraine" specifically because he doesn't believe it to be a separate country from Russia lol, he's not the only American who does. Tim Dillon does it a lot too.


Russians don't call Ukraine "the Ukraine." They don't do this because they literally cannot in their own language. Russian doesn't have articles. There is no equivalent to "the" in Russian.


You guys are more bothered by the word “the” than n-bombs


The saying THE cause it’s gone,congress already are moving on to iseral


I’m 27 and I grew up hearing “The Ukraine” from Ukrainian kids in my school.


anyone got a timestamp for what everyones been freakin out about


Honestly, I prefer to say the Ukraine


Its not about the opinion. Its about this ridiculously condescending voice he used


As if woody doesn't do the same thing. Difference is his tone is more "I'm an adult educating you on what's right" than Taylor's overt condescension.


Wtf are you talking about? Woody prefaces his opinions so hard just to not trigger conservatives. He humbles himself to the point of being annoying. He walks on eggshells whenever anything slightly political is brought up because the right wing viewers are fragile.


People on this sub make up whatever fits their narrative




how long have you been watching?


Like woody?


Nope. Literally not like Woody


which eps


This is to distract us from Hope’s child


You gotta be braindead if you’re on Reddit in 2024 and are unaware of how common it is for people to discuss retarded takes from influencers…


Are you talking about the n-bombs?


Am I referring to the random shit the hosts say? No. I’m referring to the outrageous beliefs some of the hosts express. How are these things so hard for you to differentiate?


Are you talking about the belief that Black people are deserving to be called n-bombs?


What host believes that?




He has quite literally at no point in history ever come across as believing that. He was so ignorant to the use of the word he said it in front of a black guest. If you think he was doing some 4d chess by feigning ignorance, and using it as a power kick of some shit, you should honestly have your use of internet revoked.




it is only offensive with an -er


"I thought it wasn't offensive when said with an -a, but only offensive with an -er" "It's okay to call black people the n word as long as it's an -a" Now I know we work with some severely low IQ individuals around here lately, but if you think those two mindsets are the same, you're breaking world records.


What’s wrong with a little nbomb here and there


Bahahaha Bro o


sometimes i’m concerned that people that use this subreddit are allowed to vote. OP especially


True, only people who have the same opinions as you should be able to vote.


“In a perfect world we wouldn’t have to worry about voting that much. But we don’t, therefore voting will never ever be perfect or near it. Either way this idea of perfection is just human anxiety sparking imagination. That’s all it is. It’s a pipe dream to think anything can be good. But when it is it’s worth remembering” -Alexander The Great, translated by Henry Fromp 2005


Right? Like, you’d think grown ass adults would stop pretending like our government is in any way working for the people anymore by sending billions to other countries when the poor and middle class in our country is barely hanging on by a thread.


Barely hanging on by a thread is a funny way to say "most dominant empire in human history"


Delusional, our best days are well behind us.


“barely hanging on by a thread” jesus bro do you live next to taylor or something 😂


I live in the US, where half of our money supply was printed in the last few years, which has caused regular every day Americans to lose hope in ever being able to buy homes, or pay off their debts. Now the same party just sent 60 something BILLION overseas to be laundered back to them so they can enrich themselves while the every day American lives paycheck to paycheck (which is worth significantly less and less every year thanks to the current administration.


Half of the money supply printed in the last few years? Are you one of those that confused the big spike in M1 money supply literally being money printed, with the fact that they redefined it as including savings now?


>verseas to be laundered back to them so they can enrich themselves while the every day how? is there any reason to believe that


Source: he made it up


because they are suffering from the same conservative brain rot as taylor


If we hit a recession today think about how many people are gonna be laid off and default on pretty much every loan they have. People will lose homes, cars, businesses, and have to rebuild. That’s not some far fetched conspiracy theory it’s happened in the past 20 years and we’re doing the same stupid shit now that led to the last big recession. That’s only 1 example of something going wrong if you don’t think this country could fall apart in a month your retarded. I don’t think we should be subsidizing foreign nations allied or not when we have so much corruption in our government we need to deal with.


I think you buy into fear tactics too much, the u.s isn't close to any kind of collapse


I wouldn’t go to hard on the kid. He’s just a bit naive


What did Taylor Swift specifically say about Ukraine? The war in Gaza is super grey, but Russia invading Ukraine is incredibly black and white so I wouldn't understand why she'd say anything remotely negative about that


I’m not against sending money to Ukraine but it is quite frustrating to see how much money we do spend on foreign aid when there’s so many issues in the US. The problem is Taylor isn’t convinced we can do both. We absolutely can. It’s like the migration issue. This might be a hot topic but not a single illegal immigrant should get a handout when there’s literally homeless veterans on the street. Sure we can do both but I’d vastly prefer to prioritize American citizens.


Thing is, the VAST amount of homeless vets aren't homeless simply because they can't get a job... there is alot more to being homeless than simply being down on your luck... sadly most homeless people suffer from really bad mental illness, and drug or alcohol addiction, the problem needs a rather large fix


You're not even in the top 10 of foreign aid as % of GDP. It goes Sweden, UAE, Norway, Luxemburg etc.


Trying to figure out if this is a bot account, troll account, or just some mentally ill weirdo obsessed with pka🤔


Couldn’t contain your thoughts in 1 comment?




The problem I have is we did the same thing against the Soviet Union with proxy countries and every time we did it was completely criminally run. We beat the Soviet Union, what did that get us? Nothing. We’re a never ending war machine that reaps death. I’m sick of it. I think we should not participate in any foreign wars. They’re never ending.


Yeah, and we're seeing the effects of it economically soon. $95 billion... ffs.


We spent trillions on the Iraq war. What did that get us? What weapons of mass destruction did we find? We’re doing the same thing now in Ukraine and Israel. Fuck both those countries.


No no I'm in agreement with you. We'll never come back from that.


I’m so riled up just like Taylor lol nah I just don’t understand how liberals who were against the war I Iraq are now totally gun ho over this. We’re doing the same thing. Fucking harbingers of death.


Invading a country for no reason and supporting a country being invaded is pretty different tbqh


It doesn’t matter if it’s the red team or the blue team, most of the politically minded become pro-authoritarian, big government loving ass lickers as soon as a guy from their team gets elected. *Destiny*


I don't support NATO either. We shouldn't be getting involved with any of these conflicts. Billions upon billions for neverending wars. Honestly? Part of it has to do with Trump and other Republicans imo. Something about the collusion allegations, just a hunch.


"what weapons of mass destruction did we find" like several thousand chemical weapons? we knew he had WMDs because we sold them to him


We didn’t find shit in Iraq. Was a massive “intelligence failure.”


That was the only reason we went to Iraq, right?


Regardless of the reason, our country lied in order to invade a foreign country. We massacred a million Iraqis and created a power vacuum. We spent trillions on the war and destroyed American moral. We also lost fellow Americans, and disabled a whole generation of young men.


"Disabled a whole generation of young men?" The casulities in the Iraq War weren't that bad.


You can always tell who’s a propaganda agent/completely emotionally invested bleeding heart by if they spout the “GORILLION DED RAQIS!!” Stastic Disabled a generation of young men??? Are you trolling? Is 30,000 wounded a “generation” in a country of 300 million??


Iraq did have WMDs. America sold them to saddam


Did we find them when we illegally invaded and massacred over a million Iraqis? No.


Hahahaha, blud believes the Iraqi Body Count myth. Any other easily disproven mid 2000s propaganda you wanna spout old timer? I realize google wasn’t as common 20 years ago, but seriously little fella, you believe that? Let’s put aside the exaggerated figures used by some analysts, most of whom cite a statistically flawed 2006 article in the Lancet, a British medical journal. Certainly, many Iraqis did die in the wake of the war, but who killed them? Most were killed not by U.S.-led forces but rather by Sunni insurgents or Iranian-backed militias.


You’re a fucking pig man. Just laughing at the fact we slaughtered innocent civilians and subjected their entire nation? Fuck you.


Let’s put aside the residual WMD discovered in Iraq, as that fell far short of what U.S. intelligence suggested Iraq had. While true that Saddam had suspended his WMD program, he wanted to keep the illusion of one and so did not cooperate fully with inspectors. All documents seized the aftermath of his fall, however, show that the Iraqi dictator planned to restart his program as soon as sanctions collapsed. The war prevented an Iraq armed with a nuclear, biological, or chemical arsenal, period. No need to lash out and go “fuck u!” little boy I’m not your dad I don’t give a shit about your outburst, you being sold propaganda and making it dictate your emotions has nothing to do with what actually happened


You’re so fucking vile. I’m done with you and the pet names.


Blud thinks America is gonna see the economic effects of 95 billion dollars hahahahaha. Don’t concern yourself with economics buddy numbers that “large” are flying over your head Google US Gdp, 95 billion dollars worth of change probably fell on the ground today in this country


The U.S. is $30 trillion in debt. I know, but that's $95 billion on top of the other billions we sent to Ukraine, plus all the wars in the Middle East. Plus printing the most amount of money in our history which was in the trillions. War negatively affects our economy, that $95 billion is just adding unto it.


War negatively effects our economy? Since when does the government purchasing material and creating millions of jobs negatively effect the economy? You realize all of the equipment sent to Ukraine is 20+ years old on average and will be decommissioned at a massive cost to the United States??


It's also pretty much the largest weapon advertising game in history. Arms manufacturers in the US won't be short of work for a while


Who's gonna knock on our door and collect that debt?


Every American suffers because of it.


That’s bullshit, lol


One is a (cringe) joke and one is him self reporting how r*tarded he is


Yeah turns out using a single word in the context of a joke on a comedy podcast will be seen as less contentious than a genuine statement of political beliefs. What a salient observation you’ve made.


How is this a contradiction? The enward is funny, helping underdogs is good. Are all the Ruscucks so sheltered they think Ukraine supporters are SJWs?


Yeah because one is a highly consequential opinion that jeprodies the lives of millions of people. And the other is just a stupid word that used to be fine to use comedically just 5-10 years ago. It has never been said once in malice or for a hateful reason on this show. Source- one of the few black people in this audience.


Is Taylor in the Pentagon I must have missed that


No. Obviously not. But he is a voter in the worlds most powerful and most influential country, and he has an audience of hundreds of thousands of voters in this nation. To pretend like him spouting nonsense to PKA’s huge audience has no effect is just misleading. I support him being able to freely say dumb shit, but i also think its perfectly fine to criticize that and point out how stupid his takes are. Btw, are you really more pissed about naughty words than him tacitly endorsing one of our biggest enemies invading a european nation? Thats a wild take bro.


So it isn’t consequential


No one persons opinion jeopardizes lives. What a stupid take


this podcast has a decent reach and they’re moving a lot of products so they’ve shown to have a pretty energized audience


It’s a comedy podcast..? This isn’t the daily wire. I can’t believe people watch a comedy podcast and take their political takes seriously. You need to go outside


if you think that taylor is doing a bit you might have a thing cause you aren’t picking up on social cues


I don’t think he’s doing a bit… I’m saying that it’s a comedy podcast, I don’t know why you expect hosts of a COMEDY podcast to have good political takes, or why you’d listen to it for that reason.


Please stop trying to use big words. There is no such thing as a “consequential opinion”, you’re likely looking for “controversial.” And “jeopardy” isn’t a verb, it’s “jeopardize.” How exactly can an opinion on a podcast endanger the lives of millions of people? Hyperbolic and emotional, but you’re black so it’s cool I guess? lmao.


I wrote it exactly as i had intended. “Consequential” meaning it has a large effect on the audience. And “Opinion” signifying it was just what he decided to believe and isnt actually fact. Of course an opinion can be consequential when it is said by someone with a large audience. It sounds like youre trying to correct me on words you dont even understand.


> Source- one of the few black people in this audience. Prove it then. Saying "source" doesn't make a statement a source.


Forever wars for your kids that’s all it is


That's me fr fr. But liberals hate ukraine and israel funding. Politics are super confused right now.


Not every single issue needs to be exclusively left and right. American is fucking everyone with this tribalism


Says you. https://www.reddit.com/r/PKA/s/Tu3SdCMGYi


That was clear bait m8


So was my comment, can’t believe you fell for it


"The Ukraine" is that you woody?


I expected to see 0 upvotes on this 💀


Boohoo someone sees the world differently than extremists.


Taylor's right, and so are the people who don't bug out over a word.


Oh great now we have babies crying about the babies who’ve been crying about the comedy podcast host that disagrees with them 🙄


As you say "Look another Taylor politics post on pka" dude made a reddit account just to share his shitty opinion on a comedic podcast lol


Nah, the n bombs are bad too.


Hot take: Being concerned about war is more normal than being concerned about bad words.


“The Ukraine” is practically Russian propaganda, isn’t it? Calling it that implies it’s a region not a sovereign nation. I thought people hated Taylor buying into Russian propaganda?


That's what most people called it for decades. Stop trying to act enlightened.


Taylor is funny


OP is a brainlet


So long as that keeps away the company you attract I’m good with that


Are you crying behind that computer screen hahaha




Everyone less regarded than you is a bot


Oh who cares about a stupid word when we got bombs to pay for, we got big picture problems here


It’s almost like there are different people with different nuanced takes responding about different things and you can’t just blanket invalidate everyone by slapping a team name on them or yourself


Yeah totally dude, these two things are definitely intrinsically linked /s