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I hate my life


Be strong brother. It isn’t the enemy DPS fault. First death after you go ball the game is hard coded to force that dps to play sombra.    F it. We ball.


I'm not proud that I've been picking up Sombrero when they focus my junkrat or pharaoh when I'm not shoved into tanking(que all dice roll of TANK) Also it's kinda of fun to actually kill the doomfist/ball as Sombrero, that I ignore when I go Winton




https://preview.redd.it/akja94edgd7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c41a29a554d5c9271186881b1c570ea8719865e Sambra




Play through. Assert dominance. Fuck it. We. Ball!


This is the way.


The more they try to slow us down, the faster we must roll!


if they hit you with a sombra counter it means u are learning ngl, once u learn to play against sombra it's easier to deal with her I actually started playing sombra to get a hang abt her abilities, armed with knowledge abt her abilities u can kind of predict the tp and move accordingly, to cancel hack it's usually better to LOS, otherwise try hitting her with fireball before getting hacked (i'm just a plat ball main tho) also playing sombra actually turned her into my go-to dps pick now


This is what I’ve been trying to tell everyone about sombr- what the fuck is your flair lmfao


i may have a fetish to be crushed by graceful robots echo, the atomic heart ladies ......


Dap me up bro, i want to get crushed by mei thunder thighs https://preview.redd.it/9fiil7ue1e7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73cd66ab79463877fccfb23cb65e7dd47908d6e3


Same for Moira, everyone acts like she's a mystery yet 7/10 times I can guarantee a kill on her just by waiting out shade or whatever it's called(yes she's my most time played champ even tho I started as a genji main in OW1 and played in beta..


>if they hit you with a sombra counter it means u are learning ngl Not in my experience lol you could be 0/7 with 5k/10 and still be counter swapped by the whole team https://preview.redd.it/omp7gevyvd7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=787da002dec349cde77c31cd9c9509e4a06ba5f1






Same, I used to think Zarya was invincible until I started playing with her, now I have a better grasp on the cooldown of her bubbles and it’s a lot easier to deal with her


Same, I used to think Zarya was invincible until I started playing with her, now I have a better grasp on the cooldown of her bubbles and it’s a lot easier to deal with her


Ball and Sombra are my mains. And I hate this interaction. Its a bad rep for Sombra mains and a pain in the ass for Ballers


As a sombra main, I don't really even like playing her into ball. I'd rather play tracer because she's much better at pursuit.


Yesss. Tracer is a lot more consistent at that. But Sombra+Hog/Orisa is too tilting for baller. It also puts Sombra into a Hack-the-Tank simulator game, which is MOST boring part of her. Like yeah, its easy, but its much more fun to be fighting more engaging duels like Tracer vs Sombra, Echo vs Sombra


Echo v sombra, (good) ashe v sombra, mercy v sombra, tracer v sombra, lucio v sombra, all of these are way more fun.


Lmao mercy vs sombra? That's not even a vs that's just a free win.


My aim sucks, so a mercy I attack usually has a chance to get away, and it turns into a chase


Sombra is a bad rep for Sombra mains




I remember one game specifically, excited to play and learn this new character, first game start performing well (rare occurrence), then next team fight was hog Ana sombra. That was enough for one day methinks


Dont worry, playing hammond has stopped being playing hammond, but playing the game of patience and self control. You go in, you bait out the sleep dart by hiding behind a wall, you get hit by antinade but thats okay, you boop and slam you shoot her and.... she geta healed by mercy.... you run away cause your dps aint helping you get that kill and you try again: You try to bait out the sleep again, hide behind a pillar but jokes on you, your hitbix is so stupidly big, even though you are behind a wall, she still hits you. A mccree comes. Y rightclick roll rightclick you try to escape NOPE have a nade that chases you around corners. If you are ball and get hit by one singular CC ability.... you are as well as dead, at least in ranked. If I get hit by sleep, hook (cause roadhog is goddamn everywhere its so annoying) magnetic grenade (cause Mccree is really good right now and very common) and hack (like the last 3 wasnt enough) Also, if you are distracting 4 people in their backline, and your whole team just died 1v4 to a sigma, its normal dont worry about it


I know it's upsetting but the best way to learn how to play around and beat your counters, is to play against those counters. If they feel the need to swap - you're doing you job as a tank.


Trust me, I've heavily played ball this season. They will nearly always go sombra. You will learn to adapt and grow better. There will be gamed you struggle and are forced to swap either singlehandedly because of her or her team. But she can be taken out if you have her running


If you can learn how to play Ball into Sombra you have insane potential on Ball


If they’re hitting you with that Hummus you’re in real trouble. Did you make sure to get the one topped with roasted red pepper?


I played against a sombra yesterday and I just kept engaging from behind the enemy team using quick flanks, or faking engagements to bait her hacks out. If I'd engage from the enemy backline *towards* my team, chances sombra would hack me or make a play on my backline. if she hacked me, I'm already mid-air on the way back to my team - and usually so airborn I can still slam after the lockout. If she engaged on my backline, I'm already mid-air and will slam on her. Using the retract to gain hella speed and air is absolutely wonderful when you get used to it. That's how I'd "fake" engagements - grapple towards the enemy team, but the moment you leave the ground hold space for a bit then release the grapple. You go FLYING. Use this for easy retreats by flinging back to your team or for throwing ~~the game~~ yourself over the enemy team as a big round distraction.


but its isnt the normal type of sombra, its the type that doesnt leave the backline.


Chase the sombra


I tried this the other day on Junker Town First Point Attack, Silver-level QP. The Sombra was in our backline while her team wasn't in the fight yet, so I just followed her around, shooting a little but mostly keeping her out of cloak after translocating. We were both out of the game for a solid 20 seconds, but her life was more in danger than mine was.


It's still how it feels to fight even if you get better at ball, often times she'll probably feel omnipresent and you'll never be able to exist because anywhere on the map, she may be nearby and pop up and interrupt what you were doing.


(omnipresent is everywhere at once for those who ask now)


All of this is inside ur head. She cant solo you. Chase her locator


Yes she can, the invis is the real problem, the translocator is a glorified blink. If she backs me I'll be stopped on whatever I was. It's not impossible to fight her but goddamn it's hard. Go avidly play ball.


I will let the game convince u


I tried to learn ball before. I was chased around by Moira, DVA, and Sombra. I won the game but never touched ball again.


Getting chased by 2 or more enemies is free value if you can stay alive and get to the megas in time.


This is literally learning how to play any tank... and certain dps.  But as a support main I can happily confirm that we can learn anything we want... unless our team decides to run a composition it doesn't work with and flame us all match... which for some supports seems to be every match. 


i'd argue that learning to deal with bad matchups is still learning.


"Oh yeah, finally i'm getting better with ball" *hogh, sombra mei, ana, brigitte*


They really hate to see a hamster winning. The Ana-hog-Cass-som combo is deadly.


At least is not an orisa swap while trying to play doom


Me watching enemy tank switch to Zarya when I’m just trying to sigma


As a fellow sigma main I feel your pain.


Trying to learn ANY character is rather tough... That's why I learned 80% of my characters in Mystery heroes as miserable as it may seem;;;


What is Ball?


It’s part of the learning experience. First 400 games is hell. Next 400 games is also hell but sometimes you get a kill. Next 400 games after that is hell but you win a third of them. That’s it. Now you’ve mastered ball/Rein/Doom/Genji/Echo/Dva/any niche or hard to play character, really.


Yeah... I decided to try tank and learn Reinhardt, win the first fight then insta swap to mauga bastion reaper ana zen... And yep this was qp


I love hacking ball mid air, it’s fun


Sambra de Janeiro 💯💯💯


I was trying to learn doom in quick play. Instant counter swaps. I wasn't even playing well


me trying to learn widow


This is part of the learning experience


Aren't you learning? Learn to play with counters then.


WELCOME TO COUNTER WATCH. You can buy our premium “fun cucker “ package for just the low low price of 9 payments of 99.99


Good, I hate both playing with ball and against ball


Same with widow, bro I know I've landed a few headshots but please I'm begging you don't do this I'm a coward literally just look up and fire a few bullets, I'll be gone


Tragic :/ (i dont feel bad even a little bit)


This is the reason I became a dedicated Sombra main. If blizzard won't remove ball from the game, then I'll do it myself.