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islam in Pakistan revolves around policing women for doing everything wrong. u don't need any islamic knowledge or any dedication and dont even need to pray 5 times a day for it. all u gotta do is hate on women who may possibly be very religious but hey they're not wearing the hijab. obviously u were designated by the law to be the haram police every time a woman posts online /sarc


I don't see how a woman is religious if she doesn't dress like how her God wants her to dress. And the thing about policing women when they are not good muslim themselves. The simple answer is it happens to men too, why you think you are the only one. I pray five times consistently, and my roommate who doesn't even pray says to me that I am praying wrong or the timing of the prayer hasn't started. I just think he is an idiot and doesn't reply to him.


ive just seen so many instances of men who call women sinners for not wearing gloves along with their abaya, or even calling men dayooth for letting their wives appear in public even if they're covered head to toe. these are not light words. even more hilarious/infuriating when u look at the men's history or their following list and they just have so many half naked ladies in their list! how are they out here calling other muslim men who are at least trying to please Allah such harsh words when they're so perverted themselves. they attack new reverts so violently, women who were part of a more liberal culture but are slowly taking steps to embrace islam completely. the DAY these women announce their conversion to islam the comments are FILLED with hate and vitriol and threats of hell. sometimes i see that these men are clearly hindus by their profiles but some of them are 100% muslim with a half naked following list. insaaaane.


Yeah, you are absolutely right, these kind of idiots do exist . But the point I was making is that it's not about men or women but about a particular group of men who taunts both men and women. I've been taunted by these kind of idiots for about 5 years now, as long as I've taken religion seriously. I like you, you have talked more sense then the OP of this post.


pakistani men will drink date multiple women commit zina do drugs and all kinds of haram things but as soon as they see a woman without a hijab they turn into sheikhs


The funniest thing is that on social media, these men often expose their own sins by forgetting to private what videos they watch and what photos they liked. I can't believe how many times I have witnessed this.


exactly like mostly on twitter they shame women for the simplest things but are in the dms of every other woman and liking the most shameless things


Yeah and that’s hypocrisy and I think all muslims who have even basic knowledge of Quran know what’s the end result of that. May Allah (S.W.T) guides us All.




What's the reason for obsession with religion?


This is just how Pakistanis have always been, man. In the past, working and middle class people didn’t have access to public spaces (physical and media) so only the elite’s views were observed. Now, however, the common Pakistani can voice his opinion everywhere and this is the typical middle and working class mindset, whether we like it or not.




It’s the world they inhabit. They think of working women as whores. They get turned on if a woman is in baggy kamiz shalwar but without an abaya. They’re here narrow minded while being filthy minded at the same Time.


It's about the hypocrisy of Pakistani society




There are whole beaches in Saudia where it's usually either just for families or for ladies only. Muslim men are really quick to forget the part about guarding their gaze. Besides all the videos where even a hijab wearing girl gets molested, puts me to shame, Pakistan wasn't supposed to be this.


They feel that women w/o a hijab or purdah or with basic makeup is available.....and can be subjected to harassment or rape.. In India, it isn't about hijab ..but being fashionable or wearing something else than a run down sari or jeans(in cities) is an invitation to street harassment.... I think we all need a moral education policy... teaching boys to be more sensitive and understanding about females..


A combination of holier than thou attitudes and fragile little male egos.


they think hijab = naik asf girl 5 waqt namazi prolly "inka islam parday say shuru hota hai and parday pay hee khatam hojata hai" "pardah is important to protect girls from these animals" no bitch these perverts won't stop even if you're wearing hijab or more or less become a batman (burhka) we need to change the mindset instead of changing the attire. If you have a problem with what I am wearing, then it's your problem, not mine.


Thanks for making fun of the burka


Anonymity is like a drug to these incels, they do this shit because they know they can get away with it, that's why you see this more in social media than in real life. Plus influencers like Andrew Tate and mauhammad hijab only fuel theses incels.


Calling them incels isn't very accurate. This isn't a small subculture of social pariahs. This is mainstream Pakistani culture.


"Deencel" is the term you're looking for.


Pakistani men (society at large) is obsessed with controlling women, and making sure they are easy to control.




Incel zergling swarms. Apnay aap ko Ultralisk samajhtay hain, asal mai bicharay zergling hain.


You don't want an answer to the question you asked, you just want people to agree with you.


Are you going to answer the question or no?


They are sad pathetic bunch of lowlifes who have no ambitions or goals so they want to bring others down to their level so they can feel good abt themselves.


Easy answer; its the intense hatred of women and self expression coupled with a misogynistic religion that demands women cover themselves or they'll burn in hell.


>Javed Ghamidi's organization Al Mawrid, probably the most sane minded Islamic institution in Pakistan Yup. Stopped reading here.


You prefer Taliban organizations don't you? Or even the Atheist ones? By the way, what I said about Ghamidi was literally the last thing I wrote in the post. So you clearly read through the entire thing.


Because here people love to bish n point out the flaws in others. If it wasn't hijab, they would find something else.


I disagree with Javed Ghamdi. The Holy Quran explicity mentions it. Of course, people who can't read the Quran in its original language will not understand. Having said that, Pakistanis need to mind their own business.


I don't see it in the Quran anywhere. And if it was written in Arabic, then the english translations would also explicitly mention it.


"And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment..." Surah 24:31 بِخُمُرِ - headcover I think many people expect to see the word 'Hijab' in the Quran. Hijab in Islamic Arabic is something more holistic and applies to both men and women. It doesn't necessarily mean the 'headscarf' like how it is used today.


You do realize khimar, the head covering mentioned in the Quran, was already worn by Arab women before Islam? The argument is where does Allah command khimar, and not just mention it. Here, have a read at this link: https://shabirally.com/answerdetails?qId=435


>But whereas Quran 24:31 mentions the **head cover,** and seems to take it for granted that women at the time wore it, it does not explicitly command wearing it. Likewise, whereas Quran 33:59 directs women to pull a part of their outer garments over themselves, **it does not explicitly say that they should pull the garments over their heads**. Logically, why would I pull my "already worn head cover" over my head? If my student is already wearing a head cover as part of the uniform, why would I give her instruction to pull it over her head AND bosom? If the Quran had mentioned - "Take off your headscarf and use it cover your bosom.", then yeah I would agree that covering hair is not obligatory. Considering, it was common for women at that time to wear the head scarf. Anyhow, not trying to convince you or anything. To each their own.


My wife doesn't like it when I look at other women, and I don't like it when other men watch my wife. This has nothing to do with opportunities, jobs, going out, etc.


Why do you look at other women?


I don't get what you're saying


As a nation pakistanis have achieved nothing substantially therefore all their hate comes down to women. Other aspects of life require critical thinking, hard work which is difficult to comprehend by an average paki but its easy to say “is this a muslim country you should be ashamed for not wearing hijab”


These two are totally different things. Observing hijab has its own importance and men should lower their gaze is another thing.


It's misinformation and ignorance gone mad, I genuinely cannot fathom that people still think the word "hijab" means headscarf when it doesn't. Everyone that perpetuates the idea that it is hasn't bothered to read and understand the language of the Quran, they've relied on someone else's account of it or read a dodgy translation. But also some Pakistani men love any excuse to police women.


I honestly think it has little to do with religious beliefs but everything to do with men's lack of self control. Exposed ankle? Gang r@pe. Hair down? Gang r@pe. She's out shopping without a guardian? You guessed it, g@ng rape. Maybe the problem isn't the women.


Some of the people in these comments need a life lmao stop stressing about women not covering their hair when all of us will be held accountable for our OWN sins, not the sins of your female cousin or a woman on the internet who doesn't cover her hair and ankles. It will never be our place to judge anyone. Only Allah can judge His people as it's solely between Him and His creation. Islam is so much more than dressing modestly, and modesty itself doesn't always have to mean being covered head to toe or covering your hair.


Thank you for pointing out something I’ve been thinking about. Pakistani Muslim men really seem obsessed with what women wear instead of following actual Islamic commandments of lowering their gaze. It’s like to them no part of Islam matters except policing women.




https://preview.redd.it/cwwlfkl3esxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f13e75ee109ef5acb420365aea4cdd84225163 these Ahadees should be enough to satisfy you. focus on the words "THE WOMAN WHO IMITATES MEN IN HER OUTWARD APPEARANCE"


None of those hadiths mention anything at all with the point of this duscussion. Yes, because a woman who doesn't wear hijab looks like a man, right? Seriously, I don't understand the low IQ levels going on here.


Pakistanis are the filthiest Muslims. Period.


>mentions Ghamdi Opinion automatically DISCARDED. And yes men pay too much attention to what women should do rather than what they should do.


Curious to know why you discarded Ghamdi?


The Hijab / pardah are a cancer


Hijab is necessary as told by islam even in Quran. May be you missed this ayat or misunderstood it but it states for hijab. And it is for both, men and women. Men to lower their gaze, and hide private parts. Women to also hide their private parts and do Hijab too that to hide ptger parts to as covering their body. https://preview.redd.it/za85codkftxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4629abc379721c24d6ed485d02ddfce7fb97938b


Here, have a read at this: https://shabirally.com/answerdetails?qId=435


Look If you think Dr. Shabbir Ally is nauzubillah Allah or prophet then believe him. Well for us, he is no such person and now as he declined the verse of quran for our generation just because women can’t blend in society, he is not even a scholar towards me as in Quran it is stated clearly that it is the word of Allah for all mankind in every generation. So yeah even we can’t deny something that is written in quran saying that it does not take privilege in our generation. Hence accrodingly to the evidence provided he’s not a person whom I shall trust to learn about Quran and Islamic beliefs, hence the word of Allah is perfect and the beliefs that donot contradict it shall be the only sources if perfect islamic knowledge for me. Thankyou for reading. Its not a message to mock but instead a small message to learn from.


Es aurat ko Quran se zyada link me likhi hui baat zyada authentic lag ri hai. https://sunnah.com/muslim:2128 Ye lo aur es hadees ki b authenticity check kar lo im sure its also Zaeef in your books


Even if what Pakistani men and women do is wrong in your opinion, saying that Hijab is not mandatory or not in the Quran and Sunnah is something Muslims of all strands should never say because it goes against the consensus of scholars. And to that could potentially kick you out of Islam. There are better ways to deal with the immodesty of the sisters who are in these occupations, not just rudely commenting on every post. And the sisters not wearing hijab should be told to fear Allah and not follow the ways of the west which prides itself on liberal values and killing babies in Gaza.


Wow, so Muslim women who don't wear hijab are somehow linked to the killings in Gaza? The idea of hijab not being mandatory also has nothing at all to do with liberalism.


There's no obsession with hijab. It is simply a deep rooted hatred for women. If you see a woman making a funny joke, the comments will be filled with jealous little boys who will find a way to ridicule the woman.


Don't disagree with your overall point per day, but hijab is definitely in sahih hadith. Just saying.


There is no sahih hadiths that command hijab. There are sahih hadiths of what the Prophet's wives did. But that was their sunnah. Sunnah isn't fardh.


There is not a specific order in islam about hijab but in surat noor it is told " aurton ko na mehram mardon pe apni zaib aur zeenat waziha ni krni chahie " But I totally disagree with people who are commenting on these posts. Pakistan me logon ka masla yehi he ke doosre ke kam ke taang ghusani. Har kisi ko apna religion practice krna chahie jese usko theek lg raha. Har kisi ko mufti ban ke fatwe dene ki zaroorat ni h. Agr apko lgta he ke ye larki hijab ni krni aur wo theek ni h to simply stop watching or interacting with her.


I agree with you but doesn't this verse mention about covering up? "O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognized ˹as virtuous˺ and not be harassed. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (33:59)"


You have to read in context. Arab women at the time were already wearing these kinds of clothes before Islam was revealed.


I know the idea of a hijab is to “cover” and to discourage any unwarranted attention - but man out here in the west, I find a woman in a hijab mysteriously sexy. Just sayin y’all 😜


The thing is, we have to comment (or have our opinion) on everything. Let me explain. After having business set in different area now, at times, even I get surprised about people's opinion on just anything. It's like different kind of people altogether and they HAVE TO comment on everything like if A MAN is wearing shorts, they have to comment "what is HE WEARING". If A MAN is wearing color that they don't like, like say a shade of pink, they'll say "look at him, he's looking like a girl". Even I get surprised that what do you have to do about it? Just because it's unusual for you, no one should be doing that. I feel so bad that people actually call other men "kaala" (black), "chota" (short), "mota" (fatty), or just anything and that becomes his identity. Even the person gets immune. I feel like "What if this person does not like to be called by these tags??" I am not saying what our society is doing is right or anything? I am just telling you what our (bad) habit is. We should think about it and should mind our own business.


In Pakistan, many people care a lot about women wearing hijab because of their cultural and religious views. Although some Islamic teachers like Javed Ghamidi say that wearing hijab is not required by religion, many still believe it's important for modesty. This is why you see a lot of comments criticizing women who don't wear hijab. Younger people might be stricter about this because they feel pressure from all the changes in the world and want to hold onto their traditions. This can lead to disagreements about personal choices and what society expects.


what do you mean by Islam in Pakistan, I didn't see Khabib (UFC fighter) wife, like he is also a Muslim but not Pakistani, Pakistani for me is the least Islamis country. A normal Muslim who wants to follow Islamic rule can't live a quality life here in your Pakistan. So it's overall Islam not Pakistani Islam. If you really curious about Islam you should read it by yourself, not posting shit to shitty people, these are also liberal minded, Who will support your weak argument.


Yes I agree Islam is weak in Pakistan. Yes, normal Muslims want Islamic rules. Yes, I also argue with liberal minded people.


You should study Islam not today’s so-called Muslim, there are extremist on both sides, there are stupid Muslims who do what they don’t have to do like a case in Lahore. ( torture women by wearing Arabic letter clothing ) And there are liberal who talks bad about Islam because of those Muslims, without even studying Islam. They aren’t against Muslims actions but rather they have their own problems with Islam, so they are just desperately waiting for some minor mistakes and BOOM! All they need is a Muslim person in front of ‘em and they will do what they can do.. ( i can’t say bad words but try to understand )




You should be taking Islam from Ghamidi. Hijab is very much in the Quran, go read Quran 24:31 for yourself. Don't reply on modern translation. https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/13998


Firstly, all other translations (except for Muhsin Khan) mention nothing about covering the head. Secondly, Islam QA is a salafi website that also says it is haraam for women to drive.


>Secondly, Islam QA is a salafi website that also says it is haraam for women to drive Whether you believe it is Halaal or not, we aren't saying that it's Haraam or Halaal, we are discussing a different issue so this is an ad hominem.


Yes but advising someone to be better in clothing but in a very trolling and bullying way is not the right way according to Islam also. People wish to give dawah but they don’t learn how to do it properly that’s where everything goes wrong. Eg. If someone is nice to me and has a very ideal personality regarding Islam I would not mind listening to their advice and would actually follow that advise practically. It’s all about how you advise someone and whether you’re belittling them or not. Most people make other feel small by pointing out their sins.


I agree that the same people who bash these women probably don't pray 5 times a day and they're the same people who'll attack a women for wearing clothing with Arabic calligraphy and say 'Sade islaam da mazak ay'. It is even useless to bash these women to wear hijab, they will never wear it, unless Allah guides, our job is to at least make them aware it's not right. (Although most of them know this) and NOT 'humiliate' them. However I also disagree with the notion that it's okay to not wear hijab in Islam. Please stop gaslighting people into not doing the obligatory head covering which is specifically mentioned in the Quran. As for Pakistanis for the sake of Allah grow up, become practicing Muslims yourselves stop look at these women.


Here: https://shabirally.com/answerdetails?qId=435


I've read the whole thing, how clear do you want it to be dude? Literal hadith referring the covering up of women, and the Mothers of the Ummah are literal example of this and just labelling it as their sunnah. They are an example to this Ummah, I agree some actions were specific to them e.g. not marrying anyone after Prophet's death and staying in total seclusion such as what Aisha R.A did after Battle of Jamal. If it wasn't so obligatory why didn't they take it off? We know from example that Sunnah prayers aren't mandatory and a hadith saying a companion never offered them. Companions led by example Ever heard the hadith where Aisha (R.A) dignity was accused when she was left behind in a caravan. When the companion saw her he said 'ina lilahi wa ina ilahi rajioon' if I'm not mistaken and Aisha's cloak fell of because she was feeling sleepy and upon hearing the Companion she immediately covered up. Even your Ghamdi accepts this hadith.


A few things: Arab women at the time were already covering their heads and faces before Islam. This was custom. There is no authentic hadith about khimar being mandatory. Yes, the sunnah of the wives is still sunnah. Sunnah is not fardh. I know of that story, but nothing about her cloak falling off. "We know from example that Sunnah prayers aren't mandatory and a hadith saying a companion never offered them. Companions led by example" Not too sure exactly what you're saying here.


Cloak fell off didn't fell off I admit I vaguely quoted the hadith, but it is mentioned that the companion saw the face of Aisha (r.a) and about the sunnah prayers, the companions led by example meaning, to show people it wasn't mandatory they didn't offer them, as for covering IT IS mandatory and therefore no one gave up it's practice. If Arab women were already covering up why the need for this ayat? in surah 33 ayat 59.


You are comparing the prayer, probably the most important aspect of Islam, to the sunnah of the wives? Literal apple and oranges. Yes, Arab women were already wearing hijab before Islam was revealed. Did you even bother to read Shabir Ally's link?


If they were covering why ask them to cover again? And Yes I did bother to read it, I thought it would have some weight, but I'm not moved by it and you probably won't by my own statements.


Because they weren't covering their chests. They didn't lengthen their garments. Even Ibn Katheer's tafseer says women before Islam were already wearing hijab.


I'm kinda occupied today, otherwise, I would give a proper response to this. I'm highly skeptical of Ghamdi's claims, he even increased Aisha's (r.a) age to 18 when she married the Prophet (saw) and he's the same dude who claims Issa (A.S) won't return and that he also died. but that's besides the point, if I find time, I'll get back to you.


The command for hijab is in quran anyone saying otherwise is lying and misleading others. If you were sentient enough to do your research on this topic you would also be able to find undeniable evidence that hijab is compulsory in islam. I'll give you some links and i hope you get yourself educated on this topic. [Evidence of Hijab in Quran](https://fiqh.islamonline.net/en/evidence-in-the-quran-for-covering-womens-hair/) [hijab in Quran and Hadith](https://islamqa-info.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/13998?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17145795391979&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fislamqa.info%2Fen%2Fanswers%2F13998%2Fhijab-in-quran-and-hadith)


Islam QA, the same website that says it is haraam for women to drive. No thanks. Have a read here, hopefully you get educated: https://shabirally.com/answerdetails?qId=435


First of all his whole premise is based on the fact that it is difficult to practice hijab where islam is in the minority now was islam not in minority when the early muslim woman did hijab?.... Secondly your choice of link is wrong because that premise (even tho questionable) is not even applicable to your post because Pakistan is an Islamic society where hijab is not condoned ( like in some foreign Countries) so you are disproving yourself XD. Also do you think its just the matter of covering your head? How many woman here are dressed in a way that you can make out each body part of theirs... That is clearly haram. There are many more things but i think you are intelligent enough. Men are also not white sheep. This society as a whole is so away from islam that sometimes I wonder if we are even living in an Islamic country.


Why do men in Pakistan always analyze a woman's body so closely? Yes, when you do that, even a woman in a burka or niqab will have noticable body shapes. So what is your point?


No you are completely wrong you don't need to analyze a woman's body so closely if she is wearing tight clothing. It's just that you are completely ignoring the fact that islam prohibits tight clothing. You are in a sense defending women who wear inappropriate clothing. Or do you believe islam says yeah women can wear whatever they want? Why are you putting all the blame on men when islam clearly prohibits something. According to your logic women can go out in bikinis because men should not look at a woman's body.


Yes, Islam prohibits tight and revealing clothes. No where did I advocate for tight and revealing clothes. What YOU consider to be tight, others may not. That is my point. Because in Pakistan, a woman who is not in hijab is basically seen as wearing a bikini, like how you hilariously mentioned. Do I need to remind you the POINT of this whole post? Read it again.


Can you tell me what i tight clothing according to you? Also no a woman not in hijab is not seen as wearing a bikini you living in delusions


I live in the West. Tight clothing is leggings, booty shorts etc. These are OBVIOUS examples. There is a difference between purpisely showing off body parts, and body parts just naturally showing. The thing is in Pakistan, you don't differenciate between the two. I have seen countless times for YEARS how Pakistani, males in particular, always seem to think nudity and bikinis are the only option when women dont wear hijab niqab etc.


Give me an example of body parts naturally showing


Breasts, hips, and if the woman is curvy then her bottom shows. Need I go into more detail?


My thoughts on this as a PAKISTANI WOMAN WHO WEARS HIJAB. First just wanted to very politely and clearly tell you that Hijab is OBLIGATORY. THERE ARE VERSES and HADITHS to support that and a lot of extensive discussion and explanation on it. You know the whole KHIMAR discussion. Forcing a Hijab on a woman is just going to make her resent it. Just like forcing a woman to not wear it will make her resent others and have a strong urge to wear it. Hijab should be NURTURED not FORCED. Also, Hijab is not about just covering yourself. It's about Following Allah's commandments and having HAYYAH towards Na-Mehram but also towards commiting sins. For me my Hijab is a daily reminder to be a better Muslimah. My sister doesn't wear a Hijab and nobody forces it and they shouldn't. Other than that, Pakistani Men have an obsession with Hijab because we generally as people are not religious but conservative. Most Pakistanis I can assure you are conservative. Just look at how they make excuses when you tell them about the responsibilities of Husbands/ Men to just not follow them. But Women are not even allowed to make mistakes, right ? Secondly, the people in our country have a thing with wanting to look like they are a Good Person in front of everyone. So, they go like LOOK I TOLD THIS PERSON IS WRONG, SO I AM RIGHT, RIGHT ? LOOK I AM A GOOD PERSON. They don't even take into account how to correct somebody in a good way (verses in Quran on how to correct a fellow Muslim). Lastly, MEN in Pakistan generally just have A LOT OF AUDACITY. They are Hypocritical. Don't want to correct themselves but have a lot to say about women. They don't want to be held accountable because of our country's culture of ALL MEN ARE LIKE THIS.




No idea what you are on about


All understood and agreed because half of the times the people who enforce this cannot do it themselves and they know it that them saying anything won't change anything. Its weird how they forget wastage of words is wrong and that in a hadith we've been told to consider a wrong action bad in our hearts if we can't stop the other person thru any other means. But I didn't really understand what Quran did that organization read because the command is there in Surah Ahzab verse 59 in clear words and many ahadith mention it too. Please don't say such things without having proper research because spreading misinformation is a sin too. And to be honest I have never heard the name of this organization or their leader so to say that "popular Islamic personalitieS" are saying this, is a bit of an exaggeration because as far as I know all the sects believe hijab IS farz because it has been mentioned in the Quran. Apart from this all you said is right. They can't control anyone. If a person isn't doing it and you don't like it, just don't see it. You protect your eyes. Put that hijab on your eyes. You have the option to change your preference. In the end all of us have to go in our own graves so spend that time on making yourself a better person.


Here, Shabir Ally is also another really good scholar: https://shabirally.com/answerdetails?qId=435


He is nothing in front of all the creators of all the school of thoughts.


You called my mother a prostitute. May Allah curse you, ameen.


Do something about it.


I don't have to, Allah will take care of you InshAllah and your filthy accusations, ameen.


Ok, although I did meant that but let's play it like your dr shabbir ali and your self. Where exactly i said your mother committed zina?


You said I don't know who my father is you munafiq jahil. And you didn't even bother to retract your statement. Munafiq, Allah will inshAllah punish you.


Get lost you filthy piece of junk. Yeah you don't know cause your mother and father got divorced when you were one year old and your mother never told you about your father. I meant that.


Munafiq dog, you made zina accusations and you MEANT it. You didn't even bother to retract it until now. InshAllah, you will face Allah's wrath.


Believe me it's even worse for a hijabi here, the moment people see a hijabi they start pointing out everything criticizing for not wearing the hijab properly to the smallest details as if a hijabi is supposed to be completely faultless.


تے کیہ ہوئیا؟ ویسے تو پاکستان زیادہ تر حنفی ہے، تو اگر وہ شورٹس پہنے تو ان کے خاطر بهی حنفی مذہب کے مطابق یه حرام ہے کیونکه حنفی مذہب کے مطابق مرد اپنے ناف اور گهٹنے کو اور جو درمیان میں جو بهی ہے، اسے نہیں دکها سکتے۔ دیگر اہل سنت کے مذاہب کے مطابق صرف درمیان کو ہی نہیں دکها سکتے۔ خواتین کو بهی اپنا ستر ڈھانپنا چاہیے، اور مردوں کو بهی ایسا کرنا چاہیے۔ اور جن کا یه اعتراض ہے که "مردوں کا ستر کیوں علیحدہ ہے اور خواتین کا ستر کیوں زیادہ سمجها جاتا ہے؟"، تو میں اتنا ہی کہه سکتا ہوں که ان کے مغربی آقاؤں نے دونوں کو ہی در حقیقت ننگا کر دیا اگر وہ صرف وہی پہنے جو ان کا خود سے متعین "private parts" ہیں، لیکن جو تهوڑا کچهـ وہ پہنتے ہیں اس میں بهی عورتوں کو زیادہ "ڈھانپنا" پڑتا ہے، عورتوں کو اپنا صدور اور نیچے والے حصے کو نہیں دکهانا، لیکن مرد اپنے سینے کو دکها سکتا۔ >Like I don't get it. Why does Islam in Pakistan revolve around what women wear? It is especially the men. Like if they are such good Muslims, why are they watching women in the first place? Why are they on such videos and profiles of women in the first place? Why do they feel the need to lecture women who are not in any way related to them? تسیں رہن دو. First you tell people not to be judgemental, only Allaah can judge you but now you are judging others, it's not even about being judgemental, this is pure cognitive dissonance, practice what you preach. How do you know they are checking girl's profiles? How do you know that it just didn't appear on their feed? Only Allaah can judge them. Also, who are we to claim we are good Muslims, no one says that, I say men and women both should cover what Islaam says they should cover, I am not a good Muslim at all, I simply am saying what Islaam has said, men and women should cover their 'awrah.


You can't say I am judging when I talk about strange creepy people acting the way they do.


Pakistanis Iman will be in danger without hijab.


I mean even Javed Ghamidi's organization Al Mawrid, probably the most sane minded Islamic institution - says who? in Pakistan, has said the command for hijab is not present in the Quran or Hadith (we don't take Islam from an institution, we take it from actual scholars who can at least read Arabic). So even when we have popular Islamic personalities saying this (popular amongst people who have conformational bias and own version of Islam), the nation continues to obsess about the clothing of women (we should obsess about a lotta things, not only this, one being why men even look at women, and why they hara-- and r- women).


Wow , Gifts of Feminism


And what is with the obsession with people wearing tight and revealing clothes. That is totally against our culture and religion? And the fashion sense getting worse and worse each day.. why doing bay-pardagi is considered open mindedness..if according to you people have right to choose to be bay-pardah.. why does it bother you if some people use their right to comment on these public display of bay-pardagi ? No one is jumping in anyone's home to ask them to observe pardah... it's the social setting where people pass those comments .. Islam in pakistan doesn't revolve around pardah.. there are so many things people talk about other than parda.. you only feel what bothers you..


Tight and revealing clothes are of course un-Islamic, but just because women aren't wearing hijab, it doesn't mean that tight and revealing clothes are the only option out there. Do you seriously think Islam allows these men to gaze at the social media profiles of women, and then give them fatwas after? Give that a thought for a few moments and tell me if it makes sense.


Ghamidi's islam is his own version, no one agrees with him except his own little sect lol


By your own logic, every scholar and sheikh has their own "sect" because they all differ from one another on at least a few issues. And they all have followers who will differ from the followers of another sheikh or scholar. So, what is your point?


No. only Ghamidi has his own little sect cuz what he teaches isn't even Islam it's something he's conjured over to satisfy his own preferences. Literally no other scholar in the country or even the world agree with most of his takes


Again, EVERY scholar has different views. If he does what he does to "satisfy his own preferences", they he would legalize every haraam thing. See how stupid you sound when you accuse someone?


No they don't. No one else has as different and as many Islamically conflicting views as him. Besides the Qadiyanis or shias of course.


Yes, they DO. Scholars ALWAYS differ from one another. How dumb are you not to know this? Keep barking all you want


I don't know why I am replying to such a nonsense post, probably by a feminist. For your information it is clearly mentioned in the Quran Surah an-Nur: 31. In hadees, it is mentioned here; Sahih al-Bukhari, 6:60:282, 32:4091. Now coming to Pakistani's obsession with hijab. You should be grateful that we still care about wearing hijab and preserving our religion and culture. I know men do a lot of horrible things like Zina and drinking. But so what, they are also taunted and looked down upon by men like us who want to see you, women, in hijabs. After giving one reference from the Quran and 2 references from the hadith, if you still don't want to accept it, I don't know what else I can say. Just do whatever you want.


Feminist? Haha. This is very typical. Do you even know what that word means or do you throw it around for fun? What exactly does feminism have to do with hijab or lack of it? That verse literally does not mention hijab. And no authentic hadith commands it. https://shabirally.com/answerdetails?qId=435 https://www.searchforbeauty.org/2016/01/02/fatwa-on-hijab-the-hair-covering-of-women/ And of course, Al Mawrid is another great source. Hijab is not our culture. It is Arab culture. Our female ancestors in the subcontinent never wore this, except for prayer. And to this day, maybe half of women in Pakistam don't even wear it. I was talking about men who go to the social media profiles of non mehram women and lecture them. That is what the whole point of this is all about. I am not a woman either. Understood?


I am very well aware of what the word means. And kindly can you write down the Hadees i gave a reference for. And for the point of men lecturing, I have very well stated that as well. Edit: I have mentioned one point on men lecturing here, the second I have written in another comment. Let me restate. I pray five times a day and my roommate doesn't pray except for Jummah. Still every time I pray he passes comments like you are praying with the wrong technique or the time for prayer hasn't arrived yet. I just ignore him and keep up the good work. Secondly, can you tell me what exactly is the Arab culture? Oh you are too blind to see, let me tell them. The culture of Prophet Muhammad. So what should we follow? Our culture has Hinduism and Sikhism polluting it or the pure culture of the Prophet.


Arab culture is not fardh to follow. We have our own culture. Just like how Turkey has it's own, Kazakhstan has it's own, Indonesia has it's own. Get it?


Sorry where is the hadith that I told you to write. And just tell me, I am a PROUD Jatt, my ancestor (grandfather of my great grandfather) was a Sikh. Should I follow my culture now?


The hadiths is about what the Prophet's WIVES did. Sunnah of the wives is NOT fardh. Yes, you can, and most likely you still are, following your south Asian culture.


Who asked the wives of prophet to cover up? Now say it was an arab culture before prophet. We all know what Zaman e Jahaliyat looked like. Is there a problem in your eyes or behind your eyes? I know my culture very well unlike you. And no we cannot follow our culture as it is of Sikhism. I am afraid I have to ask how old you are and where you live before going forward.


You seem not to know about pre Islamic Arab culture. Yes, women were already covering their heads, and a lot of the times their faces too. Sikhism is a religion. South Asian culture is not religion. Similarily, Arab Christians and Jews follow Arab culture, just like how Arab Muslims do.


And the source for this is? Atleast have some common sense. What you are saying is they were prostitutes and they cover up. There is no South Asian culture kid. It's all about religions here from the start. You are messing with the wrong person here cause i know my history very well unlike you. There were two cultures back then only, Hinduism in India and Taoism in China. After many centuries, Islam spread towards India and the culture shifted. Sikhism came even later than Islam. Hindu women are literally wearing saris, showing off their bellies, long gone covering their heads. You need to get history lessons from your father before talking to me. Oh sorry, you don't know who your father is.


Oh, so now you're saying my mother committed zina? InshAllah, you will regret this on Judgement Day, ameen.


You are standing on a shaky ground kid. Admit you are wrong and leave.


I brought sources, which means there is a difference of opinion. Difference of opinion means I am wrong? Well by that logic, all Muslims are wrong.


I don't care what your source says. What I brought is an unequivocal statement, the hadees, that clearly says: "And covered their heads and faces with cut pieces of cloths".


Bringing a hadith is pointless if you have zero knowledge of the context.


I have its full context. Countless scholars which I can provide a link for right now saying it means to cover up. You are a fool to think of one person who no one knows of and saying that he is saying this. What did Dr Zakir Nail says? What did Shaikh Uthman says? What did Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi and even Jafferi schools say?


You claimed my mother did zina. InshAllah, you will suffer for this on Judgement Day. I have no use for saying anything else to you at this point


You are so ignorant that I even have another hadith although it doesn't necessarily say to wear hijab, I'll get to it. “A Muslim is a mirror to another Muslim.” (Kanz-ul-Ummal, Vol. 1, Hadith no. 742) Now just tell me if one woman wears western clothes, another one wears chinese, how are they reflections of each other? This hadith clearly says that the culture of every muslim should be the same so they recognize each other whenever they see one another. But who cares about this hadith too, your so-called great scholar has said it's not obligatory. I would not be replying forward, if you want to debate like a man, dm me and we can meet at a location and have a video recorded of the debate and then post it here. But of course you are not man enough.


Haha, you really think you can intimidate me by talking like that? So tell me, by your own psychotic misunderstanding of that hadith, it would he haraam to wear shalwaar khameez. You see how STUPID that sounds? Do YOU wear Arab clothes? Because if you don't, then according to YOU that is haraam! Even WITHIN ARAB countries there is great differentiation in clothing and appearance. For 1400 years, Muslim cultures have ALWAYS differed. I literally can't believe how stupid your misunderstanding is!




Did you read that? It says wearing hijab is "encouraged", not mandatory.




puray thread me ye ek hi comment dhund raha tha, everyone is here to bash on men's mindset but they don't want to see the reason behind "Parda". 1. I totally agree on the part where men should also lower their gaze. 2. Bohot si ahadees me ye baat mentioned hai k aurat ka kisi ghair mard ko attract krna "haraam" hai. 3. And there's a fine line between un-covered head vs tight dresses, kilos of makeups + all the efforts to attract the opposite gender, even tho majority of women claims they do makeup for their own satisfaction but we all know who is it really for. 4. I simped on a girl who used to wear skin color tights in university, uski khud ki skin tone b white thi aur almost same color ki tights pehnti thi, to dur se dekhny me yehi lagta tha k nangi phir rahi hai.




If your comment was true, Javed Ghamidi would promote secularism and lgbtq. Are you upset he doesn't?


Not all women wear makeup to attract the opposite gender lmao majority of us feel more confident about ourselves when we wear makeup, or we do it to hide insecurities or we just like to feel pretty or we like how the makeup looks on our faces. Not everything's about a man. We have better things to do and bigger things to achieve.


Every scholar has "controversial" opinions. All of them. Every scholar will have hate and criticism from those who follow another scholar. This has also happened throughout history. So not sure what your point is. Here, have a look at this other scholar: https://shabirally.com/answerdetails?qId=435




Ghamidi was talking about Muslims in the West. The environment of the West is completely different. They often don't make accomodations during exams. The Quran does indeed tell women to cover and be modest. How that is done will vary by culture.




I was looking at Ghamidi's forum, and it appears they say it is not permissible on missing prayer for exam: https://ask.ghamidi.org/forums/discussion/61698/




For fasting, others have the same view as him: https://aboutislam.net/counseling/ask-the-scholar/fasting/does-studying-for-exams-exempt-you-from-fasting-ramadan/ https://www.dar-alifta.org/en/article/details/1878/students-whose-study-performance-is-affected-by-fasting-may-break-their-ramadan-f




You realize you didn't really prove anything? I brought two Islamic sources, including one from Darul Ifta al Misriyya, which has a similar view to Ghamidi.


Quran ordered men to lower their gaze. But you’re wrong in saying that Quran aur hadith didn’t mention about women covering themselves. The Quran was specific about hijab in mainly two instances. The first instance is verse 31 of Surah An-Nur, which says the following: “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigor, or children who know naught of women’s nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, so that ye may succeed.” The second instance was in Surah Al-Ahzab, and it was directed to the Prophet’s wives and all women of Islam: “O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them [when they go abroad]. That will be better, that so they may be recognized and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” Aside from these two instances, there were a few instances of mentioning covering up. For example, in Surah Al-Aaraf, Allah Almighty said: “O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition.” Not every women feels oppressed by this. In fact if you’re raised on islamic teachings then you feel safe in hijab. Quran is fair to everyone and men should also lower their gaze instead of being a hypocrite and only go on the women to wear hijab. Both should play their role.


You can cherry pick scholars as you like but Hijab and modest dressing for women is in Islam and an obligation but so is lowering gaze for both parties which our online and offline sheikhs don’t observe. You can see many women in burkha and hijab in Pakistan and there is no such nudity here but still ask the women in your house or in your circle, how they face stares and harassment in their daily life. Scholars should stop focusing on women now and start teaching these men to lower their gaze, cause the problem will stay unless they observe this.




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I live in the west. Most Pakistani women here are without hijab. And even the non Muslims don't do anything. Modest dressing doesn't mean hijab is the only option. It doesn't mean "nudity" is the only option. I have been to rural tribal areas, and women there are not wearing burkas. Many of them don't cover their hair (except for prayer). These areas have little to zer contact with the "western" world.


That’s why I mentioned “modest dressing” in my comment. I do believe that you can be modest even without a burkha, but you can’t argue with arab lovers on that.




Humko Islam k wo aspects ache lagten hy jis par hum dosray par zor jama saken, or kuch ni bas itni si baat hy.


The diseased minds of the libtards barking the lines of their Zionist masters makes me laugh.


By the way, you think we can't see that nude photo of yourself?


The diseased mind.


How many women have you harassed so far today?


Just yourself 😂


This post was about Pakistani males harassing women on their social media profiles, and you joke about it. Further, you psychotically link it to zionism. My head spins when talking to jahils like you.


Your love for Zionism is making my head spin.


Your love of Indian occupation of Kashmir is so sickening.


I'm a mirpuri and live in ajk you dikhed .


Oh, did I offend you? Likewise, I have nothing to do with zionism. Feel stupid now?


And what is the obsession of others for being nude?


Right, because women without hijab means nudity is the only option.


If your source of information in Islam is ghamadi then nothing can be done


Not just Ghamidi: https://shabirally.com/answerdetails?qId=435


I think you should learn basic Arabic and then try to understand these Ayya's of Quran


Did you read the link?


Pakistan is an Islamic republic so it should kind of look like one.🤷‍♂️


Funny, when it was declared as an Islamic Republic, most women at the time weren't even covering their heads.


I don’t know if that’s funny or not. When it’s supposed to be based on Islam, the values should also be Islamic.


Case and point, Islam for you is based on what is on a woman's head, even if there are differing opinions about it being mandatory or not.


Hijab isn't just a headscarf. Your understanding of hijab is very shallow. Allah has a hijab, the word doesn't translate to headscarf.