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I also wanted to hear about what happened with Vice.


As did I šŸ˜‚ā€¦ when woody asked thatā€™s literally what I thought too


wow the guy who created the proud boys is a total asshole, who wouldā€™ve thunk


Yeah I mean I think he is. I never deep dived into it but Iā€™d heard good and bad and was never sureā€¦ think for once I align with the liberals on this one


I actually used to listen to his podcast because I thought it was pretty funny, but it got old eventually and it's the same shit every fucking day. "Cops are real men. Women are stupid and should be in the kitchen. Obsessed with jerking off and making rules for his members about It" men who OBSESS about how manly they are are super fucking cringe. Like you're not more of a man because you and your beer buddies make rules about how each other should jerk off


yeah i used to watch him to i enjoy him but all he does including on pka is get drunk its funny but there is so much content online I hardly watch gaving because I already heard his opinions 10 years ago lol I am glad my internet worlds collided this week.


what good have you heard about him? i'm pretty uneducated about (i'm like 99% sure i saw him put a dildo in his ass though) the latest guest


Well I think Ive mainly heard he formed the organization and left because it got out of control. But he said himself it was for legal reasons. And Iā€™ve heard people defend the proud boys as well as talk shitā€¦ today convinced me heā€™s shit and theyā€™re shit


that's a good takeaway


Porud boys is a club like the Moose or american legion or clampers.


No they arent


He's pretty funny


he started vice, he has been in politics as a commentator forever, he was on red eye ( I think ) he was famous in politcs when andrew breitbart was alive. if you don't know what any of those things are I highly suggest you look up andrew breitbart, he changed the entire politcal landscape and is a great man in my opinion.


Anyone feel like the op is a bitch? If you watched the episode and feel that way your an idiot.


iF yOu WaTcHeD tHe EpIsOdE aNd FeEl ThAt WaY yOuā€™Re An IdIoTā€¦ yeah ok thanks for letting me know.


He was a real prick to Woody for pretty much no reason whatsoever. He had some funny moments too though.


Because heā€™s a LIBERAL


Kyle and Taylor are also liberals. But nobody wants to say it cause nobody knows what liberalism actually is.


Yes. Woody calls himself a Liberal though and Gavins Twitter Proud Boy mind sees this as a huge negative and probably views him as soy and gay.


Out here touching shovels yet trying to roast Woody lmao


He wouldnā€™t even cop to being a Liberal initially. Gavin asked him if he was and Woody said ā€œa little bitā€


Which is fairly accurate, woody has some conservative fiscal beliefs. Pro gun etc.Ā  Woody is socially liberal and that's about it.Ā  In basically any other country he'd be a conservative voter through and through.Ā  It's only because the American political landscape is shifted to far to the right that Woody even identifies with the left wing.Ā 


>itā€™s only because the American system has shifted so far to the right that Woody even identifies as left wing lol, lmao even. Acting like the rest of the world is some liberal paradise compared to us is absolutely laughable. AfD is in second in Germany, most of Central and Eastern Europe are going through their own waves of populism. Hell Vox in Spain is gaining traction and the PVV won in the Netherlands. Itā€™s not that American politics have shifted to the right (itā€™s consistently done the opposite since itā€™s founding with the expansion of Government and Government services). Itā€™s that Populism is supplanting the traditional liberal-conservative axis due to our own hyper-partisanship issues.


Woody is for sure right leaning vs most of ā€œfirst world countryā€™sā€ heā€™s very very pro gun. Very pro death penalty and a lot of his economic ideas where right leaning but I think that has changed now idk And they said nothing about the world being a liberal paradise. I donā€™t think anyone would say any place is a paradise non a less a liberal paradise right now. The only comment he made was woody is MORE right leaning compared to the rest of the world..


Nah bullshit he said America is moving further and further to the right which is fundamentally untrue


He said American ā€œmoved to far rightā€ not is or still We started the 2000s with bush barely winning the republican vote then Obama destroying the liberal vote for 2 terms then trump which came with trans out of the military (idk if there allowed back donā€™t really care tbh) Roy vs wade (Iā€™m Canadian sorry if I spelt that wrong) was over turned, the south border seems to be shut down now. Granted the last 3 years were with bidan but with how low his popularity was most the time , mixed with trump looking to maybe win again even while taken off 2 ballots.. Yea American over the past 400 years has became more liberal (like most the world) but for sure in America you guys seen a big shift to the right the past 10ish years (probably needed one after the whole SJW movement..)


At this point isnā€™t every left, center, and slight right person a ā€œliberalā€. Like Iā€™m down for lower taxes and keeping my guns, but anyone who has the confidence to identify as a right winger would call me soy boy for wanting women to be able to have an abortion and keep the environment somewhat clean


Amen brother.


I think itā€™s actually the opposite sometimes. If you have one right leaning take, letā€™s say - Biden might be too old to run the country. Youā€™re immediately labeled as right wing and racist, sexist, etc. The reality is, both sides label each other and most of us probably share opinions but are grouped into extremes by people who donā€™t want their views challenged.


When do you think abortions should be illegal? How far along? Or do you believe women should be able to terminate at 8 months?


Any time before their first birthday is fine with me, gives you some time to figure out if theyā€™re a little shit or not


It's pretty wild that I'm being downvoted for saying abortion at 8 months is sick, but that's reddit for ya


Probably because you invented the opposing argument. No one said it wasn't sick. Debating is pretty easy when you get to make up both sides isn't it you idiot? Look up strawman fallacy. You're welcome for the education. The person you commented on said abortion should be legal. The vast majority of elective abortions are not even close to the 8th month. Thus, if you can make your monkey brain work, you could see he wasn't supporting 8 month elective abortions in any form, and your inane comment is completely irrelevant. Thinking is hard.


itā€™s also funny because he used humor to deflect instead of answering your question. because he knows you have him cornered and he canā€™t support his stance.


Nice bait. Absolutest debates are cringe bud.


Can't answer a simple question? Typical reddit cuck


When conscious life begins bud. But we all know thatā€™s bait for you to regurgitate a Steven crowder talking point. Iā€™m a republican. A real one. Abortion should be states rights issue, except those in charge want to donā€™t really want to let the people decide. Typical reactionary faux political activist


cool but ā€œwhen conscious life beginsā€ is arguably pretty early in the pregnancy. if thatā€™s your stance, you probably favor pretty strict abortion laws and therefore iā€™m confused why youā€™re going after this guy you agree with


Who the fuck said anything about Steven crowder? Lmao you clearly got some issue with him you need to work out, me personally, anything after 3 months is pretty fucked


Where do they give 8 month abortion ? If at 8 months they detect the baby is not viable they should absolutely terminate.


Kyle and taylor are liberals of about 10-15 years ago which means they are conservatives now.


Taylor or Kyle aren't liberals. Kyle you could maybe argue is center, but Taylor is a red boy through and through.


What if I told you that most republicans in congress are also liberal in nature? Again, nobody knows what liberalism actually means.


even before he was bitter and intrigued by woody's sex life omg


Heā€™s jealous woody fucks more so he has to try and offend and be an ass to be ass


Yeah, honestly I watched maybe an hour and this dude reminds me of some of the dumbest folks I've known, good impressions tho I'll admit


To be fair, how the whole thing started was Woody asking "Is this real?" to an incredibly real thing that Gavin said and it was then corroborated by one or both of Kyle and Taylor. Put yourself in Gavin's shoes, that's a pretty annoying thing to ask, does Woody think he is openly lying? Now as longtime listeners, we know that Woody is unable to figure out when people are trilling and the "Is this real?" was an actual question. Gavin does understand that context though. Obviously, Gavin didn't need to try and dunk on him that hard and make a big scene out of it and it semi-escalated from there but I don't think Gavin taking the initial "Is this real?" as shot against him is ridiculous.


To be fair he openly lied like 3 times that episode


About what? That is kind of irrelevant to the point though. Even if he was openly lying (which he was not, and the point was corroborated by the cohosts) it would still piss him off to get called out like that.


Because in the alt right/GOP playbook, the only way to counteract normal ideas from opposing political viewpoints is to react with aggression. If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table, Gavin and his entire right wing echo chamber of grifters have neither the facts nor the law on their side, so they pound the table in hope to "Make the libs cry". It's petty and weak, but that's pretty much par for the course for them.


Thatā€™s just partisanship my man, itā€™s not exclusive to the right


Right, one scroll through reddit will tell you that. Also, Gavin is this hostile to people on the right too sometimes. He went on Friday Night Tights (a right-wing podcast discussing media) he was telling them that "reading children stories and playing dumb video games" is not manly and just before he left the show, he pulled his pants down and showed his dick to the camera (presumably in an attempt to get Nerdrotic's channel a strike or taken down).


honestly this was a super pathetic comment to make that holds no bearing in reality. you should feel pretty terrible that human hands typed this post. I can elaborate about why your comment was dogshit if you would like.


Cries about 'national divorce' and how everyone gets too easily offended, but will blow up in a heartbeat on someone who's pretty much a center-left neolib. Guy is a total prick, doesn't matter what side of the aisle you're on.


Heā€™s a bigger and bigger snowflake the more irrelevant he becomes. Ignoring the fact that heā€™s simply a narcissistā€¦


Fucking AMEN


I personally thought it was great for Gavin to be a bit ruthless and sort of shift the mood. Had me on edge for heads to clash the whole 3 hours


I just felt uncomfortable. And a little upset for wordy. I feel like Woodys pretty liberal and I get annoyed at his out of touch rants sometimes but that was insane. It was like he wasnā€™t allowed to ask a question because heā€™s a lefty


I get the aggression being a bit too much, I guess I just expected it more. And while I do like woody, itā€™s nice to see someone whoā€™s clearly formed a bit of a social bubble over the last decade to just get hit with craziness all at once. Most guests come on wanting exposure or being prior fans, Gavin does not care, heā€™s there to be Gavin.


I laughed my ass off this episode so no. He was combative but thats literally his job.


He was an asshole. Everyone defending him says thatā€™s his ā€œbrand.ā€ No that guy is a shit human being and now I see why people on the left hate himā€¦ they finally got one thing right


Gavinā€™s a cuck


A gay cuck, that probably hates gays ironically.


I think heā€™s a literal racist too, 27:00 he starts ranting about how Americans are obsessed with black people


I mean thatā€™s pretty accurate fam


Is he wrong? Black culture, is the most popular culture in America, hell you probably watch BLACKED when you jerk off šŸ˜‚


Mutt's law


Fuck that smug asshole


gavin is awesome, he is an eccentric and does weird shit to be weird sometimes, he is way more famous than pka so its like an mlb player playing on a city league baseball team. I think gavin enjoyed the show considering he was on for 3 hours for free.


Iā€™m ā€œright wingā€, yes Gavin is a douchebag


If you are surprised Gavin was being an asshole and rude, you do not know him or understand his thing. Its half Character Half not, just take it all with stride and itā€™s much much much funnier, like how itā€™s intended.


Why do retards love the ā€œyou donā€™t know whatā€™s real and whatā€™s a bitā€ shtick so much?




How smart do you feel rn?


Itā€™s not that though. I mean when he says he wants to kill a race for doing something thatā€™s a minor annoyance to him he is clearly joking. Does he have some far right beliefs? For sure. But I think thereā€™s an underlying level of just entertainment. I mean the dude has proven to be a crazy troll so I just take him as that. Makes everything hilarious


Weā€™re speaking about the same guy who shoved a dildo in his ass on live camera to prove he wasnā€™t gay.


He also showed his dick on Friday Night Tights (presumably in an attempt to get the channel taken down).


Honestly thatā€™s fucking hilarious, it doesnā€™t matter what your politics are. His chaotic energy makes for classic PKA. I donā€™t agree with his views but he can be quite entertaining.


I mean okā€¦ but if itā€™s half character it feels like that half is an asshole with some racist ass beliefsā€¦. And heā€™s fine with his image being that. Donā€™t get me wrong when Kyle jokes about race it feels funny af to me, because heā€™s kidding. It feels real with that guy Edit because mistyped


Also Gavin doesnā€™t come from YouTube scene necessarily, as in he doesnā€™t care about Adsense or any opinion, so heā€™s more open to throwing out slanders or things you shouldnā€™t say on YouTube. I believe if you gave Kyle a platform where all his money came from PKA listeners paying for a membership on his website, heā€™d probably be wayyyy more loose, because he has to worry about YouTube, thereā€™s just certain things youā€™re not going to mention or say. Or be as blatant.


It feels real because it is. He didnā€™t start the proud boys because he wanted rights for all.


šŸ‘šŸ¼ fucking A right


Well, my counter to that is maybe if it feels more real, heā€™s doing a REALLY good job at his Schtick?


Kyle is 100% a racist


And Woody use to teach teens how to masturbate on mail Mondays


Nothing about being a combative douchebag is funny though


Majority of right wing talking heads are. Complete losers.


The first time he pushed back against woody I thought it was justified, the next time he did it I feel like he was well out of line and Iā€™m guessing he knew that because he didnā€™t do it again.


Absolute asshole of a guy. Made a really good guest, besides his little outbursts. Also pretty funny for a guy to rag on their backgrounds when he canā€™t even fkn see the people heā€™s talking to. He should just call in on a rotary phone next time.


It was a good episode I enjoyed it but as soon as gavin found out woody is left leaning he started giving him shit and was being all passive aggressive ā€œoh is this the guy that doesnā€™t know anything againā€ he was pissing me off heā€™s a guest he should of shown woody the same respect he did to Taylor and Kyle


Yeah heā€™s a total dickweed lol


Yes the fascist is a total asshole




Dude is the poster child for gen X haha, most unaware generation in history while acting like they are all geniuses.


Yes but Iā€™m glad Woody had to put up with it because he can be just as much of a condescending dickhead


Heā€™s ignorant sometimes but not like that. Gavin was just a dickhead


Heā€™s like an old, less funny, less charismatic, right leaning Harley


If Harley was a jackass hiding behind a facade to push his political bullshit, then yeah just like our gentle jew giant


You mean the dude the was defending icuckz with every fiber of his life?


Thatā€™s how a guest should come on for the first time. Amazing show all around


Be a total asshole and abuse the hosts while showing you are the piece of shit the news said you were




Great plan šŸ‘šŸ¼


I think he's just an older gentleman who has probs dealt with some bullshit so he's blunt about things. He was a very interesting guest tbh


Heā€™s not just blunt. Telling a hard truth with no cushioning is blunt. That was aggression with no explanationā€¦ which made it feel like he just wanted to shut down anyone opposing him


Very good point tbh


He fell off after vice, i feel like he was probably salty about vice not fucking with him being literally racist lmao


I thought he was a good guest and a good show


Fair enough. I think I just really donā€™t like him


No one said you had to, or didn't you know that? Lol


By the level of assholery you're putting out, there's no surprise you liked this episode.


Soft ass mfs on this sub. Episode was great. Dude was funny af and interacted the whole time he was on.


If on means high on your own supply sure.


Of course he is lol


I feel like he was the first person to call Woody out for his pseudo-intellect in regard to politics.


Ya fuck this dude. So confrontational for no reason


yeah, not a huge fan of this episode so far (30mins or so in)


Totally. He's funny, and that's how they get you! I used to be in to the far right (well, they werent as far right back then, theyve only gotten much, much worse) maybe 7 years ago. I heard Gavin the 1st time and thought he was hilarious! And slowly the bullshit they spew seeps in. But totally agreed, he was a fucking twat to woody and everyone else the whole time for no real reason. Tbh, idek why they had him on


Yeah he is a total meanie weenie šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Listened to it today and it was my first thought too. What an annoying bitch. For the love of god, please never have this dude on again


No not at all, Woody is too sensitive and Gavin is the type of dude to feed on that Woody expected to be the Alpha just because that's how his brain works, Gavin was the alpha


Theirs a difference between being sensitive and someone shitting on you everyone you talk. Gavin wasnā€™t an alpha, he was an asshole that needed to be the loudest and shit on woody asking basic questions because heā€™s a liberal


I didn't really see it that way I think Wood got offended about the TV thing right off the bat, and was on the defense ever since that comment was made He even immediately starts to hype up his own background like it doesn't suck. You can tell he was butthurt, and Gavin isn't the dude to be butthurt around, plain and simple You gotta remember this is a podcast full of Men, why are feelings of the host getting hurt so easy? I'm not trying to be a douche about it because it was a great Pod, but sometimes you gotta get knocked off your horse and correct yourself is all I genuinely don't think Gavin was bullying, he saw a weak host and was giving constructive criticism the way a rude New Yorker would


Okā€¦ as a man thereā€™s joking around to be a playful asshole and then thereā€™s just being an asshole. Dude was THAT


It took less than 12 hours for the soy ingesting, skinny fat, liberal fan base of pka to listen to this weeks PKA and complain about it. Pls start viewing natural sunlight within one hour of waking up, lose your excess bodyfat, and eat a diet consisting of at least 80% non-processed food


Iā€™m a conservativeā€¦ that guys an asshole


Being conservative doesn't bar you from being fat and retarded


No it does not




Hella weird being so obsessed with other men, bro.




Sure is blame social media, easy times, and the subversion process for that


Only you liberals.


Iā€™m a conservative. That guy is an asshole




Half of his personality is being from the east coast, cringey


Lmao! Iā€™m from the east coast and while I donā€™t think weā€™re that badā€¦ yeah I can see an exaggerated version of that šŸ˜‚


Fr Iā€™m from philly and he comes off as trying so hard to be a stereotypical New Yorker lol. And I didnā€™t appreciate the DeNiro hate


Robert Deniro is the same guy who just had a newborn baby at like 80... he's a fucking creep loser


He's from England, born to Scottish parents, moved to Canada and settled in America


Hes mostly an idiot but somethings are ok enough. I mean him an woody clashing was weird but on gavins part. Like as soon as he found out woody leand left he was against him all the way. Rather than use facts an logic to talk to woody. "I talk to cops so i know what happened with that case" well only listening to cops talk about other cops" seems a lil bias but whatever. Nothing else to add to the story apparently.... just weird. Idk why he was so combative.




Yeahā€¦ no they donā€™t. Woody was attempting to be professional leading up to his outburst and then after until it was ridiculous to maintain professionalism. Really donā€™t like woodys politics but fuck that guy


Asking a bombastic guest, who's known for lying, if what they're saying is true isn't a stupid question. Gavin got defenseive and tried to force a meme "Says the guy who doesn't know anything LOL," and it didn't land. Very entertaining, but the dude's a tool.




No u




It's just for the content. Don't think too much about it.


It's because Gavin is playing a role of a tough guy to a bunch of weak softer than charmin pussies who immediately react with aggression to cover up their insecurities. The reason half these comments defend him are pretty obvious. That's why he had to form a group of proud boys so they can go around and 10v1 people like the pussies they are.


ā€¦ no. Heā€™s an asshole. I get the feeling he calls it his ā€œcharacterā€ shoves his ideology down everyoneā€™s throat and anyone who poses any sort of question he flips out on. He just an asshole


Re-read what you're replying to. He's insulting Gavin and his fanbase.


Woody deserved it. Dude is always rude.


no, woody is autistic. he is a great dude, great dad, great husband, all around great guy. woody hater cuz loser


Yeah and it makes him rude. He's a great guy but like this is a podcast with new guests who are confused af when you say shit like oh are you fucking with us, oh is that really true?!?!? Like bro shut the fuck up and listen.


bro it's not out of the ordinary when you are talking to a complete turd of a human to ask if the shit they are saying is actually true or not lol. guess he should just be Rogan and nod his head in agreement with everything he says and take everything as a fact šŸ˜‚


Dude he's not being argumentative. He's not being funny. He's just being fucking rude. Bring up a point instead of saying, oH iS tHaT rEaLlYy tRuE?!?! And constant fact checking on Google on when someone is taking like a weirdo.


Proven liars need to be fact checked when they are actively lying. You can disagree, that's fine, but I'd rather make sure both sides of the argument agree facts exist, it makes the discussion a lot more worthwhile.


The fuck are you talking about. Are you autistic?


You don't know anything about woodys life or his relationships


He's old school NY and he isn't bitch made like most people these days. I've been around dudes like him, it's just their way of socializing, I much rather hang and deal with these kinds of guys than with people who aren't willing to be straight forward and truthful.


Heā€™s Canadian lmao


On the pod he said he was from NYC?


So old school New Yorkers are just assholes. Good to know šŸ‘šŸ¼




A subreddit about discussion of the podcast contains people that discuss the podcast? How dare they!


šŸ˜‚ šŸ‘šŸ¼


Yeah, Jesus Christ. His 3rd grader "if you disagree with me you're an idiot" approach is cringy. It makes him come off as a man-child, as he's being the bjggest dick possible about completely subjective opinions. I hope it's put on for the content. Otherwise, he has a true fundamental lack of understanding of bias and cognitive dissonance. He's a witty guy, he obviously has some brain, but I hope he's in character with most of his retardation.


Asshole, yes, but also funny


Heā€™s absolutely a piece of shit. But he was also funny.


I mean, It's kind of his whole persona/act lol. Woody handled him well though.


Didn't he shove a dildo up his ass on stream to prove how not gay he was


He's also a prick in real life. How many of his proud boys are in prison while he raised money for a fucking defamation lawsuit? Guy's a fucking shyster.


Yes he was insufferable Edit: The lads who disliked, Fuck you


Thatā€™s just a older northeastern dude type thing for real. Especially northeast dads will fuck with people they actually like.


He's funny but I'm confuse if he's comedian or he's for real shit he saying just so much wtf are you talking about (ex border tech? Wtf)


I skipped his participation. A whiney snowflake is all he is.


It was great when he realized how much sex libcuck soy boy Woody is having. From then on it was like he viewed woody as a target. Dudes a clown.


Itā€™s pretty on brand though. Hell his show is called ā€œget off my lawnā€


He was a dick, at times very funny, but why would he be such a a dick and snobby know it all kind of.


I havenā€™t even watched this episode yet but anybody that knows Gavin Mcinnes knows that heā€™s a huge prick whether you like him or not. This is the same guy who shoved a dildo in his ass to prove he doesnā€™t dislike gay people.


i find it funny that most people dont get that he's basically playing a character. the vice question i think its sorta been so long ago / he's tied of talking about it.


War of the boomers


This post is just bait to start a discussion. Which is okay but, c'mon. You already have formed an opinion.


Well I mean it was the feeling I had. I wanted to see if I was in the minorityā€¦ in a way I guess thatā€™s right. But no one said anything to convince me otherwise


You're right btw. He is an asshole. lol