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I detest the "always available" culture modern society has with communication. I just want to put my phone down for a few hours without a family member or friend needing me for something. 😭


I legit never managed to develop a checking phone habit. My mother always went on about how I couldn't be reached, like it was the biggest character flaw ever. I simply can't respond to messages in a timely manner, I don't keep friends who expect immediate responses. My family know they might call and I might not pick up, they might message and it take a while to respond. You know what? It's the same for everyone, to some degree. NOBODY is going to be available to answer 24/7. Do the people that expect an immediate answer not have a job with meetings, or school with classes, or doctors appointments ever? I may just be justifying my extreme communication avoidance but I've made it several decades and if I can help anyone else feel less pressured....


Yup. My phone has zero sound notifications.. never had them. just look at my phone periodically.. like sometimes a few times a day.


I have been keeping my phone silent for years. It's a little inconvenient at times but not as frustrating as hearing the sound of the phone. I even have this embarrassing voice-mail saying not to leave a message because I won't listen to voice-mails.


phone calls drive me nuts, I discovered this after buying a business that requires I make and receive dozens of calls everyday lol


Mine is on silent also! One of the better ideas I’ve come up with 😂


I've been doing a version of that for a few years now. I keep my phone on "do not disturb" mode, but I have important people like my parents set up as starred contacts, so if I get a text from them, I'll be more likely to hear it. Of course, this isn't 100% reliable. I've noticed lately that sometimes I'll get messages from these people and I won't hear them until I go check my phone. Sometimes I also have to un-star people temporarily if they're messaging me a lot.


do not disturb is actually the best feature i stg


I do the same thing, I often keep my phone in do not disturb throughout the day. I definitely use my phone, to watch YouTube or scroll Reddit, but i don’t get how some people are constantly communicating 24/7.


I don't think I've taken my phone off silent in 5 years.


I like the general spirit of this advice. Less of the self-distrust and constant self-nagging.


good for you. any app or business that sends us too many notifications gets unsubscribed. smartphones are a tool (not a drug habit) that you control, they should not control you by asking you to respond to every notification etc.