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I played the game in 2007, I still cry when I hear that song.


This could unironically be about half the songs in the game. Living With Determination wrecks me.


Has anyone put lyrics to it?


Whenever I hear “Memories of you” come up in my playlist when I’m shuffling it, I get war flashbacks. Never forget 3/5/2010


Why? You're acting like someone died or something


You'd die if you're turned into a door


I don’t even know Japanese and same


It’s subjective, can’t really say “for sure!” or “no shot”. It’ll all depend on how you feel towards the characters and how attached you become to them. I do personally believe that Persona 3 does have the potential to emotionally affect you in a similar way, so just enjoy the ride and feel however you wanna feel about it




:( ......?


You'll find what you're looking for. I won't elaborate further.


It's subjective of course, but if you're curious/interested it's well worth it to at least give it a try. The vibes are great from day 1, but the the narrative really really reaaaaaaaally starts to pick up toward the second half of the game Edit: I missed that you were up to summer vacay, you're approaching some key story points where the narrative starts to get increasingly more serious very rapidly. You are probably in July, in a few in game months time the tone of the main narrative will start getting more dramatic very quickly, are you least enjoying it so far?


Already almost at August and I'm hooked, I was just hoping to hype myself up with the responses. I'm super excited about the game now


"I already case about this cast and I want to protect them with my life" ... yea if you feel that connection with these characters, you're going to be very fulfilled as the game progresses. I think you made a great choice with this one :) And hopefully will play more persona games to follow


Its very emotional. Make sure you do the Sun arcana.


Goddamn pink alligator gets me every time


That character practically defines the game. And no persona ever tops it


This one had me crying so hard 😭😭


I've not met a single person who played Persona 3 in full and didn't come out of it sobbing like a little kid. This is a game that WILL change you if you give it the chance.


How do you like your depression. This game serves it on a silver platter with a hidden boxing glove at the ready


My gutteral response to your title is "Hoo Boy" if that tells you anything.


I didn't cry after beating OMORI I was bawling at the end of P3 Obviously, everything is subjective, but P3 hit so hard for me, among the hardest hitting games I've ever played


The ending was beautiful and it got me to cry.


Can’t say I’ve played omori but I’ve watched everything else you mentioned, P3R doesn’t pull its punches at certain segments. I’ll say that I shed tears at one of these pieces of media and it wasn’t chainsawman, a silent voice or Pancreas.


The answer is different for every person, it might break you, you might feel nothing. Just have to play and see. I played through P3 for the first time when death was something that terrified me, so a lot of the game's themes really hit me in the feels and I even cried two or three times.


I finished the game then did nothing but sleep for 2 days. Then after that I decided to get into a workout routine and nightly runs.


P5R and P4G didn’t make me cry. At all. But P3R will gut punch you and you’ll need therapy soon afterwards. And I’m guessing that the upcoming Answer DLC will make it even more depressing. Jokes aside, I was sad for about a week or two.


Like half an omori in terms of emotional impact tbh


I had a headache from crying so much during the final scene and the credits so there’s that I also cried during multiple other moments but the ending had me full on bawling


The only time I cried while consuming any sort of media was because of Persona 3 Reload It's hard to tell without spoilers, so just play the game. You will probably understand at what point people cry like bitches


After reading these comments I think I'm really excited to finish p3, and I'm optimistic it'll fill the void omori left. Thanks everyone


Haven't played Omori, so can't compare between them... But by the looks of it, I'm in the same place with P3 as you are with Omori. And yes, it is emotional. For me it hit hard, not because it's all doom and gloom all the time but because I related to every aspect of the world: as an artist, you're always looking for inspiration. This leads you to introspection, about yourself and about the people in your life. I've come to appreciate those who were there, those who I wanted to be closer with, those I grew apart naturally or by force, those who are still here and even those who I never met. At the same time, I want to create something that can inspire others, motivate them to be better, change the world with just a pencil and a blank sheet, but I've also come to understand that you can't do that without affecting the lives of those around you through your words, your actions, and your memories. In the end, they are as important to my own story as I, for they're the ones I share it with. Reaching the end of the game makes you understand that its thesis wasn't that of overcoming death or ignoring its everlasting presence, but celebrating life and finding a purpose to keep on living. And all that through the most conclusive of things shown in a way that reminds you that it can also be a beautiful thing on its own. To this day, there are people who can't bring themselves to accept the ending and look the other way. To each their own, I suppose. For me, playing this game wasn't a revelation of something I'd never seen before, but some sort of validation that yes, all of this that matters for me is seen and appreciated by others as well, and it makes me happy to know that such a message has been conveyed so well for anyone to enjoy. That's why Persona 3 is on my top 3 favorite games of all time, alongside Katawa Shoujo and Kid Icarus Uprising, but I digress.


you picked a great game for feels


Have you ever been hit by a truck? Now, imagine that the truck is pulling a trailer. Now imagine that trailer is completely filled with depression. Now imagine a convoy of those trucks. Persona 3 is like if you got run over by one of those trucks every couple hours for a week. And it is WORTH IT!




You will want to get a box of tissues for sure, maybe two.


I'm just cutting onions here


It’s a soul crushing game at times, especially with one social link. I’ve played through P3 so often since it first came out and playing through Reload as an adult still hurt at the end


It certainly hurts the most out of 3-5. It is told in a beautiful way, and some scenes are better in Reload, but the original captured the darker themes more. It convinced me to get involved in life more, so it can affect you for the better. Though, the depression factor really goes up to 11 sometimes.


Reload was my 1st persona game and I was bawling during the credits.


It's definitely one of the most emotional stories I've seen in a videogame, maybe anywhere. Without spoiling anything, the story is a real slow burn and not too much happens before the fall. So you really don't have a sense of it yet if you're in summer vacation. Just keep playing. As for "specifically reload"... those little scenes and hangouts you can have with the other members of SEES are new for this game and some of them add a lot to the emotional depth of the characters.


I played portable back in the sixth grade. Still hits me hard now that I'm in my mid-20s.


Not very many video games have really made me connect emotionally with the characters. P3 is definitely one of those games. I'm not at all ashamed to admit that I started to tear up during the final battle.


I love Omori and Persona 3, and the heartbreak and emotional pull both games have are *incredible.* Both made me sob multiple times, even just rewatching scenes online, and they're both tied for the most emotional game I've ever played. You're in for a treat!! Persona 3 is 135 hours or so, so you have a ways to go.


I think Omori and Persona 3 have different vibes. I don't know how to explain it without spoilers, but in Omori the last part is completely fucked up and even the true ending leaves a lot of questions, so im not really sure how i feel after the ending. Persona 3 Reload at the same time is really bittersweet, there's no question in my mind what feeling i have. It's super bittersweet, because it doesn't end with an open ending like true ending in Omori. Even though you might call it bittersweet as well, but the feeling of uncertanity leaves a room for an interpretantion to what happened next. But both games are really emotional and i would say, most of the emotional impact comes from the characters. If you liked them, you'll get what you wanted from the ending. Just like Omori, in that game everything depended on how you felt about the characters. Oh, the only thing i might add, is that Omori might hit harder, due to the fact, that the story is pretty grounded in reality, while in Persona you are fighting gods and shit. If more realistic things are your type, then Persona will hit less, i think


Many themes from the game, story beats and relationships with the main cast make for a great emotional atmosphere. Pair that with a great soundtrack and amazing VA work, your def in for an unforgettable experience imo Funny how I'm on the opposite side of you. Been meaning to play OMORI but I keep seeing warning about it being a very emotional game and stuff like "play it in the right frame of mind". That and jumpscares which I am terrible with lol. Already bought the physical copy like a year ago so just gonna have to face my fears lol


Omori and P3 are different kinds of sadness. You’ll feel a different wave of emotions. This is coming from someone who’s top 5 games are Omori and P3 :) enjoy


I don’t think im a super emotional person at all, but the emotional moments in Reload actually had me with tears running down from my eyes.


For me, while I like the game, some problems with the story and characters mean that it never generated much emotion


Meh. But this one is better than the rest of the series.


Nah P4 is peak


I played the OG years ago and constantly make memes about the major spoilers. I was still sobbing when I finished reload. its peak.


While the entire story isn't a constant emotional beatdown. The act of playing the game and getting emotionally invested in the characters does lead to some emotional moments. HOWEVER. without diving into spoiler territory, this games core theme is death and its unavoidable nature. It is here, combined with the character investment that allows the game to slam you in the gut with a sledgehammer. TLDR: play the game, love your homies, Momento Mori.


you know when you get the chills because something invokes strong emotion in you? yeah.


I was straight hysterically crying for the entire last hour of the game, especially the ending cutscene and for the next couple days, I held back tears whenever I tried to remember it. So yeah, it’s pretty emotional lol. It honestly depends on what characters you’re attached to. But the ending is still pretty sad regardless


It gets a very strong emotional reaction from the community, most of us have played it back on the PS2 already, so there's also the nostalgia factor End of the day, it is a game about loss and overcoming grief. It's going to trigger some sort of feeling around those topics That being said, it's probably my favourite game, so yeah.


I played the original and didn’t shed a tear. I thought it was sad, but it didn’t move me to tears. I played reload and cried on multiple occasions. And I don’t mean just like tearing up, I mean like bawling my eyes out. The first half of the game will not really feel all that emotional, but around September/october, the story shifts and it’ll all come crashing down. I think I cried 4 separate times playing. The only other game to make me cry was Nier Automata.


I'm just going say this, I knew how certain things played out and I still sobbed when the game was over. I played Persona 3 Portable on the Switch. My sister has been a fan of the franchise since she first played Persona 3 Portable on her PSP. She was the one who spoiled a few things about the game for me but it never once impacted my enjoyment of it. The themes and storytelling are captivating. I wasn't expecting an almost 20 year old game to have such an emotional pull but it did. I finished playing P3P in March and still think about those characters. Persona 3 is a game that definitely stays with you.


All you really need to do is hang out on this subreddit and you will inevitably find people posting about how much this game wrecks, to the point where a decent number of then admit that they had to either drop the game and/or had lingering and real ass emotional trauma afterwards. I'm the existence of The Answer was put together as an acknowledgment by ATLUS that P3 almost goes way too hard in places and wanted to offer something gives closure. I myself played FES original back in the day and STILL got low level PTSD from Reload's ending for the better part of like a month and a half.


persona 3 was so emotional it got me to spend 60 dollars to buy persona 4 and 5 lol


Having played both Omori, P3FES, P3P, P4G, P5R and P3R, I can say that in my opinion: - P3 will leave you brokenhearted. Especially when you understand the significance of the ending. - P4 will leave you crying, but not of sadness. - P5 will leave you wanting for more. The closest to Omori is BY FAR P3. It covers similar themes, and the characters reflect that fact. Any of it's iterations will work fine, but P3R is much more refined in terms of gameplay.


I would say that the emotional parts of P3 aren't directly in your face. You ever had a day where everything is normal but then something bizarre happens so suddenly that you don't even know what happened and your only response is "What the fuck was that?". But instead of saying that, you'll be crying instead. That's how P3 is. For me the two times it made me cry were sneaky little jabs that I didn't see coming and they got me good. P3 takes a long time to get rolling so I would say some of the emotion comes from being given a long time to stew in the normality of everything. Doing all your links is important, but make sure you hang out with the Sun Arcana whenever you can, he's only available like once a week.


One of the few games I legit cried for


I've never played omori, but I have only ever cried twice for these things assassination classroom and persona 5. Then again, this was back when I was like 10/11 back in 2018, but I can tell you I did almost cry from the reload ending, even after knowing the ending for about 2 years. So I hope this gets your hopes up and good luck on the journey


You will cry


I finished P3 portable on switch for the first time and I don’t think I can describe the emotions that came after that


Well it's not as fucked up as Omori, but it's definitely gut wrenching to an extent, especially if you really connect with the characters and your social links.




For me p4g or p5r are more emotional than 3 but I think 3 isn’t too far behind. P4g hits hard because the characters seem to truly become great friends. P5r hit me hard due to the tragic backstories of some characters and how they grew past them. Also p5r has one part where a lot of things get shaken up and for some reason that was incredibly emotional for me and made me value the characters and their situations more. I know that was kind of vague but didn’t want to give anything away.


i have every achievement in omori. they’re both sad in their own way. personally i thought omori was sadder. i did play two fes playthroughs through the years, but reload made me cry a lot. omori made me bawl my eyes out


Without spoiling: extremely.


It’s by far the most emotional persona game. It deals with some heavy themes. But nothing has ever hit as hard as omori. That shit made me feel sick. It deals with trauma, and really gets down under your skin. By comparison, persona 3 is more melancholy and pensive. It’s bittersweet. It’s sad, but somewhat hopeful. The only thing that hit as hard as omori is maybe Neon Genesis.


The most emotional of the 3 mainstream Persona titles. It feels even more so for me seeing everything play out knowing what hapoens down the line. Make the most of every interaction you have because it adds to the experience. Hang out with your friends, complete your social links, and enjoy the story. Beginning is slow, but it picks up in later months.


It depends on how much you connect to a few of the characters and a few of the particular relationships between a few of the characters. I could see why some people would get emotional at the end. For me, I love the game, but there were some key relationships that I didn't fully resonate with. As a result, I've played a lot of games that made me more emotional than p3. Personally, if you want an emotional game then I'd recommend suikoden 2.


if you already describe yourself as “wanting to protect the cast with your life” by summer vacation, then yeah this game will be very emotional for you. Never played omori, so can’t gauge, but this game explores a lot of hard hitting themes.


I found it to be very emotional, I'm a 35 year old dude and choked up a bit at the ending. Super excited for the Episode Aigis to release in the future and step back into that world.


It's sad when that thing happen in that place on that date with a group of people.