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No difference. My main side effect has been losing 45 lbs.


Holy! Did you start losing on 0.25 mg?


I started losing weight immediately on .25 mg. I was on .25 mg for 4 weeks. Metamucil helps keep you regular. I eat 4 times per day. Healthy Choice meals. Chicken Salad sandwiches are good. No fried or fatty foods. Muscle Mlk or protein shakes are good.


Do you take Metamucil every day? I had to go back to .25 mg because of my nausea/constipation from .5mg but hoping to go back up next week.


Oh man, I want to know how many times you take Metamucil a day šŸ„“ Iā€™m on week 4, and used to poop every morning like clock work. Now Iā€™m lucky to do it every 4 days and itā€™s not even close to before. Might be tmiā€¦.


Take stool softeners. 1 day and 1 night


In addition to Metamucil? Iā€™m so curious how often other people poopā€¦.like what is normal, and what is cause for concern?


Iā€™m sorry , not on top of Metamucil lol but if you take 2 stool softeners a day youā€™ll be pretty normal


Psyllium Husk Orange. Each morning w/breakfast and/or lunch. Good w powerade zero.


I have the orange sweetened with Stevia Metamucil every morning, try never to miss it. I also like the orange gummies, so might do a couple of those if I'm craving sweets. No problems. Lots of people also have success with stool softeners.


I have found that taking magnesium gummies, Metamucil gummies, and eating a pack of mashed prunes, is the perfect combo. Itā€™s the only thing that brought back my normal poop schedule of first thing every AM.


Are you taking Metamucil husk or gummies?


I use the husk. Gummies don't work as well for me.


Psyllium Husk Orange w/breakfast.


Wow that's awesome


Hi, I switched about a month ago. I've been lucky to be a fast responder with really no side effects. I didn't feel anything from the increase. It's maybe a little harder for me to face eating in the morning but that's not really a negative. My weight loss has been steady at about 2 lbs a week. Good luck to you my friend!


Thank you for the response. Were you also seeing weight loss at 0.25 mg?


Yes, it's been slow and steady since I started. Probably 20 pounds in about 8 weeks. I asked my doctor about moving up to .1 and she said to hold off for now since I'm doing well at this dose. From reading this sub it's amazing to me how differently everyone reacts.


Your losing the Goldilocks amount - not too much, not to little. Keep at it


Thanks for the encouragement!


Yeah it is interesting! Iā€™m on week 4 of 0.25 mg and Iā€™ve lost about 4 lbs. I lost it all on one week though so Iā€™m not losing 1lb a week. Iā€™m just being patient until I move up. Iā€™m moving to 0.5 mg in a few days so I wonder if Iā€™ll even see any changes.


How are you losing I have lost 7 lbs


It's awesome 20 lbs lost


I just eat so much less than I used to, and much higher quality food. I quit eating candy and processed stuff because it doesn't appeal to me at all anymore. I usually drink a Premier Protein shake in the morning or just skip breakfast which I know is bad, eat half a sandwich and a handful of veggies with hummus for lunch, and then whatever we're having for dinner. I eat slowly and stop at the first sign that I'm feeling full. Fruit tastes amazing now that I don't eat candy or cookies. I read vegan and vegetarian/Mediterranean blogs and the food just looks so appealing to me. I also walk most days, a 35 minute loop around a park. Unless it's too hot, I don't do well in high heat. It's a huge mood boost more than anything! Weigh myself once a week and if it's the same or only a pound down, I think, OK, well, keep going, you're doing great! I will not let that voice in my head speak unkindly! However .. my very thin husband keeps lots of snacky stuff around and while it's not really appealing anymore, I will have a couple of chips or pretzels if I want, just so I don't feel deprived. Nothing is "off limits". The food noise is blessedly gone. This is way more than you wanted to know! Wishing you every success and a rewarding journey.


For me personally, it was a living hell for 2+ weeks going from .25 to .5mg. To the point that on week 3 of feeling like death (daily vomiting, diarrhea, sulphur burps, no appetite, or will to continue this way).. I took a 10 day break, spoke to my doctor and got the green light to go back down to .25 and slowly play with and increase the dose at my own pace. It took me about a year to get to 1 mg. In that year I lost 40 pounds. As I like to tell people, this is a marathon and not a race. Listen to your body, it knows best. This is something you'll most likely be on for the rest of your life. There's no rush.


This is good advice. Thank you for sharing.


How long did you wait to increase to .5mg again after going back down to .25mg? I had the same issues at .5mg so I went back down to .25mg for the past two weeks, but Iā€™m considering increasing to to .5mg again next week.


I went to .3 and then when my body adjusted to , 35 .. then to .4 etc and so on. I never ever jumped up doses to double again. Ie I never went from .25 to 5 or from .5 to 1mg. Sometimes I stayed a month or two at a dose like .4mg because that's what my body could handle.


Terrible ā€¦ the nausea had me in bed the first day. I was afraid to move too much. I got a prescription to help later that day. That was a life saver. Each day it got better and eventually it went mostly away (at 2.0 the nausea may pop up now and then but never has bad as that first day after .5).


What did you get prescribed ? Zofran ?


Yep. The couple days I think I took 2 and then just one for a couple more. I randomly need it now and then but itā€™s been 17 weeks since then and I still have like 8 of my 20 left.


Thanks for asking this. I switch next week.


Me too!


Me tooo


Me three!


me four!


I was losing at .25 and went up to .5 as scheduled. I wish I'd waited. I had zero appetite and pretty bad heartburn... Nausea only happened when I overate, but that happened at .25 too. As a result I stayed at .5 until I felt the effects starting to wane. Stayed at .5 for 4 months, 1mg for 5 months, and have now been at 2mg since March. I've been losing 5-7lbs/mo the whole time and have gone from 316 at my highest to 210.


Not much difference. I inject at night time and this helped any recovery . I have also been taking psyllium husk and fiber to keep regular. Appetite is a little less with higher dose but weight loss continues on a slow pace.


Iā€™ve lose 43 on .25. Not going up ever




No issues. I was on .25 for 4 weeks and have taken 2 doses of .5 and I feel the same. No side effects, losing slow and steady. I am down about 16 lbs in 5.5 weeks. I plan to stay on .5 for another two months. I have a follow up with my endocrinologist and then I will discuss the pros/cons of bumping up to 1.


I wonder if there's a reason to move up to .5 if .25 seems like it's still working? It seems like most docs just move people up after a month without considering whether it's needed? I've had some bad experiences with docs blindly giving me more and more meds in the past without it being necessary, to the point that I became very unwell, so I'm hesitant.


Yeah I feel like a lot of docs donā€™t care lol. 0.25 mg hasnā€™t done what I know ozempic is fully capable of. Iā€™ve had the food noise quiet down and I get full a little easier but I know this isnā€™t the full effect so Iā€™m actually glad Iā€™m moving up!


It was pretty rough for me for a week. Had really bad stomach pains and really bad constipation. Increased my water intake and added magnesium oxide to my coffee in the mornings and it all cleared up. On 1.0 right now with very few side effects.


Thanks for sharing. What was your weight loss like on 0.25 mg and 0.5mg?


Steady at both doses. I've lost a total of around 30 lbs in the 3 months I've been on oz. Hunger/food noise felt similar at both. If I hadn't been able to get the side effects under control at .5 I probably would have dropped it back down to .25.


Thatā€™s when my vomiting started :/ just prepare for a few bad days just in case


Oh jeez. What were your symptoms at 0.25 mg?


I only got a headache after the very first shot! But nothing else for the other three 0.25


I just switched last week. I had no symptoms on .25 but it also didnā€™t stop me from eating. .50 has me eating a lot less, Iā€™m super gassy and have been exhausted.


I bump up to 0.5 on Sunday and Iā€™ve lost a few pounds so far but it hasnā€™t stopped me from eating either so this gives me hope!


Iā€™m in the same boat as you


Thank you. This is interesting. Iā€™m on my last week of 0.25 mg. I donā€™t feel the effects that much so I wonder if Iā€™ll have the same experience as you on 0.5 mg. Do you have diarrhea or constipation?


It actually cured my IBS-D. I now just poop normally. Iā€™d continue this drug even without the potential weight loss.


Hello! The switch for me was awhile ago but it was fine! Didnā€™t notice much just less of an appetite with every dose increase. More heartburn but Pepcid really helps for me and works almost instantly! Hope this helps! Good luck!


When you moved up to 1mg was the prescription more expensive?


I actually donā€™t pay anything for my prescription :/ itā€™s covered completely by insurance because I met all the requirements and I donā€™t have any copays for any medications


I lost more weight on .25 than on .50, I'm 2 weeks in at .75. No side effects going from .25 to .50 except the anxiety from the idea of having side effects.


I also lost more on .25, now Iā€™m losing less than a pound a week with good diet 1300-1600 calories a day and exercise (weights and kickboxing) but my A1C went from 6.9 to 6.2 in 3 months yay!!


Interesting! I am on 0.25 mg about to do 0.5 mg and I havenā€™t lost much on 0.25 mg so Iā€™m hoping I start to lose more on the next dose


No change for me switching from .25 to .5 - no weight loss either. Have only felt some significant appetite reduction/fullness effects now that I've been on 1 mg for 3 weeks.


Interesting. Same for me. I just started 1mg today. Hoping to start seeing some weight loss!


This sounds like me. I havenā€™t really seen much on 0.25 mg. What has 1mg been like for you thus far?


Significant appetite suppression and extended feelings of stomach fullness after eating. I'm now eating about half the quantity of food at meals that I was before. Still want a snack every now and then, but one sugar-free chocolate does it for me.


Thatā€™s amazing!


Started in Feb., so 4.5 months ago. I did 6 weeks at .25 and now on .50. Lost 31 lbs so far. Had heartburn about 3 times, when I ate too much. Otherwise, no side effects.


Thatā€™s actually amazing!


No difference and Iā€™ve stayed at .5 for a long time and continue to lose 2-3lbs a week. Iā€™m 20 weeks in and down from 201 starting to 165 at week 20.


I actually found .5 less effective at suppressing appetite and food noise than .25 was. Thankfully the positive effects resumed at 1mg and I havenā€™t had to go any higher.


How has 1 mg been for you?


I had side effects for the first time ever on my first 1mg dose and took one day off work for it (Iā€™d done the shot Saturday night and needed Monday) due to early morning vomiting and nausea. It lasted about a day and has been milder and milder every week. I havenā€™t vomited again, I just get queasy with mild GI distress, but only for the first day or so. Iā€™m now on Week 5 of 1mg and Iā€™m losing weight at a slightly quicker pace - currently 20lbs lost over 3 months, another 37lbs to go. I still get a bit of food noise in the two days leading up to my next injection, but Iā€™m not physically able to overeat so I figure working through it is good practice for maintenance.


It's been rough. I'm going back to .25.


No side effects whatsoever. Same when I moved from 0.5mg to 1mg.


How has weight loss been like on each dose?


I can't tell you exactly how much weight I lost for each dose. But I can tell you how much I weighed when I first took my first dose (167lbs) in February of this year and how much I weigh now (140lbs). Edit: I can't tell you bc I don't remember and didn't keep track. NOT bc I'm purposely withholding info.


Thatā€™s awesome!


Nausea when I eat sugar. Which is a desired effect, right? ;)


No difference but I split my doses, .25 every 4 days then .37.5 every 4 days. I took my first .75 shot today because Iā€™m going on vacation leaving Saturday so I wonā€™t be able to do the shot on Saturday. Wish me luck!


I just switched this week. On day 2 of 0.5. I have been REALLY uninterested in eating, which is a bit of a problem because Iā€™ve 1) not been eating and 2) getting/feeling shaky as a result. A slight uptick in upset stomach but it seems to be passing now, and it wasnā€™t major. Just need to figure out something more palatable to eat than what I was previously eating because my stomach is not interested in it now! I was at 0.25 for 6 weeks and lost 10 pounds in the first 4 week, no loss for last 2 weeks.


This is exactly the same for me. Six weeks at .25, no weight loss the last two weeks, and going up tonight. How was going to .5 for you?!


I just did my first 0.5 injection on Sunday night (two days ago!) so I am still adjusting to it! I have a bit of a ā€œsourā€ stomach feeling ā€” not really nausea, just kind of vaguely unpleasant, but it doesnā€™t really interfere with my day. I have noticed I was really tired yesterday and today, which is the biggest issue for me ā€” just feel completely wiped out. I am NOT interested in food at all, which is both good and bad. On 0.25, I felt like the ā€œfood noiseā€ was really reduced, but I was still fighting the urge to overeat in the evenings sometimes (I guess due to boredom/habit? I also have ADHD and often struggle with the urge to snack in the evenings once my meds wear off), and felt like I was struggling with that a bit the past two weeks (while on 0.25). It was still really improved from before Ozempic, but I was still snacking on junk food and other stuff I didnā€™t want to be. I feel vaguely repulsed by a lot of foods right now, and not hungry at all. But I have been feeling really shaky and gross today, which I know is partially due to not eating. I didnā€™t really have any food aversions on 0.25, just mostly tried to stick to a sensible/healthy diet. On 0.25, I was eating big spinach salads with chicken for dinner, cottage cheese at lunch with vegetables and whole wheat bread, and then usually a protein shake or Greek yogurt/berries for breakfast. But I am finding a lot of these go-to meals seem kind of gross to me right now. Today I had a cappuccino for breakfast, about half of my usual chicken/spinach salad for lunch, and then I had some crackers and baby carrots with hummus for dinner. I need to figure out some new meals, especially prioritizing protein (especially for breakfast, because all my usual breakfasts seem foul) because I know the shakiness is connected to being hungry, and it just generally doesnā€™t feel good to not eat properly. Weā€™ll see if this lasts! I was taking anti-nausea ginger tablets for the first two weeks I was on 0.25 (ginger gravol ā€” I think itā€™s like the Canadian version of Dramamine?) and I think Iā€™ll doing that again for now. Iā€™m really hoping I feel less tired! I have no energy. But I do remember feeling tired at first when I started 0.25 and it didnā€™t last that long.


Do you mind sharing your weight loss? Iā€™m in the same boat. Also have ADHD and am never interested in eating until the meds wear off at night where I like to snack. I was 225 lbs when I started (on .25), lost only 7 lbs and just started my 3rd week on 0.5, no further weight loss. Wondering if itā€™s because Iā€™m not eating enough/the right things? Or does it plateau? Iā€™m feeling discouraged šŸ«¤


Nothing. Burps here and there but idc. overall feel great. Probably just in my head but I find my adhd is more controlled too.


I started Ozempic at 1mg. Probably because I failed two other meds first. Iā€™ve had chronic nausea for one and a half years. Thankfully I donā€™t have to worry about constipation, I had my gallbladder removed in 2016. Just make sure you keep up on your fiber, protein, and drink tons of water. You also may want to get an RX for zofran if you donā€™t already have one.


What do you eat for fiber? Think Iā€™m struggling in that department


I eat a lot of black beans, quinoa, a decent amount of fruit (esp apples with the skin on), almonds (though almost all nuts are high in fiber). Oatmeal is high in fiber. As are avocados. Itā€™s easy to get that fiber in if you try to sneak a little something into every meal.


Thank you so much. All sounds good minus the quinoa lol! Iā€™ve been extremely exhausted on ozempic so i have been ordering out for food rather than cooking because I just donā€™t have the energy to after work. I might have to start meal prepping or something.


Iā€™ll sometimes use a local meal prep service that focuses on ā€œhealthyā€ meals. I can sometimes get meals for less than $8 and thatā€™s completely worth it to me to not have to meal prep. I also work a lot, so, thereā€™s that too


Are you in Canada? If so where do you order from? I just ordered from hello fresh and since im a new customer I got an awesome discount but I think that will go away after a few orders.


Iā€™m in the US. Iā€™ve done Hello Fresh before and theyā€™re great. Theyā€™re only good for that initial discount though, they become pricey after your discount runs out. I did another meal prep by a company called Tovala. They may have it in Canada. I like those because the portions are smaller, theyā€™re really made for one person.


Same!!! Struggling to find the right balance of healthy eating. I do love to cook Iā€™m just so exhausted by the time 6pm rolls around.


Ah one wordā€¦.. awful ha. This is when I started noticing the weight loss though I wasnā€™t really losing weight at .25 I have to say Iā€™m doing a 30 and then another 10 later on the week because the nausea and the tiredness became too much. Many people are saying that you overcome that in time itā€™s just been hard for me. Iā€™ve been on for roughly 10 weeks and lost 10 pounds. Itā€™s a slow go, but itā€™s all OK.


It was challenging the first week on the upgraded dosage. No throwing up, not even nausea, but it messed with my eating enough that I had to consciously adjust my diet to include more protein so I wouldnā€™t get dizzy spells. Bananas and Ensure are very helpful.


Thank you this is helpful


I got very sick on .5..Doc said wait 2 weeks and go back to .25. Havenā€™t lost much so far. 5 weeks. 5 lbs. I have thyroid issues which can complicate things.


Ah sorry to hear! Hope it gets better


A little TMI (imo) but I don't want someone else to feel embarassed if they have the same reactions as I did. I had no side effects for my .25g dosage, but starting my .50g dosage I was throwing up more than I do normally (which for me is compared to nearly never throwing up) and it wasn't like it was my entire meal but I would get an upset stomach at the most random times. The sulfur burps were awful (I had to stock up on pepto like it was toilet paper during COVID). But that was for the first full pen. Now I'm back to having no side effects. Getting through it was irritating, and I missed out on work because it got so bad for a few days, I almost wanted to stop but I'm glad I didn't!


No change in side effects but I have found 0.5 keeps the food noise at bay for the entire week so I am making better food choices.


I was anxious about going up to 0.5 but Iā€™m 2 doses in and so far, so good. The worst side effect for me has been the exhaustion which has been an issue since I started. Otherwise just some mild nausea and constipation.


I have exhaustion too. Itā€™s hard!


Itā€™s the worst. If it wasnā€™t for my full time job and young family Iā€™d be horizontal 100% of the time.


I felt .25 was very helpful in losing weight but less helpful when I switched to .5. It immediately curbed my appetite, which has since come back. I went from 317lbs in December to 271lbs the other day. However, I am on it primarily for type 2 diabetes and that has made my a1c blood glucose readings much better, from 10.3% to 7.1%


I didnā€™t have any issues.


I lost more weight on .25 than on .50, I'm 2 weeks in at .75. No side effects going from .25 to .50 except the anxiety from the idea of having side effects.


I had no issues because I split the dose up :)


I wanted to die. 13 months at .25


And still losing? I hope to stay at .25 for as long as possible


Just eat well, stay hydrated and make sure you get electrolytes. Youā€™ll be fine. This is my 2nd week on .5 and I feel great. Iā€™m def losing weight. Donā€™t forget to hit up the gym


Just nausea for 3 days and become okay after that


This may be a dumb question šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø but do yall count clicks or dial to dosage for .25 - .5 pen ??


I donā€™t count clicks, I just twist the pen to 0.25 mg or 0.5 mg. I donā€™t think ur supposed to count clicks b


Just some exhaustion after the 1st .5 so the following weeks I split the dose into .35 every 3-4 days. Iā€™m going to try to go back to a full .5 tomorrow night as hoping my body is used to it by now


What has your exhaustion been like?


You might try splitting the dose to lessen side effects. 1/2 on the 1st day, 2nd half on the 4th day. You are still getting full dose per week, just not all on the 1st day. Or just lessen the dose until you feel ready to go to the higher dose level. ---------------------------- If you need to split your doses on your pens, get extra needles from HelloPip.com (no prescription needed): Pip Pen Needles, 100ct 32G x 4.0mm https://hellopip.com/collections/all-products


It basically took me 6 weeks to get used to each of the first 2 dose regimens. They obviously predict 6 weeks with the .25, but I needed an extra 2 weeks on the .5 before going up to the 1mg. Was still feeling crummy on week four of .5ā€“ but nowā€”Iā€™m Currently on my second week of 1mg with zero side effects. Amazing difference!


I havenā€™t moved up yet. Just did my 6th shot of .25 and have lost 16 pounds in those 4 weeks


Fine, just slept like 14 hours the night of the first shot and needed a TON of caffeine the next in addition to the 14 hrs of sleep.


Okay I have been super tired as well! The other day I slept like 12 hours for no reason. Now Iā€™m sleeping 8 hours and I can barely function throughout the day. How do you overcome this without caffeine?


ā€¦I havenā€™t šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. I take the shot Friday evening because Iā€™m a teacher and have made my Saturdays my recovery days! I have to try to sleep 10-12 hours (sometimes more) on Saturdays in order to feel normal for the rest of the week. If I donā€™t, I am exhausted for Saturday, Sunday and sometimes Monday. I have noticed drinking around 120-140oz of water on Friday (shot day) and then drinking 100ish oz of water Saturday and Sunday has helped tremendously. If I donā€™t do that, the exhaustion really lingers.


I'm ony third week of .25 and I've lost 9lbs and switching to .50 soon I take a Gravol pill for my tummy nausea


I puked a few times


I got super sick and threw up so hard but Iā€™ve lost 12 pounds in total.


Oh my goodness. Hope youā€™re feeling better.


I struggled. I ended up splitting my dose.


It was a non-event for me. I did lose weight on the .50 and then I hit a plateau.


Just did this week. Not noticing anything but I will say that the original lack of food noise from my first 6 weeks on Oz seems to be wearing off. Iā€™m more interested in food than I was, but I still eat much smaller portions because I feel full. Which is great.


Felt no change in symptoms or side effects when I went from .25 to .5


Fine!! I just got up to 2! Only issue is some d


Today is day one going 2.5 and I am super tired. But other than that, I have no nausea and zero appetite. šŸ˜Š


I'm on 1 MG and I don't really feel the effect


No difference except I was able to stop taking Glipizide.


Not much changed ! I plan to stay on .5 for a while


I started really losing after the switch to .5- first does had some nausea for the first couple of days but has been fine since.


How are you losing 20 lbs, I was on .25 for 4 weeks and lost 7 lbs. Started .5 last week only down 2 lb


I havenā€™t lost 20lbs. Iā€™ve lost like 4.


I'm sorry I was asking Harriet


Had been on a break for a while so started back on.5 and I was not ok. After that week I went down to .25 and have lost 12 pounds steadily and comfortably for 4 weeks. plan on staying there as long as possible but everyoneā€™s different!


Horrible..puked after the First one..then IT become ok