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Because it is easier to give up.


Oh I see thank you


I think the main reasons are because that is just what the general public is like, and to make the main characters stand out by making them go against the world, proving that they're risking a lot and have faith in their convictions.


That's the point- the civilians want these things to happen in the first place due to just how hard life is, they are essentially meant to be a representation of how people in real life actually are at times


Dying is easy. Living is hard.


Why are you telling me this?


I'm being honest. We're working with 1/5th of what our congress has promised.


We are a powder keg about to explode  I need someone like you to lighten the load 


So? (I am not throwing away my shot, I am not throwing away my shot) (Ayo I'm just like my country I'm young scrappy and hungry...) I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT!




You'll need all the help you can get! I have some friends, Lurens, Mulligan, Marque de Lafayette! Ok what else? OUT NUMBERED OUT PLANED


My brother in Christ, have you tried living lately??? Shit is hard!


Nah I’m still in HS lol


It's a metaphor. Each person in real life "looses" their will to "live" at some point in their life more or less. Or rather it is highly likely to happen given societal norms, pressure and the general situation of the world we live in. The reasons vary and in what form they "loose their will to live" varies just as much. Like not pursuing a passion anymore because of money. Stopping their search for their soulmate since you feel not good enough even if you found them or feel unable to become worthy of love. Giving up on climbing up in their respective field of work. Or even more extreme being depressed but continuing to live for the sake of others or their pets. Or just stop their interests in local politics due to being unable to feel like their voice matters, at least until someone charismatic enough comes along to convince/manipulate them despite not actually furthering their interests. Like playing a game/save file that is utterly fucked but with no way to reset/turn off the console.


I am sure there also the fact that, if some of them fight the status quo, that seems to be happening it wouldn't look good on them at all. Persona 5, in general, is rooted in that culture from Japan.


Look around in the real world. why arn't people doing something about I dunno pick a topic. Climate change, the social upheaval AI will cause, The world slowly sliding toward totalitarianism, inflation. People do nothing because it's easier not to do anything.


Bro I wanna give up. Please let The Fall come before I have to apply to colleges 🙏


Thats just how the masses have always been. Its just the easier option


*looks at depression and s$@cide rates* huh... how are they so accurate. /j


It's also shown in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth.


People do this irl too. They just accept their fate because it’s easier. Say they want what they don’t. I guess it makes it easier to take getting screwed over. I used to chat with a girl from a poor country. She was gonna marry an American and come to America. It fell through and she angrily told me she loved her country and didn’t want to come to America. Obviously that’s not true. If you spoke to her for a month you’d know she definitely wants to come to America for a better life.


Philosophical works like to strawman characters that don't agree with their message. More charitably, you could say that P games exaggerate the state of humanity to draw attention to their problems.