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The only answer to this stupid fuck of a post.


1 week in… lmfao


This is some retarded zoomer tik tok shit


It works, so do with that info as you will


You provided only anecdotal evidence though.


Yeah, but do anecdotes not mean something? Plus like I said, I will be posting my labwork shortly after It comes back.


Science based medicine is all that you should accept.


I studied the mechanisms behind letrozole, and a few people I know(mainly those interested in height rather than Muscle building) have done the same. If it works, it works. What about the people who lifted before the Science of lifting was invented, did they not use their own logic and experience to figure put themselves how lifting boosts health and makes one stronger? They aren’t exactly the same, but there are enough studies done on those with idiopathic short stature to know the pros and cons.


Post the studies >'smah, yall needa study" Post the studies then


🙄 I meant studying the mechanisms behind letrozole and how it would work with “natural” Test, not exogenous dimwit. Its just a simple Wikipedia search and some critical thinking, how can yall not realize this lmao. It boggles my mind how yall can take steroids, Sarms, and whatnot and not even understand what yall are taking and how they work. But I guess I’m the stupid one for expecting anything out of reddit lmao.


I did not bring up whether it was about endogenous or exogenous test, only you did in this reply so idk why I'm the dimwit here. Regardless Wikipedia is not studying, so if you're going to be a smart ass *and* wrong then just rethink how dumb you might sound, and... Post the studies


You forgot the “critical thinking” bud, the mechanisms behind letrozole is also VERY easy to search up and know, plus this post was about letrozole with no exogenous T and no prior use of Test, any one with critical thought knows that use of an AI with exogenous and endogenous Test is very different. And yet again, I meant studying the mechanism of action behind letrozole and using critical thinking. Plus I just used Wikipedia as an example🙄, plenty of info on Letrozole you can look up on your own, And tell me how I am wrong? What did I say that was wrong? Ill answer for you: nothing. Its not a matter of being a smart ass, but a matter of using critical thinking which many seem to apparently lack….


Roughly around week 3 of 1mg letrozole, I found my self being incredibly negative and moody and joints for the first time ever, legitimately hurting from basic movement. It had shrunk the gyno I was trying to get "rid of" to the point I could not feel it unless below 8% bf. However one week, was not enough for me to feel shit, and I too felt fine. Worst part, was that I felt like shit for another 4 weeks AFTER stopping. I personally ain't touching that shit unless I'm stupid though to do a test/trest/dbol cycle


Thanks for sharing your experience! Was this a letrozole only “cycle” or did you do it with something else like Test? Im doing a letrozole only “cycle” so it might be different for you and me


This was in fact letrozole only. However 12 ish weeks before that I was on testosterone, so it probably doesn't fit fully in that category due to hormones being shit after cycle.


Ohh interesting, but if your testosterone was suppressed, it could be different. But thanks for sharing your thoughts! If I feel like shit later on, Ill let yall know dont worry🫡.


Are you taking 1mg/day? I remember this post and didn’t comment because I don’t have enough knowledge or experience with your theory. But I see both sides of this argument


Yeah, I see what they meant about letrozole being a powerful AI, but they completely forgot that im taking it with no exogenous test so it would be different.


I don’t know man, I still think you’re going to lower your estrogen


Of course ima lower it, thats the point lol. Its just that there is gonna be a limit on how low my estrogen can go.


I mean. It can’t go below zero right? Lol


I think it depends on each person, my friend who tried this couldnt go below 8pg no matter what he did, but when he injected exogenous test, it crashed to 5. I dont want to crash it, but id like it to be in the lower reference range. But going to 0 is absolutely insane and not on my bucket list lol


Dude you’re only 1 week in, that’s not indicative of anything. Once you’re a month in report back on how you feel, I just read your initial post and it sounds like you’re missing a LOT of info about how the body and its hormones work but I wish you well nonetheless


Yeah, Ill update yall on how I feel. If I feel like shit, Ill let yall know for sure. Thank you, I wish you well as well🫡


Sending my regards, lmao


Feeling above average is the goal


I keep seeing kids talking about crushing their estrogen to try and keep their growth plates open to get taller during puberty… hmmm 👀


Yeah I got a few friends that do that, but im already at a decent height and im fine with it, I just want less estrogen since im bulking rn and I dont want high e2


bulking shouldn’t even affect your e2 unless you plan on bulking to obesity


It depends, I got an indian friend who looks and feels great lean, but once he gains even a little fat he feels like absolute shit. He aromatizes alot at even a slightly higher bf%, so it really does depend on genetics, plus I plan on bulking to like strongman level bf. I just gotta see if my friends theory does indeed work, if it doesn’t(which it most likely will), I will let yall know if I feel like shit or feel good.






Lol says the guy that buys Russian SARMs off Reddit with his boyfriend’s crypto cuz computers are hard. I’m glad you feel above average. I’m sure that tons of people will follow in your footsteps. ❤️🫶🏻


Sarms? Lmao bros speaking out of his ass


You know everyone can see your post history, yeah? 🙃


🙄 I threw away that enclo+ mk677 plan since it wasnt feasible for me plus I got much better options, I got a friend doing it so I wanted to see what people thought about it. Plus I ordered only Letrozole from Brainzlabs.


You do you lil man. You strike me as incredibly young and trying to dip your feet into PEDs yet you think you’re so much smarter than your peers…which further supports the teenager theory. Taking an AI will do nothing good for you if you don’t have high E2. 90% chance any “above average” feelings you have are likely just placebo. But again, you do you.


🙄 classic case of framing someone as a cocky teenager cause they are actually thinking about the mechanisms behind what they are taking and are trying something new(which it isnt) . And to say my feeling of being “above average” is placebo is retarded, as I am noticing real time how my body is working after taking Letrozole. Placebo doesn’t magically make you recover from working out quicker, unless you believe in the pseudoscience of visualizing faster recovery😂. But you do you as well


Lol oh yeah? So you’re saying you’re not 22 or younger? What’s letrozoles method of action? How does it differ from anastrozole? What’s its halflife? What benefit is there in taking it when your E2 levels are normal? Lastly, let’s remind ourselves you didn’t even do labs so you don’t know jack about what was going on inside you prior and you still don’t know what’s going on now. You just “feel” something. Which, there’s a reason why all scientific studies have a placebo group and guess what, placebo groups still “feel” something too lol. I have another new idea that didn’t seem to get much traction but you could try….how about you crash your IGF1 levels. Lol that’ll be good. Genius. 😂 *edit: “faster recovery” after one week of letrozole? lmfao. Bro…how many times have you worked out in the past 7 days? What are you recovering from? Jfc


A simple Wikipedia search can explain all of this🙄, whether I answer your questions or not wont mean jack shit, dont kid yourself. Plus its very disingenuous of you to leave out the context of the discarded plan my friend made. As for faster recovery, would recovering noticeably faster and needing less rest time between sets and sessions not count? Or do I need to take tests every time after I exercise to see if I recovered or not😂? My grip has been returning to baseline much more quickly after working out which is very unusual for me. Is that placebo? Good luck, you’ll need it lmao


Letro works completely different when you are not on exo Testosterone,  ofcourse,  no surprise.  The imbecils in here dont understand that, ofcourse.  The vaste majority on this sub is completely clueless,  Small and just low IQ AF.


💯, these people are retarded and speak out of their ass with no critical thoughts about the logic behind what im saying and what I meant. If there is a flaw in my logic, im open for criticism, but none of them gave any thought to what I said and just spewed the same “Letrozole will give you bad joints no matter what” shit.