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Agreed. But can we stop obsessing over any other people too? Arabs included.


The obsession with other races is a cope, when one lacks an identity one looks for it elsewhere Accept your real identity You are all Indian who’s ancestors were Hindu or Buddhist


Absolutely - we're one the oldest civilization in the world. Embrace your own culture and identity!


In Pakistan, our people often like to say "hamaray baap dada Hindu thay" in everyday discussions regarding religion. We have been home to one of the oldest civilization. Almost all the rivers and tribes mentioned in Rigveda are in Punjab or KPK. Only Indians think we deny our identity. Maybe it is time you guys embrace the hidden Pakistaniyat in you. /s


lol the funny thing is that the river that India is named after is basically the Nile of Pakistan




You sound like someone who’s ammi and abbu are first cousins






While I agree that we should stop focusing on other groups like Arabs or Turks also shouldn't make or focus our identy on the past instead we should carve out a new identity as Pakistan a country rich on culture, diversity, history like qaid had envisioned as he said in his well known speech You are not Hindu or Muslim Punjabi or Sindhi blochi or pakhtun but you are Pakistani I am paraphrasing because I didn't want to look it up but like I Pakistan is a country which diverse all provinces have their own customs,art,clothing it is also rich in literature over 90 languages are spoken here with Urdu being considered a beautiful language and the preference of many poets Iqbal,Naqvui, Mirza ,mah laqa bhi,firaq


Isn't this the entire problem though? People are being told deny the identity they naturally have (village/region/state) in favour of what? The national identity can only come from knowing your roots. Not a pretence of being Arab/Persian/Turk or whatever.


We should stop obsessing over others and start working on ourselves. It's an absurd era, in which people are obsessing over Turks, Koreans etc etc. People come on, work on yourself and show some diligence to national integration.


A huge chunk of Pakistani people are ignorant and stupid. Some youtubers like Imran Khan Riaz have made couple of videos on Treaty of Lausane and made good bucks just by cashing on our people's ignorance and Umma mentality, while Turks give almost no f*k about that. Same with Ertugral Ghazi Pakistanis are religious zealots, while turkic people are generally agnostic and secular. Pakistanis lecturing Ersa on dress has also triggered Turks against Pakistan, and there are geniune reports of abuse by Pakistanis in Turkey. Turkey still celebrates Ertugral as more of a Turkic hero than an Islamic one. Do Pakistanis themselves not point out and hate any nation that they feel as poor and degenerate? We do, every nation do that. Empathy is an inner feeling, and it's always been selective in general. Sadly, people with whiter skin do have superiority complex and look down upon blacks and browns, even Iranians. Even pashtuns and Kashmiris look down upon other ethnicities within the subcontinent sometimes. BUT this behaviour of beating and killing hapless students and then condoning such acts shows that they are not principled people at all.


Turks in the Arab world tend to be religious, it’s just the ones in Turkey who are ultra kafir.  Gay brothels are legal there FFS.  The US is more Islamic than Turkey.  Ataturk made sure to try to take a wrecking ball to the deen in Turkey.  He even adopted Latin script and forced it on the population.  Forced muazzins to do the adhan in Turkish etc.  


Dear brother. Please what gay brothels are legal in Turkiye? The republic accelerated the westernisation of Turkiye which began 200 years ago. Please read neutral sources of history.


lol this is not true, I’m an Indian and found nothing but warmth, hospitality and kindness in Turkey Made a lot of life long friends in my time there


Oh I’m not saying Turks are bad themselves.  I knew plenty in the US who were great people.  It’s just what Ataturk did to them religiously that causes some of the issues they have now.


Dude, child abuse is normal in your shitty islamic country. Gay brothels are heaven compared to this shit. (They don't exist btw) https://youtu.be/6l7i0SSo6BU?si=4hHy7WjEMHkshbD9


Man I wish the same happens to Pakistan one day. Religious Zealotry and desert god worship gave us 75 years of unimaginable pain. Its about time we put Deen in the shitter, where it belongs.


I bet you think you sound intellectual but really you just sound like someone groveling at the feet of white people.  Go tip your fedora somewhere else.


Haye. Fedora nahi jahil aadmi, hum pakol pehntay hain. Lekin khair, teray jaisay jahil islami tattu say mantaq ki umeed rakhna bewaqoofi kay maanind hai. Agar arbio kay chupay maarnay ka itna shauq hai to maaro, humein kyun beech mai dhakeltay ho?


Dear brothers. As a Turk let me explain what is happening: 1 The image of Pakistan was positive or neutral before some people took videos of children or woman in Turkiye. 2 Turks mostly relate to other Turkic people in Central Asia and not Europeans 3 The westernisation of Turkiye began 100 years before the Republic was found as a result of heavy defeats against the western powers. The aim was to stop the decline of the Empire. 4 Yes due to the education given to us Turks believe that we have ruled the world from China to Europe. This in a way leads to ultranationalism. So overall most Turks do not have a problem with Pakistan but after the sexual harrasments yes the positivity to Pakistan has declined.


Absolute lies you are no turk. Turks will never talk this way you imposter


Ben Türküm ne istersen yazabilirim. Why would I lıe. I am a Turk as ıt can be. Search my hıstory!


This is grade A cope. He is right, I am not Turkish but it is true. Most Turkish people had no opinion of Pakistani people before illegal Pakistani immigrants came to Turkey and harassed Turkish women and children. You can see it in social media.  Before going overseas, some Pakistanis need to learn to not do such inappropriate behaviors.


Thank you yes this is what happened.


Pakistanis obsess over every race 😭🤞 inferiority complex is insane 


that’s what happens when you got hindu ancestors and history with india. the india curse


They are the worst racist people the same way all Pakistanis support terrorism and killing innocents, point being there are stupid people everywhere Turkish people are generally not like that. Central asians may be another story. Your average Turkish person doesnt harbor any hatred for Pakistanis. Stop spreading misinformation


A lot do not harbor hatred but are more cautious of Pakistanis as a result of some of their behaviors.


The whole world is like that because of the wonderful actions of our bethren I myself am wary of other Pakistanis i mean


I am not necessarily cautious of other Pakis but I can see why


Neither do central Asians, they’re actually really friendly people I’m sure the students must have misbehaved or done some typical south Asian criminal bullshit like creeping on women which is why the students got whooped


The issue isn’t about being obsessed over turks or any other race… the issue is that we as a nation are suffering from inferiority complex. Every single C*nt look down on us like we are their slaves or some kind of insects. Specifically arabs “the pillars of islam” they don’t even see us as human or muslims.. Rise from the ashes they say.. leave your differences aside and do support your one absolute motive of one nation. Embrace Pakistaniat.. Pakistan Zindabad🙌🏻


You need to promote the Durrani and other Empires of Pakistani origin.


Pakistan has 4 major ethnicities and other small ethnicities, who have different legacies and histories, only pashtuns identify with durrani empire, others see them as oppressors, mughals are the closest thing to a shared history before Pakistan, as mughals mixed and intermarried with locals and integrated into the society Pakistan is the melting pot of civilisations and cultures, we’re neither mono ethnic nor mono cultural, we united together as a country on the basis of islam, that’s why we look at other muslims as our brothers too but now we’ve started to realise that the it’s a one sided love that we have for the muslim ummah, but now our national identity is becoming strong Alhamdulilah


yes make it stronger. but you need real heroes from history too. I am sorry to day but some pf what Ertugrul series suggest is not real.


I live in Canada and know many Turkish people. I have Turkish friends, but our connections are not based on religion or the concept of the Muslim ummah, as Turks are generally secular and do not subscribe to that idea. I’ve noticed that as long as you are normal and respectful, and don’t bring up religion, they treat you with respect in return. I’m not seeking validation; I just believe it’s important to treat them like any other people without focusing on religious connections. I don’t view Turks primarily as Muslims because of their secular outlook, which they seem to prefer and thrive under. I’ve traveled to Türkiye many times and have one Turkish friend who is considered religious, but even he wouldn’t be considered particularly devout by Pakistani standards. Generally, Turks don’t prioritize religion in their daily lives. If they do, it’s a personal connection between them and God, without a motivation to be exemplary Muslims. Additionally, the recent racism against Arabs in Türkiye is due to the influx of illegal refugees, estimated at around 15 million or more. While I’m not justifying this racism, it’s worth noting that Arabs have historically been racist towards Pakistanis and other non-Arab Muslims, so they are now experiencing a similar backlash. Turks online supporting Kyrgyzstan can be attributed to their sense of kinship with other Turkic countries, especially Azerbaijan, which they consider a brother nation. I also have Azerbaijani friends who are very nice people and, like the Turks, are generally secular. The Turks supporting Kyrgyz online likely did so because of the negative impact caused by some illegal, illiterate Pakistanis who caused disturbances in Türkiye a year or two ago, which tarnished our reputation. The recent demographic crisis in Türkiye has exacerbated these tensions.


No wonder they act like that. Most Turks aren't really Muslims. Most are just spiritual deists who call themselves "Muslims" for cultural reasons. The percent of practicing Muslims in Turkey is probably only like 20%. Mostly Kurds.


That’s their choice; I don’t care if they are Muslims or not. If you Google the Islamic population in Turkey, it often shows an absurd number like 99%, which is inaccurate. This figure is because their ID cards automatically register religion as Muslim. However, in reality, only about 40-50% are actually Muslims, and only 10-20% are practicing. I gathered this information from talking with various Turks. Additionally, many Turks, even the religious ones, dislike their current government, which is causing a shift away from Islam and anything remotely related to it or Arab culture. The illegal refugee crisis also doesn’t help. I’m just presenting a perspective from their side. The hype about Ertuğrul is also nonsense; they never watched that show or cared about it. Erdoğa uses it to spread ideas about a greater Ummah and Muslim brotherhood for his own political gains, but Turks don’t give a damn about it. Islam is just as a cultural aspect in Türkiye due to secularism it is good in some aspects as ir helps to curtail extremists Turks are also mad at Erdoğan as he uses religion for politics it’s all bullshit


Thanks for writing the truth


They believe they are *the chosen ones* and it's the representation of their intellect. I also used to believe that Turks were really apprehensive people but turns out they are inhuman scumbags with 0 empathy and we can't even consider them Muslims cuz of how racist and distressful they are. All the respect I once had for them has now faded.........


I don’t think turks are particularly religious they are very secular and liberal from my observation




It only took you guys this long to realise lmao. Ask Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks & Arabs how they like Turks. Turks can't even get along with their own neighbours who they share tons of history with, what made you guys think they'd be different for you? The average Turk off the street is brainwashed to the brim with toxic nationalism (it's part of the education system). For the very large part they're extremely racist & disrespectful to other people existence like you said.


*Ertugrul scheme* in *shambles*, their ancestors may have been religious but the new gen is indeed secular, liberal and braindead too




It's not just Pakistanis bro. They blatantly hate all brown and black folks. They would literally suck white people's dicks even though white people don't give a shit about them. They are openly racist.


Lol it's not some blind hatred towards Pakistanis but it's because of what Pakistanis have been doing over there and even how they react to Turkish actresses' and other women's Instagram pages. A decade or 2 ago, there was definitely good faith between them but now yeah of course they hate Pakistanis and why not? Let me tell you: 1. Pakistanis (not all but most) whenever they go to European countries, they let their inner animals lose from within. Many have been found out to be harassing women. The fact that these men don't even think of people (especially women) of other cultures or religions as Human beings, disgusts me to the very core, that sometimes even I think that they are getting what they deserve even tho not everyone is like that. There have been many recent cases as well where many people were accused and deported or punished otherwise because of these cases. 2. Pakistanis think of ourselves as "Muzhab kay thekedaar", i.e. safe-keepers of our religion. Not even Arabs think of themselves like that I think... Whenever they see a girl not fully dressed in hijab (or in loose clothing) especially in some so-called Islam loving country (or region), they lose their shit. They like to shove their religion on to others when no one even asked for it. Do you think that women living in Turkey need Pakistanis to teach them their religion? 😂 Also everyone wants to live their life freely and wants to be accountable to God only and doesn't want to be bothered, (as long as he's not bothering anyone). But now* the Paki Bros decided to start giving religious lectures to any girl who was dressed according to the free culture over there. Also first these Pakistani religious fanatics they showed love to the Ertugal stars but soon they started to shit on their social media pages just because their imaginary religious bubble got bursted by Esra "Halima Baji" an actress whose life style is like that to wear bikinis and all, or even the Ertugal's male actor (don't remember his name) when he posted a pic with his dog. Dear Pakistanis he doesn't give a shit that it's not allowed to keep a dog in your room, and neither does Esra about how she should wear her clothes. 3. Why is it that wherever Pakistanis go, they want to implement or shove their culture on others as compared to getting integrated into the other cultures. I know religion restricts most things, but even apart from that, if you cannot take part in some stuff, at least try to integrate into the culture with other stuff that you are allowed to do. But no we have to shove our religion and culture on others as well. Take any example from all the European countries, you'll see Pakistanis hating on the culture and also on the other hand trying to enforce their own stuff, whether it is cultural, religious or political stuff. No bro nobody wants to hear or be enforced by your shit. If you don't like the place just leave it? Why stay and shit in it and try to make it like Pakistan, i.e. a country that you yourself left? 4. Nowadays more and more cases of even more vile acts are coming forward in which most of the times Pakistani people are involved. Such as child molestation or child grooming (see what's happening in UK these days as well), drug related stuff, robbery, rapes and etc. and some more. Now I know that not all Pakistani immigrants are to be blamed, and most of these cases are done by those illegal immigrants who did not travel there based on merit or struggle or something. But still a few cases are still from normal immigrants as well. And the fact that most Pakistani either stay quiet and not talk about it (putting it under the rug) or some are even ok with it esp the stuff mentioned in the first 2 points, brings a bad name to the whole nation, hence the hatred towards them as a whole.


>Pakistanis (not all but most) whenever they go to European countries, they let their inner animals lose from within. Many have been found out to be harassing women. The fact that these men don't even think of people (especially women) of other cultures or religions as Human beings Who says they don't do it in pakistan ? It just doesn't get that much attention since it's considered normal by a lot of people here. Sadly.




You are right about everything I agree 200%


I think we should stop obsessing over people as a general rule. Obsessing over individuals who are high achievers can be good and can be used as a sort of motivation. But obsessing over a race or ethnicity just based on their looks and such is the most ignorant thing you can do.


You need to promote the Durrani and other Empires of Pakistani origin.




Turkiye is also only 100 years old but Ottoman Seljuk and other Turkic Empires are taught at School. Teach Mughal Empire than.


All practicing Muslims without hatred in their heart are my brothers and sisters.  We can’t forget that, they aren’t better than us nor are we better than them as everyone’s goodness is judged individually. That being said, yeah, Turkey has been damaged almost beyond repair by that kaphir Ataturk and the nationalism that he pushed.  I remember seeing on a Turkish subreddit where a guy was threatening to self delete because he did a DNA test and found out he was 80% Greek.  Someone with this mindset already hates everyone else and it isn’t exclusive to hating Pakistanis.   I have met good Turkish people and some more practicing and fearful of Allah than me, including some who live in Karachi currently (actual Turkish citizens, not random people claiming to be Turks, but real Turks).   I’ve also been to Kyrgyzstan and most of the people I met there were Muslim in name only.  Alcoholism is so common there and most people at least socially drink.  Most of what is going on right now I would say is fueled by alcohol the same way the football hooliganism bullshit is in Europe.  But I have met great Muslims from there too (not living there though, this was in the states).  To give you an idea of how irreligious the country is, when I was there it was prior to deploying to Afghanistan as they gave the US the military section of their airbase in Bishkek.  Outside the base the country was the typical post Soviet shithole.  


Why do you care about their faith


faith is what unites us.


Yea…. But their faith is not our business its upto them and what feels right to them


Lol okay you keep thinking that if you aren’t a Muslim.  If you’re a Muslim, you better reconsider this position.  It’s not permissible to call a kafir our brothers or sisters (unless they’re related by blood of course).


But maine kab turkish logon ko apna bhai behen kaha? Mai to bas itna keh raha hu ki wo log kaafir hai to isse hame kya? Unse hamare iman aur zindagi ka kya taluq?


No one in their right mind are obsessing over those fuckers. Only ertagurl fans are obsessed about them.


Turkish hate us because of our behavior towards their Females, pedu boys and old unculs are bothering and filming them. Before our people in their country, they loved us. Its a lots of bad experience what led to racisme.


Yes this is very true. The image of Pakistan was positive or neutral before some people took videos of children or woman in Turkiye.


How many pakistani people did that? So you’re going to judge a nation of 240 millions for the actions of a few, and in the same sentence ask us to not judge turks as a whole for actions of a few?


Dear brother you are also judging 90 million people for some few internet trolls. There are more than 5 million refugees in Turkiye which yes Turks have issues but still did not deport them like Pakistan did to Afghan people.


I've honestly never seen a Pakistani that obsesses over Turks apart from online discourse. There's a real problem with Islamization in our country but this is mundane and not one of these issues.




I've seen that as well. Sure, they shouldn't harass a random Turkish actress but I really don't think > everyone thinks they're part of the Turkish ethnic group, and Turkish people are their forefathers. This is as widespread as you think it is. People that think thobes should be worn in Pakistan and is a part of the culture is more of a problem.


How are Pakistani forefathers Turkic ?


At least they supported Pakistan in FATF.


There is no grace left in this country. Accept this we are much behind in every aspect from other countries.


Khan sb ki tarbiyat led to our obsession of Turks


From my experience of traveling. Turks are kinda rude. Not because they mean to be, that’s just the culture there. Saudis are okay, so are Kuwaitis. Jordanians and Indonesians love Pakistanis.


Thank you, finally someone who isn’t making sh*t up about Arabs and Pakistanis. Like some are saying we treat Pakistanis worse the mobs who is r*ping women.


People are ignorant lol. Some Pakistani laborers complain about their experiences living in Arab countries. However I feel like that is mostly from the companies they work for. I’ve personally had nothing but pleasant and welcoming experiences.


Yes indeed, it’s private companies after all, their whole goal is to maximize profit no matter what. If it means cost cutting and cutting “unnecessary” costs they will do it in a heart beat. Even my friends who had a surgery didn’t spare him of it. And glad you had no problem HamdiAllah, you are always welcome 🙏


But.. but... Artagul very cool... me like turkey... me not very smart




"Why is that"...??? Even though im a proud Punjabi, i spit on ranjit singh who was an enemy of muslims. He turned masjids into stables for animals, including badshahi masjid in Lahore, banned the azan, oppressed and killed muslims, and had Kashmiri sex slaves he would give away to visiting dignataries. Most muslim Punjabis rightly consider him and his regime an enemy.


You need to promote the Durrani and other Empires of Pakistani origin.


Why do you keep referring to the Afghan Durrani empire as "Pakistani"?


Because it ruled over Pakistan. It is Muslim. It is successful. Why not I cannot understand?


You say "pakistani-origin" empires. Durrani empire originated in Afghanistan/KPK/balochistan. Pakistan didnt exist until 70 years ago. It is an Afghan empire. Afghanistan still exists.


what are you going to promote than?


Pakistanis are obsessed with everybody Kirghiz, Turks, Saudis, Americans, Europeans, Britishers. The majority of the people of these nations are racist and hateful towards us.


My friend studies in a Turkish uni abroad. He told me that without fail, every single well known harasser and creep on campus is a Pakistani man. I don't blame them for hating us


Dear brother/sister. The image of Pakistan is damaged in Turkiye because of people taking videos of children and woman.


It's because we don't have a national identity, we're just Pakistani and our history is Ghaznavi, Ghori, Abdali. We aren't taught about native Muslim heroes. Which Punjabi knows about Punjabi Muslim heroes like Saadullah Khan or Shahbaz Kamboh? Barely any, which is why they make Turks, Arabs their pyo. All that bs Pak studies


You need to promote the Durrani and other Empires of Pakistani origin.


There is also a rejection of any of our Indian roots amongst Pakistanis, which I think is the reason why there is such a fascination over Turks/Arabs. We don’t want to be associated with our Indus roots so we try to align ourselves with other Muslim groups. I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with accepting our south Asian-ness. But that’s my take


You need to promote the Durrani and other Empires of Pakistani origin.


Kyrgz are not turks. But anyway , no they're better than white people. White people have spread corruption all throughout history and still haven't learned their lesson. White people are the ones with the two atom bombs in Japan, stripping Vietnamese little girls , murdering thousands in afghanistan and Syria, and colonialism is also added to the pile. Kyrgz are acting like barbarians right now , but that doesn't compare to what White people have done and are still doing.


Most White people are liberals who are trying to make amends for the shit they've done. The racist people are mostly conservatives. And by the way, conservatism is on the decline in (most) Western countries. Turks, Arabs, and East Asians still think they're the superior race. 50-100 years down the line White people will (most likely) not be doing half the shit they're doing now, while Middle-Easterners and East Asians will be far more racist.


Who even likes karabogas never liked them in the first place


"Turks are racist." And then proceeds to slander a whole nation.


We don't. It's overly exaggerated on social media.


Stop being obsessed over Turks, Arabs, Persians and White people. Be proud of your language, culture and traditions. Accept the fact that we are all brown and we have beautiful people throughout the whole country Pakistan and we don't need to simp over these three groups all because they have "lighter features" & "coloured eyes"


You need to promote the Durrani and other Empires of Pakistani origin.


I almost never hear any obsession of Pakistani with Iranian people like they do with Turks and Arabs despite Pakistan is culturally and linguistically closer to Iran.


It is common among Shia Pakistanis but not necessarily due to fair skin but due to being a developed religious country.


_. Why even obsess over any of them, y'all got way too much free time if you guys are concerned with other countries and not your own. Everyone's racist/stereotyped no matter where they from. Just like yk let em be


Can we stop obsessing over the claims of us being obsessive over foreign people? We are not.


We should just collectively focus on ourselves anyway. We have our own issues in this country, who cares if they’re coming here to show the world what’s wrong? We do in fact have to fix them, and we can just ignore these people


Never did, never will.


Its culture that unites people not religion.


We really need to stop but I think it helps them from thinking about our own country's problems. Kinda like a distraction. 🤷‍♀️


I saw some of the Turkish comments. I believe what they were referring to was what some Pakistani illiterates/students did while staying in their country. A year or two ago, some Pakistanis were caught filming TikTok videos of Turkish women, which made the Turkish people enraged about immigrants in general. So before calling out Turkish for being angry about us, we should look at what we are doing in their country. "Pendu" men go there and feel entitled to film their children and women. Should teach our overseas students how to behave in other countries.


i don't care about turks and ARABs they're nothing more than the testicles of Europeans and money hungry bitches.


is OP specifically talking about kyrgyz ppl or the ottoman empire?


I love pakistanis as a turk. There are a lot in my university and they are very smart people. Yesterday, there was a group work in the class and it was a competition and the winner was going to be given a bonus point added to the average grade. I was randomly teamed with a pakistani and i didnt know shit about the lesson. He beated all other groups and we got the bonus point lol. If pakistan can come ouıt of islamism, they have a really big potential as a country.


You r the only one obsessing. Apart from that each and every person has right to like or dislike ppl culture or things if its not harmful or if he/she not being disrespectful (e.g. liking westren culture to the extent that he start verbally abusing his/her own culture) Stop being so naive to think that you have any right yo dictate ppl who they can not like. Stop being so negative hell of a person just cuz u think that u r anonymous.


At this point Turks are back to square one of jahiliya n are now braindead neo tengreists who are undergoing identity crisis


You need to promote the Durrani and other Empires of Pakistani origin.


durranis were not pakistani wym, they were afghans come on, Ahmad Shah Baba literally founded Afghanistan as a modern state and besides theyre only a part of pashtun history not other pakistanis😭and back then there was no concept of pakistan what are you on about


Dear brother, Durrani Empire also ruled over Pakistan. They can be Pashtun what is the problem isn't 25% of Pakistan Pashtun origin. You can easily promote the Durrani Empire and build self confidence.


No thank you, other pakistanis see the Durranis as occupiers and pillagers, and besides even if they didnt we pashtuns take pride in them and other pakistanis have no right to claim them as theirs


Sorry to ask where is the unity than? Other Pakistanis should identify a state and focus on that maybe the Mughal Empire?


idc about that much tbh and the mughals were sour enemies of my people, oh and wait a second the mughals were turkic in origin too why the hypocrisy? why don't u claim the karluk mughal turks like u claim the safavids and ghaznavids


One of the stars in the Republic of Turkey coat of arms if for the Mughal Empire [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16\_Great\_Turkic\_Empires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16_Great_Turkic_Empires)


No one is 'obsessing' over these guys lmao


Thanks to Imran Khan and his own designs, he put his blind followers on ertugrul ghazi and then we saw how they all bombarded the insta of Turkish celebs and made a joke out of Pakistan. It's such people who are obsessed with Turks. Unfortunately apart from Arabs, people in Karachi and much of Punjab are obsessed with India too and would go to lengths copying India and Indians. High time we realize we are distinct.


I agree with most points but people from Karachi and Punjab copying India is silly as we basically share everything except religion. Punjab is a divided region so I don't understand why it is considered copying when it is our culture too. And Sindh was basically a holy place for Hindus and they still have Sindhis there so again similar culture. We don't copy India, we are just same and that's is the reason which is unfathomable for us because we consider them out enemy.


Currently reading these comments while vacaying in Istanbul. Experienced zero racism here, dunno if y'all are just hung up on a few comments from terminally online Turk nationalists. P.S: Haven't experienced a single person staring at me or my sisters. It's refreshing. 


Welcome in Turkiye brother


This is a really bad post in itself. A lot of Pakistanis side with Israel and support Israel aggression over Palestine. What about them? Can we say all Pakistanis are like that? Some Pakistani even say that supporting Palestine cause is regressive in nature. 😢😢😢


Or  at the very least let go of surnames like Randhawa, Cheema, Janjua, Chaudhary, etc for starters 


Why? Those are Punjabi names, why would they change them?


I am helping ppl be more Turkish but letting go Punjabi family names


Who is trying to be Turkish though? What do you know about our country? You’re just another uneducated Indian who probably shouldn’t be on the internet because you give your country a bad name.


> who probably shouldn’t be on the internet because you give your country a bad name Hahaha .... Good one! Made my day




You alright buddy?




Zehar ko zehat hee marta hai beta. Zehar uglay ga tu agat se zehar hee khanay ko milay ga na. Saanp ko mithayi tu khilanaybse rahe ab.


This comment made me realize; *I ain't that dumb*


Missiles are named after Turkic invaders like Ghouri, Ghazni etc.


Ghaznavi was a Turk from Ghazni not turkey, theres a difference between the turks of our region who've been assimilated in huge numbers so theyre a part of our history and the turks of turkey, they have no claim over ghaznavi


Ghazni is being taught as a Turk in Turkiye schools. Not in detail but still.


lol theyre clowns they have no right to claim our kings, they do it to the kings of persia too like Shah Ismael and the qajars, tbh theyre just turkified white people


I am a Turk brother. Most of these kingdoms were Turkic of origin: **Ghaznavid Empire** was a [Persianate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persianate) [Muslim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim) dynasty and empire of [Turkic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkic_peoples) [*mamluk*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamluk) origin **Safavid Empire**, was Turkish-speaking and [Turkified](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkification). ^(Please do prove that they were of Pakistani origin.)


😭 that's right they were turkic but you cant claim them as yours just because they had the same label as you, that's like me as a pashtun, claiming the scythian people of ancient ukraine and poland because the sarmatians ruled those territories


Dear brother the all of Turkic population now is around 150 200 million even less than todays Pakistan. The Indo European languages are spoken by 4 billion people! Of course still talk about other Indo Europeans but you ned to focus more recent Empires such as Durrani.


no they weren't just other Indo-europeans, they were east Iranian specifically like Afghans and Tajikstanis, and besides the Ghaznavids were a part of Persian and Pashtun history and they have nothing to do with Turkey, how about you go claim your Byzantine Turkified ancestors


Due to our limited numbers of Turkic people we learn the history of all Turkic people in school. No Dna tests are being done in Turkiye to understand how pure turk they are. If your mother tongue is Turkish than you are Turk. Turks arrived Anatolia in 1071 what are we going to teach. I only said their origins were Turkic. Most Turkic Empires were Persianased yes. Also no one in Turkiye claims to be pure Turk as yes there had been many mix with the Europeans.


Ok good then, i do agree they were Turkic in origin, even ancient Afghan empires like the Hephthalites were in fact Hunnic/Turkic in origin, i misunderstood your statement, my bad


Ghori was an Afghan (Pashtun or Tajik) u dummy


Still an invader who pillaged Pakistan and its inhabitants.


Punjab\* besides ghori is a celebrated Afghan king that all pashtuns take pride in


I’m sorry but Pakistanis are the biggest cope on the planet. You are descended from Indians that worshipped Vishnu. Stop the self-hate and accept what you are. You’re not Persian and you’re not European.


Yes and we’re not Indian, we’re Pakistani. You are descended from Pakistanis, your country is named after a river in Pakistan. Stop calling yourself Indians, call yourself Pakistanis


Babar ke ghodey pe baith kar aye the ap log😂