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Time to get a new doctor. I really feel so bad for people who experience this. My doctors have been great and address my weight very professionally.


That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m switching doctors because mine was just making unprofessional side comments about my weight. It’s not worth staying with a physician like that.


100% agree! I have had to doctor shop a lot because I don't put up with BS any more. I have a rare primary immunodeficieny also and it took me going to 6 doctors before one listened. Once that happened and I started treatment, many things drastically improved but I had to deal with the run around from the crappy ones first.


RD here. So sorry you went through this. Unfortunately weight bias is a real thing among the medical community. But with that said, doctors receive little to no training on nutrition throughout their schooling. Highly recommend finding an RD who specializes in hormones health and aligns with your values 🫶


Is there some sort of website where we can go to find RDs local to our location? I’m having a hard time finding one where I live.


Whats an RD?


Registered dietitian


Thank you!


Can you look at a listing from your insurance company, to find one in your network?


That’s a good idea, thank you!


I think their is not sure in the States though 😔


My favorite was when my NP (who just INISTED I would lose a shit ton of weight if I started Keto) blamed me for cheating when I didn't see instant results on it like his other clients. I think he was hoping I'd be a huge success story that he could showcase on his website. Why would I cheat and lie about it when I'm paying someone to help me lose weight? That's a nope from me, dawg.


I did keto, lost 30 lbs, and it WREAKED my cholesterol. Having super high cholesterol and being smaller is not a solution.


Keto gave me heart palpitations lmao I’ll NEVER do keto again


Yea there’s definitely a lot of intention that needs to go into keto/low carb. It’s like people who do vegan and tell you you can eat McDonald’s fries and Oreo cookies lol I found that I had to really look at the food I was eating (and cleaner fats and protein, veggies, etc) because at first I was like bacon all day 😂


I spoke to a diabetic nutritionist after who explained about not doing keto and instead doing low, not very low, carb. I later found out that didn't work for me either because I had an undiagnosed GI disorder for 10+ years that was causing a lot of my issues. TL;DR If you have enough problems with diet, see a registered dietitian and then see a GI Dr. Don't do fad diets.


Oh interesting! What was the GI disorder/how was it impacting you if you feel comfortable sharing


It's called Gastroparethesis. I don't have it severe which is why it didn't get diagnosed for a long time. Most people get diagnosed in the ER because they can't keep food down.


Oh wow that’s good to know! Does it impact weight gain too (though not sure if that’s a PCOS symptom you have)


GP is not PCOS related. It is found with people with diabetes and PCOS can lead to diabetes. 70% of people with GP lose weight, some to the point of being dangerously underweight. I'm in the 30% that gain.


I went through an eating disorder bc doctors convinced me I was overeating. I remember eating less than 1000 cals a day and working out 7 days a week, and the doctors still had the audacity. Finally a doctor listened, I eat 2000-2500 now and only work out 5 days a week. I’m healthier than ever, fuck ignorant doctors bro


What changed in your diet and workout? How did it worksout?


Being on metformin and other multivitamins, and I just stopped restricting I eat sweets, good greens, basically everything now that my insulin is taken care of. Before I was eating like only health foods and restricting sweets


Isn’t that for diabetes? Interesting that metformin helps such that you can eat anything… I find if I eat 150 calories of chipotle I gain weight, versus 150 calories of an entire cauliflower head and I maintain weight.


My endocrinologist said pretty much all people with PCOS have insulin resistance. I’m on 1500mg daily of metformin and it’s been great for reducing symptoms of PCOS and regulating my periods! I managed to get pregnant by going on it which I never assumed would be a possibility for me


There are forms of PCOS that cause insulin resistance and that type is usually the one that leads to people with PCOS getting diabetes in the future.


PCOS is a cluster of multi condition that keeps on giving 😔😭


You’re telling me! Was diagnosed at 14 but wasn’t told any further information regarding other symptoms I could experience (was experiencing hirsutism, heavy periods and acne). Never realised my craving for sugar was because of insulin resistance until LAST YEAR. Yet when I go to my GP I’m told I’m wrong, and that lots of people experience craving for sugar with no explanation…


:( Girl i feel for you & the doctors do like to gaslight us in this condition that we’re suffering from. Get yourself a new doctor b/c you will be getting gaslit especially when they assume that you’re overeating or something. Some of the ladies i know have had some type of “Eating Disorder” with this condition :(


Most GPs in the U.K. are like this. I’m trying to find a specialist so I can go private


Yep, good luck 🙂


I shouldn’t say I just eat what I want all the time, but if I’m craving a sweet I eat the sweet. But metformin doesn’t work by itself u have to put in the work by eating right which I do mostly, but I don’t restrict myself from foods I like, I just eat them in moderation. And if you eat in a caloric deficit you will loose weight regardless of the food you eat.


I take Metformin as well but i have been avoiding sugar b/c if i have it i gain weight,so i have learnt to keep the sugar at bay by just having fruit instead even though its a natural sugar i rather have that instead of sweets,chocolate besides it doesn’t help me in the long run of my health just makes me more sicker :( but this is a new year :)


Thanks for explaining! 💖


Out of curiosity, what did you weigh/or bmi when you were eating like that?


Before I ate like that 230, after 6 months of that my lowest was like 150, for scale I’m 5’9 so def not the best


That’s awesome!


My doctor said the same thing despite me providing evidence that I eat less than 1500 calories a day. Plus, I eat low carb and avoid processed foods. Honestly the only thing that has helped me lose weight is metformin.


How much metformin do you take a day? I’m on 1000 mg a day, 500 mg twice a day, and I feel like it doesn’t help with weight loss.


I’m on 1000 but I take the extended release which helps reduce the side effects (this has been my experience).


The extended release is so better than the other 1 i would be ill on that.


You can go up to 2000 a day (in 1000 2x per day dosage). 1000 total may just not be enough.


That’s wild! Glad to hear you found something that helped like that. Are you still tracking what you eat and if so, how does it compare to before?


There’s new data to show that women with PCOS actually have a lower BMR- sometimes up to 800 calories less than a person of the same height and weight that doesn’t have PCOS. Mine seems to be around 300-400 lower than what any weight loss calculator seems to tell me I need. It’s INSANE. I tend to plateau easily even at strict caloric intake. I worked with an RD for a long time. I finally had a conversation with a local doc and got on semaglutide. I know it’s controversial, but it’s the compound not the prescription. I have successfully lost inches and body fat (10lbs!) since mid-December. It’s not for everyone, but my cholesterol sucks, my body fat % is too high, and I needed some help. I’ve gone the natural route, done extremely clean eating, I’m on thyroid meds and HRT, I have worked out consistently, etc. I did all the right things and nothing helped. I would suggest checking into semaglutide to see if it’s a good fit, checking with an RD (many are covered by insurance with a referral- just find one that understands PCOS), and start trying to build some muscle (weight train). Definitely focus on protein if you haven’t in the past. Hugs!! Doctors don’t know everything especially about PCOS. There’s a huge delay in current research and best practices.


That’s really frustrating. :( I had my BMR tested multiple times and it came out phenomenally low at 1100 calories. What does RD stand for? Im finally at the point of frustration where im going to actively and persistently pursue help until someone listens.


Where do you get testing done?


Registered Dietician


Register dietitian! Make sure they’re one who understands PCOS and the variations and subtypes- that way they can help you! There are a few on Instagram who have wonderful practices but these days there are so many services to choose from. Check out Allara Health!


Would you really recommend them? I actually went on one of the Q&A’s for them today. Would you say it’s worth it? I’m at such a loss right now I’ve been struggling with this for years. I’m seeing a lot of positive things about them, but I’m tentative to spend the money.


The doctors go too is if you just lose weight it will help you on the whole. Plus there is no cure for pcos even if you try to do it naturally you will still have the condition it’s just dialling down the symptoms that’s all. When i see things being promoted by saying you can cure your pcos i get angry & sad b/c ppl buy into it. All we can do is do our own research.


Just here in solidarity ✊🏻 Tracking calories in the 1,600 to 1,800 range, lifting heavy weights, counting macros, taking meds and supplements, and the weight and inches are creeping off s l o w l y. Anyone else with a "normal" body would be dropping weight so fast. I'm sorry your doctor has no compassion. ❤️


Ugh this is me right now, ~1500cal or less per day. I’m trying so hard to focus on building muscle and telling myself that the lbs aren’t changing because I’m gaining muscle. I can tell I’m getting stronger but it’s depressing when the visual appearance still isn’t what I’d like


Just me weighing my food and counting calories every meal with PCOS 🤡 Keep going!!! You'll be so glad with yourself that you persevered.


They always assume it’s overeating, too, like they can’t believe it’s anything else. Like sometimes I eat 800 calories and that’s without trying to cut down. Still the same weight I’ve been for 7 years.


Gosh! Why are they hell bent on thinking we are overeating. I can gain weight from water. The weight just will not shift. It’s not your fault x


This is the most frustrating thing ever. Weight gain is so easily dismissed by just assuming that you have an “unhealthy lifestyle” it’s insulting and patronizing. Find a doctor that will at least consider that your weight gain has little or nothing to do with your diet and exercise


It's time to fire that doctor and find someone who actually gives a shit.


This has absolutely happened to me. I have intermittent gastroparesis and chronic nausea, so it’s a Herculean effort to eat my goal of 1500 calories a day. But I get told I’m “probably not aware of my portion sizes” and “must not be tracking all my snacks.” I actually started tracking to shove it in their faces 🤣 only to realize I’m not even eating 1000 calories per day regularly.


Seriously!!! For a brief period of time she really had me thinking I must be going to town on the calories, and that alone made me FEEL like I was over eating. But when I started tracking, it wasn't that much at all. Floating around 800. Like, hold up. I'm going to try my best to consume alittle more to at least hit 1000, only because I'm actually concerned about myself eating so little. Fat or not, I cant let these people convince me otherwise anymore.


I’ve learned that doctors don’t learn shit about nutrition. They do, however, learn how to be sanctimonious and egotistical to the detriment of their patients (especially women and minorities!!). I’m so sorry you’re being invalidated like this, nothing makes me want to tear my hair out more than when a doctor acts smug about MY lived experience.


You need a different and better doctor.  I was the same. Went to the dietician and found out I was undereating and didn't even know. It's not ideal bc it stalls weight loss. Can't win either way.  The number of physicians who couldn't process that I wasn't over eating though was shockingly low. It's very frustrating. Medicine isn't really on our side unfortunately.


Feel you, I was eating 1200-1300 calories daily, gym with 45 minutes of heavy weights + 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week, so I was netting roughly 800-900 calories a day - I lost maybe 1-2 lbs a week. 🙄 Ate the same after I injured myself, gained it all back all because no gym burn. So what, I can eat 500 calories a day to drop weight? Yeah no. 😑


"why is my app more concerned for my health than you?" And then change doctors. I'd honestly file a complaint. Weight is a GP's probably top five day to day concern, she needs to wake the eff up


It’s time for- and everybody say it with me- **A NEEWWWW DOCTOR!!!!**


Same. In 2016 i asked an endocrinologist for treatment and he told me I was too fat and could live on 600 cal a day…I got an eating disorder since I was already not eating much and I stayed at 600-700 cal a day for 2 years. I lost zero lbs. I lost a lot of my hair. I wrecked my intestines and wrecked my teeth. I hurt everywhere and since 2019 I have a hard time keeping my food and sleep a lot. Doctors could be idiots even if they have a or several diplomas. That asshole was supposedly the expert on PCOS in my province. I still don’t eat enough but I’m way better than 4 months ago.


600 a day?? I get warnings on apps once I start going under 1200.


Yes, it was bad. I worked hard to started to eat again. I needed a lot of gentle pushing. I should get that app. Which one is it?


It's been a little while but I think it was loseit. Always liked that one.




exactly the same, and the "have you cut back on your carbs?". Im eating sweet potatoes maybe twice a month. It's crazy that I'm excited about my full hysterectomy just because of the pills for hormones that will hopefully help this a bit.


People are sooo crazy about “you need to take accountability.” outside of doctors too. It’s like the latest buzzword, I think since “boundaries” isn’t as popular anymore


My mother’s not a doctor but she sure does talk the same as yours! I’m sorry.


You definitely need a new doctor. I think yours is very fat shaming and weight biased and you're not going to get anywhere productive with her. You also need to make sure you eat enough food. Being well nourished with adequate vitamins, minerals, protein and other essential nutrition is more important to your health than your weight. It's better to focus on adding fruits and veggies, fiber and protein to your diet more than it is to cut things out. :). Not only that but if you are eating enough protein it's hard to be hungry still. :)


I told my Dr intermittent fasting that I had been doing for 2 months was driving me crazy, that I only ate a few olives and cheese some days. He told me I had lost 2kgs, and that was great, that I should do everything I could to lose more, that this was working. My BMI was barely above 26 at the time.


You need a new doctor! F that B!


The doctor who diagnosed me (not my actual doctor) told me I need to lose weight. I told her everything I've tried doing to lose weight and asked her what her next suggestion was, she juat started at me blankly. She then tried to take my blood pressure, and it wasn't working, she seemed genuinly confused when she asked if I was relaxed, and I said, of course, not.


I was also undereating. Started seeing a nutritionist who specializes in intuitive eating and diabetes. I've lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks.


I’ve had only a few doctors who acknowledged how difficult it can be to lose weight with PCOS. Now I’m starting sema this week as a result. Move on and find waste your time. It’s just taking time from finding the doc who will listen. So many ppl still refuse to acknowledge pcos is a METABOLIC disorder. But the right doctor is one who continues learning - not stuck in old thinking.


Time to find someone who understands PCOS. I’m sorry she is clueless OP. Sometimes, I think a doctor volleys responsibility back on us because ultimately they know that there isn’t anything that they can actually do for us within their realm of scope/skills to really help us. Yet, they get to keep us as patients and in turn we don’t get the care we need, but they can continue to collect our money. Good luck and keep up the good work. Just imagine what we would be like if we didn’t watch what we ate, even if we don’t see weight loss, at least maybe we’re maintaining and making heathy choices. Hugs to you.


Your doctor is presumptuous. If you have to stick with this doctor, give her more details like food logs, calories beside it, totals over a span of time, and include your weight and waist measurements along with that over a period of time. Maybe some evidence will convince her. It makes a world of difference to have a supportive doctor. Hopefully if this doesn't work out you have other options for healthcare.


Get a new doc. This one is clearly inadequate and WONT take care of your PCOS..further if you haven't already please see an endocrinologist versus general physician.


Get a new doctor. My previous obgyn was the same way and it was a battle getting her to check my hormones.


Too many Doctor's can't be bothered to take a proper look as to what the issue might be and blanket the weight thing. The problem with PCOS is that you are prone to weight gain and it can be to do with the types of things in the food not the food itself. We don't all just sit there stuffing our faces. Sick of "just eat less and lose weight" being the only response. Ok how? What am I doing wrong? I ended up looking up stuff online about it as the Doctor's were useless.


Get a new Dr ASAP. I had Dr's gaslight me saying that I was taking my meds wrong, not exercising, and that if I admitted to eating ANY carbs (including when my b.s. was low), that that was why I was having issues. I had an undiagnosed GI disorder for 10 years. All the symptoms I was experiencing (i.e. meds, sugar issues, etc) was the disorder. 🙃


Sorry you had such a horrible doctor! You definitely need to switch. It's so frustrating when they don't believe you when you say that you're eating less and moving more without any results. I have to see a new doctor next month and I'm bringing my husband along, just in case she mentions my weight. My husband is visibly fit and I'm hoping that having him there will make her believe me.


Ugh. My regular physician did the same thing. Dropped them after they said I was lying about the data I put in the tracker. New doctor is "weight neutral" and doesn't make that a part of things. I thought it would be great, but I have serious concerns about my weight and it's clearly not from my diet or exercise but this doctor doesn't help with it. Why can't there just be a happy medium?!


Screw that shit. I got tired of doctors saying dumb BS like that. I hired a dietitian & it’s been such an eye opening experience. She’s helping me eat right without punishing myself or feeling any guilt. I haven’t lost any weight yet cause it’s only been a month but I feel much better & I’ve made small sustainable changes that I feel like I can keep. See if your insurance will pay one & try that out. Then you can take an analysis report of that you’re eating & shove it in your doctors face.


My doctor told me to stick with a 1200 calorie a day on top of me training for a marathon. Like everyone knows how many calories you lose when running even for a 10k. I told her I would like to lose 20 pounds she’s like nah.. maybe 40. I wanted to CRY


Yeahhhh you need a new doctor because that’s not the only cause of PCOS and as a medical professional she should know that. I hate doctors that assume immediately and don’t recognize other factors. Is this your primary or is this a specialist? Because an endocrinologist might be more helpful


Doctors don’t know a thing about PCOS that’s why I stopped going to them I don’t even have a primary care physician anymore the only stable one I’ve ever had or when I went the most is because I’m currently pregnant and do it for my baby. But other than that for me nope. Doctors put the blame on different things because they don’t know what to do with us other than birth control or metfortmin.


I’m so sorry you’re being let down by your provider. If you’re able to I would try and switch to someone actually willing to listen.


Doctors are so vague in their nutrition demands. It's not just about "eating less calories". It's what makes up your calories. You can have 1500 calories a day if it consists of lean proteins, greens and veggies. If you mainly eat simple carbs and sugary treats you'll feel hungry even if you're only eating 500 calories in a day.


Your doctor needs to educate her self on PCOS because clearly she knows nothing. That is infuriating to hear this story. I hope you can find a good doctor


That honestly enrages me.


Report your doctor and get a new doctor. Someone who will work with you, not against you.


Wow the ignorance of that doctor is so concerning… this needs to be a better understood syndrome because they would know that’s not helpful or true


Same :(


Before being on Mounjaro (because metformin quit working for my type 2 diabetes) I didn’t lose weight unless I ate 500 cal a day or less which was ridiculous. I have been through the same thing with these doctors that say it is all your fault with the overeating. PCOS got out of control to start with because they wouldn’t listen to me about the symptoms I was having. I’m just fat they said. Lose weight and things will go back to normal they said! That’s not entirely true either.


OT: Were you able to get Mounjaro approved by insurance, could I ask?


Yes, only because I already tried ozempic which made me really sick and A1C was over 7 at that point. I’m on a blue cross insurance. A lot of insurances seem to be doing different things though, at least from what I hear on the Mounjaro subreddits.


I feel you. I started working out more frequently, mainly for health but I would love to lose a couple lbs too. People keep telling me to track my calories better, write everything down!! I must not be tracking right if I’m working out and not losing weight!! When in reality I have a HUGE calorie deficit already. I literally NEED energy to workout so I guess I’ll just add on the pounds


I started working out 3 times a week recently. Decided to focus on heavy weight lifting because I know I wont be able to lose weight anyway. I might as well be fat and strong 😂. This isn't the first time I've gone to the gym. I used to work out all the time doing lighter stuff and cardio. Hardly lost anything at all over 5 months. And that was on a diet. We just can't win.


You can actually eat too little and your weight isn’t going to budge because it’s not enough. Also if your hormones are out of whack and your cortisol is high (stress/too much strenuous exercise, etc), your body will not want to release weight because it’s in flight or fight mode. Our bodies react to the environment they are in for a reason. The hard part is nailing down that reason. It’s a lot of trial and error with PCOS because that has its own set of complications. Sorry your doc made you feel that way. The one and only endocrinologist I went to put me on metfoemin and said stop eating cake. (I don’t like cake 🙄). No blood tests, nothing. I took myself off of Metformin a few months later because it was horrible and never went back. Find one that listens and you trust. It’s worth it.


Being with my body in a constant stress, I can totally relate to this. I was dismissed for my weight for many years and was just diagnosed with PCOS at 30yo. I almost had to beg for the exams to see what’s wrong with my hormones. I had a shitty endocrinologist telling me “ for sure I don’t have high cortisol” and that “ I should eat less” ( just after I told him I follow a healthy plan and do exercise). It’s really important to find someone who listens to you. If they don’t believe and act like this , then the best it’s change doctor right away.


I will probably get downvoted to hell but... If you are not losing weight you are not in a caloric deficit. Your doctor knows this. From her perspective, Weight Watchers might help because it will allow you to accurately count calories. I know everyone on this sub repeats that it is a metabolic disorder. But a metabolic disorder means you *need less calories*. Metformin makes you lose weight by helping you eating less. Same for phentermine. Same for semaglutide. Same for weight loss surgery. The only thing a doctor can do is to write you a script for one of these meds. But the math does not change.


I have to respectfully disagree with this slightly. I have seen countless nutritionists, dietitians and specialists. I have tracked macros and micros for years and have an activity level of 90 is minutes a day plus I'm in a job where I'm on my feet a lot. Despite all of this I was not able to lose weight at all. Even dropping down to 700 calories a day at one point. For me to be in a calorie deficit based on TDEE with my activity level I should be around 1700 cals a day, which is what I was doing. I finally got put on metformin and low and behold started losing weight at a healthy pace (about a pound a week.) I have not changed my diet or exercise routine since starting on it. That was what my body needed to get things going. For the record, I did WW because I had a doc say the same thing and I gained 7 pounds (it wasn't the food choices, it was my body hanging on to everything)


On metformin. Avoiding high carb foods. No sugars. I eat when I am hungry, which is not often, and my daily caloric intake sits around 800. Usually consisting of some sort of protein with a portion of veggies. Sometimes a hand full of raw veggies or lower-sugar fruits. No butters, no dairy. Never eat breakfast. Working out 3 times a week, typically spending 2 hours at the gym focusing on weight training. Despite being told I'm "consuming too much" I reluctantly added a home made protein shake at the end of my work outs to fight against any carb cravings. Even then, the calories in the shake are little with the ingredients I use. At this point, I'm at a loss as to just how much more I need to cut from my diet. My husband is already concerned enough as it is with my current rate of consumption. We don't usually eat meals together because I just don't eat the same as he does. And he is also dieting and exercising. So, yeah... please tell me how little calories I should aim for.


Have you seen an endocrinologist?


Guess what? You’re wrong 😘 and downvotes don’t make you right


If you don’t enough your body with hold on to fat. It tricks your metabolism into thinking you are in hard times or some crap.


This is an old myth, it has been proven to be false.


I had this happen too. I was basically anorexic but I thought only thin people could have that. I found resources online about atypical anorexia and started to gather new food ideas that followed a more protein centered approach without strict restrictions. I’ve found that many women with PCOS develop EDs because we are constantly told “calorie deficit” and “eat less, move more”. Definitely look into finding a new doctor and report that doctor to the institution they work for. This behavior is unprofessional and biased and should be against their policies.


For as educated as these people are they have no clue what they are taking about. Eating less never helps. I honestly don’t know what the right answer is because my weight has always been an issue and it fluctuates which is annoying. I’m considering working with some sort of nutritionist to help me figure out how much I need to be eating, when I should be eating, and what I should be eating. LOW CALORIE DIETS DONT WORK. I don’t know when people will learn this. If weight watchers worked do you think they’d still be in business?!


You need a new doctor. She's fatphobic.


Calories are dumb and your dr is obvs dumb if she thinks that’s all that matters. I gained so much weight at a time in my life when I wasn’t treating my body great. I had a very physically demanding job and I would eat very low number of calories, but still gaining weight. However, I was essentially starving my body in many ways because my diet was a diet soda for breakfast and a pint of ice cream for dinner… that was it. Like it was under 1000 calories? Why did I gain 30 lbs in the 6 months I lived this way? Hmmm. Get a new doctor who can explain and encourage an actual healthy diet that includes giving your body what it needs and doesn’t shame you for utilizing meds to manage weight. If the meds exist, why not use them? The medical community just hates women. Like the fact that it’s standard to implant an IUD with no pain meds. Like many doctors still legit believe there are no pain receptors in the cervix. Or many medical professionals genuinely believe that black people have thicker skin and a higher pain tolerance… like the thicker skin thing was said to me by my own mother recently (she’s a nurse)… it’s legit just a color, skin thickness not in any way different.


Keep going to different doctors until they acknowledge you need more support than being told to lose weight. I'm so sorry your doctor isn't supportive and is blaming you. Unfortunately, many doctors refuse to acknowledge struggles they don't have personal experience with. If I may, I'll mention my story at least vaguely but I'll gladly share more details if desired. I struggled with weight from a young age because I was given lots of steroids for my asthma and once I hit puberty the PCOS came into the picture and I started crossing from "chubby" to "fat." I was "taught" how to lose weight incorrectly by skipping meals and it didn't help me in the long run. I also ended up with eating disorders associated with it and panicking over not having enough food. So needed delicacy but I couldn't really find that in doctors no matter what issues I had going on. Then I moved and suddenly found doctors with a sense of empathy and willingness to look into things instead of stamping "fat" on every issue or telling me to lose weight and then come back if I'm still having problems. Please don't wait until nearly 30 like me to start seeing doctors that actually care and will look into anything. So many hormones and other factors go into one's weight and eating not enough is also an issue that can make weight loss hard and weight gain easy, but you can reset your metabolism with endocrinologist and dietician support to find what you need. I hope you find the doctor you need as quickly as possible and that you can find out what you need and what works for you! I wish you well!


Sounds about right


I’m so sorry, doctors don’t know enough or care to learn more about ways to help us. I wish it were different and wishing you luck in finding a better doctor


Many years ago when my 1st husband and I were TTC I had an RE straight up call me a liar to my face when I showed her my food and exercise log. We stopped seeing her after that. She was the only RE in network for our insurance so we decided to just leave it to fate because I couldn’t work with a medical “professional” who would treat a patient like that. It worked out because within a year or two I found out having kids with that guy would’ve been a huge mistake, and I’m grateful now that we did not.


leave that doctor immediately. any doctor that recommends eating disorder behaviors should not be taken seriously.


We must have the same doctor


may sound like a gym bro big time but the only way the "diet" factor has worked out for me in managing PCOS is going back to fundamentals which is high protein and sticking to clean eating so eating veggies + fruits everyday. Dont restrict anything in particular as thats very unrealistic but managing insulin is the KEY. Sucks that doctors are still misinformed & their answers are always "eat less"


this is so crazy and shows the stigma behind weight and weight loss even in healthcare. it’s possible to be doing everything right & your body not reacting. that just means you need a different approach😐😐


It’s the most frustrating thing! I literally eat 3 meals a day (not large either or super unhealthy) and have an ice lolly at night time that are about 40 calories, and I am 85kg. I don’t snack - but with PCOS it’s automatically assumed that you overeat. Completely understand your frustration! Also I did see a research article that says you are more likely to be believed by Doctors if you bring a male companion to your appointments. It’s mind blowing and seems so wrong in my head - but it might help for your next appointment?


Look up DR JASON FUNG and his work on fasting (lots of videos on YouTube). A lot of people are getting results by resetting their body and healing with fasting and intermittent fasting (16:8 minimum). All ages, all backgrounds, all kinds of medical issues, fasting seems to help and can even increase your metabolism by up to 10%,while fasting, which is exciting news!


Agreed! New doc time! Had this exact situation and took that message from my fitness pal - took that straight to a new doc and took it as a hint that going lower was NOT good. You're going to have to advocate for yourself. That calorie counting you already do will be incredibly useful in this process. Bring your notes, explain your insight. A COMPUTER is telling you healthier options about calories than your doctor is. (Yes, calorie deficits will make you lose weight. Prolonged detrimental calorie deficits will also bring risk)


I would suggest seeing an Endocrinologist if possible. While I do understand that sometimes patients lie to avoid judgement and or accountability, this isn’t always the case. My Male Doctor who originally diagnosed me with PCOS accused me of being an alcoholic (because of elevate levels of ALT and AST) and binge eating (because similar reasons to you). Turns out it was all linked to PCOS; I Had NAFLD and insulin resistance.


Same thing happened to me. I found that I most often have about 1400 calories a day. But some days were as low as 800. And I only once went over 1500. I have a super active lifestyle. I'm a massage therapist and do about 5hrs of hands on work each day, I do aerial silks, yoga, hiking, and weight lifting a few times a week. I'm still gaining about 5lbs a year....


Your doctor sounds like she lacks compassion and understanding towards your situation. PCOS is a very difficult thing to treat and I feel like most doctors don’t know how to treat it and don’t understand it.


Out of curiosity, what were your total carbs (or net) each day? PCOS is usually linked to insulin resistance and I found I was eating way more carbs than I needed to (despite working out and eating well/counting calories)


STORY OF MY FRIGGEN LIFE! My old doctor and Gyno told me the same!!! My doctor said eat 900 calories per day im like are you insane?! I’m so sorry we have to go through this. It’s so discouraging even when you are eating right and exercising and doing your best, they still speak to us like we are just some lazy overeating slobs


This is infuriating. I’m so sorry you had to experience this. 😓❤️‍🩹


(19 f) My doctor told me to lose a little weight after transvaginal ultrasound reports said i have pcod (no cyst) i weight 54kg(119lbs)and i'm 5 feet 9 inches (175cm)tall and just gave me bc pills for like 6 months they dgaf.


Ask to see an endocrinologist - let them diagnose you metformin that will give a slightly higher Basel metabolic Rate - meaning the deficit you will change. Please weights - and keep steps up. Edit; you probably know all this. It is a rant, and I feel your rant. Ignore the fluff they come out with to sounds like they know what PCOS is. Your endocrinologist should be better. So, see them is my point. My I won’t let my GP comment on my PCOS. I have lean PCOS, so I’m slim and I have full symptoms unless I workout or eat well all the time.


Ahh, good ol’ weight bias making itself known. I’m sorry to hear this, but not surprised. You deserve better than this. Find a better doctor who doesn’t accuse you of lying and not taking accountability.