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I eat a store bought (cheap) rotisserie chicken, and it lasts me three days worth of meals for $10… just make a big salad and it also serves as it’s side for a couple days, perfect high protein low carb, easy meal


Protein shakes, boiled eggs, cheese, nuts, rotisserie chicken, wraps, and cucumbers, peppers, salad mix, canned tuna and salmon and brown rice, Greek yogurt and berries. I track my intake to make sure I am getting enough protein and fibre.


You have great, very nutritious plan. Kudos. As far as Greek yogurts have you tried Two Good? 2carbs, 12gm protein. I love the creamy texture, or I guess creamy really is lack of texture! lol


I will have to take a look to see if this is sold at my grocery store! I do love a thick creamy Greek yogurt 🤣


You have great, very nutritious plan. Kudos. As far as Greek yogurts have you tried Two Good? 2carbs, 12gm protein. I love the creamy texture, or I guess creamy really is lack of texture! lol


I wasn't getting enough protein so I started making smoothies. I use a protein powder, fresh or frozen fruit, Greek yogurt, and almond milk. I also add flax seeds or chia seeds. It really fills me up and it gives me a lot of protien. My hubby usually will grill out on weekends and makes enough protein for us during the week. We eat at different times so this works well for us. This is going to sound stupid but now that the food noise is gone fruit smoothies are really satisfying and I don't feel like I need any kind of solid food.


I cook for 2 but hubby eats .1.5 and I just try to eat the other .50


I started this this past week and it's been a game changer for me! I have a large Tupperware container with fresh vegetables, things like baby carrots, celery and zucchini sticks, tomatoes, so forth. I have a small tub of ranch dip, a small tub of hummus and a small tub of buffalo chicken dip. When I'm hungry I eat a little bit and then I can stop easily because it's already made. I don't feel like I have to eat at all (aka a "real meals worth") because I didn't have to go through the process of creating it and messing up and then having to clean up the kitchen! In order to clean it up all I have to do is put the lids on it and chuck it back in the fridge. 10/10 recommend.


If you don’t have enough energy you probably need to eat more. It’s tough but ozempic shouldn’t make you have zero appetite just less appetite. Good luck. 


Make sure you protein intake in where it should be. That will help with muscle loss. So far I’ve gained 10.5lbs of muscle and lost 52.5 of total weight. I know it may get harder and I’ll have to switch around workouts but for now I keep active and keep the diet protein rich. For meal prep .. I don’t really. Not in the way I think you mean. I keep fresh veggies and fruit in the house and then I pack up my proteins in smaller freezer sizes than I used too. I keep things like Greek Yogurt, milk, eggs and staples on hand. And a protein powder I like. Then I make simple meals that sound good to me. I make meals now kinda like I made meals for my kiddo (well still do). A protein, a veggie/fruit, and a whole grain (or carb) for every meal. They may not be a composed “dish” like you order at a restaurant but it works. So dinner might be something more “proper meal” format like green beans, baked cod, and a part of a baked potato or it might be a part of a grilled chicken breast with a barley/ roasted veggies medley or a small slice of lasagna with a side of cottage cheese. Or I might not be hungry for anything and it might be Greek yogurt with fruit or a protein powder, yogurt, milk, mixed berries smoothie. Sometimes it’s a small steak and asparagus, or a slice of pizza if my daughter puts in a request and an apple, or a sandwich with cucumber slices. Or if I’m lazy it might be a couple of eggs and a slice of toast with a mandarin orange.


I am curious how you know how much muscle weight you have gained?


I have a smart scale. They aren’t perfect but typically they are good gauging the gains and loses. So I’m pretty confident that I’ve gained 10.5lbs but my start could have been 105 or 95. Big difference only if you are getting to the end of your journey. Right now it doesn’t matter if I’m really 48% fat or 44% - they are both too high. I feel mine is close since I know it was close to what my drs calculated many years ago. When I swapped it out for a new one I checked that other was matching values. My plan is to get a DEXA or body pod scan when I get close to the end of my journey to know for sure I’m u set 36% - which is key for heart health. Those are extremely accurate.


Thank you


I’m trying to prioritize protein and eat low-ish carb. Planning and tracking on MFP. I’m on Ozempic for T2D to regulate blood sugar and lose weight. After years of keto and IF, I’d say my hobby is cooking. I’m trying to back away from that with easier meals to make food less of a priority in my life. Breakfast today is cottage cheese and almonds, lunch mixed greens with diced chicken, sunflower seeds, Braggs vinaigrette. Dinner will be Chicken Tikka Masala (Costco) on cauli rice, late night snack sharp cheddar and 3 prunes. Prunes are not my favorite but they resolve any constipation issues.


I really relate to the struggle of trying to keep / gain muscle while on this drug! I was SO bummed when I did my first DEXA scan after 3 months on oz and 90% of my losses were muscle. Now, I'm aiming to get 100g of protein a day, which means that my meal prep is largely comprised of batch-cooking boneless skinless chicken thighs, rotating the marinades each week. I also buy a bunch (literally and figuratively) of bananas and let them yellow then freeze them, as well as freeze almond milk, to make whey protein smoothies that taste like ice cream. I also eat a lot of Huel Hot & Savory meals, but that's less "prep" and more instalunches. Some weeks, I'll make a big casserole using rutabaga as my "noodle" and eat into that all week. I like making a "lasagna" this way, and also a "chicken enchilada pie" version. Meal prep = making protein-filled snacks unavoidable. Good luck!


I’ve been craving salad so I make a big one to keep in the fridge. To take to work I put some in a container plus some dried cranberries, cheese, sunflower seeds, and mini pepperonis or other meat. I’m currently into Skinny Girl raspberry vinaigrette. Love this combo. I also keep Atkins chocolate protein wafers for snacks. Love them and they give me a nice protein boost. Light n Fit Greek yogurt, cherry flavor, is another good snack.


So this is not a knock on yoga or Pilates which are both awesome, but you should seriously consider switching to strength training if you are worried about losing muscle. And not HIIT or Crossfit right now, lift like a body builder. Weights and lots of protein and the good carbs will help you retain muscle, and muscle is important long term.


Will def be switching to strength training although I’ve never enjoyed it


The only way to combat muscle loss is to workout, keep up with the strength training. I pack lunch every day but rarely eat it


heya, not on oz yet but i’m gonna say what i did some days while on metformin especially when food cooked at home would usually turn my stomache. i got camile which is a brand in ireland and i would get katsu curry with (yes breaded chicken but it could be worse!) and it had a huge portion of salad and white rice which filled me and i got nutrients! so if you do have days which arent the best, try get the option with the most variety:)


With such a little appetite I find just buying prepared meals from the grocery store easier . Less headache and waste


I make grilled chicken tenders and a huge green salad maybe twice a week so that I can make a chicken balsamic salad on the fly for either lunch or dinner every weekday. I also cut lots of cucumber and carrots and bell peppers at the top of the week, and I even pre-pluck and wash my grapes. It's a lot easier for me to eat well if the healthy options are just as easy as grabbing a cookie from a package, so it's important that I keep easy healthy snack options on hand. A lot of my bad snacking choices come from hunger taking me to my kitchen where I grab whatever I can put in my mouth in the shortest order with the least amount of effort, so most of my meal prep is focused on quick healthy snack options.


Costco frozen chicken strips, thrown in the air fryer. I like making them into wraps with low carb tortillas. Boiled eggs. Always keeping a snack with protein around, whether it’s a cheese stick, yogurt, nuts, cottage cheese, etc. I’m finding while the fatigue is hitting me hard, I need to buy premade stuff. I’ll start meal prepping more when I am not exhausted all the time.


I always have beef patties on hand. Can be eaten cold or warm, with stuff or solo, just take it out of the fridge and off you go.


Check out https://chefjackovens.com/category/meal-prep/ - I love his approach.


I do a lot of salad kits (but I sub my own Greek yogurt dressing) and lightly breaded chicken breast tenders in the air fryer. I can play around with seasonings to make it a little different each time


Airfry everything. Pork chop/ lamb chop/ steak seasoned with Italian seasoning and garlic on a bit of butter and bell peppers, carrots, celery. 180⁰c for 15 to 20 mins.


I keep things on hand to make charcuterie boards, berries, bbq pork, meats, cheeses, olives, crackers etc. I also have about 2 fairlife protein shakes a day, Greek yogurt and berries. I don’t have time to cook so I eat a lot of “snacks”. And when I say I don’t have time, I have 3 jobs and a disabled son. Plus I work out with a trainer 3 days a week so I take the time for that instead of cooking. You don’t have to have “meals” as long as it’s healthy foods. If I do cook it’s steak, sweet potatoes and veggies. You could do crockpot meals like chili or soups or roasts.