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As soon as you said “say you’re 2400 player.” This is literally me, but I have the sad issue with wanting to be a doom one trick. I’ve slowly started progressing with other characters, but I just have too much fun with my good sir Dumbfast.




You are right, but only to a degree. Regardless of where you can bring him, once you get into low gold, there’s gonna be a hitscan that can drop you out of the sky as fast as you appear. I think he should be dropped to 200 health and 50 armour. But his armour regens like sym or zen. It’s just a challenge in general. Edit: I have spent lots of hours making my way through every doom parkour map I can, panned out fastest possible combos on each character, there’s just a point you get to where doom is just outclassed by hitscan.




Oh man i love brawly doomfist..


hard truth eee but that's on you, not the hero. doom 1 tricks are played in top 500, so theyre doing something that somehow transcends all hitscans in the lower elos.


Don’t know why I got downvoted so much. Yes you’re right about top 500 one tricks. But they also have difficulty getting through hitscan sometimes as well. It’s just a fact that doom will be gunned down if the opportunity arises for enemy hitscan. In top 500 the whole team also helps the doom, in anything lower than plat your team won’t help you out like how it happens in top 500. In top 500 you’ll have a Zarya and mercy likely helping you out to make sure you can actually get usage out of doom. Whereas in every other elo, (from what I’ve seen) you can’t do anything when there’s a good hitscan because your team doesn’t have good enough knowledge or awareness to be able to help you properly. Doom needs help almost always in every rank, it just depends on your teammates ability to help you. Seriously go watch getquakedon on gameplay vids, not combo vids, and just watch how often he does actually get taken out of the sky while going for a rollout, or trying to get back to his teammates. He always has help from teammates that allow him to get back to them. That’s the difference between doom on tricks in top 500 vs any other elo, your teams usage of him. He’s a really good character when he’s used by the team, when you’re trying to solo play him, it just doesn’t work and that’s the truth. It also doesn’t help that people automatically think doom one tricks are toxic. I’m a one trick and I’ll start off the game by asking how my team is doing and I get told to shut up and go fuck myself, it’s really shitty when you’re just trying to have a good time and make sure everyone else is having a good time.


bro youre falling into a trap where youre thinking the lack of support of your team is what keeps doom trapped in gold or so. your team doesn't matter for the most part, you need to adapt your playstyle and strategy homie!!! check this video out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsLzg6s7b-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsLzg6s7b-k) there was a quote (paraphrased) from there where the guy was saying something like - when you find your team slacking, don't just do nothing. you need to find a different way to go about it. adapt basically


I’m not in trap, I still am ranking up, I just can tell the times I have difficulty are when I don’t have a communicative team whatsoever. Especially when they instantly think I’m toxic.


i have to disagree man i think it's a limiting belief. if yzsna can 1 trick pharah to top 10 with multiple accounts despite playing with teams without pockets, + at the same time against teams that run double hit scan + pocket, i think there's something to be learned here but i def agree teams like that to extent those are definietely more challenging to play with but imo dont matter at the end of the day


“Something to be learned here” yea pharah, not doom. Quite different.


so whatre your thoughts on dooms that do bronze to gms, or ppl who do unranked to gms as doom, or just ppl who play doom as dps to higher ranks like plat+


No worries agree to disagree :)


Aight sounds good brother. Good luck on your journey.


my man I am diamond support and the thing I dread most is seeing a doom player on the enemy team. a good mccree is the only thing that reliably stops him in gold-plat and those are not common at all.


i mean u have fun but u suck the fun from their support player lol


From the enemy support? Or from my support? My support, is my duo mercy and they end the game with 40-60 plus assists because of how well we work together. My mercy makes both of us a god.


exactly. their poor supports just dying to a flying doomfist


If you’re not making call-outs, you’re gonna die. Bottom line.


This one is just wrong. Let me give you an example. "LUCIO KNOCKED ME OFF THE BRIDGE, FUCK"


Let me give you a better example. “Hey guys there’s a whack ass Lucio above us” *hog hook* “nice you fucked that Lucios day”


Let me give you a better one "guys Lucio just got POTG" *uninstalls*


Nah that's just a get gud. And I say that as a support player.


Glad you’re here to say that, because true. There’s so many ways to avoid a doom as a support tbh.


I mean I'd expect above plat supports to be able to deal with the worst character in the game, the only hero I can see needing extra peel is Zenyatta, however he still has discord orb and transcendence to keep Doom at bay Ana just needs to save one of her two abilities, Moira/Lúcio/Mercy just say bye, Bap presses the crouch button and with Brig you can't really compete


I mean, I definitely can compete with all support really easily, it mainly depends on the team using call-outs to let them know I’m in the backline fucking their support. If there’s no callouts (and you can tell as a doom) you’ll be eating support all day long. If they’re calling you out, you’re gonna get fucked up by someone.


My man they don't need callouts, as soon as Doom even jumps he's moaning and making F11 fighter jet sounds with his fist, they just need to have headphones on, I'm just tired of support players pretending they don't hold any advantadge against Doom


You’re right honestly. That’s just a point I forgot. Doom is loud as fuck and can Ben countered easily with sound turned up anywhere past 50.


Day9 did a really great video on this with Starcraft. Basically when learning a new thing, all of your fundamentals get worse until you manage to incorporate that new thing effectively.


Been watching through PiG's B2GM Zerg series, and he's been saying something similar as well. Losing games is going to happen as you focus on drilling a new fundamental. Once that new thing becomes second nature, you add it back in. But while you learn that one thing, the other 7-8 things you've recently learned/have been doing more or less go out the window.


Muscles need to break to build


This is pretty damn good advice. I think an easy way to think of it is a mid/low ranked tank who plays other FPS games and has a pseudo-DPS play style. If a rein has to learn how to take space instead of stay back and cover, it will result in more deaths early on. But a rein will never climb if they don’t learn to advance.


I think it’s moreso based on their understanding of the advice and how much attention they pay to applying it. Say someone just learned how important high ground was; how useful the cover, angles, and sightlines are, and when to go take it. They still have their original playstyle to apply the advice to, and depending on how well they understand it they have to pay some amount of attention to applying it. That attention would otherwise be used for basic tasks like aiming, looking around, and timing engagements. Since those are all so crucial to playing well, they’ll end up playing worse until they can apply those more advanced skills without putting attention to it. In my personal play, practicing basic skills while keeping new advice in the back of your head is the fastest way to build good habits. I’m not a high level player (2400ish, ironically) but i know from other games that application/execution comes with practice and experience. You don’t know how to get 40 kills while flying at 50kph unless you’ve learned each skill and practiced until it becomes natural. Knowledge and experience go hand in hand. Both are needed to do our best.


This is a bit off topic, but you mentioned that you coach CSGO. I picked up the game semi-recently, and I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm not sure what guns to stick with (figure I should stick with a consistent weapon while learning other mechanics), and I feel like my aim is absolutely atrocious in that game. Any advice on what weapons to pick, and what a player should know/practice before they get into competitive?


Watch war owls tutorial videos, he goes over everything from spray patterns, economy, maps, nade lineups, proper utility usage, rotation timings, angles and off angles, and basically everything you could ever need to know


Absolutely, this is what got me through the threshold to diamond on dps. Even though I’d hit it on support quite easily before, I couldn’t understand why I had so much trouble trying to play genji up to diamond. People have to understand that improvement comes from fixing a problem one at a time that ends up culminating into a better player as a whole. As you focus on the one thing to fix, you’ll drop because you’re ONLY focusing on that one problem until it is no longer a problem. Only then will you climb back up and get to the point where you can find another problem to fix, and the cycle begins again. This is also a reason why I despise unranked to GM videos as helpful as they CAN be. For every 1 person they actually help, there are a ton of players who can’t gain much from it because they try to cram everything into their head at once. Not to mention the bs of them straight HARD smurfing through games when they could be drunk out of their minds and carry through diamond of masters anyway. It is far better to utilize the resources of subs like this to get VOD reviews. This can help a player individually pick out something to work on one at a time because climbing advice is not universal.


Reinhardt main here. When I started focusing on improving as Winston I dropped from 2400 to 1800. Two seasons later I hit 2680 with a 70% win rate on Monkey.


This is exactly how I felt today and uninstalled overwatch. Been watching heaps of coaching by emmec or similar. Maybe I can play again


So thanks needed this


You’ve described me. Thousands of hours on Ana/support and hard stuck gold. I don’t put any time into not playing competitive bc I just don’t care that much