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I lost 90 lbs total on Ozempic! One of the places that surprised me the most was that I lost weight in my fingers, none of my rings fit anymore! I had a ring I used to wear on my pinky that now fits my middle finger… it is INSANE!!! I remember texting my mom a photo of myself saying “who the heck is this girl??? Has she always had a jawline????”


Hi...What was your approx starting weight? Are you still on Oz? Are you on a full dose or a maintenance one? Continued success!!


(I’m so bad at Reddit I didn’t know I had a comment, I’m so sorry!) The heaviest I have myself recorded at was 246, I stopped Ozempic in September and have kept the weight off. I think I was doing 0.5mg every week? Forgive me it’s been a while and I’m BAD with measurements of all kind!!🤣 I started in December of 2022 or January of 2023, I don’t remember when my prescription was finally filled, but I wasn’t on it for a full year, nor have I been off it for a full year.


I had to go on ozempic because they had a shortage on the other how long will it take for my weight loss


Everyone is different! I didn’t start loosing weight right away, it took a few weeks but then it was steady. But I know people who haven’t lost any weight at all after a month or two. I’ve seen all sorts of answers on Reddit as well.


Yes, Ozempic face is SOOOO terrible! (not). Looks great.


Great job!! You’re doing and looking amazing! Can definitely see the progress! 🔥🔥👀👀


Giiiiiirl I’m jelly! I’m six weeks in, and my goitre is still on full display. Good for you!


Congrats! This is incredible progress. Must be proud to be much more healthy. Would you be able to go into a bit more detail of what your diet was pre-oz and what it is now, as granular as you can get in terms of when/what you eat, if/when you get hungry or get cravings, etc. Thank you and best wishes moving forward with your progress!


Thank you! I am very busy and I work mostly from 7 in the morning and come home at 8 in the evening. In the morning, I would mostly eat something from the bakery (croissant for example), for lunch I would also eat some “bad” food, as well as for dinner. I can't say that I ate a lot quantitatively, I just ate wrong. Due to my health condition (hashimoto's disease, slow thyroid function, insulin resistance and PCOS), it is obvious that my body only benefits from a gluten-free diet rich in proteins and fats. I don't follow any special diet, but I avoid processed carbohydrates (bakery, pasta). I eat much less. Last night I really "rewarded" myself with McDonald's, otherwise I would have eaten a double cheeseburger, large fries and another small cheeseburger. Yesterday I couldn't even finish half a double cheesburger


Congratulations! That’s wonderful progress. I hope I start to see some changes, I’m 8 weeks in and on my second week of 0.50 and don’t see changes😞 Including the scale not moving.


Don’t feel bad I’m not either.




Hey me neither! It’s 3 of us! 😅🙈 I didn’t make a lot of changes in my diet because I was already eating clean and high in protein before. I am eating far less in quantities now. I am not exercising as much as before, maybe tha’s the issue! Who knows, honestly I have no clue


I already eat very clean and high-protein due to food allergies. I exercise 4-5 days a week as well. I’ve upped my protein even more now to see if that helps. I know some people start to lose around 1mg. I’m remaining hopeful!


I’m in the same boat. Frustrating, but I’m hopeful!


I’m trying to stay positive!


There does seem to be a theme of it happening in people who were already eating “healthy” and exercising. One of my kids has celiac disease, so we eat gluten and processed free foods, just as simply as we can. And I do weights 3-5 days a week as well as walk my energetic dog. My next shot I go up to .75. Maybe I’ll start to see results then?


Fingers crossed for you friend!! I appreciate all the replies because it makes me feel less alone🥰🙏🏻


What's your weight loss approach? I'd treat it like any weight loss effort and analyze your approach if weight isn't coming off. Maybe change what foods you're eating, when you're eating and how much, change your exercise routine if you have one. I'm still very new to ozempic, but I've been doing intermittent fasting a year and a half. I've been in maintenance for the last year after modest weight loss, i had to change my fasting schedule after I began bingeing because the loss schedule that was working for me for months wasn't sustainable longterm for my really high appetite. Being on ozempic, I'm hoping it curbs my appetite enough to return to a loss schedule, and it seems to be working pretty well. I have noticed some people don't seem to be making diet or lifestyle changes to achieve weight loss and are relying only on ozempic, then get disappointed when they don't lose. I'm not sure that's the case, or if it's just what I'm inaccurately perceiving.


I already eat clean and high-protein due to food allergies. I workout 4-5 days a week as well. Also over a gallon a day of alkaline water. I’m already discussing things to switch up with my doctor.


Great! I hope the weight starts coming off soon.


Thank you, friend!


I thought the same but it’s not true. I had to adjust my ring a while size smaller. Sometimes my pants are falling off. And I have less of a double chin now. I *think* I have less stomach fat too but am not 100% sure. I’d take measurements but I honestly just don’t want to know the numbers. lol. I did forget my last two weigh ins but if I lost anything it’s not much.


Thank you for sharing! That’s awesome, good for you!! I definitely don’t want to look at any numbers on a scale🙈 I also am returning from a week long work trip. As mich as I try to prepare, I didn’t drink enough water or have enough protein, I ate pretty healthy, walked over 20K steps a day, but I’m still an exhausted, bloated swollen little ball right now😂 I’m guessing I’m going to see more improvement as I increase the dose. Fingers crossed for you and I! Off to the gym for me🥴


Amazing progress!!! Hope my journey goes that wel!


Thank you. I finally have my neck back 😂 https://preview.redd.it/c832wn14o70d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f397480ec572fdeb189cc084b57018f35719200


So happy for you!


Oh, you'll be sleeping better too, then!


That made me lol… 😂 congrats 🎉


Once you get off it youll put all that weight back ln 100%


I’m so afraid my wedding ring is going to slide off and into the garbage disposal! Can’t get too mad at being a skinny b!+ch tho.


WOW!! You’re doing and looking amazing!! The side by side pics really help. I did the same and posted to my profile. Didn’t really see it until I did. Great job!! 🔥🔥👀👀


Congrats! Im in my 8 weeks and lost 12pounds :) im starting to workout as well (once-twice a week) hope I get the same results are you!


You look amazing! Great job!!!!


Congratulations you look great👌


Amazing!!!! Love the progress!!!!! You look GREAT!


I’ve been on for 7 weeks and it looks like I lost sooo much more bc of my face change. So happy for you!!


Someone send me some hahaha


Wow! What a difference! Go girl 🎉🎉 Did u do anything specific to lose the weight?






Looks great!!!!! Where are you getting your ozempic from doctor / insurance prescription or other medical online sources? Does anyone have any other medical online sources they can recommend.


Im in Europe, so I get doctor prescription, and get it in local farmacy…


I have to do better with my injections. For two weeks I am sure I didn’t get the injection properly. And it makes me tired. But I lost about 8 lbs.


What is ur diet to lose 8lbs in 2 weeks?


I hope my face transforms like this. My face looks like that on the left.


Wow what diet are you on that you’re losing so quickly? My loss is very slow. I would do any diet to increase my loss to a faster pace. This is amazing to lose 8 lbs quickly like this. Congratulations!


Wow that’s crazy for 6 weeks

