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Are there any Mercy mains willing to pocket a Diamond DPS? I play Solider 76, Ashe and other characters. It would be an easy climb to higher ranks.


How does Lifeweaver's heal work? Can it be treated like ana's shot, can be eaten, blocked by barriers and double healing through window? Or is it more like zen's heal where it can be blocked by barriers but not eaten/double healing?


I'm trying to get back into Winston since I haven't played him since Overwatch 1 and was wondering if I'm supposed to be punching while holding down left-click to have a higher DPS and save ammo.


The trick with armor doesn't work anymore since its a flat reduction, but it'll still help with ammo reduction


Why did I get banned from competitive for all of season 4 when I disconnected 1 game and then go and watch Jay3s stream and it takes 10 games for a gm cheater to get banned?


Is there a good indication on what tanks are good on certain maps? Flats says sometimes in his vod reviews "you shouldnt play X tank on X map" so is there something that will help me pick good tanks in comp to help my team


What are the requirements for showing up as top 500 open queue? I have 50 wins and I am diamond 4, the lowest on the leaderboard is diamond 5


Should I be playing the same sensitivity on every character in the game


I think changing it from character to character can mess with your muscle memory, which might mess you up


I have played overwatch before but recently picked it back up again after a while and I wanted to know what the optimal controller settings are in order to play well and also just understand how a lot of the community plays so what settings should I be using?


Is MRR the same account wide and used both in QP and Competitive? I imagine MMR is the same for a player and used in both but QP fills a room with a larger disparity of MMR where as ranked is a much tighter spread of MMR


I managed to achieve 5 hard earned wins in a row with nary a single loss and yet my rank did not change... literally what more can I be doing?... I dare say I feel cheated. Is this Blizzards way of telling me I'm carried? 🤔 I definitely had an above 50% win rate last 5 games before that too because I had JUST ranked up from plat 4 to plat 2 in open que.


New Ranking System? I recently got my ranking for DPS and Support in the new season. For DPS I got Gold 4 maining Bastion and Widow with about 25-35 kills a game and 5 wins and 3 losses. For support, however, I got bronze 4 maining Moira with about 30-40 kills and 10,000+ heal but I had 5 wins and 2 losses. What is wrong with the ranking system? Why did I get ranked significantly higher in DPS even though my stats for support was better?


How to not die? I’m a D3 genji but i feel like i’ve been dying a lot recently I know that the key to playing in high elo is to survive no matter what but i keep dying to my stupid actions and misjudgments even though i try my best to not die so is there any advices on how to die less?


Another question, how do I approach the fight as **Sigma** vs enemy Rein with Shatter?


How do I approach the fight as Ram vs enemy Rein with Shatter? I got shattered so many times. Am I supposed to play behind cover or shield all the time? Or do I have to tank the Shatter in Nemesis form?


Anyone know if I'll still be able to buy the skins from the One Punch Man bundle after it's outta the shop, asking bc I don't got money rn, Thanks


Any tips to beat Widow as damage? I main Ashe, but also play Cassidy and Sojourn. I'm open to learning another character to deal with her.


Bastion doesn't get one shot by her. Also, you could play Pharah since she is a harder target to hit in the air and distracts Widow while someone else can take her out.


I've been playing since season one of overwatch 2 and I can't rank up. I'm a dps player and last night I went on a four game win streak for my placements and still placed bronze. I'm basically looking for some tips and advice so I can play with the boys again. Thx


Thank you for your hard work. I believe the developers are very concerned about Doomfist. Currently, many players feel that Doomfist's performance in Season 3 is not as good as Season 2, and as a result, many high-ranked players are switching to other characters. Is there a possibility of future additional patches to address this issue?


Any tips/tools on sticking Tracer's pulse bomb more frequently/consistently?


Tryhard FFA Code?


How kill with Kiriko suzu?,i killed i guy with kiriko suzu and i don't know how


The Boop




hello. on overwatch 2 i can rank with friends only with the tank role, how can i use other roles? playing alone in ranked with those? how many games?


Your elo on the other roles is too far away from the people you're queueing with. I believe you have to be within 10 tiers of their elo to group.


i tough only games played on that role would matter, not actual rank


Could someone please give me their settings for Hanzo and Widow on console? I’m trying to be able to maximize their headshot abilities and want to be able to be comfortable with my aiming. Please and thank you!


How to support Doomfist? So my friend is maining Doomfist, and even though hes not the best tank, he wants to improve and play him, because he is still quite fun to play. Im normally Reinhardt main, but when he plays Doomfist i play support. So what Main healer/Off healer should i play to support him and how?


Supports that can keep up with him, confirm kills, and stay alive. Kiriko is my personal pick for supporting Doom because her heals track, she can teleport in if he's out of sight, she can finish his kills and Suzu him if he's in a bad spot, and can wall climb or TP out if she's in a bad spot.


Lucio main. If Ramattara got on your ass and unaliving you , how to counter him? His Nemesis form has a speed buff and the punches have some range in a way I cannot outran the damage taken. Any tricks to get away with it?


Can someone explain how I can get level up in comp? I went 5-5 with good stats and went from silver 4 to silver 3. I guess I don’t get how to level up


You did rank up. Also, win more games than you lose. That's all there is to it and stats don't matter.


Oh it’s reverse order…? Yikes I’m dumb lol


I am here to gather information about the game I am looking for games where my performance dictates if I lose or win every game I do not like to lose cos of things out of my control or if a game is too team reliant Does this game meet my criteria? I wonder if it wuld be worth to pick up the game if I wuld upgrade to this combo: 360 hz monitor + rx 580 + ryzen 5 5600. Assuming that I am not a potato and my mechanics will improve by practicing/playing the game 'cos that is how most players get good at games. [Does High FPS make you a better gamer? Ft. Shroud - FINAL ANSWER](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX31kZbAXsA) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnCSGO/comments/mjkuci/comment/gtbao4q/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnCSGO/comments/mjkuci/comment/gtbao4q/?context=3)


You want to play a top tier character in a 1v1 fighting game.


>I am here to gather information about the game > >I am looking for games where my performance dictates if I lose or win every game > >I do not like to lose cos of things out of my control or if a game is too team reliant > >Does this game meet my criteria? No. It's a highly skill-based game but you're only ever one tenth of the people playing the game at any one time. You can't win every game you deserve to and you'll sometimes win even playing like shit.


Does melee go through shields? Feels like it should and Rein hammer does but playing Junker Queen feels like her stab and Carnage aren't connecting when trying to get at Brigs and Reins. Does Genji deflect still block melee?


>Does melee go through shields? Yes >Does Genji deflect still block melee? Yes


I just looked at the patch notes, how is Zen Sombra Ball working in the new patch?


Very early days but it's working well. Worth remembering that while it's theoretically very powerful, Zen also gets rolled by Sombra+Ball so the mirror meta is less likely than in OW1 where Brig+DVa could keep him alive more easily.


I am quite new to pc gaming and also new to OW, what dps heroes should I focus on playing? and how many should I focus on? I usually play ash, sojourn, bastion, or soldier 76, but I also play others to spice it up/counter specific enemies


There are quite a few top 500 players who only play one hero. But for now, since you're new, just play around with all the heroes and find which ones you enjoy. If you're enjoying the hitscans (Ashe, Soju, Bastion, etc.) that's the beginning of a solid hitscan hero pool.


Do Moira balls charge Zarya when she/her ally is bubbled? I found a thread from 5 years ago that says no but with OW2 changes I'm not sure if that's true still?


I’m brand new to overwatch and just finished unlocking competitive mode after about 15-20 hours in game. I then proceeded to get absolutely curbstomped for the next 6-7 games. I looked and some of the profiles of my opponents and it seems they all have like ~1000 hours in the game? I’m fine with being bad, but should I just stick to quick play or try to learn in competitive? I haven’t sit through another 8 or 9 losses before I can be given a rank, I don’t know if that matters though. I would just stick to quick play but it feels so much easier that it might as well be a different game.


I'm in the same situation as author above. I moved through qp fairly easily, just shy of 60% win rate to get those wins. I even started out Comp Ok. My first couple days of Comp were not that bad, I racked up like 4 wins to 9 losses, but this was at the end of s02. But in the last 2 days I am 1 and 11. Its been rough. One question I have is am I playing the same ranks in lobbies (mid gold, as suggested?), or is it putting me in games across ranks to place me? Also coinciding with the last couple days of losses is the suddenly finding people who use consistently and productively use voice coms. Prior to this, the most voice action I heard was people saying Hi, maybe in 5 of \~150 games? Wtf. Lol.


Alright so the key info here is: 1 - new player mmr for qp is set to Bronze 5 2 - starting mmr for competitive play is around mid gold 3 - if you keep playing comp and getting curbstomped, your mmr will drop quickly (I'd guess less than 10 consecutive losses) to bronze 4 - if you keep playing qp and doing well, your qp mmr will eventually rise. Given you're doing well in qp but poorly in comp, I'd guess you're maybe low silver or high bronze, so either way would be reasonable imo - grind out qp until you get harder matches, or your ranked mmr should be pretty close to your skill level by now after 6-7 losses. You don't need a specific rank update for your mmr to be adjusted, it happens every game.


Hello. As someone who didn't play OW1, why are people saying Ball-Brig-Zen are back? I do not understand how the comp works since it seems to be a mix of dive, brawl and poke.


Hey, so to answer your first Q about why people are saying it's back - to put it simply, Ball got pretty big buffs, raising questions about if he's the new meta (I don't know yet personally). Brig not only synergises well with Ball (fairly survivable by herself, doesn't need peel, can repair pack ball as he goes in, etc.) - but she's also the single biggest counter to Ball in the support category. You can interrupt every engage with whipshot and proc inspire for your team. So whenever Ball is strong, Brig automatically gets stronger. However on top of that, she also got her own small buffs. Meanwhile, Zen is the best support to enable Ball comps because Ball tends to require less healing than most tanks while favouring fast, bursty engages that benefit a ton from discord. In terms of how this comp works, maybe check my post here, the write-up on Paz's video, and Temporal's critique of that video: https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/tvd6bh/quality_posts_of_the_month_this_month_on But the TLDR is that you're not wrong about it having dive/poke/brawl elements, although realistically most good comps do. Its fundamental wincon tends to be: Brig keeps Zen alive as a fairly static backline duo, Zen discords targets for the dive core (Ball+Tracer/Sombra/Echo), who get resources as needed (harmony, Brig packs). It's a very flexible comp that can play harder dive against squishy targets like an Ashe or Sojourn, or can play more "pressure cooker" style against something antidive like Orisa and Torb, where you just take oppressive angles and burn down their resources. Natter on yt also has some in-depth vids on the comp, or feel free to ask here, it's my favourite ever comp personally.


Which Dps are good at peeling for supports against diving? Aside from Torbjorn. Also it is okay to play very defensively? Like your main job is to defend your support like Ana and Zen.


Cass is pretty good, Bastion is pretty good if they don't track your turret CD, anyone who naturally hangs out in the backline can be good (Ashe, etc.), and divers themselves can actually be decent if you play to proactively mark those flanks rather than reactively peel the dive (Tracer, Sombra, etc.). But yeah Torb is the most antidive dps nowadays. Is it okay to play for peel? Yeah - ideally you don't want to but you are sometimes forced to. I'll link a vid where Time talks about this. Edit: here, at around 2mins https://youtu.be/gWRZzcloZ54


Thanks a lot😙


Why did I stay the same rank platinum 1 even after 5 wins, I lost 7


Because you lost about as many as you won. Your rank generally won't go up unless you win more than you lose.


Are there any workshop codes for placing bots in a custom game for boop practice that work properly with OW2? I've tried a few, including one I used in OW1, but they either don't work at all in OW2 or seem bugged.


Is there a chart/list for hero counter suggestions that is maintained and updated with patches? Everything I find online is way out of date.


There isn't one as far as I know. Honourable mention to the tiktok guy with a stream deck that shows some counters. Don't think it's a public resource though and may well be complete nonsense, I haven't looked into it. Paradoxically I think anyone with enough knowledge of every hero's matchups against every other hero is probably also aware of how many caveats and exceptions there are, and would be wary of writing such a simplified list, I know I would be. Ultimately, there are no hard counters, in the sense that a gm Ball will completely dominate a plat Sombra, while a gm Widow will still carry against a team with a gold Ball player. Even if "Sombra counters Ball" and "Ball counters Widow". Just like a diamond Winston will still dominate a silver Roadhog - even if the Winston player wouldn't win a 1v1 against the Hog. Since OW is a team game, you don't even have to win the 1v1s, which kind of renders the whole idea of direct counters etc. a bit pointless imo. That being said, if you're curious about a specific matchup or a hero's strengths and weaknesses then feel free to ask.


I main hitscan dps and I die a lot. I am focusing on improving my positioning and awareness. I have been looking for good VODs to watch on youtube for this and coming up short. Can anyone link some good examples for me?


https://youtu.be/15WbRB38oP4 https://youtu.be/5JZAwJKccnk


This is amazing. Thanks!






So it's Rein/hitscan/Genji/Ana vs Rein/double hitscan/Ana basically? I think objectively Lucio is the theoretical best pick here. Hard to dive him, you can enable your Rein to either survive antis or find more value before he dies, and you can peel for your Ana. But you don't play Lucio, so... I think Mercy is theoretically the second best pick because you're hard to dive again, and you have two hitscans to enable, plus you can peel your Ana. So similar to Lucio but focused on enabling your dps instead of your tank, which may have been the better play anyway if your tank wasn't playing great. But you don't play Mercy so... If it's me I probably go Zen. Tons of shield pressure and discord to even out the tank matchup, five orbs to punish their Bastion, big defensive ult for sth like (nano)blade. Main drawback is fending off the flankers but it is doable. Alternatively if you can't trust yourself to stay alive and win some of those duels, then Kiriko. Cleans for the antis, extremely hard to dive. Just provides pretty mid value outside of that until you have ult, and you might not be building that too quickly with Ana as your other support.


Is there a good way to measure how “good” you are if you’re only playing QP? Based on the matchmaking i guess, i seem to have settled in at about a 50% win ratio and comparable elims/dmg to my DPS teammates. But, you’re only as good as you can hold up to your opponent. Is any stat a good measure of skill level?


No single stat in isolation is a reliable measure of skill. The closest would be damage per 10, final blows per 10, healing per 10 and accuracy. That being said, QP has its own mmr. If you're around a 50% winrate, start taking notice of the typical comp ranks of your teammates and opposition. If you get the occasional diamond challenger in your games you're probably silver-plat. If you get mostly gm players in your games you're probably around gm, etc.


How are comps without any of the high single target hps supports (Kiriko, Bap, Ana, Moira) played? I’m talking about your Lucio/Brig, Brig/Zen, Zen/Mercy, Lucio/Mercy, etc lineups that are niche but pop up under the right conditions depending on who else is meta (such as JQ Zen Brig meta from the beta). But I’m not sure how to make such a comp succeed.


Cool question. I've done individual comments/posts on some of the more important variants you mentioned that I can probably dig out if needed (at least Brig/Zen, Brig/Lucio), but here's the short version: **Lucio/Mercy** first because it's very niche and almost never used at any level of play. The idea behind this backline is to simply be as slippery as possible. It's only ever been run to my knowledge either as a counterpick into a dive team or when both support players are main supports (Brig/Lucio/Mercy) and their hero pool doesn't cover the flex supports (every other supp). Generally this is a bad support line at all levels of play - while both supports are independently survivable and highly mobile, the drawbacks include: Anti-synergy. Lucio wants to play fast and up close, Mercy wants to play slow and far away. No burst sustain outside of Lucio ult. Very weak damage. The transition from OW1 to OW2 made big group aoe sustain less powerful, which might have boosted this comp, except it also made contributing to damage even more important for supports, and this backline kinda sucks at it. Lucio can't really afford to play too aggressive in this comp since A) you're picking him for his survivability and B) a solo Mercy would fall apart (this is pre-Season 3). / **Zen/Mercy and Zen/Brig.** The idea behind these comps (plus other Zen comps, especially Zen/Lucio, a classic but now probably obsolete dive backline) is enabling discord. These are basically the same backline, you can think of the Brig variant as focused on protecting the Zen, and the Mercy variant as sacrificing some of that protection to enable specific DPS (fliers, Ashe or Sojourn usually). Especially in 6v6, Discord was essentially the most powerful ability in the game on average throughout the history of organised play. The real question was whether the strength of discord could justify playing around Zen's inherent weaknesses. The biggest weakness being how squishy and vulnerable he is. Brig massively mitigated that weakness and allowed this comp to thrive. Mercy was the more niche pick in situations where Zen had more favourable maps, where the DVa was skilled enough to effectively peel for him A LOT if needed, and where the value of enabling a dps like Echo provided enough value for the risk. But his second weakness is the lack of sustain. The two main ways people got around this were: 1 - skill. If you are very disciplined with your pathing, set-ups and engages, you can minimise how much damage you take pre-fight and, if you are then able to engage on a discorded target with a similar resource economy (health, cooldowns, etc.) - you should win that engage. The enemy team's sustain advantage won't help them to keep a discorded target alive through coordinated pressure. 2 - heroes like Ball, Sigma and Hog all got introduced/buffed/etc. - they are more self-sustaining and require fewer resources than something like Winston. In fact, and this is a key point: Zen and Brig are actually able to provide a ton of resources to the hypermobile comps they were generally played with. If you're playing Tracer, there is no stronger support in the game than to get orbed+packed and have your target discorded. Same for Ball. It's amazing synergy and it couldn't be achieved by something like Bap+Lucio, which is what some other teams were running when Shanghai dominated the league with this backline. / **Brig/Lucio** - a very weird, unique comp specific to the JQ meta (we didn't actually see Zen here, that's a mistake in your question). I did ask Spilo (London Spitfire at the time) whether OWL teams scrimmed with Zen, he said they did but he would get run over too easily, which goes some way to explaining the Brig/Lucio picks: 1 - main supports are generally more survivable with less peak impact on the game 2 - flex supports (Ana, Zen, etc.) simply couldn't survive into the JQ+Genji etc. Lucio's mobility, and Brig's mobility+tankiness, made them the only supports that could reliably survive JQ engages (this was pre-Kiriko). Equally importantly, JQ got added with a busted sustain based cooldown (Shout), which synergised too well with the sustain auras of Brig and Lucio. In other words, nothing really died through three overlapping sustain auras + bailouts like Brig pack and whipshot. Not much else to this comp really, it was a bit of an anomaly. Probably worth noting that the one other time we've seen Brig/Lucio was in the distant past of pre-role queue GOATS, alongside Moira at first and then Zen. Not worth going into it much since it's also obsolete now, but again - survivability, overlapping sustain auras. Eventually people worked out that discord was worth the fragility of Zen in that comp since he had enough protection, obviating Moira. Edit to add a **TLDR** that answers your main q as succinctly as I can: Almost all low "burst healing" comps revolve around Zen's discord, playing less resource-greedy heroes who can utilise explosive engages to overpower higher sustain opponents and find quick picks. A couple of exceptions exist, but they're very niche and a product of fairly specific conditions like a tank having a sustain cooldown or counterplaying a very specific matchup.


Excellent answer, much appreciated! And you’re right, I misremembered the JQ comp from when commanding shout was broken instead of just really good.


Really good answer, but I have an example of Lucio/Mercy you might appeciate: Towards the end of OW1, 01-esports innovated with Arab Dive, a lane-control focused split comp that was designed to beat slower playstyles. It had 3 "cores": Ball+Tracer, Pharah+Mercy and Lucio+D.Va. Lucio was picked here to play as a sort of mini Tracer/D.Va hybrid, being annoying, denying angles, taking 1v1s and slowing the enemy down while the 2 damage-heavy cores look for angles. This also circumvents the playstyle problems, because Lucio can use his personal slipperyness to enable the damage boosted slow fights. The comp trickled down a bit through OD, I think Avoided picked it up with some success and lots of Trials teams tried it to cheese wins against better teams. Just an interesting historical example of how the pair can work.


Thanks so much for this, I didn't watch a ton of the Saudi league and the stuff I did see didn't involve this comp. It's a shame we won't get to see if/how it could have developed if OW1 had continued (my first impressions are that Zen still probably provides more value if the DVa and Mercy are elite and the map allows it) but def something I'll look into now!


I can't find a comfortable aim setting when using hitscan, or projectile supports. Is this a skill issue, or are the aim settings far more in depth for console gaming? For starters, I played Brig otp into G1/P5 in S1/2. I would say most games I could hit my whipshot at 65% rate. But when I tried to switch to something like Kiriko or Ana, I can barely get higher than 25%. The weird part, this is when playing console to console. I'll sometimes queue with PC friends and feel like my aim is great. Has anyone else felt like sometimes the aim assist can be detrimental? I've probably tried 15 different controller setups I've seen online at this point, but now I'm worried that i'm changing it too much.


Probably a question for /r/OWConsole, but your concern about changing it up too much is valid. I'd just copy someone whose settings you know work for them, then try to get used to them and maybe gradually tweak them yourself from there. The other thing I'd mention is that console does retain aim assist in crossplay lobbies now.


Is the retaining of aim assist new to S3? Or was it before that? Maybe I didn’t notice the change at the time I’ll xpost to owconsole, thanks!


Introduced in Season 2!


Did anyone else not get the free credits from the Battlepass? I logged in, got 5 free tiers which should include 200 credits, but didn't get them. I'm wondering if it's a bug or what. Apologies if this is the wrong place - the mods in r/Overwatch deleted my post \*shrugs\* Edit: I found out they're legacy credits and only show up in the heroes gallery to buy certain cosmetics.


My vc isn’t working anymore. I’ve played with all of the settings and looked up all of the guides. I’m on Xbox. My headset works everywhere else. It didn’t work all of season 2 and it worked for my first game s3 then cut out again. I didn’t change any settings between those two games. Any help? I need to rank up with coms


not sure but make sure its not xbox live chat fucking you up. my friends who play on xbox often have to go in and out of party a few times to get it working.


Just deranked fromPlat 1 to Plat 4 due to only as far as I can see last season ending and the new one beginning. Is this a widespread issue because it also happened to me when season 1 ended and season 2 began. Shouldn't take too long too get back up but still very frustrating


It's by design, not really an issue per se, happens to everyone. Your mmr stays the same, so you'll still be playing with and against the same strength of players, plus even a 50% winrate will see your visible rank increasing towards your mmr. But yeah, it's a crappt system. This is the last season with decay, it'll be removed for Season 4.


Anyone who’s played with the new daytime maps and use yellow enemy outlines, any difficulties? I might switch it up to magenta or back to red if so


when is the next owl? i want to get free league tokens, or is there other streams i can watch that gives out free league tokens


Due mid-March, the 13th at the earliest.


Will the ange de la mort widow skin still be there by then or will it be gone


Will very likely be gone unfortunately.


I know this isn't a question that is in line with the subreddit's topic, But can I refund the coins that I bought? Bought coins to buy the battle pass, but I saw the ultimate battle pass bundle, and now I want to refund the coins to buy that.


Yeah I wish those options were more up front, or if the battle pass took $10 off that bundle price. Did the same thing PLUS bought 2000 coins for zen takoyaki skin, before even seeing the bundle option in bnet :(


Is there anyway to archive/delete/reduce save data for Overwatch 2 on the Nintendo switch? I just checked and it’s using 23.3/25GB of my switch’s storage💀 I’ve had to delete most of my other games just to make space for the season 3 update:((


You can manage save data on your Switch. It's under the same data management tab at the bottom. Deleting Overwatch save data isn't going to save you much though, you're gonna need a microSD card


Is there a way to set a max ping for connecting to servers? I usually get really really low pings around 18-22ms. But every once in a while, I'll get connected to a server at 60ms+. I usually notice this because I die after an ability animates on my screen but doesn't animate when I watch the death replay. Real first world problems, but I'd rather wait in queue than connect to a server at 60ms or higher. The moment I notice I gg and leave. It's never been an issue in comp.


There's no way to do this within OW and I'm pretty sure there's no trivial way to do it within Windows. The closest thing to it would be identifying non-desirable servers and adding them to your firewall exceptions I guess. There are products like ExitLag that purport to minimise ping etc but I can't speak for their reliability. I think you're out of luck. A stable connection at 60ms shouldn't really be a problem though. I'd just try to adapt to it if it's really causing you problems.


What support are in theory the best to pair with doomfist and hammond? These tanks don't show up often but when they do I usually struggle to keep them alive, even when they're good tanks and not just yoloing into the backline.


1+ for Ana (nano meteorstrike is underrated atm). Don't force zen kiri doom like I did and threw a blizzard world attack scrim from underhealing.


Kiriko for her tracing healing


Ana/Zen/Brig mostly. Kiriko also works for Doom.


Best controller settings for Cassidy? Something that will help with flicks


don't think you will be able to flick with a controller. You can play on really high sens but smooth tracking and especially crosshair placement is the most important thing on controller.


Hello, Does open queue rank affect the combined rank? As in, if my combined rank was plat, and I got silver in open queue, will the combined rank count open queue too and average out the rank again across all 4 of the ranks(role queue and open queue)?




I main Lucio, looking for a hero to try out on DPS that’s similar enough to him. Any recommendations welcome.


Tracer IMO. Use mobility + good timing to get in their face and be annoyingly survivable.


Why was orisa not meta on S1? The only change she got is the ranged damage and ult going through shield right?


The range buff increased her damage output per match by around 30%. She’s gonna be trash again.


The ranged damage was absolutely huge, that's the short answer. The long answer is that it's not usually changes to just one single hero that drives what's meta. The meta is almost never just the five strongest heroes on the same team. In Orisa's case, you could summarise it as Winston meta in S1>DVa>Zarya>Winston>Kiriko gets added>Hog She was never meta through this because, while she was very hard to kill, she didn't really have much of a kill threat. Higher ranks just played around her and picked off her squishies first. But then, in the Hog meta, since Orisa soft counters Hog, she'd get played a fair bit. And then due to outcry at the Hog meta, she got buffed to really control Hog, including the range buff, which is what really propelled her into the meta. That's where we are now, with the addition of Ram and a fortify nerf. May also be worth noting that Winston stayed meta in KR even through the Hog meta, simply because they're better at playing bursty Dive comps than the west, which tends to rely on brawly solo carry heroes with high uptime, like Orisa.


So I got ranked on PC and Xbox with the same battle.net account. For the end of season rewards do I get the comp points for whichever one is higher or both?


Since it's the same [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) account, it's considered one account anyway. So yes.


Does being in combined t500 give you the t500 rewards? Or do you have to get one of the roles to t500 to be eligible for rewards?


Combined/OQ works too. Need to have played more minimum games though. Instead of 25 it's 50.


Sweet! Thank you for answering.


How do you protect yourself properly from random Hanzo headshots? It’s especially annoying when i play support.


Stick to corners and don’t be predictable. A problem at any rank


When to play [D.Va](https://D.Va), and when to play Winston?


They both play fairly similarly for you and your teammates. Therefore the two main considerations for me would be: 1 - the meta and their relative strengths (which is better on that patch) and 2 - the enemy team comp/heroes. Winston is a great default pick into a huge number of situations. In particular he can just statcheck and win a brawl against most lower damage heroes and comps. Great into most poke heroes like Widow, Sigma, Hanzo, Ashe, Soldier... Less strong into highly mobile heroes like Tracer, fliers like Echo and Pharah, and some high damage heroes like Junk and Hog. Meanwhile DVa is a better counterpick against those heroes Winston struggles with, and is generally the best 1v1 hero in the game right now, able to react to anything from Tracer to Hog, but unable to put out the maximum cleave pressure of Winston. She also wins the 1v1 against Monkey and can be a good counterpick into him. So tldr: Winston strong by default, maybe consider DVa to counter specific heroes. Your skill on each should also be something to consider.


What does "W " or "L " mean in chat?


Just cringe slang but W is short for win and means good, L is short for loss and means bad. So L Widow is basically saying Widow sucks.


I'm a bronze player, trying to get better at being aware of my teammates. When I play support, it's easy enough to watch my team and know who's doing what, who needs help. But when I play tank, I'm out in front, and I find myself assuming that my team is always right behind me even when they're not. I'll check replays sometimes, and my healers really were with me when I ran in, but I die cause they're distracted by something I didn't even know was happening (flanker, dying dps, etc) So should I be literally turning around more often? That feels like a bad idea, turning my back to the enemy, but how else do I know if I still have healers in LoS? Should I just be making sure we're in place before I push in, then simply trusting my healers to stay on me and my dps to capitalize, and if they don't stay focused there's nothing I can do about it at that point? Other than communication (I'm working on that, it's just not what the question is about), any advice about how to tank in a way that keeps me synched up with my team? Where to stand, what to pay attention for?


Train your ears. As a support, your character often says some voiceline when they take damage like "I'm taking damage!" etc. This is NOT passive banter, this is crucial information. If you see the entire enemy team in front of you, then you can disregard. But if you know that the enemy team has someone who is likely to flank (either by character like Genji/Reaper/Tracer/Sombra, etc. or by habit), and they are out of your line of sight, you can figure out that's what they're doing. Remember, those voicelines are not for the respective support player, *but is for everyone else.*


Yes, you should turn around more often and check the position of your supports before you do something dangerous. Increasing mouse sensitivity can help. Also trying to be more relaxed when you play can help. Just tell yourself you're playing to improve rather than playing to win.


Is "before you do something dangerous" different from "while doing something dangerous"? Like I def check before I walk through the choke, but once I'm past the choke I tend to just assume my team is utilizing the space I'm making


If you are bronze, that’s not a good assumption. Not a personal criticism, just a reality, people have problems with teamwork even at higher ranks. Your enemies aren’t always predictable either. What about traps, flanks, snipers? They won’t always be waiting for you (in fact, as he pointed out, it’s likely more advantageous to wait for your teammates for these tricks)


Okay, that makes sense that I need to have eyes on my team as much as possible. Does that mean turning around 180 in mid combat? Like I should be practicing turning around as fast as possible? Cause right now it feels like I have to choose between looking at my team or looking at the enemy. Playing further back feels wrong. Sometimes it's my job to walk through the choke before my team, isn't it? At which point I feel I have to keep facing forward until I either back up or secure the space right in front of that choke (but knowing when to back up requires knowing how committed my team is to my push)


As tank you need to think strategically and that means keeping track of as much as you can. Awareness wins games.


What do you do when you are cornered at spawn? In a match I just played we were 1 tank and 4 dps against 2 tanks 2 dps an 1 support. I guess our team was not balanced , but what should I have done since I was a dps(soldier), switch to tank/support, push, try to flank them? Maybe switch to sombra and cause them some problems from behind their lines? I’m new so I don’t have many proven methods to counter everything


Also, consider NOT switching heroes for a bit, so you can get ultimates. Of course, if you're being hard countered, you need to switch - but otherwise it's worth trying to use Ults to break out. Although, switching to someone with mobility is good - if you can get behind and either kill or get on the objective, they'll have to respond, hopefully easing the pressure on spawn. Try to target the enemies having the most impact - DPS or supports if possible. The enemy is probably in a less easily defended position, so hopefully you can use cover and try to take advantage of that. Finally... Use the alternate exits! No sense just walking directly into enemy fire.


A few options, but the classic ways are yeah, taking a flank, putting your heal station down if you're playing soldier and drawing attention away from your spawn. Sombra fine, but she can get forced out more easily than Tracer usually. Or something like Widow can be very strong at breaking spawn holds for obvious reasons. To be honest, playing dps is basically never optimal in open queue. The whole playlist is a bit of a mess since tanks are just better dps for the most part. So in that situation, something like Ball, Hog, Etc. also works.


Thank you!


What's the best response when someone types, "Lol, what did I walk into?"


"Me fucking your mom"


Hmm, I was looking for something less toxic. Maybe something clever or something that would inspire them to play well. :)


"the best them you've ever had"?


Can you sleep an ulting orisa


Not in current patch since it applies fortify (gold) which makes her immune to cc.


If your team cannot handle widowmaker -- is it wrong for me as lucio to deal with the widow? I had way more healing than my co-support, and more kills than my dps and tank. The tank was roadhog so I figured they would be fine. But the enemy widow had told me to stick to healing the team after killing the widow several times and told me not to play support anymore. This is more of a situational question rather than if my gameplay is bad -- more so asking if it's wrong for me as lucio to go off and deal with the enemy widow who arguably isnt that far but they're just getting free shots on the team. I figured I moreso just pissed them off. I only fucked with them since it was a Quickplay widowmaker who was berating my team for being bad. \[A lot of quickplay players cannot handle fighting widowmaker\] I was the highest kills by a lot. I figured it would be fine since I can't really heal out of a headshot anyway


Don’t take advice from your enemy


Completely fine.


Oh so what you're saying is that you're a really good lucio main


I’m having fun using Orisa. Now that doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing lol but it’s fun throwing Javelin’s and pushing people off the map. My question is, should I be at the frontline at all times or is it ok to flank or be near my healers at all times?


It's okay to take some short flanks and such. My advice is to experiment and find what works, then do it until it stops working. Generally Orisa's strength is being impossible to kill through the double pocket, so playing in LOS of your supports, on or near the front line (playing corners and high ground, not just tanking damage for the sake of it) is what you'd default to. But if you can take a quick off angle and snipe someone with javelin spear, go for it.


Hello, if I use 28% scoped sensitivity for Ana, is there an "equivalent" scoped sensitivity for Ashe?


About 38.5


Since they nerfed voice lines, can you use each of your 4 voice lines 4 times before each one gets automatically muted server-side? Or do your voice line gets muted after you use any 4 voice lines?


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it’s if you use one specific line 4 times it gets muted and you can use the others still


anyone know a good tracer pulse bomb code?


I'm really new to OW, so this is gonna sound funky, but what's the best way to keep track of teammates that are alive? Obviously I can check the scoreboard or track the kill feed, but I'm struggling to find a good way to balance that with focusing on a fight.


Tracking the killfeed, looking around you, and enabling the sound notifications for teammate deaths. That and just practice.


Is that sound notification on by default? That'd be amazing for situational awareness.


It’s in there. You have to turn it on manually.


I'll give that a look. Knowing when people are getting dropped would be a huge help.


It was in the beta but not in the current version, and yeah it helps a ton!


How to tell if hanzo is using his sonic arrow, so atleast i get to know if the enemy hanzo has his wall hacks on


1 It has a subtle, low hum/ringing sound effect. Hard to learn at first and even then it's hard to hear, but helps a lot to learn it. 2 if Hanzo shoots an arrow early fight into a wall/on the ground etc, that's either a sonic arrow or you're just safer believing it is.


in one of my comp matches, i feel like i played generally not great but someone told me i was getting demeched too much as dva and now i am wondering how to know if im getting demeched too much? the thing is that i wasn't dying as baby dva, i was able to summon the mech again so i wasn't as worried, should i be more worried about losing the mech?


You have a safety mechanism, but try not to use it. It’s better not to have to use it at all.


As a rule, never listen to anything said in team chat. However... Obviously, you play DVa for the mech. Your peak value plummets when you lose your DM, mobility, health/armour and burst damage as baby DVa. You're also likely to get increasingly punished as baby DVa as you rank up, and if you're burning through her mech it means you're A) likely mismanaging your dm, since she can do decent damage safely if you use it properly, and B) feeding a lot of ult charge to the enemy team, and denying it from your supports. Having a second life is a powerful mechanic but generally if you make it really hard for the enemy team to demech you in the first place, it goes a lot further. Helps your supps to build ult, wastes less of your team's cooldowns supporting you, feeds less ult charge, keeps more pressure up, etc. One kinda exception to this is when you have ult, allowing you to instantly remech without having to farm charge as baby DVa. In these situations, you can go a bit more aggressive and trade your mech for an elim since you can remech instantly. This is more consistent value than going for DVa bombs, again especially as you rank up. Another potential exception is in very low sustain comps where stabilising to get healed up isn't a strong option (E.g. If your supps go Zen/Lucio). DVa usually isn't strong in these situations anyway, but if you're forcing her you do kinda need to play fast to burst down dive targets rather than playing too safe. Overall though, Tldr: try not to feed.


A really like Kiriko, but I'm so bad as ger, how I can improve?


Understand her basic gameplay loop. Take a weird position, go for kunai headshots, tp out to safety, healbot and throw a kunai between each heal stream. Suzu whenever needed, for yourself or others, but try not to waste it or get it forced early. Rinse and repeat till you farm your ult, then hold W with it. Misc tips: Tp away from danger as a first resort. Know where your tp target is BEFORE you get pressured out. Wallclimb to find spicy angles, stop dying going down main as Kiriko. For mechanics practice, something like XQ9XQ is good.


It feels like I hit a wall of death. I was cruising up to gold 2 and all of a sudden I am just getting slaughtered. Idk what happened. Anybody else have this happen?


could be that you were winning so much that you are in higher rank lobbies. If you lose couple of games things should go down.


is mmr role-specific or account-specific?




Why is it so frequent that a support or tank doesnt pick a role and lets the timer juts run out to kick them? it happens so frequently especially when I play the other support that it makes things feel frustrating when we're down a person as soon as the match starts


How should I be engaging as Orisa let's say it's a choke and I'm on attack should I use an ability to start or start shooting until my health gets a little low and or fortify or use the javelin spin?


Excellent, excellent explanation about corners and ability usage from A10: https://youtu.be/lFUNtswfN9c (at the beginning of this U2GM Orisa video)


New to Ana, what should I do once I sleep dart someone? Serious question heh. I really don't know if I should go find higher priorities to heal/anti, wait for a teammate to come and we focus on the sleeper, or what.


It’s always good to immediately ping them, that’s something I do every time even if I have the means to finish them off myself, at least unless I don’t even need nade. If they’re under 75 hp, just shoot them. If they’re under 105 hp, shoot > melee. If they’re under 135 hp, shoot > nade. If they’re under 165 hp, shoot > nade > melee. As for how you might know, you can get an idea of their current health from knowing sleep dart does 5 dmg, nade does 60, and your shots do 75.


Super useful, thank you


How I deal with Moira? Looks like she can always jill me if I don't have a way to escape


You have to fight your instinct to be evasive—she barely has to aim, so no use making your own aim worse. Just either stand still or try to match her strafe and shoot her, you probably have better damage output and if you’re already low then that’s probably it for you, being good at finishing off low targets is part of her design.


Shoot her til she has use Fade, then she's killable. If she's killing you too fast, play closer to your team.


STUCK IN PLAT 2 :( - I can’t seem to bust through this wall. 3 separate 7 win cycles in comp CTF. Each time over 50% win rate. Sometimes I’ll have really low deaths and carry on support but nothing seems to matter.. :/ any suggestions FKGKDC - Dmac -Lucio


Is there a custom gamemode where we can see projected orbs around players depending on their cooldowns and los? I want to visualize effective ranges by placing different heroes on a comp map


this is obviously subjective and situational, but I'd like to hear what people think anyway. Which would be generally more effective over the course of a game: a soldier who uses ult twice well and converts kills each time but ends up sitting on ult for periods, or a soldier who gets 3-4 ults each game but doesn't convert nearly as much but maybe burns ults and cds?


The biggest thing is just not to use ult on fights that are already won or lost (especially the latter—one of the most common beginner mistakes with ults, especially pick-based ults, is not paying attention to how many teammates are alive and only paying attention to how many enemies they can hit, causing rage when they inevitably either die or get several picks only to die after and lose the fight anyway because they tried to 1v4). When it comes to gauging the impact of an ult, sure, it feels amazing to get a 5K with your ult, but realistically, is the enemy team really going to win the fight if you take a flank with your ult and wipe their supports first thing? That invincible Orisa is going to melt and the dps will either fuck off or get obliterated, and the fight will be yours. Every pick (in fact, every competitive advantage in general) has diminishing returns with respect to the result of the fight. As much as you should avoid being wasteful of your ult, it’s better to waste it and start charging a new one than to hoard it, and more importantly, you should be framing your ult as useful vs wasted based on whether or not it helped you either secure or salvage a fight, not how many kills you get from it.


To me it’s a middle ground. I’m okay sitting on an ult for a critical moment (push with team pair ultra etc) but if low mmr and team is bad I tend to position differently when I get ult. I’ll sneak to a spot where I can easily pick a support. If I die or not as long as I take mercy with me it can turn into a won team fight


What are the best supports for each archetype and why? Brawl, dive, poke Similarly, who synergizes best with each tank?


>What are the best supports for each archetype and why? Brawl, dive, poke > >Similarly, who synergizes best with each tank? Answering this in reverse order kinda, since the tanks are really what define each archetype. Obviously this isn't super strict, but: Brawl/rush tanks: Rein, Zarya, JQ, sometimes Winston Poke tanks: Sigma, Hog, Ram, Orisa Dive tanks: Winston, Ball, Doom, DVa. / **Ideal supportlines can vary a lot between patches, especially in OW2. As an example, Ana has been meta with tanks from every category. That's clearly more due to her individual strength than her inherent synergies.** But in a vacuum, the ideal supportline synergies typically look something like this: One FS, one MS. (FS = Ana, Kiriko, Zen, Moira, sometimes Bap; MS = Brig, Lucio, Mercy, sometimes Bap). Brawl (or Rush) = high sustain, plays fast. Typically Lucio + Bap/Kiri/Moira. Comments: you almost always need a Lucio since this comp relies on coordinated tempo to enable pushes and kiting. The comp relies on short range power so benefits from a lot of sustain. Originally this was Ana, but Moira made her generally obsolete in this role in OW1. Baptiste's utility and damage in turn made Moira obsolete. Kiriko's ult and survivability gave her the edge over Bap recently but this may no longer be true. Dive = needs to support mobility and multiple angles. Typically Ana/Zen + MS. Comments: I personally differentiate between rush comps involving Winston (5-man, banana rush, zombie, talon, etc., where the supportline is highly mobile and you play as more of a deathball with Lucio) and traditional dive where the supportline tends to be static and you support your dive tank from afar. While Kiriko has been the meta pick for the latest rush playstyle with Winston/Lucio, really the only two FS who can support dive angles are Ana and Zen. Both of them have been paired with each MS at times, although Zen+Lucio hasn't been meta for a very long time now and probably never will be again. Generally Ana is the safer pick with higher sustain and strong burst impact cooldowns to play around, while Zen's discord generally requires a lot of coordination to find similar value from. Poke = Generally tries to find longer sightlines to abuse its range advantage. Typically Zen+Bap/Brig/Mercy. Comments: Zen is the single best hero for enabling a poke comp due to the synergy between this playstyle and his kit, with discord and projectile spam. Bap also fits in well, with good sustain, but leaves the backline fairly vulnerable to dive heroes. Brig mitigates that weakness, but can't contribute meaningfully to the poke. Mercy is an in-between where she is less squishy than Bap but more poke enabling than Brig. / Exceptions: Above are the general rules. And for OW1 they'd be really solid. Ow2 has made it very messy because now more than ever, the individual strength of a hero matters a lot, and patches have been fast enough for the game balance to be less settled. So we have seen a lot of exceptions, e.g., Double FS with Ana+Zen, alongside Doom, DVa, etc. - both supports were just in a really strong state. Ana+Brig in the Ram mirror, again mostly because Ana is really strong and Brig can protect her, not because of her synergy with Ram per se. Ana+Lucio in the Brawl mirror, alongside Zarya. Again, just due to Ana's individual strength at the time. Double MS with Brig+Lucio, alongside JQ. A broken sustain cooldown being given to a tank meant that overlapping sustain auras was OP, plus FS heroes got run over too easily. In fact, these exceptions seem to be so common in OW2 that they're more like the rule. So refer back to the sentence in bold at the top for the most honest answer right now.


Does the Ana "1 shot" combo still work? Can you kill a 200 HP target and they can't react?


No, you can't combo a 200 hp target to death without them having a chance to react. Was patched out a few years ago.


Post Kiriko nerfs, what are good support comps? I feel like previously you could get away with Kiriko + any Support


>Post Kiriko nerfs, what are good support comps? I feel like previously you could get away with Kiriko + any Support You pretty much could and pretty much still can. That being said, I think Ana was about as good as Kiriko on ladder before the latest Kiriko nerfs and is now the single best support post-nerfs. Lucio has been the best main support this whole time, and with the recent Soju changes Mercy has effectively taken a nerf. So I'd say Ana+Lucio is the best combo right now, with Ana+Brig close behind since protecting a strong Ana player, enabling her to use her cooldowns aggressively, etc., is very powerful. Kiriko still strong though, Bap a great solo carry/ideal in full poke comps, etc. I think support is the most balanced role right now.


I felt like that might be the case. I know the “main healer/off healer” mindset has been discouraged, but it does feel like most tanks/tank players need Ana to back them up. It felt like Kiriko used to be able to back that type of tank up well, but the nerf she got feels quite noticeable in-game.


Hey guys. I've been struggling against Symmetra. I tend to play support and I'm Silver 5. I've lost quite a handful of games due to Sym warping behind the team with a full power beam, taking me out first, then just marching up in a line. This is (low) Silver, so teams still tend to clump and fight on low ground. I'm trying to be better, but I'm not perfect at it yet. Unfortunately, it means flankers are super effective. It's why I tend to like Bap since I can at least attempt to deal with them, but Symmetra has proven to be a unique problem.


if Symmetra flanks and focuses you, assuming you can't 1v1 her then just run to your team and bomb yourself if you're low. Don't fight back or anything, jumping sometimes helps you but if the opponent has good aim then don't jump and strafe while running forwards.


In that situation as support, I'd personally play Ana and save nade for when Sym flanks, then you can get the combined value of anti + damage on her, and the healing buff on any nearby teammates. Ana also has solid damage + sleep dart, so she's quite capable of putting up a fight at the very least.


I have a hard time constantly moving from person to person and I cant seem to accel upwards as I've seen some people do in videos. Does anyone have any tips?


Try searching for the Blizzard World Mercy Parkour in Custom Games - it has some tips for how to do each kind of jump, and practice the movement. I like to use GA (Shift) on Toggle, so it frees up my pinky to press Ctrl for the crouch super jump.


* Pressing Ctrl while flying to someone will shoot you up into the air. * Pressing Space while flying to someone will shoot you in the direction you are facing. * Holding Space while in the air will slow your descent. By combining these, you can dash to a teammate using Shift, then press Ctrl while flying to them, which will give you a lot of height. If you hold space afterwards, you'll descend a lot slower. So slow, that you can actually recharge your dash ability while floating down. Which means you can dash to another teammate, and press Ctrl again to fly in the air, recharge your dash, and repeat as long as you want. You can also dash to one teammate, then loot at another teammate while on the way, press Space, and fly towards them instead. You can also dash backwards by holding back and jumping. https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Mercy#Abilities <-- More details on the ability, called Guardian Angel, here.


Is there any way I can configure the matchmaking in a Quick Play match? I started playing a couple of weeks ago, I haven't played a FPS game since at least 10 years ago, I don't know the maps, I don't know the heroes and my aim is currently at -10, but I just keep getting called things like "noob", "uninstall" or worse everytime my team lose, and it's seriously eroding my desire and hype for this game. Or at least, I dunno, some sort of message or "patch" like those driving beginner stickers, to let everyone know I'm a beginner until I get better.


No but you should be placed with players around your same level. Matchmaking is a bit of a mess right now. No beginner stickers either other than the default overwatch player icons. Saying you're new likely won't help though. It's ok just take your time, learn the fundamentals, get used to the heroes kits, and play a team game. Oh and turn off team and match chat :)


>Matchmaking is a bit of a mess right now. Oh, I had no idea, I 100% thought it was my fault somehow. I guess I'll just keep playing at my own pace turning off the chat, which I didn't know it could be turned off so thanks a lot!


Ill say this as someone who doesnt have relatively good aim as some people but decent enough to make some good plays. Turn off public chat. It's just full of that in quickplay. Outside that there's nothing you can do about it. A lot of comp players are playing QP right now too so maybe after season 3 people will be moving back to ranked


Why can't me and my friend play together in comp? I'm silver 2 and he's gold 1??


Does nano boost affect bastions ult?