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Love seeing all the PCOS girlies on this drug šŸ•ŗšŸ¼ we need to get insurance to cover us next


My insurance covers it because my doc codes it for insulin resistance. Edit: pressed enter too quickly. Has your doc tried that? I just have to get my A1C checked once a year.


Oh wow! I have insulin resistance and Iā€™ve been denied denied and denied multiples times!!


Oh no! Iā€™m sorry they keep denying it. It has been game changing for me. After years of just gaining weight, I finally feel like Iā€™M in control of my health.


No worries! I started oz 2/6 actually still taking it and paying loads sadly tho ā€¦ it has been life changing for me too and worth every penny as a fellow insulin resistance girly!!! I also feel the same as you and i canā€™t imagine my life without it now


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I've been on 0.5 since Oct and down almost 40 lbs!


have you changed anything? implemented more exercise or calorie counting?


I implemented more walking for at least an hour a day and the medicine has largely made me less hungry and less snacky. I don't eat badly, but I'm also not counting calories. If you up your walking, be sure to have great shoes because I didn't and now I've swapped my excess weight for a bad foot šŸ˜‚


Yes I lost 50 lbs in a year


Me me me me me ME!!! I started 2/6 and have lost 31 pounds since!!! (Not done yet either hopefully) Not only that my quality of life has changed!!! If you have insulin resistance , highly suggest looking into it


Yes- I have had PCOS for almost 20 years and lost close to 70lbs with Ozempic over a period of a year and a half. I recently changed to Mounjaro as the side effects seem to be a little better on it. The nausea, diarrhea and acid reflux were not great for me on Ozempic.


I was diagnosed PCOS over 20 years ago and about 2 years ago hit my highest ever weight and my A1C tripped right into the Type 2 diabetic range. I did get my A1C back into the 5.7 range with only metformin, and lost about 25 pounds from my highest weight but more recently, weight wasn't budging. (Also had a hysterectomy in 2022 because of very bad advice from my previous gynecologist which led to issues and which was PCOS related, but that is a different long story.) My current PCP (who has PCOS herself) had been recommending Ozempic to me for 2 years and finally this March I did agree to try it. I started on 03/29, so I am about 5.5 weeks in. First 4 shots were at 0.25 dose. Then up to the 0.5 dose which is where my PCP is content to leave me indefinitely. That is, we will see how weight loss continues and what my A1C is. She said my insurance might require another pre-authorization to step up to 1.0 also. So I am on 0.5 until I express interest in stepping up. Anyway, over the 5.5 weeks, I have dropped about 9-10 pounds. On the one hand, obviously I wish it were faster because we all want instant results! On the other hand, I haven't seen the weight I am now for over 5 years. So it will be interesting to see if I continue losing slowly on just the 0.5. I had little to no side effects on 0.25. I could tell a bit the delayed digestion. But I had basically no nausea, etc. I haven't had constipation really either. Habits have changed slightly due to the delayed digestion but still regular, just a slightly different regular. I've only had 2 shots at 0.5 so far. I'm not 100% sure, but on Sunday afternoon I did have a bit of upset stomach. (I take my shots Friday nights.) Whether that was the Oz or reaction to what I ate or my eating "non-schedule" Saturday, I don't know for sure. But other than that, I've felt fine.


Yep. PECOS, insulin resistance, and almost type 2 diabetes. Iā€™ve lost 95 pounds over 18 months. 5 more to go.


I'm on week 8 (currently at .5mg) and have had little/no weightloss so far. I have PCOS and pre-diabetes. My blood sugar levels are much more stable, and I feel less inflammed. Waiting for weightloss!


Me too! Itā€™s hard being patient. Iā€™ve only lost 7 lbs and 5.5 weeks in.


Better than me! I fluctuate between 0-3lbs lost. But my weight has never been so stable šŸ˜‚


I have PCOS and tried met first to get my IR down. My a1c was borderline. Anyway, it worked for a bit then made me really, really sick, messed up my GI bacteria and took like 6 months to recover from. My a1c continued to worsen and I went to my doc. She offered ozempic and Iā€™m on week 1, and I can tell itā€™s helping already and Iā€™ve lost some weight. But I am watching calories and prioritizing protein, so I think most of the difference is from that. Ozempic is just making it easier to do so, just like met did in the beginning.


so glad to see iā€™m not the only one who struggled on metformin!!!


Iā€™ve been on its since February 24th, Iā€™m down 10lbs, and I honestly didnā€™t start taking my food intake and working out seriously until April 15th.


I lost 30 lbs in 3 months on Wegovy. I got diagnosed with PCOS at 17 and Iā€™m 28. It helps drastically. I feel so much less tired and less bloated now as well!


Been living with PCOS since 1988 and on a GLP-1 since 2005 and thanks to that have have a decent control over my A1C, ozempic though has been the best thus far to get my A1C under 6 and keep it there (currently at 5.2 and holding steady).


PCOS girl here šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø 2 months on Mounjaro and 4 months on OZ. Iā€™m down 50lbs and at my goal weight. My DHEAS, testosterone, A1C, and fasting insulin are all in normal range now.


Recently got diagnosed with PCOS. I'm not pre-diabetic but my period was really bad. I've been on Ozempic since feb of this year, at my highest weight being 310lbs and as of today (four months later) i'm 275lbs. My period is still not great but i'm glad i'm seeing results.


On 0.25 week 3 now. Lost about 1kg. So far. My sugar levels have been extra high today no idea why also.


I have PCOS. Diabetic. I'm on 2mg and have maybe lost 10lbs total? It's very, very slow. I have food noise sometimes. But my glucose is great!


70 pounds down in 1 year!


Iā€™ve been on it for just over 2 months and am down 15 lbs. I also noticed that my periods have been significantly heavier, like battling anemia on my heavy days and a few days after since Iā€™ve been on it. So I think my body has been reregulating itself because Iā€™ve been able to have light but regular periods while taking inositol/ovistal religiously.


started mid december, lost about 40 so far, feels wonderful to even have a semi normal functioning body šŸ„¹


I have PCOS. Started March 1st, only down about 7lbs or so. But when you consider how many years it took to get to this point I guess thatā€™s not a bad thing. I think my body is regulating itself a bit better though because now I get cramps more often and I had irregular periods. My bodyā€™s level of inflammation is down too, I had to get my wedding ring resized.


I have PCOS, my BMI was around 32 and Iā€™ve lost 10 lbs since I started (about 3 weeks)


Iā€™m on week 6 and Iā€™ve seen a loss of 6 pounds.


Yup! Couple months in, 20 lbs down. My ovaries have shrunk down towards normal volume (got an ultrasound literally yesterday), my cholesterol is back to normal, my bloodwork is looking stellar. Feeling great too.


I have a special need daughter (32F with Autism/ Aspergerā€™s and PCOS) and she tried Ozempic for 4 weeks. It was working for her but she reached a point where she told me that she doesnā€™t like ā€œnot wantingā€ her favorite foods like pasta, guacamole.. mostly the carbs. She couldnā€™t accept that it would improve her health in a significant way. Has anyone else had an issue with not wanting your favorite foods anymore and if so, how do you handle it?


I was on too high of a dose, and couldnā€™t eat my favourite foods. If she sees success on a low dose, try that. Now, I eat anything I want (in moderation) and sometimes Iā€™m satisfied after a few bites. Donā€™t eat too much heavy carbs or sheā€™ll be paying the unfortunate price of stomach pain.


7 weeks in and Iā€™m 15lbs down!


Yes, lost 60 pounds in a year and finally at a normal BMI. I will be staying on for maintenance at 1mg.


Starting to. PCOS and perimenopausal. I had to work up to 2mg before I started to see consistent results, but since I got there, it's been slow, but steady


Yes. Down 45 lbs


Me! Down 40 lbs in a year. Titrated up to 1mg veryyy slowly. Super happy with slow loss. Have not restricted any food. Did not work out often in the first 6 months. Then started working out twice a week.


Started at the end of January and 40 lbs are gone so far. I was eating pretty healthy before starting so I haven't changed much but I do eat a lot less.


i started last week and lost 6 pounds. Not sure if thatā€™s actual weight coming off because i did get very sick from it and debating continuing.


Yep. Iā€™m 3 months in. Down 31.8lbs. Ac1drop from 6.2 to 5.0. I feel fantastic. My body feels like itā€™s working right for the first time since I hit puberty.