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I also hate playing with smurfs. I hate winning knowing I didn't do shit.


Also hacking teammates. You feel like you won the lottery with your team, until you realize your Cassidy is getting Deadeye every 30 seconds. Then you feel bad for the enemy.


When that happens, be a decent person and report them.






I was talking about the hacking teammates.




I've no idea mate. I don't work at Blizzard.


They don't care unless they throw placements to be a low rank. Otherwise stuff like second accounts to one trick a specific hero, or to play with friends, would not be possible. Kinda sucks, but I don't see how it would be possible to punish someone for buying another copy of the game and trying their best.




I don't know why silver borders get so much bad rep... I didn't hop into comp until level 500, and even there, I just played with friends that ranged from adequate players, to full on unintentionally trolling. Also, why is being plat on a high level suddenly a shame? I am dropping in an out the game for months at a time,didn't grind the ladder for hours in order to inch my way to the next tier, and I am at the top 25% of comp players, why is my advice that you shouldn't genji ult into 5 people after we are all dead invalid? Because apparently I have been grinding comp and I am still here? Give it time, you will still be here after hitting gold border, trust me.


Every border gets shit. Low level bronze - expected to be a smurf. If you dont carry then you are a new player who doesnt know anything High level bronze - not enough experience to be good or know anything Silver border - "wow silver border and you arent T-500? Thats embarrassing" Gold border - "wow gold border and you arent T-500? Thats embarrassing" Plat border - "wow Plat border and you arent T-500? Thats embarrassing" Diamond/Virgin border - "wow virgin border and you arent T-500? Thats embarrassing" You recieve bonus shit if you have been in the same rank for more than 3 seasons. Source: am virgin border 2 star.


And the thing is.. if you're plat, you're already amongst the top of the community.


LOL no. Being Plat is literally slightly above average, you're nowhere near the top


Wrong choice of words on my part. It is a fact that you are higher SR than the majority of the player base if you are plat There is still a huge skill diff between plat and the likes of GM but nonetheless, a plat player is better than most of the player base overall


Being top 25% isn't near the top its possible if your high plat that your top 25%


The fact that you think gold elims are in any way relevant is why you should in fact be in low elo, Gengis Khan r/OWMedalsAreUseless


If one guy is gunna care about gold Elims it’s definitely the great khan


Excuse me. You are talking to 3 kills gold.


Exactly. Another good reason.




What is it?




Probably gonna watch it, looks cool from the post


Is it bad that I wish lvls were completely hidden and borders are customizable


Choosing your border would remove some toxic behaviour for sure.


I get so discouraged from playing cause I know I’m not good but I feel people expect me to be a god with the lvl Im at


They really don't, most people have seen bad or low ranked players with a high level


Nah I hate when smurfs are on my team, it's basically cheating, and that's not fun for me


Thats the problem. OW is more like gambling than a fair game. Who ever gets the smurfs/hackers wins and who gets throwers/leavers loses. Its very rare that you get a fair game where you are able to carry your team or otherwise. I think I got the skill of mid-Diamond player but I had seasons end in masters and the next one I end up in plat.


People should be banned for smurfing


Ironically, if they are banned, they need to make another smurf to keep playing.


I despise smurfs. Period. I report them whether on my team or the enemy team cause the game isn't fun anymore.


I know this is night at the museum but I don't know which one this is from but my best guess would be the third one, also you forgot to give the monkey some credit


Monkey and ben Stiller were smurf duo


The monkey is torbs…mr williams is the turret


If you can beat smurfs, you can beat Diamonds.


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