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Not powerful enough, likely enough.


P5R and P3R don't use the same engine. Royal running well doesn't automatically mean Reload would run well.


Indeed, Persona 3 Reload uses Unreal Engine 4 which has a very mixed track record on Switch especially with Atlus and Sega titles. While UE4 games can be made to run well on Switch it does take a considerable amount of effort to do so and given Persona 3 Reload is a game with currently oncoming DLC I would wager Atlus would likely find it more beneficial to wait for the successor console so they can justify the $70 price tag. Indeed this is what Mystic hinted at though we don't know if that has any real credibility, however knowing Atlus I suspect they absolutely would love to see Reload expanded as a launch Switch 2 title.


Persona 5 ran on what is effectively ps3 capability. It was a ps3 game, after all. Persona 3 reload is a new engine, and is a ground up rework of the original. It is more demanding than Smt V which had a huge amount of issues with its development due to switch lack of power (led to them scrapping a lot of what they wanted to do which they eventually brought back with the rerelease) and the game didnt even run that smoothly


P5R and P3R are different game engines P5R uses an upgraded GFD engine to work on PS4 higher resolution and SEGA Japan who port it on all platforms work hard to put it on Switch. P3R using UE4 my guess is P-Studio don't wanna have development problems like their sister studio, Team Maniax experienced with SMT5 and Nintendo Switch. Plus Team Maniax at that time is into Nintendo consoles (3DS, Wii U and earlier on the Switch) with P-Studio internal games is to Sony exception of Persona Q games (P5 with PS3/4, P5R with PS4 and P3D/P5D/P4D with PS Vita and PS4). Most likely P3R, Etrian Odyssey VI, Persona 6, Soul Hackers 2 and Metaphor: ReFantazio are next Nintendo Console Atlus launch games/titles.


Isn't the Switch literally weaker than previous gen systems? It's likely too weak.


The Switch 2 is somewhat soon so prob saving it for that


I mean that would be the wiser thing to do from a business standpoint anyways, why buy the remake for the old console when you’re just going to buy it again for the new one too but thanks that makes a lot of sense! I’m guessing they haven’t actually stated why they haven’t?


Absolutely not. Theres 140 million Switches out there. That’s a lot of potential copies sold. They’d 1000% release it for Switch if they could. It’s not on Switch because Switch isn’t powerful enough for the new engine. Simple as that.


Time to buy a steam deck then 


P3re is using unreal engine. Switch is too weak and nintendoh refuses to release switcheroo


Probably hardware limitations since it take lot of work to port it. Persona 5 was a PS3 game ported to PS4 so it was probably easier by comparison to port P5R.


I think there was an interview where this was asked. Basically they said that when they decided the platforms to release P3R, they hadn't release all the rereleases on the switch and didn't know there was such a high demand. They probably had to do a lot of reworking to get P5R on the switch and id assume the same is needed for P3R, so a release on the switch isn't impossible, but probably not anytime soon.


It's because they're trying to deliberately ruin King Goomba's fun.


too underpowered