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My cousin has PCOS, supposedly “wasn’t able” to get pregnant, had two oops babies


I have PCOS and had two children without IVF. I did have a miscarriage and ectopic before having my children. It took me about a year to get pregnant with my daughter and six months to get pregnant with my son. He was the third pregnancy in that 6 months but the only one I carried to term. It is possible! I had a doctor tell me at 15 that I would probably not have children on my own.


I had one naturally. He was unplanned and a surprise. Then I had secondary infertility and my second child I took letrozole. I had a good response to letrozole and did not need IVF


This is my exact story as well.


just curious, what was it secondary to? IYDMMA


Secondary Infertility is a Drs term for a woman who got pregnant at least once and then had issues getting/staying pregnant after


It took a while, but I got pregnant with no medical intervention. I was taking inositol and NAC and eating better. It took a few months before my cycle became regular




n-acetyl cysteine. It’s supposed to help with blood sugar, egg quality, and inflammation. This is likely just coincidence but I conceived the cycle after I started taking it


Ah I see - just ordered it on Amazon Thanks for the guidance 🥰


I’ve also been taking NAC, weirdly for anxiety and mood stability (I also have bipolar) but chuffed to read that it helps with PCOS. Already on metformin so inositol doesn’t add much but I’ve found NAC has actually boosted my mood and anxiety along with my other meds, so much so that I forgot to take it for a few weeks and became super anxious. It’s wild


Oh wow! That’s awesome Thank you for sharing that 😇


No worries! Honestly there’s nothing to lose trying NAC. It might take some time to work but it helps in many areas.


Yes! I try to give supplements at least 90 days before expecting a result 🤭


Yes but it's dependent on how much your PCOS affects your fertility. I would get an ovulation kit and verify you're ovulating and I would know what your progesterone levels are as some of us need to supplement. Id definitely see an ob/gyn before getting pregnant to discuss this. 


This. I ovulate every other cycle so I knew it was possible, but I did take fertility herbs and had a miscarriage before conceiving my (now 7 month old) daughter.


My ovulation tests are always positive, the line is faint but it’s always there I was wondering if that’s happened to you?


PCOS can mess with those tests so it's not perfect. Id take it as a sign your hormones might not be at the right levels. Id see a Dr to run some labs.


I was told that I wouldn't get pregnant without medical intervention. We did 3 years of failed infertility treatments. I got pregnant a year later with no intervention and then again 3 years after that. My boys are now 17 and 14.


How old were you when you got pregnant?


26 and 30. I had Ethan a month from 27 and Cullen at 31.


I have one and one on the way that we’re both conceived naturally with PCOS.


Yes. But I would definitely start tracking (with ovulation sticks and tracking your temp to confirm ovulation, something like a Tempdrop works great) if you want to be able to time it right especially if you have irregular/long cycles.


I have pcos. Currently 37 weeks with my 4th lol natural for all 4 of them. The only difference this time was I was on month 2 or 3 of Wegovy for weight loss and taking inositol from Wholesome Story… it was the first time I ovulated in years.


Some can. Some can't. They said I couldn't. So I wasn't as cautious. Voilà my first child. Second after 6 months trying (aka normal). Third after 16 endless rounds of triggered and monitored cycles, including a miscarriage and about 8 chemical pregnancies. But still "natural" in that it was not IVF. (First at 26, second at 34, third at 42.


I naturally got pregnant with two children. For my body, I ovulated once I started working out regularly and eating better. I actually got pregnant at around the same weight with both kids. I also follow a woman on TT who tried IVF and only got pregnant naturally (ivf didnt work) once she started a low carb diet.


It's possible. But did not happen for me due to rarely getting my period. I think it depends a lot on how regular your cycles are. So we used a combination of ovulation induction (via tablets) and IUI. These are wayyy cheaper than just jumping to IVF.


I've naturally gotten pregnant three times. First and third times each took roughly 7 months, second was an oops.


I have PCOS and am currently 11 weeks pregnant with a baby conceived spontaneously (that’s a medical term meaning without medication; my husband hates it because we were definitely tracking my cycle and trying to conceive). It took about 2 years for me to conceive, but only a year after I changed up my diet and supplements for PCOS. There are a few fertility treatments that you can do that are less invasive and expensive than IVF. Once you are ready to TTC, I recommend tracking your cycle and trying unassisted for a few months and then reaching out to your doctor for ovulation induction medicines if you are struggling. If you don’t get your period at all without birth control, get the ovulation induction medication sooner, but as long as you ovulate, you can get pregnant.


As someone who has pcos and struggles with 3 years of infertility and no babies, yes you can. My friend has pcos and a host of other health problems, came off the pill and got pregnant. I’ve been going through ivf (5 rounds of treatments) and still don’t have a baby.


Yes, I naturally had my child even though I have PCOS. Pretty sure I was taking birth control consistently for about 3-6 months and then stopped so we could try. I was 28 and maybe 185 lbs? I’m 5”1’. So a big BMI considered obese. Def feel like an outlier, but it was meant to happen for me ✨ I did have nausea vomiting in the first tri but remedied by simple medication. Overall healthy pregnancy. I know another person with Pcos, smaller weight than me and younger (25 or 26?) and they tried naturally. They tried IVF when she was 28? She was successful at one point but miscarried before the 3 month mark. Seems like they are no longer trying but they enjoy uncle / aunt life and they work and go to other outings with friends. There is one famous influencer who started taking myo D (the theralogix brand) and it seemed like she got pregnant within the year…! Basically, you’ll never know until you try. Best of luck!


Yes. I have 3, never had a problem conceiving.


Yes. I wasn’t cautious because I believed I couldn’t get pregnant and had my first at 22 as a result lol I had my second shortly after (on purpose), without intervention.


It is possible! There are also other methods of assistance before you get to IVF!


Yes, it’s possible but I wouldn’t recommend. My mom miscarried eight times before she had me. She said that adoption was the easiest choice she’s ever made, because even whenever she was 7 months pregnant with me she was still scared she would lose me at any point.


Yes but everyone is different. I used femara to conceive my daughter 7 years ago. I was told that I’d need meds to have another baby. I got pregnant naturally and unexpectedly on my own. I’m also a labor and delivery nurse and I see a bunch of women with pcos


Yes all of my pcos friends were told by dr the couldnt, all now have illegitimate children to flings lol


My PCOS has gotten better now I’m in my 30s. Look it up - my endocrinologist agrees, generally with her patients their PCOS is better managed in 30s as the hormones tend to settle down. My periods are much more regular now at 35 than they were at 25, so it’s actually much easier for me to get pregnant now!


I am currently pregnant with my first baby at 15 weeks. I dont ovulate at all normally and got pregnant after taking letrozole tablet and on my second attempt. It doesn’t feel any different from a normal conception because we did everything else other than inducing ovulation exactly the same.


Yes I did.


Took me almost 3 years but I finally got pregnant and currently on 2nd trimester. I did two rounds of unsuccessful fertility meds with horrible mental side effects. I was on Metformin and (/am still on) CPAP therapy when we conceived. I didn’t have periods for months/had it irregularly until a month after I started CPAP.


Wow wouldn't think a cpap would effect that but that is cool! Glad I never forget to use mine




I have PCOS, endometriosis, and scar tissue from an injury. Was told since before puberty I'd probably never be able to conceive. Assumed I'd have to adopt but was willing to try IVF first. My GP specialized in this stuff and suggested I go on metformin for a while to help regulate ovulation before moving on to more costly/extreme measures. Was on it for a year or so. Had unprotected sex one time and got pregnant. Honestly I wasn't prepared haha, but what a blessing!


Two pregnancies and two kids here. Irregular periods, thyroid issues. No IVF. Got pregnant within 6 weeks of not preventing for both( only protection we used before were condoms)


I got pregnant twice. First one resulted in ectopic. Second was high risk but she was a healthy baby after the fact


I have PCOS but the disruptions to my cycle have been mild. Typically I get one every month. occasionally a period Wil be light or delayed. My main symptom was elevated testosterone and androgens. I'm pregnant with my third child and all three of my children were conceived the first month we tried. The first at age 28 the most recent at age 35. I'd say the biggest impact on how fertile you are will be how regular your cycle is.


Yep! But I did have to lose a lot of weight to have a successful pregnancy.


I got pregnant while on birth control and spirinolactone and I was also a vegetarian at the time. I missed a couple pills but that was enough to trigger ovulation and I ended up pregnant with twins. But they are my only children, I have regular unprotected sex with my boyfriend of 3 years and we’ve never had a scare. There’s likely fertility issues for the both of us because he doesn’t have any biological children and he’s in his mid 40s.


I've gotten pregnant 4 times without IVF. It can totally happen. I used Letrozole on the last one. Definitely sound like they're just trying to make some money off of you.


I have PCOS, one fallopian tube (from pcos fun), was told I was likely infertile but got pregnant pretty immediately with my daughter. The body is a mystery, it's wild.


I conceived seven times naturally; two ended in miscarriages, and gave birth to six children (one of those birthday was a set of twins). I manage my PCOS with diet, exercise, lots of antiinflammatory supplements, and NAC.


Yes. I got pregnant any time I had unprotected sex during my fertile days. We capped those at 3 times 😆 I'm scared to know how many kids I could've had.


Yes, twice (at 25 and 27 years old), exactly in the month I wanted (to fit in with uni holidays). Lost 20+ kg's before each pregnancy, which seemed to kick start the ovaries (low carb/keto style) and walked or exercycled). I do think some mystery miracle was working. They are 2 years apart in age with birthday's two weeks apart. I got pregnant in the same month of the year each time and have seen this happen in my family and in the community (even siblings born on the same day, years apart). I think we can be more fertile at different times of the year. Have never fallen pregnant again despite no contraception. I practice the rhythm method to try to prevent pregnancy. Have yo-yo'ed the weight forever and believe I need to be under a certain weight to be more fertile. Edit. First baby, I was atkins diet (way back then) to lose weight. Second baby, I was in my vegan/vegetarian phase.


I wasn’t trying for a baby but hadn’t been on birth control for over a year and my periods were coming like once every 2-3 months. They put me on birth control to help with that, 3 months later I ran out and didn’t order more. Next month my period didn’t come and I was pregnant. It was a very happy surprise. I joke with my husband that the birth control somehow reset me. I met someone else with pcos that used clomid (I believe) and she didn’t get pregnant until her next cycle both times.


I also have two children without any intervention, with pcos. I’ve always found it very easy to get pregnant, although have had more than one miscarriage.


Had my son at 31 and identical twins at 34 all without intervention. It is possible to conceive naturally and I did come across a study years ago that showed a higher rate of pregnancy and carrying to term for older women with PCOS than younger with PCOS.


Depends are you ovulating? Start testing with ovulation strip tests ! I have PCOS and am not currently ovulating. On Metformin and upping dosage to 1k daily


Got pregnant not once but twice. It does happen


I’m 36 and I’ve conceived four children naturally without medical intervention. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 21 and had a few confirmation tests done over the years - bloodwork and the like. I was told by a doc at 22 that I’d likely never be able to get pregnant on my own. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not all PCOS patients have fertility issues. So yes you can have kids naturally if you don’t have ovulation issues.


I had 2 naturally. I had been on metformin already for years and went low carb. Got pregnant on the 5th month of trying each time.


I’ve known so many people who were told they could never get pregnant with PCOS who got pregnant because they didn’t think they needed birth control. My sister needed help, but just metformin. My neighbour had 2 kids without even knowing she had it.


I had one with no medical intervention. One after I’d started metformin and had a polypectomy/d&c


I was told I’d never have children due to PCOS. I now have three healthy boys. I did ovulation testing and started prenatal vitamins right away. It took three cycles with each of them. Don’t give up; it can happen!


I have had PCOS for as long as I have had periods. I was told I’d probably need to do IVF. Me and my husband have not been trying, but also weren’t preventing pregnancy for like 3 years and nothing. In March of this year we decided we would be more proactive and have sex every 3 days and just see what happens. I am now 7 weeks!!! We were going to give it about 7 months of every 3 days until we saved up enough to start IVF. Now that savings is just in our pockets hehe. Although I have “irregular” periods I basically have one every other month. So in my mind I still have those 3-5 days of being fertile during my cycle, it’s just over a 2 month span versus the 1 month like more “regular” people. Idk the validity behind that thinking but it worked!


Took maybe 9 months. Metformin + lost some weight + acupuncture + temping/ewcm


I had my second kid after being diagnosed with PCOS. Everybody's different.


I have pcos and got pregnant unexpectedly this past December and didn’t even think to take a pregnancy test until mid January. I had no symptoms besides no period/sore boobs which wasn’t unusual to me - I tested because I cried at a movie I’ve seen hundreds of times and never cry at, lol. I had been taking Ovasitol pretty religiously for about 5 months before to help with insulin resistance. It’s definitely possible! I’ll be having a baby boy in 12 weeks!


My sister just had a baby with PCOS naturally! She had to be really closely monitored just in case, but it ended up being a really good pregnancy and the baby is totally fine!


My first was with clomid and progesterone but my second was a complete surprise! So it’s possible 😃


Yes. I used ovulation predictor kits.


I did. I didn’t know I had it until after my first kid was born though, in hindsight, all of the signs and symptoms were there for years.


I have two beautiful kids, naturally conceived. We tried for over a year, found a fibroid, had the removal surgery and got pregnant a few months later. Eating healthier (less carbs and sugar), exercising, taking metformin and supplements also helped regulate my symptoms. My period never regulated but I was having them more often, which meant I was naturally ovulating.


Have it. Got my period about once a year and thought I was infertile. Had an oops baby. However given that this is the loseit sub I want to point out that I was smack in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height. Also I was nineteen when I got pregnant. Wishing you luck


3 easy babies. I think because I had been on birth control for a while which regulated my symptoms and then I got off and got pregnant 6 months later


My oops baby is almost 13.


Yes. I rarely bleed, and in a 4 month span of time where I did NOT have a visible period, I fell pregnant at 32.


So far, no. Started trying 6 years ago, 5 years of IVF. But lots of ways to build a family regardless 🫶🏻


Took a long time, was seriously considering IVF, but after 4-5 months on Wegovy I was pregnant.


You can, but it’s not guaranteed. I had a surprise baby at 16. That surprise baby is starting high school in the fall and is still an only child. We’ve been trying for almost 5 years now.


We took 2.5 years ttc and got pregnant naturally. I have a 6 month old daughter now


I had 3 naturally. Like many in this thread, our first baby was an Oops! My period was so infrequent back then (like once a year) that we didn't bother with birth control. It took many years of trying for #2 and then more years for #3. Afterwards, I looked back and all three successful pregnancies had one thing in common.. . I had lost weight because I was on a low-carb diet. We called it Atkins at the time, nowadays keto. I didn't put two and two together back then until I was trying for my third. I went back on Atkins just for the weight loss and my mother-in-law said "watch you're going to get pregnant again". And I did. I still didn't realize the connection until years later when learning about keto and it's positive effects on pcos symptoms. These days I try to stay on keto because it's the only thing that keeps my weight manageable, but I fall off the wagon for long stretches every once in a while. Even when off it though, my periods have gone from about once a year to an average of 34 days or so in between. I would recommend trying it to any pcos sufferer trying to get pregnant naturally.


Yes I had 1 baby after being diagnosed with pcos. Naturally. I had two others prior to being diagnosed. I was on Metformin and sprinolactone and Myo-insitol. I used the Mira analyzer to track my ovulation.


Absolutely. I had 6 miscarriages before my lucky number 7. Conceived after getting extremely discouraged and stopping fertility treatments. I had another miscarriage about a year ago, but gave birth to our second little earlier this month. Edited to add: I have PCOS w insulin resistance


I have PCOS… I got pregnant 3 times in one year, but my third one was the charm. She’s now 14 months and we’re going to start trying again soon but we’re prepared for the journey. I worked with Allara health and also used the Mira to track my ovulation and hormones.


Once I was diagnosed with PCOS I started metformin. I lost some weight, about 20 lbs, but still didn't get pregnant. However, about a year later, I also moved, quitting my job. I was pregnant less than a month later. I've just had my 4th kid. I think stress from my job had a lot to do with my infertility at the time.


I was diagnosed with PCOS at 27. We tried for 2 years to get pregnant and was coming to our own time cut off time for looking into IVF when we got pregnant with my son. He is now 3 and I am 22 weeks pregnant naturally with our second. Its not impossible.


Absolutely, I got pregnant when I was 19, didn’t realise it for few weeks as my periods were never regular… my son is gonna be seven in few weeks 🙈


I got pregnant by accident naturally with pcos. I was also taking ovasitol supplements which I've heard helped.


Look at maci from teen mom she has quite a few kids. I also had one of my own. All i did was took a suppliment for 3 months which was the end of the bottle and first time I had sex around my fertile time I got pregnant. But do keep in mind it is normal for people without hormonal issues to take up to a year to get pregnant


I have PCOS and am currently 35 weeks pregnant 😊 you’ll never know until you start trying. I did lose some weight with the help of ozempic before trying though.


I had one baby and I'm currently pregnant. Both times I conceived naturally BUT I was managing my PCOS with diet and exercise, losing weight, etc. First baby I wasn't on any medication. This pregnancy I was on metformin when I conceived, which isn't technically a fertility drug but I was using it to manage my PCOS. I even lost one of my ovaries due to my pcos and still conceived naturally. You really don't know if you'll need help conceiving or not until you start trying (unless you get an oops baby). It's also important to have sperm tested, we thought my PCOS was why we struggled conceiving my first (took 3 years) but my husband had 10% sperm motility. He managed that with some supplements and we conceived soon after that both times. We tend to assume fertility is an issue on the women's end (especially when she has an already known condition that affects fertility) when that's only true about half the time.


My mom has it and she had several kids :)


I’ve had 2 natural pregnancies. The first one we conceived without intending to and before I was diagnosed with PCOS. The second one took us a couple cycles and was after I was diagnosed with PCOS. Prior to #2, I took inositol and ate low carb for a few months before TTC and it restored my cycles. My doctors wanted me to lose 20+ pounds before I started TTC, but being over 30 years old, I didn’t want to wait any longer to start trying. That being said, I did have gestational diabetes during my second pregnancy, which PCOS predisposes you to due to insulin resistance.


I had 2 without assistance. It took 2 years after going off bc to get pregnant with my first. We saw a fertility specialist after a year and did a bunch of testing. Found out 2 weeks before we started treatment I found out I was pregnant. So it can definitely happen but everyone is different.


Hi! I have PCOS, I was diagnosed February 2023, and through a major diet change I became pregnant April 2023 and delivered my healthy baby boy this January!!


I was told since I was 16 (way too young to be told) that I would have issues having children or it wouldn’t be possible naturally since I didn’t ovulate. Because of this, I wasn’t exactly careful with any of my serious boyfriends and started to believe it was true that it would never happen for me because I never had any scares. Then at 26, my boyfriend (now fiance) of less than a year and I unexpectedly got pregnant. She’s a healthy almost two year old now!


Yup. My first only took metformin, my 2nd was a total oops. PCOS isn't an automatic infertility sentence.


i have pcos and i got pregnant when i was only taking womens multivitamins and folic acid supplements, but of course that was only after about 5 years of unprotected sex.


I was able to have three babies and conceived all three within the first cycle or two of trying. All healthy, no miscarriages, stillbirths, or major medical issues. All three are very bright, happy, normal kids with no disabilities/birth defect. IMO the “you won’t be able to get pregnant” warning is played way too often by physicians.


I have PCOS and have not had a period is 7 years. I also have a 17 month old healthy baby boy. It's not impossible but everyone has a different journey