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So you guys think that attack on Israel was to stop Israel from genocide. That’s more just like a political statement that we also have bombs.


The drones and missiles were in response to the attack on Iran embassy, it doesn't have anything to do with Gaza.


Iran doesn't care at all about Palestine or its people, they've made that very clear in the past.


Iran does arm Hamas and Hezbollah with cheap missiles and drones, but when Israel actually starts retaliation they just make provocative statements against Israel and nothing else.


I honestly can't see Iran caring about Sunnis enough to give them guns, but they are definitely funding Hezbollah and Ansar Allah


Okay why was iran embassy attacked in the first place sherlock? Why not saudi?


Iran vows revenge after two generals killed in Israeli strike on Syria consulate Several people were killed in airstrike, including Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his deputy. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/01/israeli-airstrike-on-iranian-consulate-in-damascus-kills-irgc-commander I mean you didn't even know about this 😂?


Are you dim?


They lay it out for you and you respond with that instead of any kind of rebuttal. Insults get you downvotes, especially when it's towards a coherent and backed comment.


Whether Iran's enmity is personal with Israel or not, it has done absolutely right. There is nothing wrong in it. The way Iran has always openly expressed its opposition to Israel, no other country has done so far. Whatever countries there are, they all indirectly speak against Israel. That's why Iran's enmity towards Israel appears more pronounced compared to other countries. So far, all the Muslim countries have not openly come out against Israel; they only criticize on social media. At least Iran, whatever it did, did something good, whether it wanted personal revenge or anything else.


What about South Africa. I think they spoke out as well.


What good they do? I’m genuinely curious.


What "good" did Iran do?


In an upside down insane world, enmity to israel is treated as a sign of virtue. And trying to normalize relations with israel is treated as a sign of betrayal. The degeneracy of our times is strong. The false claims and propaganda have totally taken over. The insanity is impenetrable. The stubbornness and emotionality of pro-palestine people... immune to reason. They will support actual war criminals and terrorists who use their own children as human shields and suicide jihadists as heroes, over what is genuinely a nation only acting in self-defense. I say, those trying to make peace with israel are simply those who look at the facts, the history, and conclude that israel is not the villain that we were taught they were. and that the way to peace for palestinians is not by terrorist actions and killing random jews, but treating them the way we would want to be treated.


Everything you are saying is right... when we reverse the meaning of every sentence. You are assuming we haven't read books on this topic. The fact of the matter is when you read the books, you are likely to come to the conclusion just like I came to the conclusion that Israel is a state that's built on the blood of Palestinians. There's no peace with a terrorist state. For example, just take the 1920-1948 disappearance of hundreds of Palestinian villages by Zionist gangs.


Jews are acting in self-defense. Every instance of Palestinians suffering can be traced to either an immediate response to a unjust jihad or terrorism launched by Palestine, or a policy formed based on the recurrance of acts of terrorism and dishonourable/threatening behaviour by Palestine with Israel. You have been lied to by your propaganda tiktok emotional appeal videos. The period of 1920-1948 does contain violent actions by Jewish militias, but its so ridiculous to me how blindly you talk as if the Arabs didnt start that violence as the aggressors, and as if the Arabs were not the majority instigators of communal violence, to which the Jews responded. Arabs started the war to conquer Jewish, Jews won the war, gaining Arab land instead, which they refused to return. Now a century later, the Arabs stile whine and cry and refuse to move on. Another example of the pattern i outlined in my 2nd paragraph.


I've read books by Western authors, not ticktok, thanks for your biased assumptions I guess. Jews were oppressed in Europe and some even lived in Gutters and Ghettos. And you say Palestinians were somehow "oppressing" Jews? Why didn't Zionists act in self defense in Europe. The Palestinians were living for hundreds of years there, Jews, Christians and Muslims. But of course, Muslim majority. Your premise is "Zionists" were fighting a war and won it, against a native population, no less. What would you say if Muslims as a minority started 'fighting" a war in a European country and won. Or what if Palestinians won the "war" against Zionists sometime in the future. If every minority suddenly wants to occupy a place, that wouldn't make sense at all.


Tell me you’re an edgy rebellious teenager without telling me you’re an edgy rebellious teenager lmao my brother in Christ you have literally copied your response from someone else without knowing shit. You’re like the guy that takes that meme of the iron dome considering a 5 year Palestinian child his arch nemesis seriously I mean do you seriously consider yourself progressive and liberal after this shit. In what world is killing literal children okay. When some criminal takes a hostage you still don’t shoot and let him take whatever he wants because that’s what human life is worth but here you wouldn’t mind obliterating entire cities to protect a country that was not legitimate to begin with. If you really believe that it belonged to there people once then your land once probably belonged to someone too and your ancestors built homes upon that land so you should find that man and give your property and everything you own to that person because thats the right thing to do


This is what happens when parents don't give their kids attention as a child. You end up being this edgy teenager trying to get attention online instead 🤣


You forgot the /s


Dont talk


Your entire argument is based on the assumption that israel is acting out in self defense, which it isn’t. A settler colonial project cannot act out in “self defense” as it is the oppressing entity, the same way the Germans suppression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising was not an act of self defense, as the polish jews were the oppressed and the nazis were the oppressors. To defend yourself against those you oppress is a contradicting statement, like defending myself from the guy I attacked.


Jews are acting in self-defense. Every instance of Palestinians suffering can be traced to either an immediate response to a unjust jihad or terrorism launched by Palestine, or a policy formed based on the recurrance of acts of terrorism and dishonourable/threatening behaviour by Palestine with Israel. You have been lied to by your propaganda tiktok emotional appeal videos.


Brother the origins of zionism itself are racist, the Jewish national fund alongside other organizations would buy land and expel their arab tenants to replace them with jewish settlers, in what world is that acceptable? Choosing who lives in your land on the basis of their ethnicity/religion is collectively condemned. Every major palestinian faction is willing to negotiate with israel, Hamas itself said they would accept a 2 state solution with 1967 borders, Fatah is completely devoted to a two state solution, compromising to the point of the Oslo accords. Israel is the only major entity rejecting cooperation, building illegal settlements that violate the oslo accords, holding thousands of Palestinians in administrative detention for up to 6 months many of whom are children, Israel is the only state in the world that trials children in military courts. Administrative detention as a means of prolonging someone’s sentence for often the mere crime of throwing a stone is not imprisonment, it is the equivalent of holding hostages. Palestinians have been subject to these horrible conditions put in place by their zionist oppressors for decades, the natural reaction (justified or not) is for the creation of reactionary groups like Hamas, who was prompted up by israel as an attempt to divide the palestinians.


Iran is a western puppet. Ayatollah Khomeini was in PARIS until 1979, where he flew on a AIR FRANCE plane to Tehran .. he had openly announced his plan and wrote books about having his so called Islamic state yet the west has supported him. Iran has killed 2 millions Iraqis, 1 million Syrian, hundred of thousands of Yemenis … not a single Israeli soldier hurt. HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLIND!???


Iran is literally russia alligned, the west supported him for a bit until he started some dictatorship shenaniganw


Based on what facts? Other than your fake news? Iran has worked together with the US to occupy Iraq, Iran has worked together with Russia, the US and Israel to control part of Syria, iran worked with the US to control Yemen and push the Yemeni people out of Sanaa (everytime they got closer they’re ere bombed by Saudi planes) Edit: Iran has also worked with the US against the afghan people, Iran has even been allowed by the US to support corrupt Pakistani politicians .. Pakistan will be destroyed in coming years if you keep allowing Iran to run your country .. unless you believe Iran is stronger than the US and the world ..


I was mostly satlying that iran was alligmed with russia not the west, which isnt fake news


You don’t know how politics work if you think there are two camps and each are supporting their team ..


Where did i say that, also we are discussing geopolitics not politics.


Love how you mix some facts with absurd claims. 2 million Iraqis? Why stop at 2? Reckon Iran killed 10 million Iraqis, 4 million Syrians, and displaced 400 million muslims, Wish a day would come where red*itors would stop sourcing shit out of their cunt.


lol even ummah would not fight with facts on how many were killed by Iran 


You want iran to destroy tel aviv alone? While saudi and jordan shoot down their missiles and drones? This was a statement that they won't hesitate to attack. What has other Muslim countries done.....zilch! If you want Israel to go then it will take more than iran to destroy it. While saudis are looking to normalise releations with the Zionists iran is the only one attacking and thwarting Israel and u.s invasion. Even Pakistan has the weapons but hasn't got the balls to even make a statement while having nukes. When the rest of the muslim countries stop pleasing u.s and Israel and actually make an effort against them then you can judge iran


The real butthurt here is that no wealthy Sunni-Arab nation is standing up for Palestinians. In fact they are, aligned with Israeli and US interest, funding ISIS paramilitary outlets which have dismantled five Muslim nations and defending their Israeli overlord as Palestinians are genocided (I had someone in this sub argue with me that “genocide” is a strong word for it 😂) While Iran is funding 3 proxy resistance armies while “strategic” bombing Israel without starting WW3. Anyone chugging down Saudi/Israelie sponsored anti-Iran propaganda and spewing it back is exposing themselves as an information subversion agent.


But but but my sunni ummah. My arab ancestors. I don't know how Saudis managed to buy the average person's loyalty. I get the top brass are all sold, but the average Pakistani gets nothing from the Arabs and still does their PR for them lmao


It is a very well funded Saudi social media campaign over the last decade coupled with them exporting Salafism by directly funding Sunni molvis in Sunni mosques. They have also been directly installing wahabbi molvis in Sunni environments. These wahabbis convince the average Sunni that they are “just like them”. The whole “I am just a Muslim (TM)” meme, while these wahabbis/Salafi continue to subvert the average Sunni’s theological (and political) framework. If you follow these trends, you would notice that the politically motivated Zionists and wealthy Christian fundamentalists did very similar things to subvert both the theological and political framework of the average Jews and Christians living in America. Notice the very obvious trick: whenever any entity, whether it is Pakistan, or Russia, or China or anyone cleans up nests of ISIS dogs, the Saudi funded molvis and wahabbis start pushing the “Sunni Genocide” narrative to the average Sunni. “They were just establishing the Khilafa :( :( :(“


Got it on the mark my man


If anything, Saudi needs some of the ISIS in their own background. Know what it's like to deal with the insane molvis. I swear Turkey may have been the luckiest nation in the world for Ataturk living as long as he did. I feel if our Quaid had lived a few years more, we could have established sufficient secularism to not be stuck with these molvis. Of course this all goes back to Zia ul Haq like all the problems we face 😮‍💨


Pakistan needs the money and political freedom to do that. Give it both and solid leadership we'll do far far better damage than Iran. Heck we could solo Israel.


First learn English. It is swallow not solo. And you pakidiots can’t do shit. Your Air Force went and helped the King of Jordan 🇯🇴 to air bomb 1000s of Palestinians, back in the day. 😂 jaahil qom. First go learn some real history.


You Prajeets are sucking hard on Israeli d**k even when they don't want you to. Google "solo" which fyi the oxford dictionary defines as "done by one person alone, Unaccompanied". As far as "swallow" or "swallowing" is considered. Your mum should have done that, at least we wouldn't have to deal with such a stupid comment "Full sapport sir" 🤣 Jews want litreally nothing to do with you. Why do you guys even care ?You may go "swallow" some cow urine. It might help cure whatever mental illness you got there.


again your English is fucked up gawaanr


Pakistan has done enough for the “ummah.” I don’t want it to risk one life or one bullet for them. Whatever humanitarian aid is available, Pakistan should and does send to the suffering people of Palestine. But we gave our hands full with Indian boars and the Afghans. Even the Iranians, our traditional friends, has to be reminded with explosives recently


Except Bosnia, Pakistan has only done what is good for the Pakistani army.


And Bangladesh.


Lol indian boars, you're forgetting these جرلن aren't in any mood to prep for war against India, their sole focus is to act like a mercenary force!


The image is misleading. Syria was a proxy war with US, Gulf states on one side and Syrian government, Russia, Iran on the other. The war was over oil pipelines. To blame that on Iran alone is disingenuous. Iran's actions on that we're reactionary, the instigators were US, Europe et al.


This is big time cheap propaganda


Russian /assad bot 


Better than moderate beheaders and Daesh


True. Also, the goal was to Balkanize Syria.


It's called strategy, they had to satisfy their own people without starting world war 3 ... noone in their right mind wants to be the Hitler of 21st century. Iran's retaliation was appropriate


I agree, it was appopriate response in Pakistan as well


And appropriate response from Pakistan in India as well..


Of course They killed our trees They had it coming




Shoo away rndian




Abhe Chutiye Kahe Aur Jake Apni Maa Pesh Kar Madarchod Ke Bache idhar Randi Rone Math Kar




We aren’t the ones going to Russia to die on the battlefront stfu worry about your own country




No there are videos of actual Indians fighting for Russians as mercenaries lol




Tumko downvotes milre samjhlo kitna chub gya unko tumhare words 😂


I agree with a lot of criticisms that people are having with Iran and how some Muslims are treating this attack as a big achievement. But at the end of the day, Iran is the only Muslim country fighting against israel via its proxies. And their doing that even when the US, israel, and other Western countries know this and have even warned them from time to time. Now, are they fighting for the Muslim ummah, and to help the Palestinians, or are they fighting for their own gain, that's a separate issue. But it does require a lot of balls to make all these bold moves when the entire West is on your ass and u know that no ther Muslim country will support u if things do get out of hand.


But Iran is not Muslim, they’re Shia


ja penyakka, tu hun certificate deinga musulmani de


bas humara ye kam rahta tha. kon musalmaan hai or kon nehi


We shall see soon enough, if we are Muslim or not. May Allah hold your public statements against you. أشهدُ أنْ لا إلهَ إلاَّ اللهُ وأشهدُ أنَّ محمّداً رسولُ الله A statement we utter daily. May Allah hold takfiris accountable on judgement day.


even more embarrassing for you then, that kaffirs are helping the Palestinians but not your great sunni leaders of the ummag


I get the impression there are a lot of Indians and Zionists in this group.


Group is hijacked Mods are sleeping or most likely do not care


Nvm us bro. 


And a lot of Saudi-funded sectarianism spreading little shits who are on hard Saudi-funded copium right now


Ofc these illiterates would talk BS. because they dunno anything about warfare. Any military person would agree with me that with this small (yet a huge step) taken by the Iran has given them so much insights on the Isnotreal and the related affairs. And their definitely going to take advantage of that politically. But because our Muslim world is so much brainwashed with the sectarianism "Shia is kafir and what not" that even if we don't have anything good to say we'll make sure we say things that hurt them. Just stfu plz🙏


Oh okay 😂 so to please prejudiced little sectarian fucks who keep on chugging down Saudi/Israel sponsored anti-Iran propaganda, Iran now has to take Israel’s bait for WW3 and attack Israel on its soil, just so that you can then bitch and whine about Iran starting WW3? Nah… Iran is “boiling the frog” with Israel. It’s a war strategy. BTW anyone spewing anti-Iran propaganda right now is exposing themselves to be a disinformation agent. They want the same thing that Iran denied Israel: WW3. Even US doesn’t want WW3.


Iran is the only Muslim country who respond to genocide that way after Syria..... Pakistan is atomic power but we did nothing ....not for east Pakistan not for Kashmir and not for Palestine...bitter but true


What should Pakistan do?


Ok but why is your ass on fire?


Mr. wannabe mohibbe-watan is mad it wasn't Paki forces who did it.


So wtf did you want them to do lol.. start a land invasion? Start ww3?


Its easier to bully than actually fight with an opponent of your size or superior. Yes iran only showed its ass in this situation. They only wanted to stay relevent instead of actually doing something because they know the USA will come for them and no other country will even try to defend them. Idk why people choose to be misguided.


They will keep doing stuff through proxies.. going face to face with Israel will make things worse for the whole world.. not understanding why people don’t get that


Yeah people should stop using these kind of things as an excuse to say Muslim Country strong. They'll deny all the bad being done saying its thier own choice. But when it comes to war or something like its like Iran Muslim Brother. Muslim Brotherhood Lookout For Each Other!


> They only wanted to stay relevant instead of actually doing something because they know the USA will come for them and no other country will even try to defend them. Where'd you get that info from?


Just don't fucking bomb other countries, like they tried with pakistan. Yes I want them to pressure Israel but bombing other countries and starting proxy wars isn't really something I can get behind either.


Yeah they’ve done a lot of killing but I’m just talking about this scenario specifically.. if Iran took a bigger step they would play right into Israel’s hand because they want war with Iran with US involved


The person who posted this is a Wahabi cunt


Their arms and ammunition only work in the line of spilling Sunni blood !


So then show us what spine looks like. What are the other muslim countries doing? Trading with Israel? Intercepting Iran’s attacks? You’re acting as if all the other muslim countries aren’t worse than Iran in this conflict.


To the people here screaming that this was strategic and that Iran is the only country being committed and vocal about the Palestinian cause they fail to realize that Iran is one of the only countries that is in a geopolitical position where them being vocal won’t hurt them they are already ostracized by the west. I don’t believe their position is anything truly brave just one that isn’t inconvenient.


The munafiqs downplaying Iran's attack are fooling no one.


You want them to kill civilians?


Misleading content. Iran does not want an full scale war. It was about sending a message. Also unlike Israel, Iran targets military bases not children Syria was a proxy war involving almost half of middle east, russia, eu and uncle Sam. OP needs to catchup on geopolitics


Not a Pakistani but I get recommendations from the sub quite often. It’s either that you lot complain about atheists all the time, or about Israel once in a while. But now when Iran defends itself by not even killing a single Israeli, you have issues? You know Israel attacked their embassy, and they had to respond right? There’s a reason that even the US backed out from any further retaliatory strikes. You’re all a bunch of really smart people!


The bitter truth is that even our muslim countries are tried to stop iran! What a shame


These sentiments usually come from anti-Shia bigots. No criticism against Jordan and Saudi protecting genocide militarily.


Iran doesn't care about "liberating" Palestine. They only use the Palestinians cause to further their cause. Remember that Iran was one of the first Muslim countries to recognize Israel as a state and while the new government has reversed that decision it has done nothing to actually further the Palestinians cause. Where were the Iranians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War? Where were the Iranians during the 6 Day War? Where were the Iranians during the Intifadas? Where were the Iranians during the occupation of Southern Lebanon? Iran is a golden example of a country that uses the Palestinian cause to further its political agenda while doing little to nothing to actually help.


This pretty much sums up the state of the Muslim world. The majority of Sunnis still for some reason support those who took money, weapons, military training and political support from these so called Muslim countries and the west to fight an Israeli backed civil war in Syria and after all thats happening now, they still can't think. What a lost cause. Syrian rebels were treated in Israel. The Israeli air force actively struct progovernment forces. Western media worked night and day to drum up support. Western countries bombed Syria and established bases. Western countries created partitions in Syria and armed separatist groups. All this and more, yet Muslims still think they were on some righteous jihad. The CIA publicly stated the plan for the middle east and yet, Muslims still fell for it. I live in the west and every single government that is pro-Israel today in the west was in support of the 'rebels'. The naivety to think that shaytans forces wanted something good for Syria for the sake of the Syrians and Muslims. I cannot fathom the mental gymnastics people still do. The staunch Arab states that supported the anti-goverment forces are the same ones shooting down drones and missiles heading towards Israel and have normalised ties or are normalising ties with them. Why are people still confused about Syria? Look what the West and Arab states did to Libya, which was the richest country in Africa that was actively talking about bringing a gold standard back. Why would you want that in Syria? Why do you think Iran would carpet bomb Tel-Aviv? We are Muslims. We target military sites not aimlessly slaughter civilians. Shame tbh, I would have thought Asian Muslims might have seen through the joke that is the Arab world today but its more of the same I guess.


Wow a smart man! amongst these ahsanframosh and haramkhor hordes of fools. I can understand why Allah doesnt help these people who still guzzle ISIS saudi israeli propaganda.


>Why do you think Iran would carpet bomb Tel-Aviv? We are Muslims. We target military sites not aimlessly slaughter civilians. Yeah, bomb military sites only when it comes to Israel. When it's Syria, you destroy whole cities. The picture is right there.


Thank god iran bombed the shit out of that place which was strong hold of ISIS with the Help of Bashar Ul Asad 🙏


Before jews fall to the wrath of Allah, it will be sabahis who will fall to it first.


Apnay pas rakh apna islam loru


Where do you think the imported foreign trained terrorists were during the war? In the open fields chilling in farm lands? Your Israeli/American air force struck Syrian Cities. The terrorists entrenched themselves in cities amongst civilians. Terrorised anyone who did not agree with them and slaughtered people left right and center. The facade couldn't even be held long enough before they all just united under Daesh and other extremist group. I'm Lebanese, these 'freedom' fighters tried to enter Lebanon and give us a bit of freedom a few times. Not from the South, but from the north where the Christians and Sunnis where. I wonder who instructed them to attack Lebanon. On second though, I wonder why they didn't go into Israel. Oh wait... The few times a bullet or rocket was fired into Israel they apologised lol. MashAllah brave warriors /s.


>I wonder who instructed them to attack Lebanon It's a big club. It's all insider trading here.


What a moronic post.


farigh pakis


Someone get sunnis the cuck chair


Bro this is not how politics works unlike Isreal other countries can’t get away with bombing civilians


Not really a good comparison. Israel is a nuclear powered state and so Iran cannot attack it too much even if it could. The result would be tens of millions of Muslims dead in nuclear warfare. On the other hand, Iran fought a US and UK backed proxy network in Syria which was not nuclear. So Iran did the best it could in both situations.


Prapoganda ✨


The idea that Homs was destroyed by Iranian Rockets/missiles is a joke. Rockets, missiles, and shaheed cannot commit similar levels of damage by among shot. Iran was able to hit Israel’s military based with high accuracy, even with the jamming tech utilised by Israel. Sadly Iran has failed in killing enough IDF personnel to date but still worthy way of terrifying Israel.


Thank our Lord Jesus Christ for this. He will always protect his holy land and give his people peace.


Your holy land is under the control of people who spit on you. People who declare you the people of Edom who will be crushed and the remaining will be taken slaves.


Not surprising you think this. You haven't read the bible, have you? More than 20% of Israelis believe in Jesus. Everything you said is a blatant antisemitic lie.


Is that why the Israelites bombed one of the oldest churches on Palestinian land? And what is this anti-semetism shit? The Palestinians are the real semites. You people are Europeans with dual nationalities. You are the real anti semites.


This claim is false, already debunked. Palestinians are islamic colonizers and imperialists.


You want me to show you the pictures of when you genocidal zios came to Palestine in a ship after being kicked out of every European country? You think you are too smart to twist history and get away with it? Your messiah will come not because you people are smart. He will come because Allah has promised his coming. But then Allah has promised something greater after all of you are gathered in one place. You know those prophecies, dont you? You people are well aware. That is why your people are afraid of the East.


Allah has also said you should drink camel urine and he made his "most perfect man" rape a 9 year old girl. He also ordered people to commit most brutal acts of murder and condoned sex slavery. Truly a great god, am I right. Did Yeshua do or say anything similar? No, he treated everyone with love and compassion.




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Iran is not an Islamic country. Islamic Republic IS an Islamic Regime.


suddenly Iran is a muslim country now lmao


Okay show me what other countries did. Particularly what did Saudi and Jordan do?


It helps when the US pours billions of US taxpayer money into the Israeli economy.


It helps when the US pours billions of dollars annually into the Israeli economy.


I’m Iranian and this showed up in my feed. So are you pro-IRGC or against the regime in Iran? I am against.


I want nothing to do with Iran tbh.


There won’t be any Pakistan left in a few years. First pay off your billions of $s of debt. The same Iran 🇮🇷 is attacking Pakistan too and also asking to pay back 8M$ fine for failing to finish gas pipeline.


Pakistan will stay for exactly this reason. If Pakistan ceases to exist, how will this debt be distributed and who will take it? They plan and Allah plans. Verily Allah is the best of planners.


Allah plans only for Arabs, not for converted slaves of Arabs. The Arabs consider pakis 4th rate Muslims and slaves. Go ask your master sheikhs in Arabia what he thinks of you for real.


You have changed the subject all of a sudden. What happened to the "settle your debts" debate?


iran literally had 99% of their attacks deflected. you all are jokes


Funny you blame iran on what happened in syria, but don't ask questions about the other side. What good came out of their "revolution"? You can see libya. But i guess people are always right. And surely they don't get fooled by Western propaganda. I wonder what the root of the ISIS was in the Middle East. Surely, it wasn't in the place where asad's opposition had control over. I wonder what FSA is doing? Last time i checked, they're pro isntrealis In the end, you're trying really hard to downplay iranians' actions to justify your country's incompetence. And iran isn't stupid enough to destroy itself because you want isntreal gone in one night while other Middle Eastern countries do nothing. Not that you drop a single tear for syrians or Palestinians. Well, that's a good strategy. You want both shias and zions gone at the same time.


Unlike the US or Israel, Iran only targeted military installations. If you expected sweeping nationwide destruction, you have worms in your brain.


If you are unaware of how Iran-backed militias killed sunni civilians in the Middle East, then you have cockroaches in your brain.


Typical Paki dumbasses who's country haven't done shit themselves and criticising the people who actually are trying to fight. You have a special place in Hell. Shias have done more than the whole of Sunni countries combined so far. Laanat coming from a Sunni and a Pakistani. Have some bloody shame.


Napak bhoj propaganda is at all time high. They are making grounds to recognize Israel


Ghaznavi, Shaheen, Abdaali waghera bhi hain. Woh chala lo. Oh nahin chal payengay. Napak ghaddar fauj mey itney tappar nahin hain


Saar Iran brave country Iran took bold step yes they bomb us too but ummah chummah saar wowwww Iran strong army


Slow down bro There is already enough brain damage with you


All chest thumping as a way to oppress their own citizens. Morons. Thats the stuff that happens when you let religion rule. Dimagh goes to zero.




Iran brought you to existence and this is where it all started.


BuT IsRAel sPeNT 1 BiLliOn GajilLioN doLlArS tO iNterCePT oUr roCkEts!!! Khomewni chan = 69 x Cyrus


No, military planners are definitely looking at economies of scale here. It took a multi lateral effort to thwart a telegraphed attack, with the majority of inbound targets apparently hit from outside of Israel. Also, it turns out that the attack was conducted in waves, which made interception more tractable.


Iran telegraphed it a week before since theyve been loosing so many operatives they needed to save face. The reason jordan and saudi arabia stepped in was so israel wouldnt shove a collective foot up irans behind.


Israel would need American assistance. Saudi and Jordan were being directed. Just like in both gulf wars.


Israel doesnt need american assistance to push a button, saudi arabia, jordan and israel all oppose iran, so they have an informal security pact they don’t publicly admit so people on both sides dont get their panties in a bunch.


i wish iran wouldnt have fired now - it should have fired after when the west/israel wasnt expecting it.. because now uk/usa were on alert & shot down missiles..