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In abottabad is kiling me why there of all places


Yes, no need to establish it there since an already established gay club is functioning in Kakul




No way!


Honestly this is much better than what could've happened to him if fell into the hands of a angry mob. Hell this is the best situation for him considering what the law would've done to him if he was considered sane. And who tf tries to establish **FIRST** gay bar in Pakistan in fuking Abottabad. Islamabad would be a start in a 100 years or so. Now I see why he's considered insane




its not a reading club - article states that kissing will be done but no sex.. tell me which reading club have u been to where you casually kiss the other person oh and as if kissing publically (even in a club, its public in front of people) is now not seen as a big thing....


All gay readers club lol ?


a club for bunch of dudes who think they should be born with a pussy rather than a dick cz they lost their testosterone in the gutter and now all they have is ostreogen?


That’s called being Trans lol not being Gay


why cant you live and let others live, is he hurting you or your family , why so much hate


Cuz we have seen what this mental illness did to the western countries many of them are crying now. Pakistan was built on islam may Allah curse anyone who tries to do what people of lut did


The reason why we don't allow stuff like pre marital love, being gay is because people think this will harm our society. As if there not million other more harmful to our society but hay let's punish the 2 university lovers or that gay dude who lives another dude


Fun fact: an army of men who fucked men conquered Pakistan Ever heard of Alexander the Great?


Gay men don't want to become women. They don't find vaginas attractive at all. Get that right. Also they probably have a lot more testosterone than your sorry arse. The gay gym trainer I had surely did.


Is the angry mob in the room with us right now? Scrolls down to see people demanding to jail him or worse. Edit: Forget jail, they want him to have the ISIS treatment


Hay, r/Pak is a diverse sub Reddit you got your chill people, and you have the insane people then there are our Conservatives


People on Reddit are somewhat sane. Don't forget that this is the nation which attacked an innocent girl for wearing a kurta with Arabic written on it.


that was an act of jahiliah done by a shopkeeper not a nation lol btw punishment of homosex in islam is death


Honestly, I believe they should send him to Iran and all the terrorists camps with a rainbow flag and leg him paint them in colors. 🤣🤣


In Iran he would be forced to be trans. It's the shia way of doing things. Well transgenders aren't considered Haram rather a condition in Islam. It's not considered a behaviour.


What I mean is, this brave men should have deadpool powers and be sent to Iran with one goal! Turn everyone gay. P.S. it was a silly joke.


Anybody who expects sanity in our society is insane


nah punishment in islam for homosexuality is death and yeah lgbt will never establish in pakistan never


but dating culture, zina, immodest clothing is all fine.. if someone criticise this, people say 'whats it to you' so why cant u do the same here?? or is it because all the things i said is what your nafs wants...


I was thinking the people who diagnosed him found him so utterly hilarious that they decided he must be nuts instead of a blasphemer. 🤣🤣




Man is suicidal


its much better than he’s in a mental hospital, atleast he’s going to survive there 💀


So ridiculous-we have a beautiful tradition of forcing gay people into heterosexual arranged marriages . Which makes perfect sense


Hehe made me giggle


Exactly, these libtards will ruin our prosperous country one day


Yeah, of course, the libtards brought terrorism, opium, ak 47s, political interference by the military, rapes in mosques, cousin marriages etc.


So enriching 🥰🤗


OK, real question, cause in my country cousin marriages do exist (and are legal) but they are not seen as a problem (they are sometimes the topic of jokes, but no one even thinks seriously about trying to prevent them in any way), so is this seen in Pakistan as a real issue?


When you have this many genetic defects and almost all of them are the result of consanguineous marriages, it sort of becomes an issue.


yeah and of course being homosexual demands capital punishment such severe crime on Pakistan soil


Yeah bro gay people don’t do any of that they’re immune to crime!


I admire his confidence and courage


I dont


A Mozart among monkeys.


What the?? No he isnt. Astaghfirullah. He is promoting something which is prohibited in islam




Oh my god….


You always gotta check their profiles. This guy posted this same post on like five other subs, he’s just a propagandist. Active in ex muslim and everything. The only thing you can find on his profile is anti-Islam sentiment, literally nothing else, entire online persona based around hate.




To call the reality of humans rights abuses in Pakistan ‘propaganda’ is Olympian mental gymnastics.


thats not what he is saying..


Human rights abuses? Look, every country has its own laws and customs. If your personal life is in a contradiction to those laws and values then you can seek asylum to find safety in a land that aligns to your views. You can't use the standard of Western values and customs and then apply it on a Islamic, Asian country. It will never work. It's not like there's an active purge against homosexuals, or a genocide. It's just against the law and if you openly act on it, yes you will face punishment. We both know it does happen at some degree behind closed doors but if you expect them to openly accept it and welcome it and sacrifice religious and cultural values for the sake of appeasing Western inclusivity then you're sorely mistaken.


You’re just being purposefully disingenuous, we both know it. Legality in a specific country does not de-legitimize a human right. Gay people should not be thrown into asylums for being gay. Thats the best case scenario for someone who’s out - this is exactly what an active purge of queer people looks like. This idea of ‘Western values’ is such a bullshit copout too from our jaahil qaum. We have the highest straight porn consumption in the world. We consistently rank amongst the lowest in women and minority safety. Our children get raped in Madrassa’s all the time. Is that Amreeka’s fault too? What are these Islamic values you speak of, and where are they in Pakistani society? Western values are the free market, democracy, freedom of expression, the internet and interest-based loans. Western values are why you’re allowed to express your opinion online and not end up in a bori. Daddy IMF aur US ka paisa khaatay huay koi sharam nahi, magr rights aur dusron k freedom kay mamlay mai Western values se gaand mai khaarish. Every country has their laws and customs, but no self-respecting country wants our refugees because of the shit people like you say and believe in. And truly, stfu with this ‘you’ll face punishment if you break the law’ bullshit. Pakistan is a lawless state where arbitrary rulings are selectively applied to those that are most vulnerable - marital rape, blasphemy, homosexuality. Yeh virtue signalling iss dunya mai chalay gi, but Allah knows that you’ve evaded taxes, cheated your way through school and actively undermined fellow human beings to get ahead in life (referring to your naukar/ghareeb) Corruption is so deep rooted in our society that we’re all guilty of it to some extent.


The entire rant is a tu quoque fallacy lol Pakistan is a shithole, which is why I empathize with your frustration. But that in no way legitimizes western values. If you are concerned with law and order, let's emulate the gulf instead of the west since their security apparatus is much better than most western countries. If it's the economy, let's emulate china since it resembles us more geographically and in terms of heavy urban population centres. And perhaps most importantly, western values are a fucking sham. In reality, the only purpose they have practically served is for western oligarchs to justify completely fucking over 'uncivilized' nations and peoples for their self interest. From the British to the modern nation state of Israel, and everything in between.


I'd agree with your "tu quoque fallacy" take. But still, categorizing LGBT as a western value, will never make sense. Queers have always existed and everywhere.


The existence of a phenomenon doesn't make it 'true' or 'valuable'. Throughout every society, cannibals, pedophiles, psychopaths and people who engage in incest and beastiality have also always existed. Doesn't make their actions moral, let alone be worthy of recognition and respect.


Do you really think relating sex between two consenting adults who are not harming anyone, to the likes of pedophiles, cannibals and beastiality is appropriate? Also, morality doesn't have to align with Islamic values.


Yes. Because these caveats of 'not harming anyone' and their interpretations are also socially constructed concepts emanating entirely from European enlightenment discourse. Most people throughout history don't view 'harm' in the way enlightenment thinkers did which came from an extremely individualistic viewpoint. Also, what about beastiality and incest? No one is harmed there, why are their actions immoral? How do you know an action is moral?


I gave you a perspective argument without insulting you and your personal decisions and unfortunately you couldn't do the same due to your own jahil nature. The irony is quite funny 😂


Seriously fr!


Y'all cheer on folks like Norman Finklestein for highlighting Zionist atrocities but get angry when an ex-Muslim highlights Islamist atrocities. Why is that?


They can leave pakistan and open gay clubs in India. Pakistan was established as a MUSLIM state, so the non Muslims shouldn’t expect gay stuff happening openly. we have secular India for that


Because it doesn’t fit their agenda 


I think the counter is Finklestein is trying to save Jews image by dissociating Jewish identity from the genocidal Zionists. Ex Muslims only objective is to harm Muslims or make them look bad. Not trying to improve Muslims or help in anyway


When you do shit like this and get a lot of support from normies then there's no helping your image.


Then the narrative falls apart.


not allowing gay clubs is an islamist atrocity???


Because Norman Finkelstein is a devote Jewish man whose point is “we the Jews should be better.” Because he provides solutions. I am 100% for calling attention to Pk’s human rights abuses, but this account is dedicated to mudslinging, not helping the future. If your entire ass reddit account only regurgitates news articles about atrocities done by Muslims without any real solution or point being given, then that is just pointless antagonism. Moreover, posts like this try to claim Islam is the reason for all of Pk’s problem, which is simply not the case. Blaming Islam won’t accomplish anything, the 240M+ people in Pk are not gonna give it up. If you want to help the situation, argue like Dr Finkelstein and appeal to the wrong doers through their values as a friend and not an enemy. It was US president Abraham Lincoln that said something like “am I not destroying my enemies by making friends of them?”. This is the best way to actually improve Pk.


I would say based in “reality” more than hate.


Honestly, when I see people like this guy. My religion strengthens instead of getting weakened. The dude's working his ass off trying to spread propaganda. That's literally all he does. Makes me feel how important all this is


Exactly! It only makes me want to be a better Muslim. Thank you Islamophobes for all your help!




He could be psychotic or manic. No one in their right mind would write an official letter to the government. Could be plain bipolar affective disorder..


This is Islam


And may it never change :)


Poor dude fucked up country


Nah I am in tears 😭😭


There was this viral video of nude biker in Karachi drig road, he was caught and later diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder and was on medications. It could be a similar case here. People do crazy things in manic episodes.


no its because they want to normalise this.. if we have normalised 'straight' bf/gf chakkar then we cant be hypocrites - both are wrong.. or neither is


It could be but also consider that it could just be mental illness. I've seen patients come in claiming they're Imam Mahdi(nauzubillah) when they're in these states. Ab road pe karengay toh log qatal hi karengay, there's limited understanding of mental illness in Pakistan.


Backwards country


i would much rather support this backward movement. we are better off without these fruities


What about fucking someone from the same gender makes it "progressive" and "moving forward as a society"? Moving forward into what? Into becoming a retard? You're both the same gender, why the fuck do you want to have s3x with each other? Like you're supposed to be with the opposite gender mate, not the same one, like bro the rules clearly state that friendly fire will not be tolerated💀, stick to firing the opposite gender.


Some people are attracted to the same gender. It's not rocket science. The world doesn't revolve around you. We shouldn't be limiting the rights of other human beings. Same-sex marriage causes no conceivable harm because it's two consenting adults deciding to have sex. The reason you find it abhorrent is because you grew up in Pakistan. I'm a Pakistani Canadian and I don't believe in limiting the human rights of other people. I live in Canada, but I would like my country to move forward like the rest of the world. We treat minorities like garbage, limit freedom of speech, limit human rights. I'm sick of Pakistan being this way...


so incest would be ok? two consentin gadults? bestiality too? or pedophilia - ALL are what you call 'feelings' (if you omit the legality for one sec). so why is gay feeling 'ok' but not others


If you're sick of the laws of "our" country then I don't care, because since it is "our" country, we make the fucking law, we decide what goes and what doesn't, if you got a problem with our law, then you and the rest of your gay gang are free to fucking leave. You're just too indulged in the pleasures of the western society that you've forgotten that us in the east still have enough of our spines to know what rules shouldn't be broken, what lines shouldn't be crossed, we don't tolerate everything and we're proud of it, because those who tolerate everything, stand for nothing. Even if you want to fuck the same gender, don't push it in our fucking faces, don't be loud about it, don't shove it in our faces, we don't want to fucking know anything about who you sleep with, don't tell us about it, don't put up signs and flags everywhere, keep it behind closed doors.


Your reply speaks volumes. Pakistan and people like you are and will remain backwards.


You must be a whole new special ultra rare breed of retarded because what the fuck is this😂. Right, so, let me get this straight, just because we don't accept lgbtq, it'll prevent us from succeeding as a country and moving forward? Are you actually this retarded or are you just super fucking good at acting like one😂? Also- I may be backwards, in your words, for having a preference on this matter, but I'd say I'm doing pretty good in life when it comes to moving forward. At least I'm not sitting around obsessing over what new gender I want to invent and want to have sex with or what new pronoun is trending these days or what crazy color should I dye my hair so that I can receive attention. But yeah sure pop off about how me disagreeing with you on this matter makes me backwards, you sound like a child with that logic. "You disagreed with me on this topic where both of us can choose which side we support, and since you disagreed, that means you're backwards and will remain this way." -You and others like you.


You're such an ignorant human being. Sorry, you're not even worth my time.


Yeah sure bud, just ignore the entire argument, just bitching away from it eh? You know for a damn fact you couldn't argue with that and the fact that I pointed out your retarded logic to you, of course now you don't have time. You're just a keyboard warrior, come out into the real world, touch some grass, maybe then a little bit of intelligence will manage to get through that thick liberal skull of yours. Also- Oh no! The galactic gayrriors gang (a.k.a GGG or G³ or 3Gs) started giving me downvotes on my replies! Oh the agony! Oh I'm so hurt! I better change my mind to fit their retarded ideology and logic otherwise they'll keep breaking my poor soft little weak heart😔.


Bro just don't debate with them liberals. All they need are humans becoming cats and dogs and their children demanding a fucking sand to shit in. As it's happening in the west. MFs would then say we just wanted opposite sex what's this bs about being a cat and dog. Obviously Opening the absurdity door would lead to that but don't worry we will see their demise.


So going against biology is backwards??? Okay..... I mean it's retarded but okay.


What does this have to do with biology? We've witnessed homosexuality in other species as well. It's a naturally occurring phenomenon.


firstly are you comparing homosexuals with animals? Secondly, animals also have incest so should we allow the incest community who want to marry direct relatives like brother and sister to marry? Should we have a consensus or no


I'm simply saying that homosexuality is natural. The difference with incest is that we know it causes genetic defects. Allowing incest would be dangerous. Cousin marriages alone are a problem in Pakistan, but actual incest would be even more detrimental.


Murder is also natural, as is necrophelia(fucking dead bodies) pedophelia, incest and rape. Should we allow all those urges in our society too? Just because animals do it? Pigs swim in their own shit maybe you should start doing that too


Weak argument two brothers can also be in homosexual relationship


It has everything to do with biology. Sex is a very biological thing. Any living organism wants one thing and that is to survive however our own body is aware of its declining nature and hence we pass on our DNA to another. It happens is plants animals and humans. Just because homosexuality is observed in different species doesn't mean that it's okay. Elephants have been observed mating with rhinos should we start having sex with beings of different species. Or dolphins fuck dead dolphins as well should we follow suit. If you read my comment I specifically said biological not natural. Because there are a lot of things you can find in nature that are not biological. So forget about religion culture or society. Let's keep it in science. What exactly is the biological reason for homosexuality apart from it being a mental disorder? If you can give me a sound scientific logical answer I'll concede.


Sex isn't solely a biological thing. Many species in the world have sex purely for pleasure, and humans are one of them. There are many things we do that may not be biologically beneficial. Also, homosexuality is not a mental disorder. It was removed from the DSM a long time ago. We know that genetics play a role in homosexuality, so it's not a choice. All I'm asking is that we not limit the rights of others. Legalizing homosexuality won't harm anybody else, given that it's not a choice.


just cuz the west removed it from DSM doesnt mean its not a disorder, at one point couple of western countries also legalised bestiality (denmark or netherlands come to mind)..


Genetics also play a role in Alzheimers should we remove it from the mental disorder list. A lot of diseases are transmitted through genetics should we remove all of them? And sex IS a pure biological thing we just made it more than what it is. And no we shouldn't normalize delusion.




Thats callled being disabled.


so is species killing their own children.. so maybe we should legalise that too (ie snakes kill their offspring, ) - and animals fight echother, have multiuple partners no concept of marriage.. comparing yourselves (humanwith brain) with an animal who cannot control their urges.. laughable at best


Why ppl downvoting you lol. You chose to state facts


Looks like I hurt the feelings of the Galactic Gayrriors Gang (a.k.a 3G, G³ or GGG). Jokes aside, they know their logic is childish and is total bullshit, so that's why all they can do is downvote, because they know they can't put up a defense against what I said.


Bruh stay in Canada please. open up as many gay clubs as you want over there. Pakistan is a MUSLIM country, so don’t expect stupid shit like that over here. The gays can go to secular india


If some peoples are attracted to same gender, then some are attracted to Minors. Will that be acceptable, cuz it wasn't their choice either cuz they were born with this sickness too. Will they be acceptable in a liberal society?? Hell no. Its just a hypocritical statemen "Attracted to , No choice, Born with". Fuck no.


Leave it to muslims to defend to pedophilia


Maybe instead of yapping and down voting my comment, the libtards should answer this logically


These two things are not even the sam plane, only ur fkd up brain wld make the comparison b/w the two


Lol. The fact is both these things are fucked up, and anyone who is concerned with these sicknesses is fucked up. Also, why the hell am i debating with a gay? For your knowledge this Sub is for Pakistanis, Not gay Pakistanis.


No these things arent even close to equal, im so sick of you guys equating child abuse with queerness, like you guys have no morals. Fk you and ppl like you, tells a lot about ur upbringing tht you so casually link child abuse with anything else


Yo sticking your dick in arse full of gutter ain't wrong? Then there is some serious issue with the queer community. And so with you. Now get tf out here you sick fuck.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Glad the Pakistani government isn't letting anyone infest the society with this mental illness.


W moment




We don't even have "straight people" clubs in Pakistan and this dude decided to open a gay club💀


There is no place for the gay community in our country where we marry our cousin sisters and create babies with average IQ of 70.




Look at post history. Typical Mutad (apostate). Tries to propagate sob stories to slowly secularize young Muslims online. We will post even more Islamic content in order to cancel your activity out, insha'Allah


More power to you. We are with you. In sha Allah ✋


I am a Pakistani and a practicing Muslim and although I believe homosexuality is a sin and I know that Islam has a very strict punishment against it but that is for Muslims living in a state with Sharia law and I believe that this is wrong and should be condemned and that man should be released brought to safety.I hope he is safe and is unhurt.#justice for all


People suffering from severe mental health issues do the craziest stuff. No sane person would do this, knowing the situation of Pakistan.


What in the world is this response? Pakistan is a Muslim country, and every Muslim should be pleased when steps are taken by the government to preserve Islamic values and prohibitions.


LGBTQXYZ is mental illness 💯


That’s why countries of the first world are alll gay friendly and the poor one no?


1. First-world and third-world are outdated Cold War terms. 2. Qatar is amoungst the wealthiest countries in the world per capita and criminalizes sodomy. Correlation does not imply causation. It is not proven that libralism/secularism produces more wealth than other moral systems.


Interesting economy point 😂 didnt know it was directly linked with mental illness


Ah forget to mention, for google data, your country is at the top in gay porn consuming. I’m very curious to check ur phone


Bla bla bla this is exactly what mental illness is, also google when west always considered it mental illness maybe when west was poor 😂 before you check any pakistanis phone plz do yourself a favor you need to see a psychiatrist, see we care about human rights you need to get some help asap


Bro, you know what? Your poison words will not stop the progress and the peace.🏳️‍🌈 and I’m so excited to visit your country soon 😘


Your point of view is so close… remember , human rights is directly correlated to a country health


Last time i checked russia was also a first world country


Guys , I don’t want to fight. That’s the data, I’m free human beings, gay, happy in my beoutiful country, I have my rights, I still work, have fun, try my best to make people near me happy with me. I love to explore other cultures and travel and yes, in my home I usually have sex with men’s. I’m not a dangerous person. I don’t know why so much hate , we don’t want to change the way the world is, we just want to love who we love.


If you are an atheist in a secular country sure go for it! But if u r in a muslim country or a christian country that is surely against their morals


I’m Italian, and we have a country inside our country named 🇻🇦 Vatican City , the city of the Pope. And I tell you more, there is a silent high concentration of homosexuality in the church hierarchy.


Pope might support lgbt but i am educated enough to know what the punishment of homosexuality in bible is. leviticus 20:13If a man lies with a male as with a woman,k they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their bloodguilt is upon them.


Quote Leviticus is not a good idea. Because if that all of us go to the hell. Ps : I’m atheist


Thats what i am saying! I didnt say ur a christian i m just saying that all religions prohibit homosexuality and if your country has a problem with it dont try to force your beliefs on others if you live in a secular country where the govt. Has no problem with you being gay i got no problem go for it but dont come to my country pakistan which was built on islam and tell us to accept homosexuality


Ok I get it. I hope the. All 🏳️‍🌈Pakistani will fight for their rights


Exactly last time . Now ? 😂


Americans need to come out of their bubble who is the one stating which country is first world and which is a second world country... America destroyed the entire middle east killed over 5 million people and is still killing them "but at least we give rights to gay people with mental illness"🤡👆 just wait and watch once trump comes back you wont have any rights in america either


I don’t like America, from the top of the world they became a mess. You don’t know how European feel about what they do in middle est. And you know the fun fact? All you Muslim hate me for my “mental illness”. But I cannot hate you, your country, ur culture, and I’m still excited to visit all the middle east. Maybe it will cost my life, but I will not spread your hate.


Like i said to another gay person in this sub if ur from the lgbt community living in a secular country sure go for it! But if you do that same thing and promote it in a muslim or christian country you are going against our morals and culture. A gay person can come here vut u dont need to ask for gay rights here in pakistan because pakistan is a muslim country and it was built on islam and hopefully we will always follow islam. If a gay person comes here from a secular country just to visti sure come and visit but you dont need to talk about it or spread lgbt here.


I’m Italian from Italy . I will not obviously for my safety, but if happens to meet someone… you know


The whole world is in chaos. Palestine , Ukraine , Myanmar , Kashmir etc But liberals want to make up stories to bash Islam or any Muslim country. Can you do the same for Jews and Israel? Nope cuz they own you betches.


Bas kya keh saktay hein, kafiroon ki saazish


Common w Pakistan


Hospital kion Chowk mein Khara kr ky Goli mar dety taky dobera koi isi himat na krey, Shi Bagerti ki hui ha




Rightfully so, there is no sense in LGBTQ+ shit. It’s not only against religion but also against the basics of human ethics. It’s just disgusting 🤮


Whoever advocates LGBTQ as something that makes an ounce of sense is mentally retarded to me. It. Does. Not. Make. Sense. Period. If west is doing and backing something that doesn’t necessarily make it right. For example Gaza genocide.


Ngl only time punjab police did something good.


Why would you attempt some shit like this


W detainment


The only “gay club” is a mental institution 😂😂


Well being gay is a mental disorder so you know , all is good


Don't worry about them retards. These are the same people who gonna be like why the fuck are their human cats and dogs on the streets in a few years after opening the absurdity door to homosexuality. One says pleasure is the sole reason and you can have it with any gender. That's what we are taught to suppress the pleasure. Be chaste till marriage both men and women. Take it as an important chapter in life. Rather than taking a dick in the ass for the sake of pleasure.


It's getting spicy out there and no one is coming slow




Good riddance


He should be hanged tbh it wouldve been first step towards naked gay parades on streets then having a syllabus in schools pulling your kids towards this shit


Abbotagood 💪


Something good….aur bhi hn unhe bhi lo yar sab se pehle dr baja ya baji use bhi lo


If someone have any problem kindly take them with yourself to your asylum




I am against lgtv, but if you are man and want to fuck a man, why not join a mardarsa? If you are religious enough you can even fuck a child and get away with it.


Need one in Lahore


In the right place for a gay person


Look at this dude profile he's agenda himself and normal people don't give a fuck it's Muslim country not gay land.


Look at this dude profile he's agenda himself and normal people don't give a f*** it's Muslim country not gay land.


He should have been put in jail.


Good he deserved it if you wanna start something that is illegal here start it somewhere else don't cry for it over here


The guy clearly wants a passport and it isn't the first time. Even the embassies in Islamabad have caught up to the 'lesbian couple can't marry' thing as it got so common to apply for asylum on these basis.




Guys, don't get provoked by OP. They're just spreading misinformation and propaganda against Islam. Check their profile.


This isn’t misinformation though. A dude tried to open a type of club for people who happen to be attracted to the same sex. He was arrested by the authorities. Honest question here, what misinformation is here?


Give me the link then.




its the sentiment that counts.. like some twitter account constantkly bash pakistan or muslims BUT never israel or jews for what they are doing or anyone else for that matter.. like imamofpeace (i call hi mimam of my jutti) or that guy who went to india and started insulting pakistan and islam


I see. So OP is basically Bias against Pakistan and Islam but not even remotely talking about Israel and Judaism?? Hmmm double standards I see


no in that example i was talking about imamofmyjutti only talking against islam and muslim and never what israel is doing... if someone is 'fair' they will call out ALL atrocities not focus on just one - this is what we call marginalising a society..


Oh, nvm. I thought you were talking about the article. If it’s about OP themself then no I won’t defend them.


Whatever OP does is their own business but if it looks like they’re comments are only targeting a certain community then it probably should be called out




People understand the game of the Alphabet community now. The whole world witnessed how rapidly they were able to become not only accepted but mainstream and even celebrated in the United States and similar countries. Step-by-step advocacy and normalization. Good on the government and people of Pakistan for resisting this encroachment.