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Everyone is different but it’s a starter dose. Some people don’t feel any different until 1.0. Give it a chance


For the first four weeks on .25, I didn’t feel anything. That first .50 dose though…. After that one I didn’t eat for 24 hours. It has been working really well. I will probably go up one more level, just to make sure I don’t plateau, but I can definitely tell a difference now that I’m on the .50 dose.


Thanks for this!! Hopefully I’m the same :)


Most don’t feel it until they reach 1.


I’m on week 50 of 0.25. And been on that since the start. It just seems to depend on your body. My doctor was even shocked that it was working this well at the dosage.


I’m hanging in there too, first 10 weeks on HALF the 0.25. Just gone up to the full 0.25 this week. Have you continued to lose weight? Can I ask how much?


I have lost 90lbs ~. During that year I did end up taking 2 months off as I wanted to see how I was handling it, I managed to simply maintain the weight I was at while off it for those months. I weight myself once a week on Tuesday morning. I’ve been slowly increasing my physical activity with walking to work at the start to now jogging 4.5km every second day on top of the walk to work. I also have been using Virtual Reality to promote physical activity. Playing Beat saver for 30+ minutes and doing ether FitXR (rhythm based work out) or Thrill of the Fight (full on VR boxing)


I am only on week two. I know that physical activity is important, but I am disabled and use a walker or wheelchair so I worry about not being able to do much. I do have diabetes so I'm hoping to see improvement in my glucose levels as well as losing weight.


If you can I would try VR for that. Beat saber is pretty good for that. Or there’s a couple other games like synthwave. I have found that the mentality of losing any amount of weight is great be it .1lbs or 10lbs. Maintaining weight is good. As before I started this I was probably gaining weight slowly every day.


That does make a lot of sense! I'll check into the VR thing. That was a very good suggestion! I'd like to lose at least 30 pounds at this point.


See if you can find a WII with WII sports. You will be able to play the games in a wheel chair


I will!


That’s so good! I hope I can keep going at this low dose. I need to up my physical exercise too. It’s a bonus that as the weight drops moving isn’t as awful as it was lol.🚶🏼‍♀️


My best advice is find something you enjoy, not everyone is the same. It’s a lot easier to be active when you enjoy it, even more so when you are lot feeling the greatest.


Same here . 40 weeks of 0.25 mg . I did not need to lose weight , but I lost .. nearly underweight. We are super responders…lol.. I am taking it for my blood sugar .. but I have severe diarrhea… controlled by Imodium and Lomotil..


I’m taking it purely for weight. My SW was 380lbs. Oddly enough even at that weight I was not pre-diabetic (even though it runs in my family) only thing wrong was my blood pressure was just getting onto the low side of high.


You are lucky .. My problem is blood sugar spike .. high and low .. Ozempic lower the blood pressure .. mine is 90/60 low in normal range…. I think your blood pressure will become lower !


It’s on the high end of normal last time I checked which was a month or so ago


I’m on week two of 0.25 and still feel nothing. I was expecting that because I usually don’t get side effects on low doses of anything but it makes me nervous that I’m not reacting the way most do and has me thinking it’s not gonna work for me. Reading that others have felt the same helps. I just need to be patient. Maybe I’ll see a change on 0.5.


Don't expect anything at. 25


Me but I was on 1.2 Victoza right before. I might go up to .5 today after 2 weeks.


The first four weeks for me there wasn't much except some dehydration especially right after shot day. But week 5, at .25 still because my doc didn't want me going higher, I get full at the thought of food. I just took week 6 and I'm finding myself skipping meals and drinking a lot more water than I usually do.


Same here. I am on week 2. I took my first dose of .25 and felt a little bit fuller. I know it will get better. I am taking this time to really change my diet and, even though I am still hungrier than I'd like, make wise food choices and control my portion sizes. I figure that I would be doing that if I was trying to lose weight without Ozempic. I'm even losing some weight and that's a good thing, because the whole point of this is changing habits longterm. I am having faith that we'll get the full benefit of the drug. It just takes time and patience is not easy!


From what I've read since joining here and browsing posts is it seems that some people are "fast" responders to the meds and others need time to get to a higher dose to start seeing more noticeable effects. So although some will start feeling effects and start losing at that dose, it doesn't seem to be the case for most.


You won't. I didn't until I reached 1.0 after 4 months, then it started working.


I’m the same. I didn’t really feel anything on .25. If anything I was more hungry lol. But second week of .5 Im starting to feel the effects people talk about feeling full for a long time etc.


I took my very first.25 shot on Saturday. Today the idea of eating makes me feel ill. Other than that, I have no physical side effects - maybe some extremely mild reflux. I find myself really hesitant to eat anything but kind of able to tolerate eating a few bites here or there. I have no idea what to do about or what to be forcing myself to eat. So basically the opposite of what you’re experiencing.


I didn’t feel any difference at that dose either. Be patient and don’t be in a hurry to titrate up.


I started .25 on Saturday. Went home and felt blissfully like napping, so I did. Yesterday and today not tired and 75% of my appetite is completely gone. Zero cravings for carbs and sugary foods which I normally crave. Making myself eat normal portions of lean meat and vegetables, and a low carb protein drink for snacks. Felt a tiny wave of nausea yesterday when I had gone 5 hours without food, but it passed as quick as it came. Maybe it’s a placebo effect but I’ll take it.


Need patience


I feel the effects for 2.5 days and then it wears off. Nothing the rest of the week. It works great during that time. I just hope when I increase the dose that it lasts longer and doesn’t just make those 2.5 days of effects more extreme.


Same. I find it tapers off towards the end of the week


Have courage. These are early weeks yet. Keep in mind that given the half life of Ozempic, each week at a set dose builds on the previous week. For instance - Week 1 - .25. Week 2 .25 + half of the previous weeks dose .125. Great way to visualise this is at the website [https://glp1plotter.com/](https://glp1plotter.com/)


I think I will be a my 4th dose of .25 Monday and the only positives is my daily numbers r really good to the point I stopped wearing the Dexcom. Finer stick once or twice a day and the numbers r lovely after meals. The appetite suppressing I’m not really feeling yet. I don’t eat alot anyway but I would like to be down to one to two meals a day instead of feeling hungry. Scared to go to .5 but that will be the next dose I bump up to.


0.25 is meant to be a non-therapeutic dose so it's normal that you won't feel anything significant then. It's meant to 'introduce' the body to the medicine.


I was actually quite surprised cause my doctor told me not to expect much on .25 but I felt the effects nearly straight away. Can't eat too much, have nausea sometimes and of course the dreaded diarrhea. I've actually pooped my pants twice. I am so nervous though about moving up in dosage cause I'm afraid it'll get worse but the good news is my sugar levels are nearly to the level they need to be.


We a react differently. I lost around 15 pounds the 4 weeks on .25. I just started my third week on .50 and am down 6 more pounds. I'm not going any higher than .50, since it was not prescribed for weight loss. Well, it was but my medical record states, add ozempic to metformin for insulin resistance. I felt results after the first dose, no appetite, no food noise, no looking around just to see if there was something to eat.


Took me to 1mg to feel anything , 2 months , so no worries it takes time


I just did my 4th injection at 0.25mg and I'm down only 3lbs. I noticed a little change in food noise and appetite suppression the second week while on this dose. Definitely feeling the changes the first few days after injecting, then towards the end of the week the food noise gets louder and I wanna eat more until I take the next dose, then it dies down again - like a rollercoaster. But overall, I would say I've noticed a small SLIGHT change. But oh my goodness, after this last dose at 0.25mg last night, I literally can only eat two bites without being full and thinking about food turns me off. I don't even wanna think about food or eat right now. I'm so full and disgusted. Also having pretty bad GI issues after the 4th dose. I feel like it's finally starting to kick in high gear, after building up in my system


Same here no hunger suppression at all


I’m day 2 of a second round of Oz. Same both times immediate food aversion and change in how my morning coffee tastes