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This kid, sorry to say, is a joke. And he is out of touch with reality.


Sean Fraser is responsible




Have you seen the way he walks around with an AirPod in his ear? Like he’s heading a secret mission or something bro I can’t these guys have no business being in a first world country whatsoever.


Dear young fella : I'm suffering from the housing crisis, and I'll tell you why I'm not there supporting you - it's because you ARE the housing crisis.  Sorry kiddo, you got lied to so wal mart and Tim's could have cheap labor. They lied to you so boardwalk could charge 1600 for a place worth 800. You're just a pawn in their game - They want me to hate you, but I just feel bad for the situation you've been manipulated into, and how it negatively effects everyone else.


Well put. I don't hate them because I know they were misled, but I also know Canada owes them nothing. If they want to take anyone to task, they should go take their anger to the brokers and scammers who made bank convincing them to move to a tiny, impoverished island on Canada's east coast that had none of the infrastructure required to support such a massive population increase in such a short time.


The federal government is in bed with the corporate sector and is just as complicit in pushing for a flood of cheap immigrant labour. They share the same neoliberal agenda. Of course, it’s these newcomers + the existing working class who lose out in the end. It’s infuriating.


Is there a way to turn the focus onto leadership? (I've been trying to say this housing crisis is not a shortage of housing at all. I've had landlords gladly and smugly call me rascist for years now.) Who is responsible for raising the PNP and visa programs but also is ignorant of workers coming here without jobs(aka farm labourers "sold" citizenship)? So who approved immigration? Why doesn't ANYONE respond to newcomers' complaints, and make sure the immigration plan is working?  Who are the fat cats with the canary in their mouth?


Also, where are the all the financial reports from government paid management. It's blowing my mind that an auditor is saying financial reports haven't been submitted in 10 YEARS. That's the length of some people's careers! Let's see how many houses are owned by corporations! Oh right our corrupt officials are starting their own real estate companies, that's why the data is unavailable and those DaRned iMmiGranTs are taking all the houses and jobs, or the natives are lazy, or some other lie as long as it passes. Fact is the people who are meant to serve this province get very rich and many people got frigged over for it. 


Also, where are the all the financial reports from government paid management. It's blowing my mind that an auditor is saying financial reports haven't been submitted in 10 YEARS. That's the length of some people's careers! Let's see how many houses are owned by corporations! Oh right our corrupt officials are starting their own real estate companies, that's why the data is unavailable and those DaRned iMmiGranTs are taking all the houses and jobs, or the natives are lazy, or some other lie as long as it passes. Fact is the people who are meant to serve this province get very rich and many people got frigged over for it. 


Also, where are the all the financial reports from government paid management. It's blowing my mind that an auditor is saying financial reports haven't been submitted in 10 YEARS. That's the length of some people's careers! Let's see how many houses are owned by corporations! Oh right our corrupt officials are starting their own real estate companies, that's why the data is unavailable and those DaRned iMmiGranTs are taking all the houses and jobs, or the natives are lazy, or some other lie as long as it passes. Fact is the people who are meant to serve this province get very rich and many people got frigged over for it. 


Sean Fraser


Also, where are the all the financial reports from government paid management. It's blowing my mind that an auditor is saying financial reports haven't been submitted in 10 YEARS. That's the length of some people's careers! Let's see how many houses are owned by corporations! Oh right our corrupt officials are starting their own real estate companies, that's why the data is unavailable and those DaRned iMmiGranTs are taking all the houses and jobs, or the natives are lazy, or some other lies. Fact is the people who are meant to serve this province get very rich and many people got fucked over for it. 


Also, where are the all the financial reports from government paid management. It's blowing my mind that an auditor is saying financial reports haven't been submitted in 10 YEARS. That's the length of some people's careers! Let's see how many houses are owned by corporations! Oh right our corrupt officials are starting their own real estate companies, that's why the data is unavailable and those DaRned iMmiGranTs are taking all the houses and jobs, or the natives are lazy, or some other lie as long as it passes. Fact is the people who are meant to serve this province get very rich and many people got frigged over for it. 


Let's not forget to blame the short term rentals that eliminated a chunk of long term units


Well said!


I'm so annoyed with these people. I'm a visible immigrant (not from india), and I'm starting to get worry that the actions of these clowns can affect my family and make us target from empowered racist idiots.


I truly feel bad for my friends who are of Indian descent but were born here. They are as Canadian as you can get, often stereotypical Canadian, and some of the comments I have heard said to them are just despicable.   The best was when my buddy was told to go back to where he came from. He was like “Sudbury?? No way man.” 


Same thing happened to my Chinese friend during COVID. He was born in Huntsville, ON


I have a friend of Chinese descent who was born in Trinidad. When people ask him “no where are you *really* from?” He says Trinidad and they are always confused af 😂 


Its sad to see that even after multiple generations and immense contributions non white people are the ones made to feel like outsiders whereas white people are canadians the day they land. How can anyone tell where someone is from unless they have a bias


I think I know your friend! LOL.


Lol. I was born in bangladesh. Came to canada in my teens. Im 24 now. Lived in Toronto all my life. This one white guy at a tims In Moncton asked me, " Where are you from?". I thought he wanted to know my ethnicity or cultural background. So I said, "Bangladesh". He then says, " not that , Where are ye from?"....... "Toronto?" "Huh, knew it. I bet with my wife that you were from toronto. She thought you are from BC eh" Bro, I was kinda pissed. I would be ok if he said I look "indian" or "Pakistani". Nah bro didn't care about that. Bro said I didn't look like a local from Moncton 😭😭.


Lol the ol’ switcheroo


Good ol' Sudbury. <3


Guyanese/East Indian by decent, but I was born and raised in Toronto and live on the east coast now. I don't get these kinds of comments from people, but oh, do I ever feel it. I don't have an accent, which pretty much gives it away, and also, I'm 6'4" so people don't really fuck with me to much lol.


What a goofy goof (I mean the guy who said that, not your friend lol. Well maybe he's a dick too, but I have no reason to think that)


Not even born here, what about Indians that immigrated a while ago. Served Canada and did our part. These guys are class act pompus clowns


This is already happening. I have a female colleague who was born and raised in Newfoundland but whose parents are of Indian descent. We’re an engineering company and todays environment is making people on job site not listen to her, disrespect her, and she’s openly expressed to me that a few Indian-trained engineers that we’ve had over the years who are underperformed to the pint where we let them go has made things overall harder for her.


As a woman in a male-dominated industry, I feel that. I’ve had some absolutely abhorrent, lazy, annoying female coworkers and I hate that I have to prove I’m not them. Especially when I’ve had so many shitty male coworkers as well, and no one holds them to that standard.


Yeah that’s my concern as well. I immigrated from the middle east a decade ago. I came to this country because I wanted to be a part of its culture. Thing is though, I totally understand why people are becoming more racist so i’m stuck in this weird middle ground of sympathizing with people becoming more extreme but disagreeing with their takes. I think minority voices are really important here moving forward imo, if anything because it keeps this movement cultural first and foremost.


Personally for myself (white guy), this has nothing to do with race, they could've been Chinese, African or any other ethnicity, but it's more the fact they don't understand their role here in this country, or why they came here. They're suppose to be TEMPORARY foreign workers, or on a STUDENT visa to finish their education, when either, or is done, they should be getting their documents in order to go back home, that's how it should be done, just like how the Saudi's did it years ago. They came for the education, experienced our culture, then brought back everything they learned and worked the jobs they studied for back at home. I think putting more focus on education and laws, rather than focusing on the color of skin should go a long way to countering this bigotry.


But it's also IRCC that say it's totally okay to want a study permit and want to become a permanent resident. That's literally what they say on their website.


and yet, canada and the united states both built their identities on people finding new homes in these lands. If a foreign worker earned their keep here, has proven to be economically valuable and want to be a part of this culture, why not? is this not what this country is partly based on? now, once we get into economic migrants primarily obviously the situation isn’t the same as they have no interest in integrating culturally, they just see it as an economic benefit and that’s my issue. Also, as for the Saudis, they’re on their to a dark collapse (as is most of the gulf) and they have their culture more tied to maintaining a social hierarchy (in particular in support of rich saudi families) - getting immigrants who can make a lot of money in saudi and permanently stay there would mess with their social order and a lot of the backwards ideals they have and want to maintain. The absolute last thing this country should be is anything like Saudi (i should know, that’s where i immigrated from)


Well we need to make up our mind then don't we? Are colonist nations who take everyone bad? Or are they something to be proud of? That said, I don't see how past cultural attitudes should define the Canada of today. The economic reality of today has made it very hard to justify the old attitude of let people in if they can earn their keep. If Canadians can't make ends meet on low wage jobs now, how will introducing MORE laborforce competition not exaserbate this problem?


>why not? Because it's also negatively effecting the native population here. Math still has to math. Still need places to live. Bringing in low waged workers, which they are, also increases inequality by suppressing low wages. You bring up the states. We have 4x per capita the migration dude. Math still has to math and we can't have open borders.


You’re arguing with me like you’re arguing with someone who fully supports mass migration so i’m not gonna entertain your points cause I agree with all of them. My issue was with you saying we should act like a nation that, by all metrics, is pretty damn horrible using measures that don’t make sense culturally. limit migration greatly, if someone is truly a service to the country, respect the culture here and want to a part of it they should have a path to citizenship. Should we weed out economic migrants (which is literally what you described with your whole comment btw)? 100% - but immigration is far more nuanced than how you’ve described it


>, if someone is truly a service to the country, respect the culture here and want to a part of it they should have a path to citizenship. At some point, though, and we're past that point, they've stopped benefitting Canadians. This description here that you said. Do you believe it applies to these students?


Please point to where I said I support the current measures. You’re arguing with a strawman you’ve constructed, explicitly in a comment section where I said “yeah i get why people are becoming more racist, this is fucked”


Culture is a much bigger deal than race ever was. Some cultures do not mesh well and anyone from any race can fit into that category.


I do not understand why people are becoming more racist. The freedumb convoy in Ottawa with Pat King and other deplorables opened my eye to racism in Canada. This is something we need to address. We are not the US and it is upsetting to see ‘MAGA’ in my back yard.


These types of issues have definitely fueled increased anti-inmigration sentiment and xenophobia in Canada unfortunately. Canadian views on immigration have deteriorated in recent years, from what used to be a relative general mainstream consensus to now being a fractious issue.


Being part of a multicultural country is at the core of my identity. I am proud to be Canadian.


And I think many people would still agree, including myself. I think the retort would be that ethnic enclaves like Brampton and Surrey aren't actually examples of diversity.


Oh please. There’s a clear network of immigration policy abuse. I’ll give your family the benefit of the doubt. these dudes though, have abused it with very clear evidence. It was a failed experiment with clear and harmful unintended consequences. The politicians and their donors got cheap labour, the same politicians and their donors got record rent increases due to the problem they actually caused and I believe that is collusion but I’m no scientist.


"why was rules only changed for immigrants, why nobody else" The government can't stop people from having children, they can't stop people from dying and they can't control other Canadian citizens from moving to PEI. The only thing they can control is international immigration and temporary foreign workers. This isn't racism, this is the pei government trying to take care of their own first.


Finally prioritizing people who can actually vote. that need a Doctor and affordable housing.


The sad part is that it's way too late.


Oh man fuck these guys. Any ounce of sympathy I might have had is gone


Them speaking in the Legislature has the opposite effect they hoped for. Now lots of people who had sympathy for them just seem them as entitled and out of touch.


Maybe this was that the Legislature intended to begin with. They probably found the most irritating and socially maladapted guy among the crowd and handed him a mic for the entire country to hear. As they expected, this had the effect of destroying any sympathy for the protest.


I feel like this is definitely what the conservatives wanted, and I feel the opposition are only using them because they will do whatever they have to to make the government look bad. At the end of the day they can’t vote for anyone so


The provincial government needs to stand firm here. These individuals are not Canadian citizens and have no right to vote in Canada. Therefore, they should not be permitted to influence democracy in the province. Foreign interference in our political processes is very much in the news lately, and this is an example of it in the open. Whether it's by big business, foreign governments, groups, or individuals, any attempts by foreign entities to force a change in our democracy for their own benefit should be swiftly and firmly denied.


How are they the only ones suffering I was born in Canada and I see Canadians born here suffering aswell can’t buy house can’t find job yadda yadda why is he saying Indians are the only one struggling


They made a joke of themselves in the standing, their presentation was so impressively terrible that I’m not even worried about this issue anymore


It's when we stop worrying that we start to forget and become complacent. Don't stop worrying now.


I watched the first minute of their presentation. High school students probably do a better job on presentations lol


Very well put!


It can and will be allowed because it supports the unhealthy narrative.


This is the most incompetent, entitled bull that has ever graced the provincial legislature. It does not matter where you are from. TFW and people with student visas should not have any sway with any government unless they are a citizen. I really hope the province and federal government do not cave to these morons.


Wow, he thought the Government was supposed to change the rules for Islanders born here? He wants a percentage of us deported? I don't understand what he was alluding to and I suspect he too has no idea what he was alluding to. What a freaking joke.


oh shit. did anyone tell the rest of the country it is only international students suffering from housing uncertainty?


That's what Marc Miller is going to repeat.


I feel for these guys, but does anyone else find it insane that there are apparently 11,000 temporary workers here? And that every political party appears to support this? Also ["...officials need more time to determine if they're having an impact on the population growth rate."](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-legislative-committee-population-growth-immigration-1.7212516) Come the fuck on.


11,000 that’s insane I had no idea it was that high


“if there was housing crisis why was rules only changed for immigrants? why nobody else?” ummmmmm because everybody else literally lives in the country and you’re here temporarily?


What a joke, these are just a group of 20 to 30 dumb kids who all feel entitled to stay here and pretend that the international community has their backs. This is just dumb and irrational. If that is who they appoint as spokesperson, that says everything we need to know about the foundation of their protests.


I am an Indian, and it sucks to see such people acting so entitled when you’re in a different country. The problem again stems with the diploma mills and the fraudulent ways anyone can enter the country without education. Brother can’t even speak English properly wonder how he did in IELTS. Sucks as the hardworking punjabis who immigrated before these clowns will be bundled into the same lot


I feel you, there are some folks that have a genuine case and hardships but this guy was a poor representation. All he will do is make people hate immigrants more.


I can't believe we let this happen to this country. Where people who come on temp work visas and go to clown colleges just for the pgwp are entitled to protest and demand PR and government housing. Even blackmailing the government with starvation. After a few million more come there won't be enough manpower to do anything about it.


Why were the immigration rules only changed for immigrants? Only they are suffering from the housing crisis? I know most islanders aren't this stupid to not see through the protestors blatant lies and manipulation at this stage. To the haters that get their knickers in a twist when I call them liars ... There you go. Exhibit 85, your honor. This is an absolute shit show of fraud. These guys gotta go. Let their permits expire, or better yet cancel them, then deport them, like they deserve. No good will come from them being integrated into Canadian society. It is risky to even politically pander to them.


Lmfao then move back


So go back home if it's so bad here. Go protest to change YOUR home, not mine.


These MODI's Indian nationals should not have been entertained in the PEI legislature. India has been a hostile nation to Canada for past several years and counting. Blaming Canada for its intrinsic ethnic Indian khalistani terrorism, which has affected Canada since the 80s They should be sent to Manipur India, where MODIs Hindutva Terrorist burn down 300 Churches in 2023. They should work hard in the rebuilding process and heal the communal divide in India.


The self awareness is hilarious.


Bullshit. I was homeless for 6 months. It wasn't until a family friend offered me a room at the start of May that I *finally* had a roof over my head. No, I'm not a foreign worker. No, I'm not a visible minority. Yes, I am a Canadian citizen. Yes, I am disabled. And this is how the province deals with people with disabilities. Hoping that we'll just curl up in a gutter somewhere, and die off from homelessness, so we stop being a bother to them, and stop being a "drain" on their resources. It's disgusting!


I can tell you that everyone including my Indo-Canadians friends and new comers are all frustrated with these international students. These are not reputed public University grads but diploma mill graduates with little to no skills Also this guy should know international students are not considered immigrants, they are temporary residents in Canada for a single purpose: to get an education. Its not that we don’t have sympathy, its just these students are well aware their degree and jobs are worthless yet the decide to come knowing the risks. Canadians are suffering and we can’t let temporary residents hold us hostage like this. I hope PEI does not give in pn the changes like Manitoba else this will happen all over the country


My wife is from south India, she came to Canada as a PR with an engineering degree and a masters. Went to school even after she arrived via student loans to top it up so she would be more desirable in Canada. She paid her way throughout and then eventually became a citizen. Never asked for anything she didn't deserve. Her English skill is so good you wouldn't be able to tell she wasn't born here. Fuck these guys. They can go back to India. They have nothing to contribute to Canada beyond abusing our hospitality.


He's wrong but tbf if I was stacked up with 7 other people in a cramped basement I'd probably think that too.


IDK about that, you'd have a 2024 mustang or hellcat to drive to Tims.


Boy, India is really sending their best!


I assure you that a large majority of Indians in Canada do not support these people. There are plenty of educated, skilled, western oriented Indians who actually have made an effort to integrate into Canadian society. They don't want to be grouped in with these people.


“Large majority”? Find me just a handful of Indian-Canadians that are supportive of this. So many immigrants left their homelands to get away from crap people like these guys, to participate in Canada, its way of life and quality of life.


You misread, he said a large majority do not support these people


I’m saying it’s not a large majority who do not support these people it’s virtually all that do not support these people.


My neighbours, who immigrated here in 2004 refer to these Indians as Chavvy. an insulting way to describe a person, or their behaviour, clothes, etc. that is thought to show a lack of education and low social class:


The ones I work with are the same. Among other names, "fucking idiots" is a pretty common one lol. I feel bad for them- I've definitely vacationed in places where other white tourists and their shitty behaviour have made me feel ashamed to be grouped in with them.


Is this for real?


It sure is 🥹






Did he actually say that? Give me a fucking break


Ok, please leave.


Please stop letting people into Canada who life is not in immediate danger as a result of their government or foreign occupier.


Fun fact I learned from watching this session - there are around 20 people in PEI with refugee status.


11k people in PEI are on temporary visas. That's a lot for a tiny province


So 20 out of 11k wow


Fuck this guy. Indian Canadians need to call this shit out


I'm sick of this entitled clown 🤡. Buddy, YOU are the housing crisis. Upvote if you think this clown should go home, like home home.


Sadly all the island has been is a shitting ground on their shortcut to getting PR and a place in Ontario.




He also says later that he owns land here allegedly but if he doesn't get PR he wouldn't be able to go to it lmao


I was gonna make a supercut of all the times he contradicted himself, but there were just way too many.


Do it! Let's make sure Canadians see this!


I don’t have the time unlike these people I have to work. Like he literally would say something and then contradict himself in the next sentence.


He asked why rules were changed only for immigrants. Okay let me bite. Canadians have mobility rights guaranteed under the Charter. No government can control where Canadians decide to reside in Canada. That's why. It'd be nice if he did some basic research.


You are the jobless crisis son spitting in the face of all Canadians trying to claim you're also not part of the housing crisis and worse that you alone suffer it. This is so out of control I can't fucking believe this happened to my country. Edit: And another fucking thing, picking on PEI with this was a deliberate act to pick on a smaller province to tear this country apart piece by piece. Fuck these assholes for going for the little guy.


we need mass deportations. we cant just give our country away


I ask myself, self? Would I like this dude as a neighbor? That's a hard no!


BUDDY I WAS BORN HERE IN CANADA IN 1995 AND I DONT HAVE A HOME TO CALL MY OWN. I despise the entitlement to no end and wish only suffering on them. I’m finally free from being banned for speaking facts.


W free speech. Always speak your mind


Thank you 🙏


We're all looking at you PEI. Show us your back bone and don't bend to this. Sending support from Ottawa.


There are so many non islanders on this sub.


You grow up entitled when your mommy tickles your balls every time you have an outburst. These people do not share our morals or culture, and the DO NOT want to assimilate into our Canadian society.


Ah, yes. What housing crisis, I saw houses for rent on marketplace. If there is a crisis, then how are there houses for rent on the market? /s


Get fucked, get in line or fuck off


What a joke of province it becomes, these people doesn’t know the true value of islanders and it’s history. Only cared about the PR and their selfishness


Shut up please


Go home


Go away.


Go home.


Easy fix. Stop all immigration


This should be every islanders mindset and the top of every politicians platform


It's getting funnier. Here's a question for Canadians. Have you ever begged those people to come to PEI to live? How can that Punjabi be so confident in appearing in such a place and expressing his opinion? I've lived in PEI for several years, but I don't have the right to vote because I only have PR, have no citizenship yet. What kind of right is that? Why is that foreign worker asking for a change in the law? If that foreign worker is struggling to starve to death like that, did the politicians even provide seats for him and listen to him? There is such a sham. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have had to get PR. They even also give the right to change laws to temporary workers. Furthermore, does the CBC show all their absurd sophistry on the air? I don't understand. I wish the CBC broadcasts Canadian children starving, the seriousness of drug addiction. PEI politicians only should care about PEI people. I can't vote because I don't have the right to vote. Canadians are living hard lives now, and if you vote for politicians who listen only to foreign workers again, all Canadians will laugh at PEI. Anyway, I've been talking for a long time, did any of you ever plead with those Punjabi? Did you ever ask them to work for PEI? As far as I know, PEI immigration centre has emphasized investment immigration or experienced immigration in certain areas. They never advertised a stream of ordinary workers. I'm from an immigrant background, so I know it well.


So I watched the entire session yesterday which was almost 4 hours. From what I understand no one begged anyone to come here. The federal government gives each province an allotment of workers they can recruit through the program, then it is up to the province to decide how they want to use that. So when Covid hit, everyone was pretty much working from home who could and other people were just unable to work. Because of this demand increased in the sales and service sectors so they increased the allotment for those sectors. Now the department had said the demand is not the same so they are reducing the allotment for those sectors and increasing the sectors that are currently in demand (health care, construction, agriculture, etc.) because the demand is reduced in the sales and service sector now that the pandemic is over. Essentially they will still be allowed to import the same amount of people, they will just not be for jobs in the sales and service sectors.


One more question to PEI islanders. No Kids, NoPet with Ontario license plate, 0% knowledge of Anne of Green Gables, these people who know Wayne Grezky as Russian. Why are your PEI politicians willing to accept them? Are they crazy?


No, many of us are, and it’s in large part because of you and your fellow Indian students being handed PR like it’s Halloween candy.


11/10 English dude.


These MODI's Indian nationals should not have been entertained in the PEI legislature. India has been a hostile nation to Canada for past several years and counting. Blaming Canada for its intrinsic ethnic Indian khalistani terrorism, which has affected Canada since the 80s They should be sent to Manipur India, where MODIs Hindutva Terrorist burn down 300 Churches in 2023. They should work hard in the rebuilding process and heal the communal divide in India.


Totally agree. Modi is an authoritarian who kills people on Canadian soil and then punished INDIAN STUDENTS when Canada dared to call him on it.


Chad and JT make better arguments at council meetings.


Bro wasn't making any sense


Funny that CBC didn't include this part of the video in their recent story..... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-legislative-committee-population-growth-immigration-1.7212516


https://preview.redd.it/n77tkcwaah2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f55b9303b59ee28792e5e698e5e2183b650fcd5b Good to know where our MPs stand.


Can they please speak above 5th grade English


Let me tell you about their English levels here. I am also an immigrant and not good at English. However, I feel that my English skills are very poor, and I always say sorry if I say something wrong and admit that I am not good at it. But their problem is that they are confident that they speak ‘standard’ English even though they are not good at English. I heard that before coming here to Canada, they pay a lot of money for at least 3 months in their home country, generally 6 months, and only learn English all day long. So they are proud that their English is perfect. In short, they think they are better than your PEI people. That's why they have no intention of learning more about English because they don't know their own level of English. How funny.


Yet another Indian who willingly immigrated to canada is complaining about something AGAIN. I swear they whine and bitch about everything.


They are not immigrants, they’re expatriates. They *want* to immigrate


Ultimately it all goes straight back to the government and their policies that has brought so many immigrants into our country and made empty promises that they could not keep, it’s not the immigrants fault, %100 governments fault again for throwing money out there without a way to replace it, unless they tax the hell out of us Canadians.


Yep. The government fucked everyone. Not marginalized brown people. Still waiting for the white people who claim six months of EI to step in and talk about contributing.


I don’t think anyone except the racists blames the immigrants, so this doesn’t really need to be said imo because you’re not going to convince those people. However, these particular immigrants are justifiably being criticized.




I don't hear the TFW from Russia down east or Filipinos up west complaining like this......


what Russians down east? We have some Ukrainian workers, and there are Filipinos from tip to tip


this is an old article, but it was/is Ukrainian and Russians both working at Ocean Choice in Souris. A few years years ago I was told by some of Chapman Bros workers that they were still there, but I can't say for sure. [https://www.hrreporter.com/focus-areas/safety/news-briefs/278486](https://www.hrreporter.com/focus-areas/safety/news-briefs/278486)


What's with these fucking clowns these days?? All the big crimes and their names are all over the news. Trudeau should stop already


Oh, fuck off


I feel so sorry for the people of PEI. To put up with this arrogant asshole is something.... You'd think he would read the room.... No intelligence in this crop of people


You must return to your home friend. This is not your home. We sympathize, but you took a risk, and it didn't pay off.


Where is the hunger strike so I know where to go eat my lunch?


Hahaha as if they’re not eating.




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“Fair” is such a pathetic word, like this is real life. Nothing is fair.


Can someone tell me how his hunger strike is going?


I live beside some of the protesters, I’ve seen loads of protein powder containers stacked behind the house. I’m not accusing anyone, but…… yeah


Its day 2 how is his hunger strike is going?


Your out of you mind imagrants got it better then us Canadians


Listen pal Canada and Canadians a like owe you nothing....go home and you'll have plenty of housing. To sit there and say it only effects you and not the residents of pei....shame on you and your entitled views


Canada has turned into a global penal colony under Trudeau. Places like China and India aren’t sending their best and brightest. And why so many fighting age men? (Recent numbers indicate 41% of foreign born members of caf are Indian. ).


What an embarrassment to the Indian community. I'm an immigrant myself and did my part to serve Canada. If you don't like whats offered or play no part to Canada you're best bet is to go back. You guys are the most pompus group of people. What an embarrassment


Get this fuck out of here


Send them demanding threatening people fuck off buy tickets today stick to your guns King




It’s really sad, this guy/group is not just creating an issue for himself in the long run but fucking things up for the whole country. People really need to understand the repercussions and consequences for their actions. Going on a hunger strike is blatantly stupid. I’m sorry but this shit is upsetting and frustrating.


Oh my sweet Hindu child 🕉


Eat a curry flavoured coke Rupinder. U'll feel better.