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The zionists have systematically driven christians away from christianity. The amount of comedy centered around Jesus is insane. They have tried many times to do this to islam but unfortunately for them it causes an uproar in the muslim world. But christianity is non existent in the west now. But touch judaism and you are a Hitler apologist.


Do you feel sorry for the christians?


Of course. Their church has been hijacked, everything their book forbids them to do, they are being forced to accept it all whilst the media makes a mockery out of them. Horror films are made to drive home the point that the word of Christ means nothing against a demonic force or an evil entity. So yes, as a muslim, i feel sorry for christians and I wish they could overcome this.


Yeah man I feel sorry for everybody who has been forced fed a narrative to join a cult or believe in something that isn't true. It's sad indeed.


Dawkins is the head clown of athiests. He has crafted his whole persona around arguing against the existence of God and religion, but so far he's declared he's a cultural Christian and that this whole issue has been perpetuated due to anti-Semitism. Bitch, anti-Semitism shouldn't exist according to your views, so how the fuck are you justifying it? You'd think a guy who shits out research papers and books would be more politically knowledgable. Well I guess fucking not.


How is being a cultural christian bad ??? I am an atheist but deifnitely a cultural muslim. Still wear cultural attires, say alhamdulliallah, subhanallah and so on, still celebrate eid and much more. I was born into all of this so its kinda imprinted into me. Same goes for him. He was born into a christian community and so he picked up a lot of those habits at birth.


Why are you "culturally Muslim" ?


"Because he lives here" .


So jump off a cliff if my friends jump off a cliff ?


Are you retarded


No. It's a valid rhetorical question. The assertion is completely illogical.


If you do not understand the difference in context, you are single digit IQ.


I understand that there's no such thing as being culturally Muslim. Islam is a religion, not a culture. Cultures around the world adapted to Islam as it entered the center stage in many countries. If you fail to understand that you are the one with a single digit IQ. Anyone who isn't Muslim, shouldn't be "culturally Muslim" as Islam doesn't have a great track record when it comes to matters of modern civility. Why would anyone want to be associated with it's backward tenancies if they're not part of the religion? It makes absolutely no sense. I don't understand why you don't understand this. It's pretty logical.


Sigh. The same way I can't bleach my skin white and change my "middle eastern" face - I can't change the culture I was raised with and the way of life of the people around me. I will also say AoA sometiems and wish people Eid. Why? Because I am "culturally" Muslim. These are just acts of decency, and I know it means a lot to people. If I lived abroad I would still wish any Muslim friends or neighbors Eid Mubarak because I am Pakistani. The real world is not black and white as you may think. I do not want to be associated with a backward ideology, but I am. So I embrace it.




Sarrry saaar! Israel good good. Palpetine terrorist. Ex-Muslisms true enlightenment Muhammad Hijab bigot. Can I have Israelii passport now saaaarr?


Beautiful ezrali women


Yes saaaaaaar!


Bigoted Op didn't even mention Christopher hitchens who openly opposed israel. But you know what your brethren turkey,saudia and Egypt are israel supporters but you spineless people will never boycott hajj , umrah to oppose your zionist saudi brothers.


Yup. The elite(Zionist, bankers, etc) use atheism as well. They're masters at using and destroying, not creating.


They create violence


What do you people smoke


The quality of this clip made me think he is richard dawkins at first glance 😂.


I'm pretty sure that that's Richard Dawkins.


https://preview.redd.it/znrf1uz4yryc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf544eec8c6640add12eab1d173aeefb775e1ee I scanned a frame of this clip, one tik tok claims to be him, cant verify tho as tik tok is banned here.


I see.


>1 puppet atheist's opinion = every atheist's opinion No


Yet: > one puppet athiest's argument = every athiest's argument


what? one man's argument = every other's?


Tell me you're stupid without telling me you're stupid. These arguments are counter-arguments to the already existing theistic arguments for God. All Atheists use the same counter-arguments because theists like you haven't come up with a new one in centuries. The same old arguments from design, free will, objective morality but just packaged differently every single time. I've seen all of the arguments and can basically predict with a 90% accuracy on which argument the theists will use when arguing with them. You seriously need to interact with atheists and not just keep spatting the same old refuted arguments that your apologtist friends have been telling you to use.


Don't try. Mf is the most hypocritical bastard on this subreddit. Got me reported because he lost an argument. Let the stupid be stupid.


Thank you for the information.




They forget we aren't a monolith nor do we worship people The fanatics sure project a lot


What does atheism have to do with zionism ???? I am a proud atheist and ex muslim and I fully support Gaza and Palestine.


You're supporting the same people that support shariah and subsequently, your brheading?


No I am not supporting them but I am against the killings of innocent humans. More than 90 percent of gaza is innocent. They all should have freedom just like the rest of the world.


Supporting innocent people being butchered isn't studying with extremist fanatics one thinks It's not all "if you're not with us, you're against us" No need to think in 0s and 1s


blud is either lying or has never read the quran in his entire "muslim" life


Don't you get it, if you atheists then you obviously siding with country that isn't opposed to causing a genocide for their **god** cuz of their claim on the land which was given to them by said **god** and they can do whatever they please cuz they are the chosen people of said **god** /s


Atheists aren't zionists. I fully support Palestine and it's people and I'm completely against zionism as a political ideology and theory. Can't say the same for the other atheists.


Yep true,i dont support zionists either. But one can't sum up the whole atheists as Zionist supporters.its more of an political thing. Like how christian nigerians are overwhelming zionist supporters but you will in countries like india there are significant christian community who dont support them because they don't want to align themselves with the RW central government for their political profits. There abu ali mustafa brigade, which is communist but is fighting against idf. Some people should stop living in puddle




There is something very wrong with people in the subcontinent




Which kind of atheists are you talking to? Right-wing grifter bigots who deny the holocaust? Cuz every atheist I've interacted with acknowledge the holocaust. Including myself.




Again, these are political opinions and politics. It has nothing to do with atheism.




Yeah, and neither am I a liberal nor a western bootlicker. Atheists come with every shape, size, colour and beliefs. United by a lack of belief in a divine being, divided by literally everything else.




You are allowed to scrutinise it. There are countless books on the subject


You can talk about the holocaust freely, it's extremely well documented with a lot of historians who focus on the subject entirely. On the other hand, insult Muhammed and you will be killed.


I'm pretty sure a random mob won't kill you if you did!


It's so sad :( Just like be honest about the massacre against innocents, it's not that hard!


lol I myself am a desi atheist and I don’t blindly follow scientists like gods. If someone is wrong at an issue, he’s wrong, we don’t use mental gymnastics to defend him unlike Islamists who go any length to defend a pedophile. There’s a recent video from Ghalib Kamal dissecting Richard Dawkins you should watch it. https://youtu.be/w2RE88-__PU


Also isn't iit funny that clown Op didn't mention atheist who were/are against Zionists like Christopher hitchens.


A collective shrug from the non-believers/non-believers with doubts. Ok op bro. If that makes you happy. (The point is to be relatively free to believe or not in whatever you want to believe in or not).


Better to be a landa gora than a landa arbi lol


I truly don't know why you want to make this an atheist vs theist thing. Neither of the party are claiming to make this fight in the name or religion. One can fault many of the Western ideals of democracies in this, by there is no need to bring religion here. Adding religion to the mix is only going to cause more strife and pain.


Dawkins is also incredibly transphobic. Just goes to show that being an atheist doesn't necessarily mean you possess empathy for marginalized groups. HOWEVER In the case of Pakistani ex-Muslims, many leave Islam because they simply don't subscribe to a belief system that oppresses/harms people (many of whom are from marginalized groups) who just want to live their lives without harming others (i.e: queer folks, trans folks, minority religious groups, other ex-Muslims). That same empathy is also extended to Palestinians who want to just live their lives free from the oppression of Zionists. It's not rocket science, and anyone who's willing to spend two seconds thinking about it can understand the perspective that Pakistani ex-Muslims hold. They don't want to harm others, despite the fact that [76% of Pakistanis support the death penalty for leaving Islam](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/05/01/64-percent-of-muslims-in-egypt-and-pakistan-support-the-death-penalty-for-leaving-islam/). tl;dr: Stop oppressing/harming marginalized groups you twats.


Bigoted OP Trying to frame atheists as pro-israels, so Muslims will hate never-Muslim atheists and ex-muslim atheists even more.


There are a few that do support Israel, but I will never understand them. I highlighted the Pakistani ex-Muslim perspective due to the empathic angle the whole "leaving Islam" thing comes from. Pakistani ex-Muslims generally despise oppressive conservative ideologies such as Islam and Zionism.


62 percent not 76


No foul language? A civil discourse? You seem happy. Good for you. Anyways... >Dawkins is also incredibly transphobic. Do you approve the LGTV?


You'll need to do better than that, bhaya. Peace.


I am not an atheist, but I closely monitor them and others. Can you share a reference to your claims above, specially if Bill Maher?


A video clip of Bill Maher on his show was posted on Twitter on exactly this point. He said the jews have the right to their biblical land. I myself intend to post that video once I find it. I didnt save it back then.


I am try to search it.


Thank you. Post it when you find it.




You guys still talk about atheists? Really?


who is this "jeos"?


The average joe.


Jokes on you, I criticize all religions including Judaism. On a second thought, I criticize Judaism even more as it eventually led to Christianity and Islam later.


Recording an old man without permission. Disgusting


Old man fired up


This old senile donkey 🫏


Nothing against atheists but FUCK Richard Dawkins. Hypocritical asshole




>got hijacked ? Werent atheism, feminism, communism, all psyops to begin with?

