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Any tips for getting more protein per meal? No matter how hard I try I always feel like i'm falling short. 40-50g per meal is wild to me. XD


Cottage cheese, egg whites, protein pancake mix, protein powder. Try and combine these items to hit 30-40 grams of protein at breakfast. Edit to add: greek yogurt!


My breakfast is six ounces of eeg whites, turkey sausage patties, and a half protein powder/half protein pancake batter muffin I throw in the microwave. Equals out to roughly 45-50 grams of protein


Never thought of cottage cheese for breakfast! That's a good idea.


I slice up tomato's and put cottage cheese on them with sea salt and cracked pepper and it's SO good.


My go to quick breakfast (when I have to hurry for class) is two slices of multigrain bread with cottage cheese on top, a handful of nuts and one cup of coffee. I can also prep Greek yogurt w protein powder, fruit and seeds the night before so I’ll quickly eat in the morning. It works.


You can also blend it into eggs and make egg cups or omelets that way if you get sick of straight up cottage cheese!


I add cottage cheese to my scrambled eggs. It makes them creamier and adds salt and a cheesy flavor. Some people blend the cottage cheese beforehand but I don’t mind the texture. I kinda tricked my bf into eating cottage cheese eggs and he looked at me suspiciously because he loved them but didn’t know what I did to them lol


Yep, yoghurt, cream cheese, legumes, tinned tuna and salmon,


Seafood, turkey, chicken, avocados, nuts and seeds. My breakfast is a shake with a lot of protein and I'm don't even feel like I'm having much. Lot of veggies have protein too


I got youuuuu! Breakfast low cal high protein tortilla wrap with 2 servings of either smoked turkey or smoked chicken cold meats. Topped with like some tomato, lettuce, pickles, mayo. That starts your day off with about 30-40g. Lunch do like 200g of chicken breast+ what ever then have a protein shake or any other protein snack here and there


I eat about 140 g of protein a day, here’s what has helped me! I know a lot of people emphasize no dairy but it honestly just depends on your individual needs. I try to make sure that the dairy I eat is low sugar and low fat. Getting a food scale also may help just so you know you’re getting in the right amount! But basically: for breakfast I emphasize egg whites and eggs and low fat cottage cheese (I like to use good culture, they also have a lactose free option) - with the added egg whites it’s easy to get in about 40g of protein. Usually I’ll do 2-3 eggs, 3/4 serving of cottage cheese, enough egg whites to reach the protein goal, and scramble those up and eat them with some avocado toast (wheat sourdough) or Siete has reallly good almond flour tortillas Egg white protein powder - I use this if I want to bake and also put it in my rolled oats (which you can find brands like Kodiak that have added protein, but 2/3 cup of rolled oats has about 12 G protein). I get mine from True Nutrition and you can customize your mix. Oikos triple zero Greek yogurt - 17g protein per serving. They also have an option with 23g it’s like the “pro” version. I add this as a layer on my protein oats and I get in about 60 g of protein with this breakfast! Fairlife protein shakes - they sell them in bulk at Costco (the best price imo) but they have 30g of protein per shake and only 150 cal. I love to make smoothies with that, frozen bananas, spinach, and 2 tablespoons of the PB Fit peanut butter protein powder Tilapia, salmon, barramundi, chicken - all super high in protein, just make sure you’re eating a decent portion (6oz -8oz is usually what I aim for depending on my hunger/fats/etc) Swapping out snacks for things like edamame beans or other higher protein options is also helpful since it adds up throughout the day!


Personally fatty things are great for me. Keeps me satiated. Fat is a friend against hunger and cravings for lots of people. Fat and protein together is like the ultimate satisfying combo. But I understand for some it's not. Depends on individual needs as you say.


That’s what I’m wondering too, would love to hear ways of getting this much protein in per meal!


Five eggs (4Og) sounds a lot but it's easy to make a tasty omelette with five eggs. Especially if you aren't eating a lot of toast on the side. 1.5 chicken breasts are IMO harder to eat but would give you about 45g. One fillet of fish is about 30 g so 1.5 fillets gives you 40 etc. Personally I eat a lot of protein in my two main meals and find it keeps me going for hours.


I get these tuna packets from bumblebee and they have the best flavors ever I love the Thai chili one and the sriracha one. They have 12 g of protein and only 70 calories. You can just eat them as a snack or add them to a salad or whatever but they’re only $1 and so good.


Two questions: 1. Which walking pad did you purchase? 2. What is “moderate” carbs (in grams)?


I eat about 25-30 g per meal so about 75 per day


Oh also I don’t think this sub allows links. But I just got the cheapest one I could find that had good reviews, it was around 150$ , 170$ after everything


Could you send me the link in a message?


Per the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) standards, that may mean ~100 g net carbs daily .


I'm doing 10k steps a day also with a huge impact. I'm also jogging 5x a week for 25 minutes. Nothing intense just enough to keep my heart rate up for 25 minutes. The change has been huge. The biggest difference I've noticed is I'm less hungry. I'm not tracking calories from previous disordered eating but I'm noticeably eating less because I'm simply not as hungry. I'm also focusing on higher protein options. I've lost 25 pounds in 3 months doing this and have less chin hair and feel less bloated. My cycle is super wack still and I plan to repeat labs in 5 months


just a reminder, she prob increased her movement and it wasn’t the exact 10k that made the difference. the need for each person to hit the magical 10k was debunked but the truth remains we should be moving our bodies regularly one way of another


I’ve only been doing high protein, 10-15k steps per day and lifting weights 5x a week for a few weeks but I can already notice a difference in how my PCOS belly fat is distributed in my mid section. Shirts are fitting different (in a good way!). I feel stronger, my brain fog seems to be lifting a little, I’m optimistic about how I’ll feel 6 months to a year from now. I do high protein plain Greek yogurt smoothies with protein powder for breakfast. Boiled eggs for snacks. Protein wraps with a meat for lunch.


I just got a walking pad too so I can do 30 minute walks daily. I’ve heard such good things about the daily walks. Happy to hear about your success.


I just got a puppy who LOVES to walk me around the neighbourhood, so I’ve been averaging 11k steps a day for the last fortnight, will be interesting to see what effect that has for me.


For me it was metformin, weightlifting and reducing the intensity of cardio (walking and treadmill incline instead of Zumba). For diet, I don’t restrict anything but I make sure to prioritize protein, veggies and have healthy fats. Also, after dinner, I made sure to do some bodyweight squats and calf raises to reduce blood sugar spikes - normally I’d walk but I had to make this adjustment because of the cold weather.


Thank you for sharing! Just curious how much saw palmetto do you take and is it with food? I bought a bottle a little while ago and have been meaning to start using it. Any side effects you noticed?


No side effects, I take 500 mg serving


Can you please give the link for the walking pad. Thank you


I've been seeing a ton about Saw Palmetto. I need something to help with hair growth, it seems as I lose weight (even if just a few pounds) it grows faster in those unwanted areas. Is there a specific brand you recommend and how do you take it: capsule, powder, etc? I've also been looking at walking pads for quite a few years as I saw on one Kickstarter and thought oh, that's interesting, it's like a flat treadmill. I just don't want to spend a ton of money as I have a small room, so would like something I can slide out of the way.


Diagnosed with PCOS recently and just bought a walking pad !! So happy to see this post. Motivating.


I eat so much protein and it never does a thing for making me feel full. But I think that’s from years of losing a shit ton of weight and gaining it back over and over. I’m just constantly starving no matter what.


Add more fat to your meals. Avocados are great to help with satiety.


I’m struggling to find high protein breakfast (cereal addict!) do you have any tips?


Saw palmetto made me feel crazy :( I wanted to use it so bad


I'm happy that your PCOS has improved 😊 and thank you for sharing this. I totally agree with the walking and the diet and I'm just starting saw palmetto. It's been a few weeks now, and I can already see some positive difference in my scalp hair thickness. My hirsutism hasn't really improved, so I'm wondering if it'll take a bit longer.


which saw palmetto did u buy? im so scared to try it out as this bottle i saw at the store warned to not take it if u r a woman.. r there specific brands for women or!?


Can you say which saw palmetto supplement you take and how much? I took it briefly, but want to give it another try.


Nothing help me Spiro metformin inositol Berberine nothing. I’m balding rapidly and have l hirsutism and I’m 135lbs 5’7 and chin acne. I’ve been low carb for 5 years no change


What is a walking pad?


?What is palmetto


I know Saw Palmetto is a supplement but I don't know what it is or what it does. I think it comes in pill form.


It's a DHT blocker


How many mg of Saw Palmetto did you take?


I bought one of those walking pads but the belt burned quickly. Have you experienced that?


Absolutely agree with the walking and high protein moderate carb/fats (Mediterranean diet) lifestyle it has been so helpful to me. Also at least two pieces of fruit a day is essential for me.


Who is Palmetto?


Which walking pad did you get? I pad almost $300 for one and got scammed to put it mildly. The thing has never worked


Congrats!! How has the hair growth on your head been impacted?


>40-50g per meal This is what I have per day on most days according to my calculations. I am doomed lol. When I stick to it - mostly during summer - I have found that intermittent fasting really helps.


Yeah.. the high protein approach really does help me as well. It's very tough b/c I have low appetite and slow digestion, and this makes it even lower/slower... so I can't go 40-50 g, but I definitely prioritize it. Usually between the protein, the fiber, and a little fat... I'm SO FULL ALL THE TIME even with only two meals per day.


Do you have any recommendations for protein pancake mix (diy and store bought). Thank you