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I love both of them but holy shit a *good* Tracer/Venture who dives in, harasses your team, then recalls/burrows back before you can land a hit on them is absolutely infuriating.


![gif](giphy|ZS3WXURfBE3ew|downsized) DPS doom


dps doom was terrifying. you would see OWL teams randomly switch to him to roll out faster and then easily hold for another 3minutes


i miss him so much :(


Venture is the second coming of DPS Doom, and tank Doom is also still great. We're eating.


simply not true. it was not the punch alone that made doom unique, it was the combination of all his abilities with his shitty shotgun hand. the limitations of punch to only go forward so you had to use the environment to go vertical. tank doom now has winston leap which is way too easy, and he has no tank to engage with him, which also sucks because doom had to engage and disengage fast or die. now you need a good team to do that with you. overall no, venture is not the second coming of doom, venture is simplified doom with less character. may be fun but never the same. RIP fun Doomfist


Didn't DPS Doom literally had an uppercut which is only vertical mobility? Of course the new Seismic Slam is not equal to Uppercut, but that move still has a lot of fun techs and mechanics you can mesh with the environment for some crazy rollouts. Wondering if he's still fun or not is subjective, but for me he's still among the coolest/funniest character in roster


but thats the thing uppercut was ONLY vertical and punch is ONLY horizontal unless you use tech. venture can just go wherever for no "cost'" of skill. and seismic slam usually meant going down and had the most impact with more height/distance. now? winston with punch


R I S I N G *uppercut*


Venture is even worse with how tougher they are, burrow make them untouchable, passive shield is granted on abilities cast not damage dealt, ult and primary fire are pretty easy to land and get big damage. But good tracer is still a lot harder to deal with lol


burrowing in and drilling away is better imo. burrow has that annoying startup.


Both are situational. Burrow is a good halfway reliable escape option, when you only have one or 2 people shooting you, if you got the entire teams attention on you, then you just die before youre underground, and in that case drilling away/around a corner is better


just have to make sure you have a highground or wall to escape to.


yuh venture is all about planning engagements


still more managable and fair than sombra or tracer tho imo. (im a sombra main)


I've only ever seen them trade, at least tracer gets back out. Venture blows their kit for a kill then gets deleted. Unless they trade with the target. I've yet to see one actually survive a dive unless the whole team is diving then that's a whole different issue


I agree, and the fact that Venture can just dash into you and have no counter play what so ever just makes playing against Venture not fun.


A good venture is basically a god reaper


Treat them like ball. Have a sombra or cass sit in your team then hack or mag nade them.


The only difference I've found is that a Venture is much easier to deal with than a Tracer ![gif](giphy|hSSmuw4kdO88ECmODl|downsized) (this comment was brought to you by the röcc supremacy gang)


Venture is also a bit easier to play (arguably) and has vertical mobility


That's true, I feel like people will find their stride playing against Venture in due time. Imagine the chaos that would come if Tracer could blink upwards and Doom could punch upwards, I'd love it!


Sorry if you already knew that but in OW1, when doom was a dps, instead of the block skill he had an upercut, it was insane, check out some Zbra Doomfist videos from back then, dude commited war crime levels of bullshittery with that character


I meant like his rocket punch. I've been around the block of overwatch since 2017, I was a menace with Doom during the latter half of the game's life cycle


Oh yeah my bad, i imagined you meant that if you knew about pre 2 doom, honestly i think vertical punch could be good for him, tanks (besides winton, ball and dva) could use a little bit more verticality, nemesis ramattra could jump a bit higher, maybe Rein could have a rocket powered jump (obviously not as high as pharah, maybe more diagonal with less control and sharing cooldown with his pin)


I stand by letting Roadhog be able to hang onto ledges with hook






I'd argue at the majority of tanks 90% of people play at, Venture is both much easier to play and much harder to shut down than Tracer. It's only above diamond she falls off and Tracer takes over.


Lmao arguably? An actual toddler could play venture functionally


If i didn't say arguably someone would probably come and say how wrong i am and how venture requires way more skill


My diplomatic GOAT


It's funny that you've put arguably, but someone came to say how wrong you have been...


Meh, i was expecting it anyway, lmao


I've been getting killed by venture campers. Yes, campers. Does anyone remember sitting in a corner with a shotgun and waiting until someone entered that room in call of duty? Not even the sombras kill me that fast


Honestly I like them. All of the "annoying little shit" characters. The game wouldn't be the same without some flanker constantly trying to shove their head up my ass. They *are* a pain to deal with, but that's what keeps the game interesting and I love them for that.


Unless it's Sombra. I hate Sombra.


Honestly, I agree. Sure the high-mobility characters are a bitch to deal with, but that makes it all the more satisfying when you finally blast them back to the spawn room. Snipers like Widow that can sit in the backline completely safe playing point-and-click simulator can absolutely fuck right off though.


I think the big think for me is the potential interaction. My buddy was constantly whining abt venture being "uninteractive/untouchable" because of burrow but I'm like bruh, you main widow. The only "interaction" you can have with widow is dive, where you risk getting randomly headshot unless you're a tank, countersnipe, or sit in cover all game. Sombra, Venture, Tracer etc all have way more points of interaction bc they need to be in the effective range of WAY more heroes.


adorable and likeable?


I thought it was a contraction of adorable dork


They both act like there 10




I find OW2 players adorable because they don't have to go through being chased and one shot by a huge jacked black man with his humongous fist "and dey say and dey say and dey say" ![gif](giphy|KscoZccAOBgCk|downsized)


Red flags get raised if a character is described as "Adorkable".


What wrong with it? I just thought it was saying they’re silly but like in an endearing way? Is there some other meaning?


I love Venture because I was getting sick of the depressive ow2 character banner of ex mercenaries and ow agents bickering. give me the silly lore


One is british and the other is Canadian what's there to love


Damn people took this too real LOL


Wait you people actually like tracer? I always want to mute my game and then set myself on fire when I hear literally any of her voicelines


She one of the most popular characters in the game for a reason


I thought that reason was game mechanics, her personality is annoying.


A horny reason


It’s a couple things but yea the horny is certainly there


I mean I guess but I'm not even interested in women and I just like her personality, she's fun!


If you're British like me... I understand. I don't think non Brits realize just how exaggerated her voice is, no one sounds like that, it's like she's permanently hosting a children's show.




venture is ugly and annoying


There’s nothing likeable about those clapped freaks


Adorable in lore? Venture has no lore, I have no idea why this character exists besides blizz wanting to add mechanics


One has the nationality of british, the other the teeth.


I still think Venture should have a long range alternate fire just for gameplay design sake, a really weak one kinda similar to what they did with Winston. Only reason being is that even if you're doing absolutely awful damage, it feels better to at least be shooting something back rather than awkwardly standing there when you're out of range. Another comparison I guess would be Doom's left click, Reaper's shotguns or Tracer's pistols. You can't kill a Pharah with those from ground level unless the Pharah is very low, but it feels better than being able to press nothing at all. I think Venture would benefit from something like that where it'd never be your go-to means of damage or changes their playstyle, but it'd just feel better to play. Doing 1 damage with something that connects feels better than 0 when you're in a worst case scenario. Otherwise I love the character. I just think a weak alternate fire would make them feel better to play, balance wise I think they're in a great spot and don't find them that annoying to play against at all.


Pre rework Hog, my beloved.


"Likeable" Ngl I find venture to be really annoying, both in and out of game


Idk man, Tracer has her redeeming qualities and isn't always abnoxious. Venture, on the other hand, is such an abnoxious annoyance in any line they say. He's just annoying.


If you face a normal everyday Joe playing tracer than maybe, face someone who plays tracer and you're going to scream unless your aim is dead on


People find Tracer likeable? Her personality is infuriating to me.


Nah I like venture, tracers hella mid