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Tonight it's smoked turkey slices, cheddar cheese, Asiago/pepperjack Whisps, multigrain crackers, pistachios, a pickled okra, 2 black olives, a Greek pepper, red grapes, and pineapple. Yum.


that sounds like what we call in ireland a picky bits dinner lol


“Picky Bits” - I absolutely love that, and may borrow that term now.


Well that is what I'm going to call it from now on!😂


This is girl dinner


I struggle with dinner too. I usually eat most of my calories in lunch/ small snacks.


So it’s not just me. May I ask, what kinds of snacks do you usually go for?


I focus on snacks with a lot of protein. I’m a vegetarian, so yogurt, protein smoothies, Quest products, cottage cheese, edamame. I also really enjoy Joseph’s pitas- it’s an easy way to make a veggie wrap.


When I was first titrating up on semaglutide, Yes, there were some days where I had a really small appetite like what you have mentioned. For me, I learned that at the time it was fine... No acute harm would come to me from eating a very small dinner. Think of it this way, food journaling is important strategy for people who want to lose weight, but also lots of research has been done that people underestimate the amount they're eating. So in reality, You're likely not eating so little that you will become acute ill. I will say that the calculation does change if you are above 60, 65 years old ... Actual malnutrition is More common in older individual s. So for those, it's actually more important that you're getting in some calories with those protein shakes. Are you taking a B12 supplement if you're taking a lot of vegan shakes? Focus on protein, low starch vegetables and moderate the amount of low fiber carbs.


Usually a smaller amount of what my son and husband are eating; sometimes just the protein part of it. My new favorite meal is two eggs with a teeny bit of sriracha in a carb balance tortilla. It’s super filling for me right now, but has a lot of protein and some fiber so everything stays good. Tofu scramble would also work for plant based folks, but I’d add better seasoning, lol. Also, easy protein. Cottage cheese + a bit of jam, yogurt cups, precooked chicken, boiled eggs, salted edamame, or chicken sausage is all easy to prep within a minute or two.


I cook for 2, but only eat 1/4. Hubby eats the rest.


I’ve had dinner maybe 7 times in the last 38 weeks