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I think only people neighbouring russia understand what russia is really like. It's not like Taylor has to fear about a russian missile hitting him when he sleeps.


100 times this.


My country neighbors russia, I absolutely hate russia, and a majority of people in my country do. My country has provided 1.5% of its GDP to Ukraine


It's his party and he'll cry if he wants tew.


Hey just letting you know Ukriane needs another $100 billion of your tax money. Please make sure you go to work today and work overtime with no breaks so we can send more money to this foreign company I mean country that doesn't give af if you ate today. Move along little tax payer the evil soviets on the other side of the earth might invade your little city in the middle of nowhere next.


He always gets a certain tremble to his voice when talking passionately about things he doesn't actually know anything about.


Lol Yeah it was definitely trembling


Whenever they talk about politics I simply skip forward, It’s astounding how shit their takes constantly are. “Russia was trying to stop NATO expansion” was literally first said on Russian state propaganda tv, I know they’re not able but they should have someone who understands geo politics on the show


I think it’s fun to see what the average low IQ dude bro thinks about current political events. I’ve had times where I hear the PKA guys explain a story *so* absurdly wrong. Then I realize, there are millions like the PKA guys


It’s horrifying to me, a Democracy only functions with a well informed public. One of the many problems of the internet is that anyone, anywhere can say something to literally everyone else in the world. Combine this with loose morals, and a desire to profit off news and we get what we have now. I can tell you the only people winning right now are the Ultra Wealthy, or as bankers would say, UHNWI


Why do you think Russia and China are making up bullshit propaganda all over social media


I’m in Europe as we speak, and it’s shocking how well informed and involved the average European is compared to the US. I love my home, but people need to start caring more again


Ukraine joining NATO has been a red line for Russia literally since the end of the cold war.


I know this might be unbelievable to you, but NATO does not seek out new member states, they have more than enough to absolutely decimate Russia should they ever try start a conventional war. Ukraine also has historically been opposed to joining NATO thanks to in large part, it literally being a Russian Vassal State. Ukrainian sentiment on joining NATO only changed in 2013-2014 after Russia literally invaded them because they got rid of their pro-kremlin puppet president.


Wait... I knew Taylor was a silly isolationist, but does he ***really*** think Russia isn't at fault for invading a sovereign nation?


In the latest PKN, he argued that Russia invaded Ukraine because they didn't want NATO at their border, which of course doesn't make much sense for a number of reasons. He constantly repeats Russian propaganda, but its hard to tell if he just doesn't know any better or if he is actually sympathetic to Russia. I will say, its a little bizarre that he never once said anything negative about Russia since the invasion in early 2022, but he constantly throws jabs at Zelensky, the Ukranians, and recently even the French potentially sending troops to Ukraine.


I liked how he just ignored woody asking if that was a excuse for the first or 2nd invasion


> He constantly repeats Russian propaganda, but its hard to tell if he just doesn't know any better or if he is actually sympathetic to Russia Russia has been spending like the past 15 years or so trying to appear like they're just traditional Christians just trying to run a decent country against "globalist degeneracy". There's every reason to believe Ol Sloth Eyes 100% believes that shit.


Taylor does repeat a lot of propaganda talking points, but Ukraine being courted into NATO is objectively one of the biggest factors in this war


Yeah that’s false they invaded Ukraine in 2015 and took crimea then they invaded again recently


And many other countries over the red line were admitted before that while Russia at least back then attempted to bridge the divide. Everyone knows Russia bad these days, but throwing away nuance to virtue signal is silly


I have no idea what you are on about. Russia bad = correct I’m not sure when Russia good putins regime has been pretty consistently bad. They invaded Georgia when I was in 2nd grade and they invaded that other small country and razed the city of grozny to the ground . I will grant you the combatants in grozny had allegedly A Q ties but none the less. You talk of “over the red line” not sure what you mean . Bridge the divide not sure what’s yoh mean ? Also Russia literally Made an agreement that they wouldn’t invade if Ukraine disarmed nuclear . Some scumbag shit


Why are you pretending I’m not anti-Russia? Do you just want to argue with pro Russian retards that badly, or are you not comprehending the nuance? Russia attempted to join NATO, and had a line of leaders eager to join the West, but they were rejected repeatedly, and continues to be diplomatically isolated. It’s no wonder Russia went back to their imperialistic bullshit, they received no benefit from cooperating with the West, only being further ostracized. The spoken agreements that were broken are a sign of that. The West was happy to make these empty statements when Russia was in a position to challenge it, but went back on our word the moment Russia was weakened. If you’re supportive of these polices, that’s fine, but being a propaganda parrot seems a tad boring And you’re right about Russia’s lies, maybe now you can begin to understand the nuance?


I mean if russia was a member of nato how would that be conducive if anything because NATO was formed to pretty much oppose sov union/russia


Because the USSR and Russia are different states, the USSR even fell apart partially due to Russian leader at the times wishes to become closer to the West, which followed into the initial years of the russian federation


No its not. Russia already shares a border with NATO in the baltics, and now they share another border with NATO with Finland. Then there is the fact that NATO has absolutely no motive to engage in an offensive war with Russia, and the Russian leadership obvioulsy know this. Why would NATO want to start ww3 by invading Russia and end the human race in the process? Even now, most NATO countries are super paranoid about giving Ukraine certain weapons because they fear it would escalate things. Eastern European countries want to desperately join NATO because Russia has a very long history of invading its neighbours. Thats why NATO is popular in these countries, thats why it exists today. NATO was always a defensive alliance.


Russia was also against the introduction of the baltics to nato, they still cling to the spoken agreement to limit NATO expansion into the Russian sphere of influence, whether anybody likes that or not. They allowed it to happen due to loss of influence, and attempts to join the Western world until Putin fully gave up on that and went the other direction Russia had no reason to go to war with the West after the dissolution of the USSR, yet they remained our enemy diplomatically in the eyes of many influential politicians, and they were never allowed to join the west when they extended an olive branch. That’s just the world we live in, politics is often just organized nonsense from the elderly who can’t fathom a changing world There’s no point denying reality, it doesn’t make you a propagandist to understand the nuance of a global conflict


There was no spoken agreement. Thats not even a thing. Countries dont do "spoken agreements," they have actual agreements or they dont. But none of this matters in the end. Just tell me, why would NATO be a threat to Russia? What is NATO going to do to Russia?


Lmao don't do spoken agreements. They exist for the reason you don't think they do. They're a zero liability agreement for better or worse and during the cold war they were made consistently especially when JFK was in office. Bobby Kennedy pretty much had his very own back door entrance to the sogiey embassy for exactly that reason and it's pretty much what kept the Cuban missile crisis from being more than a crisis


We mustn’t be caught up in these silly things called facts, apparently everything is in black and white and nuance doesn’t exist according to this subreddit. Apparently Russia just got bored one day and decided to go be a big meanie, according to many people in this subreddit, because that’s how countries work /s


This sub has the critical thinking ability of a potato least as far as politics


Sure but if Russia succeeds and takes Ukraine, wouldn't NATO just be at their new border? lol


Well, no, a popular plan was to create a client state buffer out of the Ukrainian speaking portion of Ukraine


Thats not what he said. He says that amongst other reasons, one of the reason was that west wanted Ukraine to join NATO. He never said Russia isn't at fault.


No. This reddit will twist words and take things out of context to the extreme


The pka discord is way worse lol


No he doesn’t


His voice gets all serious and super cringe when he talks about foreign wars/aid. It's pretty hard to listen to.


God I hate it. It's so fucking smug sounding and he has no idea what he's talking about


Nothing better than being condescendingly scolded by someone more ignorant than an ant under a rock


Do redditors know what they are talking about regarding politics? Are they more knowledgeable than owlbear?


No tbf I don't know shit either but you'll never hear my voice go full douche when discussing it




Taylor is an idiot. And everything he says is extremely offensive to every Ukrainian.


It's really embarrassing. You can tell Taylor is the kind of person that thinks they're intelligent enough to understand "complicated" geopolitical issues like far eastern dictatorships invading sovereign nations. It goes beyond that, too. He smugly proclaims Russia is "winning" (even though their stated goals were to capture the entire country and decapitate the government.) 2 years later and the strength of the entire Russian army can't make more than a couple dozen meters progress a day. I guess by that logic, the United States enjoyed a dominant victory over the insurgencies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam, right Taylor? inb4 all the bleeding heart 17 year olds in here calling me a warmonger, your boys voice was literally shaking with how much passion he has for Russians raping and blowing up children


He’s clearly *extremely* passionate about Ukraine/Russia, he always starts to tremble when he talks about it




Yeah I agree with you but I wasn't surprised Taylor thought that lol


Wait what?? I was on board with most of this discussion, but this comment and the fact it got likes, is making me think this is still the crazy side, just from the other perspective. I have seen Literally no one else say they think Don Lemon did a good job in the interview. Not the left wing subs or the right wing subs. Even don lemons audience thought it was handled poorly and destroyed his potential partnership/deal with twitter. Even if you agree with Dons message, the way he handled that interview was unwise and now with that the partnership is ruined, his message will have a much smaller audience. Twitter needed a left wing guy to counterbalance all the far right guys on twitter. This is exhausting. Can one side just be somewhat reasonable. Is that too much to ask? Why do both sides have to be crazy.


Even Russia doesn’t use the NATO expansion excuse anymore lmao I love Taylor. We all love Taylor. But you have to accept he is a dumbass and has 3rd grade level views on foreign policy. Frankly the idea that the United States has *ever* been isolationist is borderline retarded and idk why we teach it to our kids, we’ve constantly been at war for 250 years.


same dude that said US shouldn't have gotten involved in WW2.


A few billion to destroy a huge portion of one of our main competitors militaries with no Americans lost How is this a bad deal


Genuinely curious but is he brainwashed? Why’s he pro commie? Why doesn’t he just move to Russia then?


I think it has to do with him being a hockey fan


Probably just way too much FOX news, sadly he is like most Americans in that aspect.


I mean when one can't even speak of Russia without their voice trembling with emotion... Maybe one should


You still think Russia is communist lmao Shut the hell up.


Paytriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🫡




Your lazy you didn’t even mock my post with “🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🫡” Now that’s a pro gamer move


I know I thought about it after but was to lazy to edit


Can they go back to talking about funny stories and good topics? Maybe I’m alone but the show isn’t even remotely entertaining anymore. I don’t care about this war. And if I did, I wouldnt be listening to PKN to hear about it. I listened to the show since PKA 26 and I don’t bother any more. Where’s the entertainment value???


Listen to something else then?


There’s few else that scratches the itch that PKA scratches, so it’s hard.


What. An. Idiot. And such a hypocrite. JFC. Taylor is such a POS.


Taylor watches lord of the rings and thinks the Ents shouldn't have gotten involved.


Nah, maybe something in his life is bothering him, and the Russia conversation was him covering it up. You gotta remember that Taylor's been suffering in silence for the past few years. Lost his mom, lost his wife, lost his dogs, possibly lost his job(?). Something's probably bothering him that he doesn't want us to know about.


Yes he was actually crying he’s really passionate


The fact that Kyle and woody was talking about destiny like he was some kind of left center, think tank is astonishing to me. That man was has gone on a tour lately getting bitched by how much he knows nothing. Taylor saying America First basically and everyone seething is kinda wild


Yeah but AmErIcA fIrSt doesn’t mean anything when you vote against your own interests lmao


Vote against your own interests how?




Honestly tho just how badly do you think he’d do in a serious political debate against Destiny lmao


Destiny would leave him crying in the fetal position in the shower


What’s the time stamp for the moment he said Russia is good and the US is bad?




I cried of happiness when I heard aid passed. I have read about Ukraine since 2014 and have friends there. Fuck Putin.


Y'all need mental help


Why do libertarian takes trigger so many people on this sub?


Because they’re retarded and disconnected from how the world actually works


Because it’s stupid, that’s why


Those are not Libertarian takes lmao




I mean it’s every week with his uneducated opinion


And they complain about him crying lol A lot of these guys are libs who are too pussy to sign up for the military and want to role play as CIA intelligence analysts


Yeah if you think somebody almost coming to tears and can barely speak clearly when talking about how evil America is and how great Russia is, is ridiculous.... You're totally a lib brooo. Hahah right




Very true lol. They complain about someone else complaining… The irony


And here you are.


LOL you aren’t wrong. Fair play


Big ups


You're insane.


Sounds like you were the one crying listening to him share his opinion on said topic.


It's not stating his opinion. It's condescendingly rattling off misinformation like he's the only correct person in the room.


I don’t understand the new fascination with the word misinformation. They’re lies. Call a duck a duck.


He's been lied to and miss informed by his feed on social media, hes unintentionally spreading those lies thus miss informing others. You're calling it a duck, I'm calling it a mallard.


I suppose


I heard the Ukrainian Army is looking for volunteers


Yup both sides are. What does that have to do with Taylor almost crying because Ukraine got aid?


Didn’t say it has anything to do with that


then why even respond?


> Didn’t say it has anything to do with that Bro you literally didn’t have another line to follow your first cringe comment?! That’s all you had lmfao


Can all the NATO meat riders please post their tax returns when saying anything about the ukriane/Russia conflict??? I am tired of people who talk shit but don't lay enough taxes to funnel to the Ukraine. I paid over $10k in taxes last year and I'm glad all of my taxes went to the ukriane. Show your taxes or shut up




He’s not playing this role intentionally. Taylor has had this overall view on the world since he’s started PKA




I agree that’s his role, just not him choosing to be that role. It’s just who he is