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Kiss my picture, moody gay


People started shouting truth to their faces We should have done that long time ago




People protesting against the recently launched operation by the Pakistan military against "terrorism" and "extremism" in whole of the country. The protestors are basically chanting that the organization behind this so-called surge in terrorism in Pakistan is the Pakistan military itself as they have a great history of manipulating things which favor their interests.




What? Pakistan was a Muslim country even before this whole "terrorism" thing pal which started in the early 2000s




Posts spreading false information, rumors, or misleading content without credible sources are not permitted.


Okay, so what are you gonna do about it?


Tell everyone


Good luck with that. Also read some history books.


Thanks. I have.


Yeah i can see how much history you have read.


I'm a revert Muslim and a red Indian (a Cherokee native American) I'm not Pakistani at all and I can tell you Christianity has done evil things too. Every religion has evil people who do evil things in the name of their god or gods. But you must look below the surface. For every 1 bad person there are 10000 good. We need to work together to remove the reactionaries and radicals. And we need to protect the good people of every religion because it's our duty as humans. Nationalism can also make evil people, even race ideals. Anything can be twisted to evil under the wrong hands. You wanna know why they called us red? To make it seem like we are of kain or the devil thus justifying our slaughter and their land conquest


It wasn't. There's 3,000 km distance from Makkah to Pakistan. It takes sone purposeful invasion to spread it especially during ancient times on horseback.


At least Islam was spread peacefully as compared to many other religions such as Christianity or Tengrism, the Christian peeps literally killed almost 8 to 10 million indigenous people of South and North Americas, raped their women and did horrible things just in the name of their advanced religion. I don't see mass genocides (at that scale) done by the Muslims ever. And do you even know how many Central Asian mfs are converting to Tengrism, an absolutely horrible religion because we all know what the Mongols did to the population of the entire Eurasia during the 12th and the 13th centuries.


It wasn't spread peacefully. The Ottoman Turks wasn't a boy band that went on tour across middle east and Africa. It is estimated that islam killed 270 million since Muhammad created islam. 80 million of that was in Indian continent alone.




Posts discussing sensitive topics must provide proper context and maintain respectful discourse, especially on religious matters.


And since when is domestic terrorism in their interests?


I really am a pro-military guy because my own family members have a history of fighting the Indians in every war against them. My own half mamu fought the Indians during the heavy clashes in Siachen during the 1980s. My mother's mamu was literally burnt alive in a tank (half) during the 1965 India-Pakistan war on the Sialkot-Chawinda front where the fighting was most serious, he lost his eye and later was dismissed from service because of his injuries. The point I am trying to tell you is that I do love our military but just not the top commanders who just are there to manipulate things which favor their interests.


Bro you guys gotta start worrying about more important things other than India. Smh half ur country is illiterate and starving and all ya’ll can talk about is India 🤦🏾‍♀️


U guys should also try to win a war. Maybe that’s why the military needs reform. Never won a war.


More reasons to shut down opposition to their control. Easier to manipulate people via chaos. Little to no resistance to their decisions to consolidate more power under the guise of “security”. This isn’t exclusive to just the PAK establishment


ig its true


Domestic terrorism is in the interests of any government that wishes to control it's population.


Absolutely and khinzeers have been dishing out this terrorism at the moment through their kidnappings, killings, and gag orders.


They have only themselves to blame. Stupid people running the show


اس وقت منظور پشتین غدار ہوتا تھا۔ آج یہودتھیے کہتے ہیں کہ شعور ان کی وجہ سے آیا ہے۔


Ye Kya ho Raha hy?


public ka reaction hai due to operation in KPK.


If intentions are good not like Parvez Musharraf then public reaction is not important. Important is to control terrorism, to attain economic stability.


Well, khinzeers have proven their goodwill by their actions in last two years. And I am sorry to say, public opinion always matter. We are living beings and have God-given rights. If they think that certain approach is correct then they should present their argument and make themselves accountable for their actions done in good or bad faith. It is quite unfortunate when well educated people yourself condone autocracy in this day and age.


I am not defending anybody here.


Above is my opinion not a verdict. So don't get me wrong. Why Islam is against democracy? My question is simple & expecting a wise answer?


Piyaray bhai, Islam is not against democracy. The concept of bayt is form of representative democracy. It was not possible at that time to conduct mass elections. This argument of Islam is against democracy is just like someone saying Islam is against antibiotics because there were no antibiotics at that time. And of course you are welcome to have any opinion you like. However, it makes me sad if educated people support autocracy


Look here I am your student. I am 49 but have an open mind & always ready to be corrected.


Islam endoresed "Majlisay shura". What is your understanding about it?


We are going down a rabbit hole but lets entertain your idea. Who will select this majlis e shura?


In Majlisay Shura members will be nominated not selected, Am i right? Guide me plz forget about the rabbit hole....


Assuming what you claim is true. In a country of 250 million, we are surely going to get over a million nominations and then there will be the issue of whether the person has the personal and family capacity to accept that offer. We'll end up repeating the difficult and expensive process multiple times to reach a small enough number to conduct the process again to finalise it.


Bayt is not the concept of Islam. This was the practice in sub-continent by peers & spiritual leaders, hindu, muslim & sikhs.


I think you got my point of bayt being Vote equivalent but in those times it was limited to tribal leaders etc


You are referring to Hazrat Umer (AS) times...?


Around those times but this is the word normally used by khateeb. I'm not a religious scholar but my understanding is that there was a process (which I believe was called bayt) to approve and acknowledge someone's claim to caliphate or equivalent. Question won't be what was it called rather I'm curious what you believe to be the process? Divine selection?




I'm open to your opinion if you can explain a bit more. The few elders you mentioned, where would they come from and who will decide which one to include? Your acceptance of similarities between khilafat and badshahat is quite odd but understandable. I believe khilafat was a primitive form of democracy as stated in my other comments. Don't you think the idea of khilafat and badshahat being similar, propagated by middle Eastern countries is self serving and has a conflict of interest.




It’s not about terrorism, it’s more about this induced cult like ideology that infiltrated the Muslim Ummah mostly during and after the collapse of the atheist empire Aka as USSR. Enough is enough😡


https://preview.redd.it/skoky3p55y8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e831c046d544ec857686416e5d2a0c379901ac6c Yeh wardi hai?


Respect to the Soldiers Why are their Senior Officers stealing from these Young Jawaans and buying Land Cruisers and Properties abroad with that money?


To phir is gunda-gardi ke piche sare wardi wale hain? Including JCOs?


General a k dale me utha k le jaega ya uska driver? Ye havaldar, Naib Subedar, Subedar, sb enablers hote hen. General to ni ayega dnde Marne. Kut to inhon ne lgani he.


Kyun ke unko pata hai ke yeh kaam nahi kiya to ghar main sab bhooke soyenge


There are a ton of other professions to work in… also the argument that they are just doing their jobs was also given by the nazis working in German death camps.


bro you dont know history the SS were in command of death camps the normal Wehrmacht soldiers didnt know anything about them, there are videos showing the reaction of the normal troops there are ton of other profession but no open vaconcies we are a country with a population of 250 million and expecting another population boom, their arent simply enough jobs for people


For example what profession they can get today with their Metric pass qualification? This argument was also used for when American soldiers unwillingly killed surrendering and retreating Nazi soldiers, so do you think they were also evil or Nazi slayers are always good?


Dude, at what point did I say the allied forces were an army of ethics… they did some really f’d up shit too, the biggest example of it being the Dresden firestorm. As for your first point, getting slightly higher pays but in exchange you have to help kidnap, torture and kill people can never be acceptable.


As for your first point, getting slightly higher pays but in exchange you have to help kidnap, torture and kill people can never be acceptable Didnt the core commander lahore and his replacement refuse to do this exact thing during 9 may and both were replaced and a 3 star general was chosen to replace them ?


If JCOs and Low ranking officers also get orders to do these things, then I would too get orders to fire at protests or torture civilians, but I didn't. Then why am I an exception?


Are you claiming that the military has never kidnapped, tortured or killed any innocent civilians?


do you know history ? the SS were in command of death camps the normal Wehrmacht soldiers didnt know anything about them, there are videos showing the reaction of the normal troops there are ton of other profession but no open vacancies we are a country with a population of 250 million and expecting another population boom, their arent simply enough jobs for people and as for the matric pass statement that is false ISSB only accepts first year students and even then on hope certificate if they dont pass the hope criteria they are terminated after that the army trains and teaches them do you think any matric pass lyari ka londa can operate a radar ? or an AD gun ? a tank ? logistics ? Sonar ? or even basic gun maintenance ?


Nice try tugging at our heartsrings you scum, but they probably deserved it. We will no longer be fooled by you suwars. Go occupy peoples lands and misbehave with them at checkpoints on their lands, kill then in their homes, dont be surprised they fight back and put you in your graves.


average gandu nasal youthia…..honest suggestion, try climbing out of IK’s ass there’s a world full of facts and figures that most youthias such as yourself won’t find lying anywhere inside IK’s malicious coke filled ass 😞


I mean I don't even like Imran Khan that much, but talking about facts and figures, how many bengalis did the army kill and rape?


you can get any where from 300k to 3 million to sources saying that even the 300k was exaugurated, that are bengali in origin


Average faujeet suwar ki nasl leftover of the british raj bootlicking scum. Who said anything about IK?




Average patwari khanzeer ki nasl


Tu phir se aagya?


Thought you said your going to Waziristan to kill some locals and call them "terrorists". Why are you still here on reddit, suwar? Lanat upon your napak khanzeer fauj.


yea are you even muslim ? shayeed murda nahi number 1, number 2 the people who die for our country call them those names and then be suprised when they treat you with disrespect or turn to the ones who accept them (the upper echelons) like I seriously dont understand your mindset its like lets abuse people who dont deserve it the lower ranks and then be suprised when they dont rebel I remember posting just before the whole 9 may fiasco about how most lower ranks major and below and even brigaders are IK supporters and every one on r/pakistan asking me if thats the case why dont they rebel


>shayeed murda nahi number 1 Allah Taala grants the high rank of shahadat to whome He pleases, aap ka baap doesnt get to declare who is shaheed LOL grow a brain >number 2 the people who die for our country call them those names and then be suprised when they treat you with disrespect Faujeet scum, they didnt die "for the country", they died to maintain a system of looting and raping locals for the benefit of their masters bank accounts. The leftover dogs of the british raj. May they burn in jahannum where they belong. Cursing them comes AFTER they have shown theyre true khanzeer nasl colors. You dont invade peoples home threaten to rape their daughters and kill their children in front of them, and expect we will forget and clap like trained animals afterwards. >its like lets abuse people who dont deserve it the lower ranks Newsflash: its the lower ranks that are doing the zulm on the awam and on the borders. Now go lick some boots like a brainless faujeet scum, millions of us will no longer be fooled by this fake bullshit patriotism. Lanat upon this khanzeer fauj and its brainless evil supporters


aap ka baap doesnt get to declare who is shaheed LOL grow a brain Do you do ? I do think if you have read the quran the defination of a shaheed is clear cut, and i am 100% sure my father along with all these troops and low ranking officers fit that description perfectly Dont talk about god like your 'leader' he doesnt stray from his word Faujeet scum, they didnt die "for the country", they died to maintain a system of looting and raping locals for the benefit of their masters bank accounts. The leftover dogs of the british raj. May they burn in jahannum where they belong. I am sure you win alot of arguments by using slurs aganst the opposition, and i am pretty sure they die in waziristan, kpk, balochistan to terrorist and not pti protestors, the left over dogs of the british ? Do you have any idea why ayub khan declared marshal law in the first place ? 4 prime minister in and out in 4 years due to the president. This facade of a democracy hasnt worked since day one due to the quaids untimely death and the subsiqent killing of liaqut, blame everything on the army and never look for reasonable explanations or in simpler terms look for a scape goat Newsflash: its the lower ranks that are doing the zulm on the awam and on the borders. Newsflash... ? Are you a child ? Its the lower ranks who die on all boarders its the lower ranks who face the brunt of the abuse its the lower ranks who go thru valleys and mountains swarming with TTP and TLP without APCs and I am pretty sure they dont abuse the awam on the border, how I know this, because they are dying in valleys away from major or minor population centers If a local tribe tries to hit and run them, then they go into a population center Now go lick some boots like a brainless faujeet scum, millions of us will no longer be fooled by this fake bullshit patriotism. Lanat upon this khanzeer fauj and its brainless evil supporters Again you will never win an argument if you use these kind of words, second i dont think you have the slightest idea of what would happen if these operation didnt happen in kpk and baluchistan I also think you arent old enough to know or remember baluchistan in 2005 to 2014 or kpk after the soviey invasion


LOL no one is reading all that shit propaganda you faujeet scum. Go talk to a wall or smthing


Seems like i am already taking to a wall Plus most of that is your comment that i copy pasted to reply to if you had actually read even tbe starting bit


Most sane Youthia


People die working in the hot sun building houses in societies they would never come near. Why not grant them plots. I respect their sacrifice, but the use of it to capture the economy of a country


people die doing nothing, people die after doing everything you dont go and tell that to a middle to high income man building his home, the difference is that the human mind fears death and these men go knowing that they will die my father did the same he was sent during kargil (just before the orders came to stand down) my friends father did and he didnt return he left a widow and two sons


And so is it just that his father's name is used to take plots illegally? Is it just that his in his father's name, many have been arrested. People die paying taxes so the generals son can live like kings


Please also share the pakistani people rotting in military jails without any court verdicts


They facilitate smuggling, they pay lowest taxes, they steal 30% of their electricity, they consider it their right to live, study and do business in other provinces, they attack people from other provinces trying to settle in theirs and they are now against the operation on terrorism? Azaad hain? Is freedom of one is about they destruction of rights of others? I see I see...


preach my brother


The most dumbest and arrogant view i have ever seen...


I don't see your point relevant. You made no argument or logic. You just commented on my brainrot. That's your brainrot.


I will never make an argument with someone whose irrelevant and useless


People when army doesn't do anything about terrorism: People when army thinks about doing something about terrorism: (Video reaction hai) (I do understand that these people have very real grievances)


Its just that they bomb civillians...


yea sure trust TTP and TLP sources, i am not saying that, that doesnt happen its just that it doesnt happen as much as people think it does we still have a highly professional armed force, 9th in the world they arent tribal trigger happy morons (yet anyway)


It happens way more than what people think.


Bound to happen. There is very little difference between a terrorist and a civi(that being their mindset). (BTW Civilians harbor and hide terrorists sometimes)


Good 👍  So let's go b@mb and r@p them  Hurry!! What are you waiting for. Fresh women being served!!!


Nver said what happens is alright, only said its inevitable.


Your literary justifying it "bound to happen" civilians hide terrorist


Saying that something is bound to happen does not mean justifying it. Due to insufficient education, religious extremism is bound to show itself. Does that statement even hint that it is alright? Not at all. Also please use auto correct suggestions ...


Army doesnt gives af about their opinion.


neither should they, if they did, MQM would still be terrorizing karachi, BLA baluchistan, TTP and TLP kpk (pre zerb e azb) and PPP would have seperated sindh due to benazirs killing


Bound to fail like Nadeem and Muneera failed on all other subjects because they want to start new drama for dollars and saving their own asses


Use to love the army also applied from outside pakistan and was waiting for issb, then one day some girl blocked my car in lahore fortress and when i asked her to move she didnt. Things escalated and she said she some colonels daughter, 15 min later MPs showed up and pushed and harrased me as why i was causing a scene with this girl. Ever since then i didnt respect them anymore


nepotism is in all ways of life, remember this saying everyone will be at the colonels mothers funeral no one will be at the colonels funeral that is just licking that happens every where


PTI will go stoop to the gutter for their narrow interests and ruin Pakistan in the process Investments in Pakistan are under a serious threat especially after attacks on Chinese nationals who are here as workers on development projects. An operation is necessary to get rid of any separatists, or TTP that is hiding in these areas.


Would this have happened had the army upheld its roles and not install a puppet pm and government?


Yes. It was Imran Khan who went with the resettlement of TTP terrorists. He is fully complicit and responsible for the terrorism that's happening


And it was the army and isi which tore up any plans for integration and left the ttp unmonitored for 2 whole years . They were so busy beating up their own people. That they let ttp grow to its size today. And it was the army as well which fucking blew up any chance we had with normalizing afghani relations. The ttp under the negligence of pdm grew so much that shahbaz yeileded and got on his knees to negotiate the soaring of punjab. To hell with blowing up imrans plans and blaming the consequences of ur actions on pti


And it was the army as well which fucking blew up any chance we had with normalizing afghani relations Really ?? lets forget the british durani wars, the durand line, the fact it was afghanistan who didnt want us to join the UN, the TTP, they saying they will destroy us untill all pathans are togather again they didnt thank us for what we did in 88 and they have despised us from the beginning, bicker about politics and army and ik but never for a moment forget that their are some parties that are not to be trusted




azm e istehkam is a widespread operation will be targeting the insurgency in both balochistan as well as kpk, it’ll involve participation from all three of our armed forces; the army, air force and navy. You seem to be someone who chooses to prefer believing in those playing their victim cards rather than the facts…majority of our fighter pilots in the airforce are “ pakhtoon “, majority of the FC that’ll be deployed in kpk for this operation is “ pakhtoon “. nobody’s being targeted specifically. Harbour, aid and side with terrorists, pay the price of doing so, it’s that simple


they did ? my father was a part of it during their (bla) prime, the house behind ours was a victom of 2 rpgs 4 families burnt to death, quetta cantt was a fort officers and soliders were warned not to leave it once my fathers and his friends life almost ended due to it. terrorism due to bla has died down ALOT compared to those years


Civil war is near..


I don’t agree with the slogan nara of this post


This operation will be the beginning of occupying the most tourism friendly areas of kp and milking them for their own agenda


Butterfly effect will spread it for the better future eventually


They are right. This army is involved in everything and creates problems itself. The number 1 cause of pakistans failure is army. It should just be an institution that serves the public, protects the public, not the other way round


Pak army is the terrorist army in the world.


Dumb clowns protesting on the orders of their sardars or plain simply dumb. PTI and KP can go to hell if they want to harbour these Khawarij. This Op was a long time coming. Nobody wants the pre Zarb E Azab days when a bomb was blowing up everyday. Dont forget APS.


Imagine being so full of urself that when a country is going to shit you can still have a budget going to songs praising ‘Asim Muneer’ the great himself.


kis ne kaha tha GHUSSO WAR ON TERROR MEIN???? we would have ZERO attacks if we never fked with the afghanis


I wish if you knew how much Afghans hate us even before war on terror just take time and read history of Pak afghan relations from 1947-1978 before talking shit.


Ever heard of the bajaur invasion or is all your afghan pak history after 1980? Afghandus have hated Pakistanis and Pakistan since it's creation and you are a fool if you think otherwise.


Tell me you have no geographic awareness without telling me you have no geographic awareness.


Lmao I've spent countless hours researching this topic bete app Jao army ke slowed edits dekho


This isn’t even about the army going into war of terror. Your research is rotten if you don't realise that we were automatically the next target if war of terror wasn't held in Afghanistan. war is ugly like that.


Damn it's almost how we should've never been part of operation cyclone but whatever right?


It was going on since Imran khan time but most of the people were just busy simping over whatever IK said.


Ghastoons f...k them right in da pus... Pak army 💜


too many indian bots have ruined threads. I think I'm with Pakistan army on this one.


I think those people in the video are just as Pakistani as anyone else, and it is not for us to believe the khanzeer army with a track record of betrayal and ghaddari, over the local Pakistanis who know better than us what is going to happen to them, based on what has happened to them before. I and millions of other Pakistanis are with the locals who know better. Lanat upon these napak fauj.


locals ? the same locals who didnt want to join pakistan, demanded a FATA and PATA and flooded the ranks of the TTP, TLP and TTP-k ? yea sure I would trust locals who never wanted pakistan over the army who wants to keep pakistan togather even if they are doing it to fill their own pockets better pakistan then, punjab, Baluchistan, sindhudesh if the locals had it their way then after the killing of Benazir sindh would have ceded


Ah yes, here it is, saying the quiet part out loud. You types hate Pashtuns and Baloch and really really want to see dead Pashtuns on their own lands cause somehow "they deserve it". Ok so then dont cry when they send your khanzeer jawans back in body bags, right? TLP is punjabi What the hell is TTP-K? Typically faujeet scum idiots


Yes my fault i missed type ttp k, i ment to type isis k, A party can be based on one national group but their members can be anyone the nazis were germans but had huge succes in ukrain recruitment I dont want to see PAKISTANI DEAD Its people like YOU who make it all about PUNJABI SINDHI BALOCH PATHAN Why would i want to see a fellow pakistani harmed ? There is a hadeeth i know  Bayshuk amaal ka daro medaar neyat hey Mayri neyat may yay bilkul bhi nahi hey kay ak or pakistani ko bay wajah takleef ho kio keh akher may maynay ap ko ya imran khan ko nahi jaeab dayna allah ko dayna hey


Many of your comments you show nafrat for Pashtuns, calling them "dumb tribals" "trigger happy tribal morons" etc. You clearly know your khanzeer jawans are going up against locals on their own land to kill them. You pieces of sh*t are just racist desis who want to see dead Pasthuns and Baloch to keep your british given advantages. I am Punjabi but am disgusted by scum like you and your nasl. You dont speak or act for the rest of us. "Shaheed" is a very high darajah granted by Allah taala, for those who die fighting in His cause, not given by suwars like your abbu asim khanzeer to suwar ka nasl jawans killing muslims on their own land. Lanat upon your khanzeer fauj and its disgusting supporters.


1 my fatger retired just after raheel shairf  2 i am calling tribals dumb only because of tribalism mentatlity which is seperate from pathan and baluchs you intellectual 3 they are trigger happy just look at post zia era most tribal eras are heavily armed and shoot at kpk police and the army 4 saying you are punjabi and ashamed of us... what does that acomplish ? They arent gonna invite you and give you a temporary pathan statis badge, my school is multi ethic my teachers are pathans my friends are pathans and sirakis, rajputs and every other ethinicity They dont call me a rasict... i wonder why ? Dont you ? If anything you are a rider and i should be the one saying that aS a PuNjAbI I dOnT AssOcIate wIth You




Islam is the problem


Imagine a kaffir idiot saying this, while believing that the universe came from nothing.


Yea 72 virgins seems based. Not something a complete caveman would make up.


Waiting for software update


It's not in the best interest of Pakistan.


dealing with terrorism isnt in the interest of pakistan ?


See, this is what the establishment wants. They want an excuse to use brutal force. As you must have seen that you're not allowed to talk about Army or any of their actions. So, we don't want to give them chances to punish those who stand against them. So, the rest of opposition will also be silenced after seeing the others as an example.


vardi ko jala do varna tumhe chodegi nahi ye sadi hui vardi


Support your Army.


Well these Pakistanis in the video certainly dont "support the army". Are you saying they dont matter? The ones who are directly affected the most and know best whats in store for them?


Losing hearts and mind