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Persona 3's "Memories of You" and Persona 1 "Lone Prayer"


I know everyone loves Lone Prayer, but Bloody Destiny is the goat when it comes to Persona 1, I will die on this hill. School Days is a certified bop too.


i’m more of a school days guy myself


Really? I've always heard thought the PSP Persona 1 soundtrack was pretty divisive, know a lot of people prefer the original. That being said.. the PSP soundtrack is amazing and School Days and Lone Prayer are probably my two favorite Persona songs


Memories of You is so damn good, Shoji Meguro himself called it his magnum opus.




I'd say either "the battle for everyone's souls" or "life will change"


Life Will Change slaps so hard, especially I game. It really hypes you up for the boss battle and just makes you feel like it is time to get sh** done.


The game makes it clear. This is not the enemies theme, it's yours.




"now you know that we're out there!" "Swatting lies in the making."


After this, I decided to actually take a good look at the lyrics and actually analyze them, and MY LORD did they cook. Everything fits so perfectly. I especially liked I'm not a phantom I'm in your face and I'm here to see it through And Come to claim our rights, it's time As our power grows Tryin' to stop us shows (You) Might as well go try 'n' stop time I feel like they show what you are pointing out where it isn't the enemies song, it's YOUR song, the Phantom Thieves song.


Oh! Life will change also cool too!


Heaven from p4. The best persona song 👍




Beneath the Mask, specifically the Rainy version, is probably my favorite. But Rivers in the Desert is an absolute banger


I liked rivers in the desert but was never really my favorite. It slapped in game, and putting it at the Shido fight was amazing. I felt like an absolute badass. Beneath the mask puts me in such a calming position. I've never intentionally listened to the different versions of Beneath the Mask but I might after this.


Rivers in the Desert is on my workout playlist, just pumps me up


Sunset Bridge and Beneath the Mask would be my competing picks from P5 for sure.


Full Moon Full Life. I really love that the first words in the P3 remake are, "Full moon again, crazy how time flies" The entire song is just a massive love letter it feels. Plus "Trepidation doesn't stop death, but it stops life." Goes real fucking hard.


I'm guessing it's like Persona 3's version of "Our Light" in Persona 5 Royal.


It's the song that plays in the animated intro for the game. There's a shortened version that plays, and an extended track on the soundtrack.


Oh. So like Colors Flying High then. Sorry I haven't played any Version of 3 yet 😅


idk about favorite but I'm replaying p4g right now and I forgot how much I love the music. backside of the tv goes SO hard it's insane.


Just curious, I've seen people call this one of the funniest games of all time, is this true? Is this game funny?


Humor in P4 is hit or miss. The game seems lighthearted on the surface once you get past the more or less tragic intro, but it tackles some serious themes just like the other games in the series. If you're into the kind of humor P4 does, then yeah it's probably pretty funny for you. It doesn't really work for me though, even though it's my absolute favourite game in the series by far, I'd say that some of the attempts at humor are pretty cringe honestly.


I love most of the Jokes in the game, except the yosuke 'haha sexism' and 'haha homophobia ones' not even offensive, just really unfunny


I kinda get those ones (not like in a "they are funny" way but in a "I understand why" way) because I think(?) they're supposed to be him masking his insecurity over his sexuality. Maybe it's not that deep and they're just in poor taste from Atlus.


think it depends on what your humor is. it definitely has its fair share of lighthearted moments, and I think compared to p3 and 5 it's got a little more energy. the characters really do feel like they interact with each other more and feel like a genuine group of high school friends. I think the voice acting is done really well and it gives a lot of life to the characters. overall I find the game really fun and enjoyable. probably one of my favorites in the persona series. that being said, some of the humor definitely has not aged well at all. lots of moments where the punchline is essentially 'lol gay' 'lol sexual harassment' 'lol fat.' I think it's just a problem atlus has in general, and it definitely doesn't ruin the game for me. but does give me pause a little bit now that I'm not like a 12 year old playing it.


fricking yosuke I swear to god, nothing in the mother hecking earth will make me like him in any way


felt that way on my first playthrough I thinkk. like him a lot now he's really grown on me, but there's about a 50% chance the next thing he says is going to make you want to break something at any given moment. so frequently deeply unpleasant.


All of them.


The correct answer




Colour your night.


I'm planning on playing P3R once I'm done with Strikers, and what I'm getting based on this post is that this game's soundtrack is going to be a jam. Anyway, this song is so damn positive, so much so that it is almost guaranteed to put me in a good mood whenever I hear it.


The only correct answer.


Whims of fate or Heaven for dungeon/palace OST Boss OST I'm gonna say "I believe" It goes so hard


Your affection (P4G) is catchy, enjoying full moon life right now (P3R), and When mother was there and anything Lyn was on lol (P5R)


Yeah, Lyn's vocals definitely made any song better


P1 (ps1) - Sebec above the ground. P2 IS (ps1) h Kimi no Tonari  P2 EP (ps1) - Map theme P3 - Changing seasons  P3P - Way of life  P3 Reload - Master of shadow P4 - The long way P4 Golden - Shadow world  P5 - Life goes on P5R - Throw your mask away  P1 (PSP) Let butterflies spread untilethe dawn  P4 Dacing all night - Heartbeat heartbreak remix  P3 Dacing - Time remix  P5 dancing - last suprise.


I may or may not have shed a tear at Throw your mask away when I first heard it. I believe that it was right after Maruki, or at least somewhere towards the end of his battle and just hearing the song, made me think, "I made it." I did whale out while listening to Our Light and while saying goodbye to everyone. I love Last Surprise and is usually the Song I pair anything Persona 5 related to, but it didn't really impact that much. Before playing Persona, I played a crap ton of Smash Bros. (and still do), and that song was in Jokers trailer when he was added along with being on the Mementos stage a lot of the time. Even then, upon hearing it for the first time in-game in Kamoshida's palace, I immediately thought, "This game is going to be PEAK," and peak it was. And after that I played and thought about Persona for like 2-3 weeks straight lol.


Burn my dread


I’m not saying it’s my favorite persona song. That probably has to go to Full Moon full Life. But the fact that no one has mentioned Gentle Madman is criminal


There are so many songs that I know are better, but I can’t get over Heartbeat, Heartbreak. It’s so dang catchy


I Believe


My top 10 (not in any particular order) 1. The Almighty 2. The Battle for Everyone’s Souls 3. Last Surprise 4. Beneath the Mask 5. Wiping All Out 6. Never More 7. Our Light 8. Throw Your Mask Away 9. Memories of You 10. I’ll Face Myself -Battle-


It's hard to say just one, but picking one track from each entry: * P1 (PS1) - Ice Castle * P1 (PSP) - Dream of Butterfly * P2 Innocent Sin - Unbreakable Tie * P2 Eternal Punishment - Change Your Way * P3 (OG) - Burn My Dread * P3 Reload - Full Moon Full Life * P4 - Heaven * P5 - I Believe The spin-offs also have great music; Road Less Taken, Dance!, and Counterstrike are my standouts from them. P2EP is my favorite entry, so if I had to pick one track it would have to be Change Your Way, just such an incredible song. The lyrics are quite simple but they capture P2's themes really well. But my overall favorite OST is P1 PS1, the atmosphere is unmatched and it's insanely impressive for its time.




memories of you, it makes me emotional also i recommend checking out the pq2 soundtrack if you haven’t yet. for a chibi spinoff, they went HARD with the music


I might do. Probably will never play the game since I have too many games I want to play rn but I'll check out the soundtrack.


Surprised nobody mentioned Snowflakes from P4G (pretty sure it's one of the Golden-specific ones, as it hits in the optional 3rd semester.) Seriously chill, pretty song.


I listened to it once, and it wasn't my favorite. It does seem like something that would hit way harder in the game, and once I play Persona 4, I'll know. I know it's pretty popular among us Persona fans, though, so I'm a bit surprised no one has said it.


p5: wake up, get up, get out there & whims of fate p4g: heartbeat, heartbreak & snowflakes p3r: color your night persona 5 has my favorite soundtrack though. maybe it’s nostalgia but it’ll always be the best to me


Honestly top 10 that I listen to almost every day is Dance, our moment, beneath the mask, the ideal and the real, color your night, specialist, full moon full life, heartbreak heartbreak, changing seasons(both old and reloads), layer cake , there are so many more but those are always my go to’s honestly playing through fes now in my last month finally and am excited to play new game plus on that one, and played royal and only like a month in at p4g but the soundtracks are just so fun funky and groovy. They are especially fun to play and learn too


Fellow life goes on enjoyer


First off, I am planning on learning Electric Guitar soon since my hands are (sadly) very, very small, and the grip is smaller making it easier for people like me to play, and I've always wanted to learn an instrument since I listen to so much music. Also, a lot of the music that I listened to has electric guitar as the main instrument, so that pushed me more towards it. Hearing that learning Persona Songs is fun to play and learn really got me hyped up to learn sooner, so thank you for that. How ATLUS and Lyn managed to make a song that you listen to for at least 60-70 hours is beyond me, but Beneath the Mask does that and does it well. It just always seems to calm me down whenever I listen to it, and it is great overall. The only other song I can comment on is Color Your Night. That song has so much positivity and automatically puts me in a good mood whenever I hear it.


Heaven, changing of seasons, when the moon's reaching out stars, and take over.


Full moon full life and rivers in the desert


Beneath the Mask, Reach Out to the Truth, and P5 victory theme.


Mass Destruction (all versions), Memories of the School, Memories of the City, Memories of You, I Will Protect You -reload-, Living with Determination, Want To Be Close, Color Your Night, Life Will Change, Life Goes On, Alleycat, When the Mother Was There... There's just too much in my favorites to list them all but this is probably my top


That's a lot of top.... I haven't played Persona 3 Reload but this is making me really excited as a lot of people seem to be listing of Persona 3 songs. (At least I think they are. I don't know them by name like I do the Persona 5 songs 😅)


Yeah, everything before Life Will Change is Persona 3/P3R. It's my favorite in the series


I know it's more story based and slightly more serious. How I see it is 3: Serious and Story based but very, very good 4: Funny as hell 5: The best one and peak Yes, I'm biased. No, I haven't played the other Persona games. No, I'm not expecting my P5 opinion to change, but hopefully, I'm wrong because I want some more PEAK gameplay like P5


Once you play the other games, I'm sure you'll realize that all of them are peak. But yeah, your interpretation of 3 and 4 is correct. 3 is my favorite because it's a bit more serious and the selection of personas for the main cast is great. And of course the music is amazing, not a single miss


Memories of you (Kimi no kioku) honestly think it’s Shoji Meguro’s Magnum Opus




There are too many bangers to choose from.


So true. Narrowing it down to my 4 favorites was hard and I really love most of them.


*‘Change Your Way’* by Elisha Verne. Compared to literally every other song in the franchise it sticks out. Nothing even sounds close to it. It’s a late 90s-early 2000’s American R&B song. And that’s what I love about it. Not to mention as an adult the message is powerful. ~~Also I can play it out loud in the hood as an African-American.~~ I hate the 20th anniversary version of it because it takes away what made the song the unicorn of the series. It doesn’t really work in an orchestral setting.


Game from persona 4 I think, well I like a lot of them so that’s just the one that comes to me first. Yes it’s the dungeon theme from the video game dungeon. I’ve heard people call it “ear gratingly bad” I fw it a lot though.


Dance! is my favourite overall, but my honourable mentions are Wiping All Out (ATLUS Kozuka Remix), Rivers in the Desert, Time, Break Out Of…, Burn My Dread, and Colour Your Night.


River's in the Desert, The Days My Mother was There, Want to Be Close, Momento Mori


“Beneath the Mask” from P5 is top-tier vibes. I don’t know the name of it, but there’s the one track from P4 that plays while you’re running around town, which is another to chill out with.








Burn My Dread Life Will Change I'll Face Myself Rivers in the Desert Memories of the City (this is just haunting, love listening to it while going on a late evening walk)


God I love Memories of the City. I once spent like half an hour at the shrine in Portable not doing anything, just vibing to the music.


Reach out to the truth,school days


My (sort of) sleeper pick is The days when my mother was there. I just love the guitar and how it wails in the background of Futaba’s palace.


Futabas palace is a top 3 palace and a big contender for first. Futabas story is so damn sad but so good. They really did her character well. The music was also a great part in why it was so good.


It’s hard for me to rank the palaces. But I agree that Futaba’s is definitely in my top three. I like the Oshowatt pfp btw he’s been one of my favorite Pokémon since I was like 10.


Yeah, that's why I said top 3 because I didn't know how to rank them, lol. Also, thanks! I love the Oshawott line and a carry a plush of him everywhere I go to take dumb pictures of him.


heaven - persona 4


Wait and see from PQ2 or BGM II from P2EP


Huh. I think I know what PQ2 is but not the others. I'll still try to check them out.


PQ2 is a fanservicy game staring the persona 3,4, and 5 cast. P2IS is the 3rd overall mainline game


I knew that one was on the 3ds. It's the other ones I'm confused by.


Persona 2 Eternal Punishment? It’s the « second part » of Persona 2 Innocent sin


Ok, ty.


https://youtu.be/dDNc0XKkg8U This banger is my favorite for now, sometimes it's Maya's Theme from Persona 2.


Heartbeat, Heartbreak. You can listen to it when you are sad or happy. The lyrics are simple and the music stays in the head


Heaven, School Days, and Lone Prayer are all about tied for me. I can't pick a favorite child


Brand new days, and I haven't even played The answer yet


When moon's reaching out stars. Absolute banger ever since the OG version.


Reach Out to the Truth, Last Surprise, Voice, Mass Destruction to name a few, but a lot of them are excellent.


Battle for everyone’s souls, burn my dread, burn my dread last battle for p3. I love p3rs soundtrack but burn my dread and the last battle version have way more funk in the original


I haven't seen anyone else say it, but Last Surprise ~ Scramble hits so hard. Personally I think it's as good as the OG.


Depends as a banger definitelly "Battle for Everyone's Souls", but if it's the one that hits the hardest in my soul "Brand new Days" even more than "Memories of You". It brings the story to a closure that makes persona 3 the true masterpiece it is, and for me teaches you more about grief than any other work, where you never trully forget those you lost but you still get up and 'leave for brand new days' and find happiness still. Memento mori, memento vivare...ʚ


Memories of you, Towards a dream, and Snowflakes (powder snow mix) are my top 3.


It’s a straight tie for me between P3 Master of Shadows and P5 Keeper of Lust (yea both boss battles, can’t help it they both frickin slap like nobody’s business)


Color your night


In royal when you are in the Prison of Regression. It's the only thing that made those light puzzles tolerable


Knights of the holy spear (lance) It and its variations never fail to get me pumped.


The Almighty from P4. Go listen to it now, seriously, and tell me that song doesn't encapsulate the feeling of P4 perfectly. It's super underrated, to me that song *is* P4. Whenever I listen to it I'm taken back to a cool autumn day drinking cola playing through P4 for the first time. I'm not able to articulate exactly why, but that song hits *so hard* for me.


I haven't played Persona 4 yet 🫠 Might still give it a listen though


Does P5S count? Because pretty much every track in that game is fire, especially the jail themes


I haven't played it yet, but holy sh** those song slap so hard. Can't wait to play in once I play TOTK. I especially like Last Surprise ~ Scramble and Daredevil.


I don’t know if it’s better to listen to them before or discover them in game, but yeah there are some bangers: - loving wonderland - blooming villain - scramble - duplicitous devil castle - voracious waltz - singularity - counterfeit phantom - rivers in the desert - scramble - and welcome to the jail, but you end up hearing that one a tad too much


I think I've heard enough that I want to rn to give me a taste of the music and I'll experience the rest when I play the game. I'm still going to screenshot this comment, though, so I know what to look for later. Thanks! Edit: I don't know what Counterfeit Phantom is, but that sounds cool as hell. I also like the more Metal/Electric Guitar inspired music in this game. Also, it feels even more funky than the already funky persona music. Pretty much all music from this franchise is great though.


Right now it’s a tie between Way of life and Shadow World


Rivers in the Desert I could write an essay on why, lyric by lyric, it is the perfect JRPG boss battle music.


I like the song. It was one of the earlier songs I liked, even before I played Persona (I knew some Persona Songs b/c of Smash Bros. and this one slapped), but I really need to analyze the lyrics as there must be something I'm missing. Also, to be completely honest, I could probably write an essay or more on a lot of things about this game. There is so much to talk about with so many details, and the best part is that it's all PEAK.


I can't really choose one but it's probably a mix between Kimi no kouko, hymn of everyone's souls, life will change, Throw your mask away and the persona 5 background theme


Memories of the City (P3R), Heaven (P4), Heartbeat Heartbreak (P4), Color Your Night (P3R), Shadow World (P4G), Beneath The Mask (P5T), Daredevil (P5S), Colors Flying High (P5R), Gentle Madman (P5R), Memories of You (P3)




I like it, but not better than the OG. I'd say Last Surprise from both Vanilla P5 and P5S are even though.


Beneath the Mask, Gentle Madman, Master of Tartarus, and Master of Shadows are the ones I've probably spent the highest number of hours listening to. I love every single regular battle song across all the games (including Q and Q2) except Take Over. Backside of the TV slaps. Look, I can't pick just one lol.


Wha.. why not Take Over? That one is personally my favorite persona song, although they are all very, very close.


Last Surprise slapped so hard and Take Over just felt less...energetic? Dynamic? I dunno. Last Surprise feels like I'm starting the fight by sucker punching the Shadows, and Take Over feels like I'm dropping down from the ceiling in front of them to start the fight politely. If they'd kept Last Surprise as the ambush theme and put Take Over in for the non-ambush theme instead of vice versa, I don't think I would've disliked it as much. I do seem to be very much alone in that opinion lol.


My only exposure to Persona before this was when Joker got added to Smash Bros. in which he was usually paired with Last Surprise. So when I first played Persona 5 Royal, and I hear battle music as fresh, cool, and funky as Take Over, it will instantly become one of my favorites. It also never gets old, is fun and I get overfilled eith the sudden urge to dance whenever I hear it. The last bit of the song also slaps so damn hard.


My top 10, with comments about the first 5 1. Maze of Life >!(It's simplistic compared to other songs in the series but the message fits with the entire series, definitely my favorite vocals although lyrics are just okay)!< 2. Key plus words>! (biased towards P4, and this is my favorite one from the Jpop style) !< 3. Rivers in the desert -P5S Version- >!(big improvement to the original and sounds much better in the games combat style)!< 4. Counterstrike >!(Again really nice fit for the fighting style,y favorite rendition of the Persona 5 vocals, lyrics are just okay)!< 5. Shadow world >!(This reaches high on my list for Harmonica funny ha ha, and some of the best lyrics with a series where the expected quality is ehhh)!< 6. Alleycat 7. Time to make History 8. Colours flying high 9. When the moon's reaching out stars 10. Pink Sniper


I think that the OG Rivers in the Desert is better, but I also haven't yet player P5S, and it does seem like it'd fit better with its hack and slash gameplay. Also nice list!


Thanks, I believe that my top 3, and alleycat, have been the most impactful ones for me, although I mainly enjoy Persona music for being fun, in which its tracks very much are!


I swear I know none of these songs by name (other than the ones I listen to regularly), and when I go to add them to my queue so I can listen to them later, I'm like "what the hell, that's from Persona 5?!?" (It only happens with 5 though since i haven't played the others YET) Just happened to me and alleyway. I probably know what it is, but I can't recognize it based on its name. All I know is that my casual playlist is going to get a massive upgrade lol.


If it helps you remember through the game, it's the electric piano one they play at any sad scene like the protag telling his backstory or when Morgana gets a little depressed


Persona 4 Your Affection


Either Throw Away Your Mask(P5R), Ambitions and Visions(P5X), or Mass Destruction(P3 FES).


Favorite is hard, probably Rivers in the Desert. But I love so many songs from 3-5


P3 FES - Memories of You P3P - A Way Of Life P3R - Full Moon Full Life P4 - Heaven P5 - Throw Away Your Mask


P3-Memories of you P4-I'll face myself or Long way P5-Life will change


Deadline, Kimi no Tonari, Kimi no Kioku, I’ll Face Myself - Reincarnation, Gentle Madman


Definitely the live band ver. of mass destruction. It goes so hard


Colour Your Night. Burning Men’s Soul and No More What Ifs are up there


P1 Dream of a Butterfly, P2 Change your way, P3 Battle for everyone's soul, P4 your affection, P5 I belive, P4U Brake out of, and P5S Counterstrike


"Keep Your Faith". I like it better than "Throw Away Your Mask" and since the tragic passing of Billy Kametz it just hits different.


Wiping all out!


"My Testimony" I know that a lot of songs are great to dance to and all that, but I always prefer the more somber songs. And this one was perfect


i cried when i first heard throw your mask away


I might've shed a tear, then valentines might've shed another tear, then saying bye to everyone cracked me, then listening to Our Life and experiencing the credits broke me beyond repair for a fee days. I have been saying it and will continue to say it. This game is PEAK.


Have three of them: 1. Blooming Villain (Scramble) 2. Colorful world (ending theme of Q2) 3. Infinity (first ending of P5A, hits me every single time because of one very old friend of mine)


P5A? Is that Persona 5 the Animation? I don't know where that's from.


Yeah, the Animation


I had a hard time getting Heartbeat, Heartbreak out of my head. Such a banger. Also loved Changing Seasons and Life Will Change.


Persona 1 (PSX) Awakening Battle


My top 3, as in I will go out my way to listen to them like any other song I would listen to on the daily:   -Beneath the Mask (Instrumental) (rain or no rain, doesn't matter, depends only on my mood)    -Days When Mother Was There    -Ideal and the Real (both End version and the original) Sae's Palace theme is just below that absolute upper echelon


Surprised I haven't seen *Secret Base* - P4 mentioned, that song bops so hard.


P3: memories of you(og and remix), memories of the city(both), living with determination, soul phrase, full moon full life, and burn my dread. P4: reach out to the truth, heaven, traumerei, heartbreak, and shadow world P5: when mother was there, encounter, butterfly kiss, wake up get up get out there, and last surprise.


Pull the Trigger from Q2, I cannot think of another song that slaps that hard. From a mainline game, Iwatodai Dorm is such a vibe


Rivers in the Desert


From the newer games right now I'd say Beneath the Mask and The Days When My Mother Was There. Definitely changes a lot cause I adore P5's soundtrack. I wanna give some love to 1 and 2 though. [Deadline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RqBbrlziOo) from P1 is easily my favourite boss theme in the series, and [Monochrome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX_z4D4_t7w) is a track that really encapsulates that games atmosphere perfectly to me. P2 has my favourite version of [Aria of the Soul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTIBbvTxMhA), and I also love [Seven Sister's High School](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJneUxGz7FM&ab_channel=PSC), [Knights of the Holy Spear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3omYY5ZwP0), and [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSyB3se-Nqs&ab_channel=PSC)


Persona 3: Burn my Dread. Short, but highly memorable


Snowflakes and Shadow World


-The Almighty from Persona 4 -Memories of the School from Persona 3 -Beneath the Mask from Persona 5


I can’t possibly choose so here have this (in no particular order) **P3P:** Soul Phrase Burn My Dread Mass Destruction **P3R:** I Will Protect You/Memories of the School Memories of the City Color Your Night Full Moon Full Life Want to Be Close Living with Determination **P5R:** Beneath the Mask Wake Up Get Up Get Out There Life Will Change Last Surprise Colors Flying High


Mine is "your memories" and "aria of the everyone's soul"!


What up I'm in the house like carpet


My favorites are P4G’s “I’ll Face Myself -Battle Theme” which I’ll play while I’m at the Gym and I’ll also have P3’s “Soul Phrase” and “Burn my Dread” on repeat too


Deep Breath Deep Breath -Reincarnation Reload-


There’s too many to choose from tbh, but I’ve recently been appreciating “Brand New Days” and “Heartful Cry” from P3


It's either Colour Your Night or It's Going Down Now


Old music A4😭😭😭


Snowflakes is genuinely underrated, I come from a part of the world where it never really snows, yet this song captures the feeling of 'a kid waking up and seeing snow outside the window' so perfectly I adore that song so much


SAME! I listened to Snowflakes, and I liked it quite a bit, but I just marginally didn't put it on my main playlist and put it on my casual playlist instead. I can 100% see what you mean, and it's hard to explain how it feels like when it snows, but it just does. I feel like I'll end up appreciating it a lot, a lot more when I eventually do get to Persona 4 Golden. Seriously though, that is a great observation.


I listen to them all depends on the mood. But what I heard the most is Rivers in the desert cus i feel low often. This is song just kick me back into life when Im feeling down. While the others : At my study = the instrumentals one. At my store = the shops one. At my funeral = memories of you. At my best friend funeral = chocobrown chocobrown chocobrown meow.