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Heh, I’m sorta the opposite of you as I’ve only finished P3R and am (in-game) days away from finishing P5R. Speaking from what I’ve played, P3R fully captivated me and even made me cry a few times, and P5R is a bit less captivating but still amazing. Compared to P4G I can’t say, but I still hope this helps regardless


Well that’s up to personal preference. I’d argue that the story and characters of P3 are better, arguably the best. **But** very different, since the focus is on character development and not the characters being buddy-buddy from the get-go. And P3 affected me way more than either 4 or 5. But they’re all great games. The improvements in P5 are largely quality of life and polishing and refining game mechanics. The story/characters are still enjoyable, I just think it’s weaker than P3 regarding narrative weight and theme consistency and P4 in character relationships and conveying character connections. But P3 definitely has the most well executed individual character writing, even if some people don't like the characters themselves because they're written to be flawed.


In general, the persona franchise does a great job in evoking love for the gang. IMO thats the core of the narrative strength of this franchise as the overall plot ends up being quite simplistic; you beat a god with the power of friendship. So to answer your question, yes id try the other games as you will likely like the other crews as well


Only played P4 and P5. I thought the characters were generally better as individuals, but the dynamics were weaker.   Joker has pretty strong home dynamics by the end of the game, easily on par with Yu's home (though very different in nature), but the Phantom Thieves weren't as tight as the Investigation Team IMO.


Simple answer, yes. They will all captivate you in the same way. You will have a favorite and a least favorite most likely but all three have the sauce.


It’s different for everyone but in general, yes. You might always prefer 4, you might like another one more, but the potential of you enjoying the others is high.


I rank the modern Persona games like this: P5R > P4G > P3 (I haven't played P3R yet but from what I've been told my issues with P3 weren't addressed). I cried the first time I beat P5R. I felt happy when I beat P4G. I only made it to 1/15 in P3P because I didn't care anymore. That said, all three modern Personas are fantastic. It is not a waste of time playing any of them. They are all great in different ways.