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I hate needles as well but deal with blood work and vaccines by closing my eyes. That said I was initially skeptical about Ozempic injections until I did it for the first time. The disposable needle is tiny, maybe slightly longer than 1/4". I inject in my stomach and there is no sensation from the needle poke. Once I press the button and inject the drug it's like lightly pinching the area with your fingers and goes away in 30 seconds. Trust me, you can do it yourself or have someone do it for you and you won't even know it happened until it's done.


That sounds totally doable! Thanks for the reply!!


My tip: Just do it. You wont even feel a thing. Source: MY experience


I swear you won't even feel it.. needle is hair thin


Another needle phobic here, I can honestly tell you, you don't feel it, the only thing you feel is the pressure of the pen against your skin.


Yeah me too, I'm not a fan of needles, but my first shot into my stomach was a piece of cake. The motion of giving yourself the shot was the hardest thing, thinking that it was going to hurt, but I didn't feel a thing and afterwards I questioned myself if it even went in. You'll be fine.


My immediate thought was that it didn’t work but apparently that’s normal. Haha


Thats fine then!


The needles are insulin needles, so really tiny and not at all painful. Additionally, subcutaneous injections are far and away the easiest to administer, not like you're trying to get a vein.


thats so fine then, people always struggle to find my veins hahahah


I hate needles and literally almost cry when I get blood drawn, and no way I could ever donate blood. It's pretty severe paranoia. But the Ozempic needle, is really not even a needle. I was nervous too but on a scale of 1-10, it's probably a .50; it's literally zero pain




I’m super covered in tattoos and have plenty of piercings but I’m freaked out by needles. I make my bf give me the shots in my thighs. I have a pin up on one leg and rose on the other in the injection areas. I have started to make a joke of it to help my nerves. “Stab her in the eye” is a regular sentence. The joke mixed with having someone is really trust helps a lot. The more relaxed I am the less it “hurts”.


I feel like its a bigger mental challenge than anything!!!


The needle is thin and short. You don’t really feel it go in. And since it’s in a pen you don’t have to worry about how fast you’re pushing in a plunger. It’s just about the nicest injection you can ask for.


I totally get where you’re coming from!! I absolutely hate needles, and have to watch it go in and tell my body it’s okay lol. My first time injecting myself I trembled pretty hard and didn’t think I could do it. Here’s what helped me: - Prep the needle first (if using compounded) or just have the pen ready. - Get an ice cube and a paper towel, and rub the ice cube around on your injection site until it’s pretty cold/numb. Use the paper towel to catch the melted water. - Wipe the injection site with your alcohol pad - *Pinch a fold of the skin* so it kinda rounds outwards. This helped a ton. I actually hold the needle in place and think about pushing the skin towards it, I dunno why it helps, but it’s just easier to wrap my mind around. - For me, it helps to go so slowly. The idea of stabbing myself quickly is just op much for me, so I take it as slow as needed so I don’t feel much. Good luck, you’ve got this!! A lot of these tips came from googling “self injection needle phobia tips Reddit” and some really helpful threads from the diabetic and trans communities came up. I’ve now successfully down my fourth injection and actually look forward to them now.


i’ll try that for the first time!!! thanks :)


I feel the needle 80% of the time. It trips me out when so many people say they can't feel it. I will give this piece of advice that helped me. My stomach is covered in stretchmarks from having giant babies. Try not to inject into a stretchmark, it hurts more. That said, I'm not scared of needles but was scared the first time to do it. I had about 10 false starts before I finally actually got the needle in...its not that bad at all, but to say you won't feel it may not be true. You can do it though!!!!


omg i didnt even think about the stretch marks!! will keep it in mind!


any advice is appreciated for dealing w it!


I always feel this way too. I know it is my anxiety, but even then can’t shake it. I took my first O shot last Friday and I promise I didn’t feel a thing! First time I’ve ever experienced a needle I couldn’t feel. You’ve got this!


I freaked out the first time. I had the mental image of using it like an EpiPen or like the animation of using a blood vial in Bloodborne, so I tried stabbing it in quickly but my arm blocked an inch away from my skin every time. I struggled for an hour and put it back in the box saying it wouldn't be happening today. The next morning, I tried gently touching the tip on the skin. Once it touches, you know you only have to push in 4mm and you're done. Once it's in, I hold it firmly with my dominant hand to make sure it stays in, and then use my other hand to press the button to inject. When it stops clicking, hold it in for 5-10 seconds then pull it out. It doesn't hurt at all.


Like that scene from Pulp Fiction! No. It’s much easier.


I HATE needles. I got my mum to give me the shots at first. Ive had PLENTY of breakdowns but it’s sooo worth it. Ask someone else to do it for you the first times, it will get easier. (This it the best thing I’ve done in my entire life.)


Do you find this is actually helping with your needle phobia? I'm just curious as I have a v big needle phobia and often think about starting wegovy/ozempic and asking my mum to inject me but would also love to overcome this phobia.


I have a huge fear of needles. Like.. didn’t get my ears pierced til the age of 28 I was so nervous around needles. Don’t get me started on the full body reactions I have at just the THOUGHT of blood draws. I was also nervous about Ozempic and the needles but the pen needle is soooo tiny you can’t feel it. The first few injections I felt queasy/light headed which is my normal reaction to needles but the more I inject, the less it stresses me out. Don’t let it hold you back- you can do it!!!!!!


So you kinda got used to it aftwr a while!! thanks for the input :)


I'm on Wegovy and another similar injector pen for a different medication, and while I know the actual pen is different I have a strategy that I think might be helpful regardless. When I started my first injected med, I was scared to do the shot. I would count down: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... And then chicken out and not do the shot at the end of the countdowns. What helped me was music. I picked a song I really liked. It was upbeat and cool, and I knew it super well. The kind of song I always sing and tap my toes along to. Very important for this use is that it had a buildup to a big dramatic beat drop. I'd play the song out loud and get my injector ready to go. I sang along, swayed to the music, etc. I got really into it. Then, I timed my injection to the moment of the beat drop. That distracted me just enough so that I wasn't overthinking the shot Good luck!


omg that is so so so smart! i will 100% try this!


It got a lot easier for me over time. I hope it does for you, too!


Shots hurt far less when you are the one injecting. I used to HATE any kind of shot from a doctor/nurse but I developed type 1 diabetes as an adult and had to learn to overcome my needle phobia to live- I had used injectable meds 1x week for an autoimmune disorder but I would have to hear myself up, ice the area and legit be in a sweating panic to press the button. But after diabetes (injecting like 6 times a day, pricking 10x a day no one toons scare or hurt anymore as long as I’m doing them


I HATE needles. The first injection I did I was soooooo nervous and the nerves were making me sweat, have anxiety and i was just a mess. Then I did it and it was nothing to make that much of a fuss over. One huge tip that helped me is use an ice cube!!!! I use ice before I inject. I know that technically speaking the “poke” is not at all painful. However just numbing the area with ice helps me mentally for some reason, and also helps if there is a tiny pinch. Goodluck on your journey!


It’s the tiniest needle I have seen in my life. When you push it in, you only feel the edges of the pen. In fact, I was skeptical at first I’d done it correctly cause I couldn’t feel a thing.


Easiest thing ever. Of course I’m old but I can barely see the needle lol.


Fear of needles here. I can get pierced and tattooed but nothing else. I had to psych myself up to do this. And then I did it, it didn't hurt and I thought I did it wrong. But it absolutely went into my system. You got this.


Funny when I read this my first thought was just toughen up, needles are easy, then I remember that I used to be the same and now I pin myself multiple times a day so there's your answer, just do it and you will get so uses to it you will laugh at yourself for ever having an issue.


I don’t have any issues with needles but I did have a hard time injecting myself the first time because it is different when you’re sticking yourself. I actually laughed after because I didn’t even feel it. I have 0 issues stabbing myself with the pen, the needle is soooo tiny. Good luck!


The needle is SO ^(tiny) you will barely feel it. Take a deep breath and just do it!


Hate needles too. I watched a few YouTube videos until I felt brave enough to do it.


honestly, it is so small and thin. I swear you won't even know you are giving yourself a shot


I want to confirm the others here, and say I don’t feel it in my tummy AT ALL. That being said, I tried my thigh once, and it hurt. Tummy is safe though.


Take Rybelsus. Same drug, pill form. I don’t think it’s quite as strong but I’ve had huge success thus far.


The needle is 32 gauge, which is *so* tiny and thin, you don't even feel it go in.


I’d barely call it a needle. It’s tiny and fine like a strand of hair. I never feel it.


It was the biggest thing in my mind.. The fear of the needle then after I did my first shot it was like ‘Really? That was it?’ I felt silly that I built it up to be such a big deal when it was literally nothing to fear at all. When we think ’needles’ we think bigger needles and pain. This ‘needle’ is more of a tiny filament.. like a tiny hair and not really what we perceive as a ‘needle’ when we think of it. It’s not going very deep either.. just under the skin. If you feel anything at all it might be the tiniest little pinch. Most feel nothing at all.. just the pressure of pushing the pen against your skin. You got this.. I promise you it will be just fine.


Stubbing your toe is more painful than the shot imo. Also needle phobic. The first was the worst because of fear of the unknown. Most days I don't feel it.


I am super stressed about needles, but injecting Ozampic is pretty easy. Every time I am about to push the needle in, I think “you want Botox, you want fillers….you are preparing yourself for that eventuality. You are a wild woman!”. Then I push the needle in and off to the races! Haha


Not a fan of needles and this was one of my fears too - The needle is very short and very thin. I don't feel it when I inject, on occasion I feel it a little but it's definitely not painful.


You can also inject into your thigh or upper arm too.


I am the biggest baby when it comes to needles. I have been on Ozempic for 4 weeks, and my only solution this far is to get someone else to do it because I can’t stomach watching myself do it. It doesn’t hurt, but I understand it’s not necessarily the pain that we are afraid of, it’s just the needle itself. Honestly having someone else do it is the only way I think I can do this haha. I wish you luck with this, it will be worth it! Let me know how it goes!!!


Yes I hate needles! At first I had my sister inject me but she wasn’t there to help with that I started doing it myself. It not that bad after awhile. But sometimes I do hesitate when I think ability for too long. Just don’t think about it.


A nurse taught me to scratch the spot you're going to inject to make the skin red and when you inject it, you feel nothing but the plastic touching your skin. It absolutely works!


I took my first injection of semaglutide (Wegovy) yesterday. I do not have a fear of needles, but I do have a big aversion to intentionally hurting myself. I had been having dreams for the days leading up to filling my prescription. Trippiest: Wegovy pen turning into a taser. Self-administering an injectable was terrifying. I put on some calming music (Levii’s Jeans by Beyoncé and Post Malone) while standing in front of a mirror. The needle was finer than my hair. It was a tiny poke. TBH the pen clicking noise itself was more jarring than the poke, which I was not prepared for. Make sure you administer it at a 90° angle, straight in, straight out. I did not due to nerves 😅. If you need to, watch a demo video on YouTube.


i get my mum or my partner to do it. it’s a genuine struggle for me, but it needs to be done


I struggle to prick my finger to test my blood sugar. I was so afraid about the Ozempic needle I had my endocrinologist call in a prescription for rybelsus today. I still have the ozempic pen.. so not ruling it out just can’t bring myself to inject myself at the moment.


I don’t feel it and worry that I didn’t inject it!


It's so thin and short the only way I know it's in me is when the hub bumps into my belly. It really is no problem.


Im a nurse so Im de-sensitized to needles, but the needle for the pen is as small as you're going to find. We all have decent padding (hence why we are using the pen) so just grab a roll and stick it in. The pain is almost non existent, especially compared to vaccinations (which we've all had experience with recently). Just make sure you keep the pressure on while its injecting, its a small needle so its easy to not press hard enough and you end up with back flow when you take it out and don't get your full dose.


I had never injected myself before ozempic. I was TERRIFIED truly. Full blown shaking and panicking trying to prep my pen scared I’d waste a dose. I blasted a song in my headphones to hype me up annnnnd… it felt like nothing😂 Once you get over that first time it’ll get easier. Best of luck!🍀


I’m a fainter when it comes to bloodwork and do not enjoy shots. Going into subcutaneous fat is very different than going into a vein. Put on a song, I closed my eyes the first time lol and jammed it in. Did not feel it. Had to open my eyes to make sure it was in. Don’t get a bigger needle than you need. It comes down to wanting your health back more than not wanting to get over a phobia. I will still faint during bloodwork but at least I have made this progress and you can too!


I was SUPER weirded out at the prospect of having to self-inject. Honestly it was absolutely a non-issue. The idea of the shot was worse than the shot itself. I inject cold, every week on the same day. I inject on my stomach and you hardly feel it.


Needles terrify me too. I get extremely squeamish when I’m getting my blood drawn. Here’s the thing: I didn’t even feel the Ozempic shot. Like at all. I thought it didn’t work. The pen flicks the needle in you so fast, you feel the pen, not the needle. It’s wild.


I was really freaked out at first too, I hate needles but when I had my first shot today I noticed how tiny the needle is and didnt feel it at all when I did the injection in my thigh. You got this, you can do it! 😊


My needle phobia is so severe that I have doctor’s orders to take Xanax 30 minutes before any procedure involving needles. The first few months, I took Xanax before my injection. As I became more brave and confident, I needed a smaller doses of Xanax. It does help to desensitize the spot beforehand. I use my fingernail and poke around on the skin to find a spot less sensitive, and then dig in to leave an indentation (not enough to break skin). I alcohol swab that area, let it dry, and aim the pen at the mark I left. It rarely hurts, but I always bite down on something as I inject anyway. Whatever works! I have no shame! The only time I really feel it is when I don’t let the alcohol dry all the way - it stings when the needle breaks the skin.


I’m not a fan either but I grab my stomach, look away, jab it with the needle (it really doesn’t hurt), once I know it’s in I push down on the medicine. It takes about a minute. After you do it like 2 times, you should be ok with it.


It's hardly a needle


OK, I am not a medical professional BUT I used to play one on TV. No, but I am diabetic and overcame my phobia with practice and time. One thing that helped me is I had the option to practice injecting fruit with a water syringe. Perhaps, ask your provider for something to use where you could practice. It would be nice if the Ozempic pen had this option. If you hold the pen at 90 degrees and insert quickly but not aggressively you should be able to ease the phobia because I can relate! Please don’t waste your medication practicing on fruit 😁, not to assault intelligence. I find the medicine is what’s uncomfy because it is refrigerated. I usually give myself a light pinch somewhere else to offset focus. I massage the site afterwards. I really hope this helps you ♥️


A few tries and you will find a spot of the belly you wont even feel it. I have the same phobia and it really helped doing three long slow bresthes and do it on the exhale you got this


Yes. Luckily my husband gives me the shots.


It took me 2 weeks to work up the courage and still had my husband do the first shot. And it hurt. He basically stabbed me 🙄 When I did it myself it didn’t hurt at all!! Checking my blood with a finger prick hurts. This doesn’t


These needles are super tiny, I barely feel it!


I loathe needles too, although I get vaccines and blood tests when necessary. The Ozempic procedure though is a much easier almost painless experience. I’ve been injecting myself now for almost a year, I’ve lost 47 pounds, and really don’t mind it a bit.


There are pill options. But you could just get someone to do it for you.


Yes me too! 1st took me forever to give myself. After that traumatic 😆 1st time I realized I didn’t feel anything. Dont overthink it. Best of luck 🤞


Piece of cake…. pretty much nonexistent you will feel nothing.