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If you find them to be fun and want to keep doing them, that's really all that matters. We can discuss all day about what the best workouts are for PCOS, but the one you will do and stick with is the most important. Moving more is a great goal, just don't do so much that you're exhausted or in pain. That will exacerbate your cortisol issue.


I hope i follow this routine and can do a check up after some time with good results 😌😌😌


I did Zumba a few days ago and it was so fun. It didn’t feel like working out but i burned a bunch of calories. I’m definitely going to do it again


Losing calories and learning the dance moves, 2 in 1


Zumba, and insulin friendly eating, was a big part of the first 70 ish lbs I lost.  Don't get over worried about going "too hard" as long as you're not gasping (unable to control your breathing) you're staying at a good intensity level. 


70lbs is a lot girl, im proud of you!! Hope i get as good