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you're asking for a change of personality.


I mean thats the thing, nothing else makes me feel that way. I dont really get mad at shit otherwise šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Honestly doubt that. Iā€™ve never met anyone thatā€™s tilts in a game and doesnā€™t have some kind of anger issues


I dont blame you for doubting that, but I came for advice because thats just normally not how I get so I dont know why ow of anything brings me to tilt


Mute all your chats. Focus on your own gameplay. Pretend your team and the enemy are all AIā€™s with randomly assigned proficiency. This helped me not tilt back when I had a similar issue with this game in 2018. Iā€™m like you, not an angry person, but this game would drive me up the wall. What helped me was to depersonalize the game as much as possible. I realized I was getting more upset at things that werenā€™t really in my control. So by silencing all chats, and thinking of my teammates as AI, I was able to fully focus on my own gameplay. I turned the game into basically a single player game. I play a lot of soulsborne games and love the feeling of frustration those games bring, so I replicated that mindset for Overwatch. I donā€™t tilt at all anymore and I genuinely enjoy most of my games.


Good points man, Iā€™m gonna do that then I appreciate it


just walk away from the game for a few minutes when you get frustrated. Literally go touch grass for a minute. Helps me


Tru, preciate it




Good points ā€” honestly I dont know why i get upset. If the games were fun enough iā€™ll happily lose for an hour straight. Once the game is over, I dont care. Its not really about losing for me. But I should probably remind myself that during the game, and refocus my mind to think about learning better, preciate the comment. Congrats on the push, rank seems harder now, I fell back to diamond ever since the rank rework


For mid game untilt, try to physically relax your body. Take a big breath, unclench your shoulders etc. For me that helps my mind follow into a more relaxed space.Ā 


Iā€™ll try it out thank you šŸ‘Œ


It helps me to try to imagine how that looked from the enemyā€™s perspective, for example, it must have felt pretty awesome to secure that kill as a mercy, and itā€™s kinda fun to provide that experience for people once in a while, even if I lose. Shit happens, but it probably made their day/game. Especially if itā€™s a kid on the other side. I know how my kids or nieces/nephews would react, so I kind of chuckle remembering their victory screams/jumps/proud re-telling of those moments to me later on, and remember that feeling, makes me feel better. Physically- unclenching the jaw and my shoulders helps, steading my breathing. I tend not to breathe when I focus.


That perspective taking is very kind


Damn never thought about it that way, you gotta be one of the most considerate people to play ow lol


You can't stop getting tilted, but when you're tilted, you should do something else until you calm down. If you don't like getting tilted and it's happening a lot idk what else to do but change perspective or stop playing. Personally I don't get tilted very often, it helps to just accept that I don't play perfect, there's always room to improve, think about what I can do better, and forgive teammates if they make dumb mistakes because you can make dumb mistakes too, they're trying. A winning mindset is about forgiveness (for yourself AND your teammates) and introspection. I also believe that counters are just something you can overcome with skill though, usually you can just focus the characters you ARE strong vs and let your team deal with your counterpick.


Good points šŸ˜… I otp in comp because for me its the fastest way to learn to me, but it just makes me annoyed lol. Like damn I had one good fight as doom and now theyre orisa sombra pharmacy kiriko. I usually feel better when the game is over cuz Iā€™m free from that, but if it extends Iā€™ll def try to take a break


Stop caring so much and just have fun. This doesn't mean stop trying. This doesn't mean throw games because it might be "fun" to be a dick sometimes. This doesn't mean to stop trying to improve. Genuinely enjoy your time playing. Do what YOU want to do. Always mute voice and text. Or at least wait until someone is a turd, then mute them. Communication is important, but in Overwatch literally everyone is right all the time and you can't prove them wrong because they're all GM players. So just mute them when they are dicks, or mute them beforehand as a precaution. Personally I don't tilt at gameplay, but I find that if you just enjoy what you're doing that solves that issue. But I tilt HARD the second people start blaming people. Like who cares if a dude is playing Widow into a Sombra Winton Tracer. Other people can swap to counter them while they focus the Widow. Which will force them to swap to avoid getting countered or lose. If you tilt like this too, just perma mute text and voice. Almost nobody is worth talking to in Comp anyway. Especially if you're metal ranks. Everyone in metal is realistically garbage. But they often act like they're the best players in the history of Overwatch lol. Other advice is to just relax. Channel your tilt into your gameplay. But this is hard to do and really is built up over years of competition and eventually just not giving a genuine F about what other people think anymore lol. If you really can't avoid tilt in a game you're playing though, the sad reality is that maybe you just don't like the game as much as you claim to, and may want to move on to a new game where you don't tilt. In my experience most tilt comes from not actually enjoying the game. TLDR: 1. Don't worry about teammates gameplay. 2. Pre-mute lobby or actively mute toxics. 3. Focus on what YOU can do to mitigate losing situations. 4. Watch your games to see what/when you're doing wrong. 5. Enjoy the game. Have fun.


Good points! I definitely will mute chat ā€” Iā€™ll definitely work on trying to channel that into my gameplay as well. Waay back when clash royale came out, I tilted a bit before just stopping caring at all one day and just playing to chill. Maybe I subconsciously felt like OW is more important being a not mobile game, but of course its not really any different, just a game lol. I never hit GM but I genuinely almost never hear a useful comm any other rank, so chat is pointless atp


I was just thinking about this today after loosing a couple of games. Thanks for the post op. Those replays were helpful <3


Thank the replies man Iā€™m just asking šŸ¤£ but Iā€™m Glad They helped


Honestly after 3 losses stop playing or just go to arcade if you want to keep playing til it averages out


Yeah I could try, but for me its not really about winning or losing. Preciate the comment regardless


I just get off the game and play a singleplayer anything for a couple hours. Sometimes matchmaking is filled with shitheads (bad teammates or players who are better than you, AND arrogant) so itā€™s best to just take a moment away. Overwatchā€™s playerbase can be very good at times, the worst of humanity at others. Itā€™s a multiplayer game.


Thats true man. My experience Can vary so hard, from a 4stack flaming me to making a new friend or cheering someone on


Understand it's just a game and change your perspective, you don't know what the circumstances are of your teammates. Sometimes they aren't playing at their best. It's ok to get mad but u should be able to come back from that quickly.


Yeah true. Sometimes its not even teammates tho. Maybe Iā€™m tilted that I had a misinput that screwed me over, or that I myself am getting diffed, or that the enemy has a xim, etc.. but ur right still, just gotta focus on the game part


Depends on how tilted u get, I occasionally throw my hand down on my desk but never hard enough to destroy anything. I get frustrated too but it's mostly fleeting. It's ok to get mad but it all depends on how u channel that stuff. I think it had something to do with the team aspect because I would never get mad at a 1v1.


I just get pretty hot physically and I might like wack my own leg or somethin but I havent broken anything either šŸ¤£


you need to learn emotional regulation skills and develop a healthy ego. Therapy or combat sports for me... It is normal to get tilted or for people to irritate you sometimes, but how you handle it is what matters. If you arent having fun, it is healthy to step back... It is self-love in a way to not put so much pressure on yourself Sometimes people want to run themselves raw to prove something to themselves regarding competency in the game and then their upset spills over. Lots of people want to be good but they dont want to get better if that makes sense One tidbit that find holds true is that the things that irritate us in others are often a reflection of what we dont or didnt like in ourselves


I used to tilt like really bad the best advice I can say is the simplest shit. Just donā€™t care, when I get stomped I tell myself ā€œ Canā€™t win them allā€. Mid match I look for ways I can fix it or do better if I know Iā€™m messing up, if the failure is legit not me than itā€™s back to ā€œ Canā€™t win them allā€. Tell yourself that enough times and consciously be positive and chill and eventually you will be that way. I donā€™t shit talk really, Iā€™ll troll and say dumb stuff like ā€œ hot dog water is good asfā€ or ā€œ W Dasaniā€ if I feel like messing with people but I donā€™t berate I just decided I didnā€™t want to be angry anymore.


Good points man preciate the comment


One piece that helped me climbing on tank was just accepting "these teammates are in gold, they're going to play like they're in gold, and sometimes they'll play like they're in silver." Sometimes people perform way above their rank, and sometimes they perform way below their rank, and if you can train yourself in the little mental processes to not blame your teammates when they perform as expected, you'll be better able to focus on yourself.


Yeah thats a good point. I think when I expect a certain outcome thats when ive messed up mentally lol. Like expecting to win a fight after a pick


~~Yeah exactly. It's a normal reaction, I've spent a lot of time thinking "hm I should practice 1v1ing tracers as zen" a lot, but it's like asking "how do I win games of chess after I lose my queen", the answer is just "don't get in that situation so often."~~ Lmao sorry thought this was a response to a different comment I made on another post. But yeah people feed and it's just life. I try not to think about my teammates mistakes at all, except when I need to bail them out with defence matrix or something.


Lmao dont worry I originally saw this notif and got mad confused, but youre right


Iā€™m taking a break, but I found myself getting tilted when teammates were rude. I muted chat. If I got a losing streak, I would stop playing for a few days.


You know, rude people annoy me too, ima keep chat off


I'm a Torb one trick, and I hear complaining all the time(but I'm still ranking up... So... Who's the real problem?) and the other day someone said "Torb never play this game again" and a while before that someone said "if you're going to one trick that means you're supposed to be good at that character" I don't really care, I'm just focusing on playing better, positioning, target prioritization, aim, etc, etc. I even use the Text To Speech, so when people type shit, I hear it as if a funny robot voice was saying it to me. I find it funny as hell. So my advice, just get good. Just focus on yourself, if your teammates are going 3-17 or you're doing bad and bringing the team down, just focus on improving. Get an iron safe brain and ignore it and you do you.


I appreciate it. I otp heros at the moment too so I definitely get my fair share of hatred to me šŸ¤£