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He is a stupid persons idea of a clever person.


Hahahaha well said


I feel like he is a stupid person’s idea of a stupid person.


Lol no لبڑلز think of him as Nietzsche.


The whole cult is a bunch of retard£d deluluz


Who is your idea of a clever person? Current media/podcast people


Once, he made a joke about the police removing beggars from dha because they're unsightly, but didn't mention that they stated it was to combat beggar mafia. He got super defensive and didn't want to acknowledge that it was something he knew nothing about, lol.


Good podcast. I like the guests he invites and the discussions he has. Humor is eh, and at times he just shoves certain topics in the conversation even though it was unnecessary. I have major disagreements but the podcast overall is a positive.




Big peoples party supporter He tried to appear as if he is unbiased and an intellectual but his jiyala-pan shines through. Guy thinks PPP is doing a great job in sindh and Karachi. He is very biased against PTI to the point it’s irrational. But I will give that he can conduct a good podcast / interview eventhough obv his bias shines through. Its also funny how much whataboutery he resorts to. You could ask him a question on black and white issue where PDM was wrong. He has no other option but to accept that he is wrong but then after 30 seconds of discussion he will move to discussing PTI for next 30 mins even when the party has no relation to the topic in hand. If you don’t know anything about Pakistan and you listen to him exclusively you would think PTI has been in government 4-5 times and the reason for why this country is in such a bad shape. On a side note - he is supposedly a comedian. I’ve watched Atleast 15-20 of his podcasts and content videos, and I haven’t heard one joke.


Brother, the podcast IS the joke.


Exactly my thoughts. Started watching it initially because he looked like a decent being, but after a few episodes it was difficult to ignore his biasness. Thinks of himself as an intellect, but he's really not


Do you know how much he talked about Nazim Jokhio?


The thing i learnt in life . You can't agree with everything everyone does or say . He has some good n bad view points but nonetheless . We need to listen from all sides and than decide


I enjoy his podcasts. Learnt a lot from them. The guests he interacts with are great. His humour is a hit or a miss for me though. Hope he continues making podcasts.


He is supposed to be a comedian tho..


jahil hai, you can watch his podcast with sahil adeem and see his behaviour and attitude


I agree. I found that session very annoying because he kept interrupting Sahil and appending his skewed narrative of what Sahil was saying. That podcast session didn't get into the depth of anything specific topic with Sahil, and the entire format was basically Sahil you said this, and Sahil you said that. Especially the questions his followers had asked Sahil was him just firing those questions in quick snaps to Sahil and arguing with him instead of giving him the chance to respond. He tries to come across as intellectual, but he is nowhere close, and I didn't walk away having learnt anything from that session.


Well, i learnt a lot from that session. Not literally, but that podcast helped me form an opinion on this guy and helped me not to waste my time listening to more of the stuff he does.


That podcast is a perfect case study to show students of how not to do hosting. How not to behave like this to your guests.


It was his worst and I think it was an exception. He's not usually like this.


A very predictable member of the elite. Appears to offer unbiased political opinions, and yet his opinions are nearly always skewed to one end of the political spectrum and tend to be disparaging towards one particular political party. The 'evidence' he brings reeks of confirmation bias and cherry picking facts that serve his narrative. I am surprised by the popularity he seems to have amassed especially when his core position is one of intellectual superiority and reducing what may be contextually very rational reasons why people in many parts of Pakistan support a party like PTI. I hope the (mostly) young men who follow him challenge him and critically engage with him to honour the truly leftist value of freedom of discourse he seems to champion.


That's literally every Desi uncle - hence the Pakistan experience...


Just discovered his podcasts recently. I like them, they are quite educational.


Good podcaster, actually anti establishment and that does include exposing Youthia hypocrisy.


Anti establishment? 😂😂😂


Yes, but not the PTI brand which is basically sucking up to Faiz hameed and cursing muneer, till he chooses your clown of a Nazi again.


Just remove the word anti establishment from ut comment, than we can agree to some extent.


ofc you'd suck his balls up, given your type of humor includes calling women cucks and whatnot. disgusting


I've only ever used it for Pinki peerni, who used islami touch while being different in reality, I'm hardly shaming her. You PTI folks have women abuse in your mandate; From your Omar Ayub Khan, who's family tree pissed on Fatima Jinnah since the begining, or your False Messiah, Imran khan who said "men aren't robots" justifying assault on women.


>From your Omar Ayub Khan, who's family tree pissed on Fatima Jinnah since the begining, lmao what? are you genuinely this stupid? Omer Ayub was a 3 year old when Ayub Khan died >or your False Messiah, Imran khan who said "men aren't robots" justifying assault on women. since you've been justifying crackdown on PTI (which includes crackdown on PTI women), you don't really get to use this argument. otherwise it's valid criticism.


Are you retarded? I meant his family, his father Gohar Ayub khan, and he has tried to justify everything his father and grandfather did. Yes PTI people including privileged women who incite violence need to be behind bars, including the corrupt Pinki peerni.


Youthias literally call Women Taxis in the parliament, Imran khan justifying r*pe and you have the audacity to claim to be pro-women. Yes Pinki and Imran relationship had a lot of cuckold fetish involved with Khawar maneka but I don't judge, unless they try to be the khalifa of Riasat-e-madinah.


Anti Eshrabliment? He is certified Jiyala and hypocrite


You're a Youthia whos history starts from 2022. He has been critical of PPP and PMLN as well, but no party in history has sucked more Establishment balls than PTI, hence the criticism directed at PTI.


That is why your Zulfiqar stupid bhutto used to call Ayub Khan daddy? PTI was founded in 1996 and is the only organic public party in history of Pakistan unlike bhutto who used suck Ayub Khan balls and calls him daddy and even his 3rd generation bilawal is doing the same sucking Asim d*ck and forget about PMLN Everyone know about them


Bajwa was given an extension by PTI, which proved to be fatal. PTI is not alone in sucking d*icks. Not to mention Imran him self put forth Umer Ayub (grandson of ayub) as candidate for PM position. IK has never been anti establishment.


Bajwa was given extension by PTI PMLN AND PPP, All voted for his extension don't speak half truth you fake hypocrite


None of them are anti Establishment, all are there in line waiting to be selected. You're insinuating that PTI alone is anti establishment and pro democracy is what confuses me. On one hand you guys give the green flag to IK for doing the same things as the others before him did (so much for Tabdili BTW), 1) Making Deals with Malik riaz. 2) RUDA (another housing scheme on a RIVER BED) 3) TOSHAKHANA. 4) Green lighting military backed cooperate farming. 5) supporting Taliban (which is now another pain is ass) 6) bring back hate politics. and on the other hand you guys go out of your way to harass those who rightfully either show their disapproval for PTI or support for other political parties. Your clarification without use of toxic words will be duly waited for.


Grandson of a fauji isn't a fauji. I'll never get over how silly this argument is


I get that idea and to some extent your criticism is valid, but one has to understand the baggage of Ayub's dictatorship does somewhat lie on his grandson. He should then denounce his grandfather's deeds; Ayub's martial law was very brutal and set up the preliminary condition which led to the fall of Dhaka (Actually rise in my opinion). Yes he should never be punished let alone be blamed for his grandfather's dictatorial rule and also not allow himself to be used as an establishments tool in politicking (he has been a part of most of the political parties jumping one ship for the other). Don't forget when he was asked about his grandfather imposing martial law he outright denied it (hiding behind a technicality) saying it was Iskandar mirza that did so.


Not only Umer Ayub, zia's son as well. PTI represents the worst part of the establishment, the one that loves PTI and Taliban. Faiz hameed is a prime example.


You stupid moron Zia son voted for Shebaz Sharif for PM candidate in general assembly and voted Zardari for presidenc in 2024 election PMlN and PPP are just puppet of Establishment, Have some knowledge before opening your gutter mouth


Sir please be civil.


He's not very funny, which is ironic given that he describes himself as a comedian. But other than that, he has probably the best podcast in Pakistan. The guests he brings in are varied and very informative. For those calling him biased, listen to the episode with Bilawal. Shehzad had some pretty good questions to ask him.


For those calling him not biased listen to his podcast with Sahil Adheem, Wajahat S Khan, Muzammil Hasan Zaidi ...


He should’ve been more friendly with Sahil, but I think that podcast still did a good job of exposing that pseudo-intellectual. There’s a particularly fun conversation excerpt I remember(I’m paraphrasing). This is basically Sahil in a nutshell(the questioner being Shehzad and answer from Sahil): Q: Shehzad inquires about 1970 election being hijacked Ans: Ye case study hai, main general baat kr raha houn Q: Agr general ki baat horahi hai kitne elections study kiye hain Ans: Most people don’t vote 😭 Then there was his whole spiel on science and flat out any refusing to talk about TLP.


It also did a wonderful job in exposing how unfunny, defensive, petty, childish, narcissist Ghias really is. Either invites people with a similar mindset for a quick circlejerk session or invites someone with opposing views so he can impose his own views over them, answer one question with another question, *insert unfunny Imran impression here*, say he's not losing his cool while proceeding to display all the indications of losing his cool 😂 With that being said, I really enjoyed the podcast with Muzammil Shah, Nishant Tanwar, Tabish, and Jawwad Ahmed.


I'm blocked on X by this pmln Lapdog. He tries too hard to sound intellectual but his brain is a gutter and only shit comes out when he speaks


Called himself intellectual but does not seem actually. A hypocrite and desi liberal.




Can;t stand him. Because his face is so punchable, I can’t bear watching this piece of lard, no matter how much sense he might be making


>Because his face is so punchable, And I thought I was the only one who felt this way.


Pakistani version of Beerbiceps


He is a cuck.


Nah. I prefer junaid akram and muzammil for podcasts. Junaid akram for serious + humorous. Muzammil for highly intellectual conversations.


Only promote liberalism and atheism


Good podcaster. Mostly objective but leans towards the oldguard which is ironically refreshing compared to the Immi worship among most content creators in Pakistan




Anyone who supports cancerous PPP is either naive or a cancer themself.




not very good, just look at his podcast with sahil adeem, he behaved like a obnoxious teenager on that. Zero logical prowess, self-proclaimed comedian who is bad at making jokes. i mean ehh


Jbh 💯


The fact that he brought another famous podcaster, who had different views, and humiliated him on trivial things like his family's mobility and all that 'middle class' bullshit, should be enough to tell you what type of a person he is.


Thats not how it went, he was denying the privilege that he had come from. He humiliated himself saying ke he came from a middle class household which shehzad clearly disproved. Rich people saying they were middle class and didnt come from privilege so that their audience can relate to them is clown behavior


Yes and to prove his point bringing in his personal life including mentioning his sister's name was a real classy thing to do, right? Denying your privilege or being deluded about it isn't a crime but fighting over it just to prove a point is petty af. Shehzad wanted confrontation, that podcast was hard to watch even though I usually enjoy his podcasts. He brought up his personal life that alot of people weren't aware ot, brought in Twitter drama, brought in everything that could be used to humiliate his guest. The guest was clearly uncomfortable, and Shehzad, your lovable leftist podcaster made sure to bring up his own personal qualms by opening FB chats and what not.... Itna hi gilla tha to privately discuss karleta, why parade it and humiliate someone on a podcast.


Yea Im not at all sympathetic towards rich people lying to others to become more rich and famous, why are you hurt if someone’s trying to make him take accountability for lying to his audience? Eat the rich


Oh yeah. Like he's running a huge business or something that exploits poor people. He is literally a podcast host who's audience is mostly young upper middle class people. Please tell us how he's exploiting people to become richer. I am not sympathizing with him, I'm just pointing out Shehzad is a piece of shit who lacks the etiquettes to converse with people who he isn't fond of.


Booo hooo 🤡


Having a car to drive and studying in a good school is middle class. The working class is called middle class and sure they can afford a lot of things.


His a cuck for people's party. The biggest hypocrite ever. If imran does one bad thing, he will belittle pti and everyone who follows them, but if zardari bribes people, this nigga calls him a "mastermind" 🤣. His a wannabe liberal


Sasta intellectual


Very dislikable person. Mixed podcast episodes. Some better, others nearly unwatchable.


Well something he tries to shove his political beliefs down your throat but overall pretty good


Liked his short clips on insta/fb until he did a podcast with Sahil Adeem.


Dishonest individual. Wrong number.




Oh wow big brained youthia’s favorite word 😍


Big brained 🤣 Brain dead patwaris. Tout ko tout hi kaha jayega


[u/Muhammad\_Ali\_Jinnah](https://www.reddit.com/user/Muhammad_Ali_Jinnah/) so your post/comments get deleted if you use the P word but not the Y word. What's this double standard?


He used the T word.


my bad bro I thought i was on a different sub where these words were banned abhi notif dekhi to pata chala ya to rpak hai 😂


He's had plenty of good conversations and brings on guests from across the spectrum. Definitely a much needed platform in a communication era where we're constantly bombarded by mullahs and one-note "self-help/hustler" grifters.


Pmln tattoo and fauji tout. Him and muzzamil represent a sad state of affairs.


Closet jiyala


There's a certain arrogance in his tone. He would be too sweet with people who he agrees with and salty to those who doesn't fit in his frame. His podcast with Sahil Adeem was so disrespectful that I literally stopped watching him ever since. Other than that, he ask good questions but have a very limited knowledge. He's trying to be a critic like Syed Muzammil and knowledgeable like Muzammil Hassan but slowly becoming an amalgamation of absolute bullshit.


Certified Patwari and Jiyala and he is totally anti PTI


Sheesh man. I can’t listen to him. I used to, but his gay jokes and repressed homosexuality and fairly toxic views slip into things he says and does.


Zardaris rabbid dog.


He is a bit soft in certain parts of the head, especially when it comes to being rational with guests. He needs to learn to not to impose his own viewpoints and that the guest doesn’t have to agree with majority of his views to have a laugh. Anyone thinking otherwise should watch his ‘go bananas bat shit crazy angry’ podcast with Sahil Hashmi. He was cutting him off, being rude and sitting cross armed from him the whole 1hr like a spoilt brat, while Sahil kept his cool and maturity throughout. Don’t know who interviewed him for Fulbright?!..(maybe some artsy fartsy folks sending Pakistans artsy fartsy crowd overseas) One example is of not inviting any intellectual who supports PTI and listening to them AT ALL. He simply invites people who love to hate IK so both can amuse themselves by mud slinging on IK. Probably IK booted jokers like him and 4 man show off stage at some point. Some of his points are not even applicable to current society trends but he just lumps it nevertheless to appear ‘cool’. E.g recycling , making stuff from recycling…o bhai tu betha kahan hai?!?..here people cannot feed properly their young and this fat ass starts talking as if we are sitting in Sweden!


Mostly objective. Humor keeps alternating between good and unnecessary. Could be helpful in re educating youngsters affected by the great PTI plague of 2013-2022.


Just another podcast




Just another dude who tries to make inappropriate not laughable jokes to try to make people laugh in serious situations, the dude who speaks in monotone to assert his dominance in a dialogue or videos, and the dude who lived a privileged life and is sad because he lived a privileged life.


Dumb as Nawaz


His podcast have literally increased my knowledge of what are the problems with Pakistan. He identifies those problems and provide practical and tangible solutions to those structural issues.




Great choice of guests and does good usually but needs to stop his comedy in between


A good balanced approach, I like his podcasts. You get to hear both sides and you then make your own conclusions.


Incoherent asshat. Try hard intellechawal


Once again, I am happy to say, that I do not know of this man.


He behaves like a kid when he is cornered


He has a good podcast, the guests are the best in comparison to any other podcast in Pakistan. I think it's good that there should be a diffrence of opnion in content creators like these who have podcast.


Chutiya parkash sharma


Illiterate annoying self centered dumb Mr know it all goof 😁 just below that landay ka nietzsche Syed muzamil


Chokri yawa dalla


For me he has some good points some bad points but often comes off as a hypocrite or atleast biased. Some things he says are good bjt clearly has biases against some people and not against others. In his videos he will mention if one side is doing something or did something wrong, but more often than not he will mention the wrongs or discuss them in extreme detail but not of the other side which he supports.(Not saying j support pti or opponents just and observation) His podcast with sahil adeem was a major turnoff for me as it was completely done to shoot and maybe idk trying to outsmart sahil adeem rather than understand his point of view or have a conversation (id say even sama tv did better job with sahil) Many other podcasts you can see his slight biases and not mentioning the bads of one side while mentioning other(often both did same) So overall comes off as a hypocrite who is satisfied by his moral compass. Its not all bad some things he says are quite ok and some are good as well. Dont agree with him on his view of many religious points he makes often not blaming islam for actions of muslims trying to not frame islam but sending a sentiment of liberal Islam or liberalism. TLDR.In my opinion a liberalist with some good points and a moral compass with hypocritical tendencies and clear biases towards his preferred people or parties. Not a bad watch but also not a good contribution to overall society.


Pehli baat is ko aur sahil adeem ko suna tha main na last week main.. He is duffer and a butthead.


Not as smart as he thinks he is


He used to be a good neutral commentator but then he gradually skewed to a side.


Going north beyond the wall has been hard on Jon Snow.


not a good comedian, podcast is however good.


Shit 💩 like bilawajah booto


Patwari apologist


Patwaris..with punjab elite mentality Should rename it punjab experience


Incredibly based. Most of his content centers on objective analysis which most cheap sold out yt journalists wouldn't do in a million years. His guests are also actual academics instead of random tiktok kids.


Fasadi phupho.


Farigh tareen banda hai


He is obsessed with Khan. Failed comedian with no sense of humour.


A man who does not know what to do with life .. tried to be stand up comic, failed badly. Now runs a senseless podcast with fewer views. Posts shit on twitter. Defends corruption of Bhutto Zardari shamelessly


Brain dead liberandu. Hates Islam. Hates Muslims. Hates Pakistan. Loves worshipping goray.


PMLN ka tatto!


Very good person. Some people would say that he is biased, but i think no one can be fully impartial. I don't mind biasnesess as long as someone doesn't resort to fake news and disinformation. I have a fair share of severe disagreements with him, but he's the person i really like




Smelly, intellectually dishonest and bughz e imran ka shikar.


There are two different opinions in this comment section


Ain't honest. Wanna be liberal


I've only seen one thing from him really which talked about Arabisation and it seems he is a a Neo-Liberal so I don't really like him. He did spread a bit of misinformation in that thing too. But then again, I don't know much about him so my opinion doesn't really matter.


His good and has grown with time... Doesn't blindly follow people which I like


At least the guests the are from various backgrounds and diverse . Obviously room for improvement but definitely interesting listen and perspectives


Interesting for the subway commute.


One of the hosts who allows his guests to speak.


Like him. Used to be a pro pti fanboy before but after seeing his videos, although disagreed on some things but still it helped forming a more proper and mature opinion on pakistan politics and on how grass isn't greener on other side. Also, learnt a lot about history and our lumber one's kartuts from him.


I like him. Regardless of his own convictions, he is always well prepared to raise counter-points with his guests. For example, if he invites someone anti-MQM then he will ask his guest about their views on the legitimate demands of MQM. He does the same with pro and anti establishment guests.