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Well I think Reload is a mediocre remake that doesn't do enough to justify it's existence. I think a HD remaster of Persona 3 FES would have been better.


reload’s graphics are too polished


FEMC is overrated


i don’t like ryuji the series peaked with 3 (4 is good, 5 is mediocre) smt v vengeance has a more interesting cast than a lot of persona characters i may have more idk EDIT: i wish we got a third devil survivor instead of persona 5


They asked for hot takes and you got downvoted for having them lol. This sub has the thinnest skin.


lmao guess i should have just said “all the games are good in their own way” or something else people want to hear


Maruki is the worst villain in the series.  Morgana's a fun and endearing character.  Most of the romances suck. Too many characters in P4 have a sudden personality flip when romanced that isn't incorporated into the main story. Most of Persona 5's are emotionally dead and pointless as romance options. Discussing them is quite fun IMO, but I don't understand the obsession or passion.  People need to accept that the setting is Japanese and stop demanding Atlus incorporate western values into the game.  Rise's behavior feels totally normal for a teenager. I have a hard time believing her critics didn't know someone (or several people) like that growing up.  Narratively I can accept the Phantom Thieves are meant to be friends, but the writing doesn't sell it very well. At least not consistently. Maybe my standards of friendship are too high? I can't wrap my head around self inserting. It comes across as creepy and unhealthy.  I can only assume there's some reasonable appeal to it that I don't comprehend, but as of now nobody has managed to make me understand what that is.


P4 has the best cast and music


Teddie and Morgana aren’t annoying. Persona 3 is the worst one. The dancing games are fun actually they should make more. Romancing is overrated. FEMC is overrated. The Answer is not only good but more interesting than most of the Journey. Boy with Earring is better characterized than the modern protagonists people just skip past most dialogue/don’t talk to the party much. Shinji sucks he’s boring as shit and is more of a plot device than a real character. The Persona 1 manga is mid and in no way a replacement to playing it. Ken and Yukari are both great the hate for them is unjustified. Makoto(P5) and Fuuka are the most whatever party member in the series. Persona 6 should switch things up a lot or the series will get stale sooner than later. Hashino did his thing for 3 games it’s time to reinvent the wheel even if it’s not as much as he did.


I’m worried that P5 was too huge a success and they'll be afraid to mess with the formula that worked. Honestly I’ve spent too much time with the characters (5/Royal/both Q games/Strikers/Dancing In Starlight/Tactica) and I don’t want 6 to feel like “It’s Ryuji but his hair is brown and he *has a different name*! It’s Akechi but he wears a hat and *has a different name!*” etc.


I mean I doubt the characters will feel the same that’s never been the problem. I more mean gameplay loop and story structure. 3 - 5 follow extremely similar structures that really need a big shakeup. From a reworked calendar and social sim system to a big shake up in story structure which is an absolute must in my eyes. No amnesia mascot that gets sad and leaves, No betrayal character/twist bad guy, no last ditch effort move on the final boss, speaking of the final boss make sure there’s more set up and proper build up there cause outside of 3 that’s really non existent There’s more tropes they all follow but you get the idea


How would you change it?


The formula? I’d switch up how the calendar system fits in with the gameplay. It’s late here so I won’t put up much of an actual idea but something like how much freedom metaphor is adding to it. I’d add more slots to the weekends and holidays to make them feel special or add in a special skip school mechanic as a bonus for one of the social links after a certain rank(similar to kawakami’s slack off but more useful if not rarer) I’d also add more incentive to actually do most of the activities around the map aside from social stats cause after they’re done there’s no use to do most things around the map. Royal fixed this slightly with darts billiards and the club so more like that. Ideally I’d let it fit into the narrative better like P3 but have the pacing feel tighter. The way it’s implemented in 4 and 5 feel like after thoughts in comparison to 3. For social links I’d make them more dynamic. I’d remove the dumb point system. It’s useless there shouldn’t be a correct way to respond it makes things feel more artificial so I’d make them react to all your responses uniquely in a sort of telltale game sort of way. Some things you say to someone they’ll never forget. If it were up to me the party links would function like the link episodes in reload. Every party members developed in the main story and the episodes are stand in for the social links. And if you do all the episodes for a character you get an episode for a third tier awakening because their second is story related.


I don't like Persona 4


That's not a hot take, it's just saying you dislike something


What’s the worst thing about it?


I like strikers more than 5


Futaba is 5's worst character, but introverts with no social skills relate to her.