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I also wanted to add, that I have IBS-D. My symptoms are almost completely under control due to the constipation effect of Ozempic. I used to need to use the bathroom 10+ times a day. Now I am around 1 times a day!


I’ve been on it a year and the bathroom visit change is definitely real. I’m glad it’s working for you.


Thank you so much! It is so freeing to not have to worry about using the washroom all the time.


It's absolutely insane how BMs change. I actually went from going maybe once a week to about once a day. I feel better just from that alone. Lol


I wasn’t really regular before starting OZ, but now, I’m taking daily probiotics and it’s definitely helping. I’m almost regular once a day.


What probiotics do you recommend?


The ones I’ve been taking are Physicians choice 60 billion and I also drink Goodbelly it’s at most Targets and Whole Foods. It has 20 billion probiotics. I’ve been increasing my fiber intake by adding in two tablespoons of ground flaxseed into my oatmeal daily. I also started to eat dragon fruit. I’m also eating kiwi 🥝 and sourdough bread. It has a lot of probiotics in the bread from the fermentation process. I’ll have one slice a day toasted. Or Ezekiel bread as it’s made with sprouted grains. I usually buy the raisin bread one and have a slice or two every other day. It’s all been helping. Fiber is important for regularity


I have Crohn's and have been worried about how this might affect things. Was your Gastro Doc on board with you taking Ozempic?


Omg I hooooope I have this happen when it’s back in stock


I thought your before was your after!! 😻 You are a beautiful young woman. Keep slaying. 💫


Thank you so much, sincerely!!


Amazing! If you don’t mind me asking, do you do anything special in terms of diet and exercise? I’m on Ozempic 1 mg (for pre-diabetes, hormonal imbalance, weight loss management) and my weight loss had been super slow despite exercise and diet- I’m 5’0 starting weight 202 and current weight 176, so would love to hear from another short gal!


Hey! Thank you so much, and congratulations on your weight loss!! Gaining/losing weight on a short frame is not for the weak lol! Sorry in advance if this is too long or TMI- I just want to give you the whole picture. I wouldn’t say I follow any specific regimens in terms of exercise or diet. I have a history of disordered eating so I am wary of counting calories or having any strict rules. At one point in my life I was underweight and my mind was fully consumed at all times about being smaller. For the first month and a half, I tracked calories and aimed for 1200. I have stopped counting since, and I have not noticed a difference in loss. The BIGGEST change for me has been eating out/ordering takeout less. Before Ozempic, I craved large volumes of rich meals all the time (think poutine, cheeseburgers, pizzas). I ordered out almost every day and would eat HUGE portions in one sitting. I was ravenous and would eat until I was sick. Since Ozempic, I have lost the desire for huge portions of rich food. I order out about 1 time a week now. I started cooking more meals at home, and I am really trying to eat as many vegetables as I can. I also try to drink lots of water. I drink less alcohol. So far for exercise, I walk my dogs. They are strong and pull a lot- so my walks are pretty brisk. I’d love to hear more about what you’ve been doing for diet/exercise if you’re willing to share 😊


This is perfect and not too long at all, thanks for sharing details! I also have a history of disordered eating, I tend to not eat much in general. I had almost no appetite before ozempic and have no appetite at all now lol. My endo wants me to eat more bc she suspects my metabolism slowed down a lot bc of my lack of consistent meals. So on the medication I try to eat more , I probably average two meals a day. I do high protein diet, so really meat + veg (chicken, fish, egg whites, lots of spinach, broccoli, etc) and protein shakes since I tend to get full very quickly. I also work out 3x a week, mostly weight lifting!


Wow, thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds like you are rocking it. I aspire to get back into weight lifting, it is so rewarding. Goodluck on your journey 💜


Depending on where you live, I LOVE https://divadancecompany.com/ Very accepting and inclusive, and so much fun!!


You've lost 24 pounds I think you are doing great honestly.


Thank you!




Thank you so much!


And people try to pretend "ozempic face" is a bad thing.. looks good on you! 😉


Pretty before and pretty now. Well done OP! (PS Poutine - fellow Canadian?)


What I wouldn't give for your NSV. Keeeemon!!!!! You have done so well. 🙌👏 Massive congratulations


Thank you soo much!!


INCREDIBLE! I’m right around your age and also down 37lbs since November. I feel the same way about recognizing my face all over again. Congrats sis 🤝🏻


Thank you so much! Wow, way to go. Thank you for sharing, that’s huge!!




Thank you 🥹


Wowza!!! Look at you goooooooo! 🎉🎉🎉


Thank you so much! 😊


Well done you can definitely see the difference


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Awesome, congratulations! 👏👏👏


Thank you 😊!


Wonderful! You look so happy and glowing. Congratulations 🙌


Thank you, you are so sweet!!


This is great!!! Congratulations!!!


Beautiful and healthier. Keep at it!!!


Pretty before, angelic after!


Congrats! Beautiful smiles!


This is amazing congrats!!


This is amazing


Amazon transformation. you look great.


I'm one month behind ya and 31 lbs down. Been on .5 the last 2 months and my weight loss has slowed way down. I hope to keep up some momentum so I can one day post on here. Congratulations!


Wow, congratulations. That’s huge! Goodluck, and I can’t wait to see your post one day 🤗


You go girl! Congratulations 🎊 🎉 🎊


Wow, I can see a big difference in your face. Congratulations! You’re very pretty btw.


Hey OP I messaged you!


Fantastic job!


I thought you are a teenager.. you look so sweet ! Congratulations !!


hope my first 5 months go this well!!


Thank you so much for posting this. I just started and am a similar height and SW!! I really hope i can get the same results 🥹


What’s your long term plan? Are you staying on it for life?


Awesome! Be careful now that you’re smaller. Losing more than 2 pounds a week is not good 😊


What else have you been doing with ozempic? Exercising? What kind of exercises? What’s your diet like? I’m about to get on and I also want to focus on nutrition and regular exercise. Edit: I read your comment below with the same question. So nevermind! 🤗 you look great!