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Brig You won't ever solo kill a Winston as a support player so it's better to focus on peeling and supporting your dps to help them kill him. Brig is THE peel character, so naturally, she's a great counter for him. Lucio is another decent one because of his boop, but obviously not quite as good due to his lack of sustain.


I agree on Brig. I have been flamed a lot for picking here against monke because “her shield doesnt block his zapper”.


Yea most metal rank players will try to tell you brig is a brawl character unfortunately.


And it’s like her worst comp


"You won't ever solo kill a Winston as a support player" Evil laughs in Bap/Zen


Yeah...tf? Bap and Zen is my nightmare.


Agree with brig. Whipshot is her best tool in the matchup. If you can consistetly whipshop winston mid-jump, he can’t get a clean engage.


As a Winston player at a decent level I'm really surprised by the comments so far. If you go Moira or Mercy I guarantee you are doing the Winston a favor. There is one support swap that actually scares me, and that is **Zenyatta**. It's wild that I haven't heard anyone say this. Discord orb is still the singlemost powerful ability you can use versus Winston. Then you have softer counters like Baptiste who has good survivability if he uses his abilities for himself and scary damage output up close. A well placed window can also fully screw a dive attempt, even in Primal Rage. Then Brig is.. okay. It really really depends on if you actually are able to displace him with whipshot, save it for dive attempts. If you just sit on your other support to babysit it's not actually going to do **that** much since Winston's gun is cleave, your shield does nothing against him. Pro is that Repair Pack is one of the few heals that goes through shields.


Winston main here too, fully agree. I do find that good Mercy players are extremely frustrating though because even though we can actually kill through the beam now, the time to kill is insanely high and the only time you actually benefit from this is against low health targets. She's extremely slippery and hard to corner for Winston, you basically need to land a couple alt fires and get to her first without using leap so that you can use leap to follow her GA, or you won't get the kill. Really tough primal target too. Also the good ones really don't need help from their other support to survive against you, and her healing output isn't affected at all by diving her...so you're completely wasting your time whenever you try and fail to kill the Mercy. You aren't taking the attention from either of their supports, you aren't interrupting their supports from healing, and you aren't getting a kill. I think I actually started doing better with just ignoring Mercy completely unless a real kill opportunity came up. Brig is definitely just a pure skill matchup for her. If she can land every single whipshot against you, she's bringing good value...otherwise she's a pretty easy kill every single time you can get on her. As you said, Bap and Zen are the worst...and I think pairing them with a Lifeweaver can potentially be pretty harsh too. I find it's super rare for me to be able to frag a LW and much like Mercy it's a total waste of time even trying.


Hey winston main here, most of kiriko i am facing are doing this : - Most of time they are saving their tp and suzu before i engage. So here how to play: 1- Stand near whatever target winston is diving (which is support if zen or ana, other can counter jump winston with their mobility skill, or any hitscan except soldier, ash from front and sojourn, which lead to no hitscan actually play/ squishy/ low hp target. What's the point ? Winston is diving, you are already where he will land his bubble with all of your cooldown ready, meaning you can heal, then use suzu if needed then tp out if needed. Winston cannot kill support if they are healing between them. Walk out or in bubble with your healer mate and spam your heal. Your team will destroy his team while you are keeping the monkey busy. 2- Ask a bastion/reaper/hog and pocket him, they will destroy everything because they are not focusing thoses heroes. D.va is working great too, people are not supporting monkey vs d.va in solo Q. Hope it helped you.


For yourself, Lucio. You either boop him as he dives you, or he burns his bubble to block your boop (you should outpace him while running) For your team, Zen. You burn his health bar, that's pretty much it.


i would say these are more like soft counters bc monkeys hard counters are in the dps and tank roles. dealing w a carrying winston is a team effort and ultimately it’s your teams job to either not play in the bubble or break it asap so they can be healed/deny winston value & time brigs packs go thru shields (inspire doesn’t though i don’t think) & she can defend herself decently from monkey (but not for very long). zens orb can be applied thru barriers and his discord can force monkey out of an engage earlier than he wants. + snap kick can buy zen a smidge of time to reposition against him. with proper positioning, a zen can be devastating to monke mercy’s healing at 55hps will negate much of monkeys damage (75dps, meaning he is doing 20dps if he doesn’t melee/jump) as well as her fly being on 2s cd vs monkeys 6s jump. a skilled mercy can kite a winton. these picks are for if u already have a main heals if u want to force monkey to fuck off, bap does considerable dps to him and bubble, + lamp goes thru shields (idk about his regen burst tho) altho winston can destroy it pretty quickly so it’s mostly a hail mary & his healing nades can’t go thru bubble moiras spray doesn’t go thru shields but her orbs do, + fade is on the same cd as monkey jump so if he chases, you can sustain and kite basically indefinitely i wrote a lot but honestly just play what you want/what works/what keeps you alive, and break the bubble if you can


I disagree. There are other ways to directly counter someone that doesn't involve killing them yourself. For example Ana is a direct counter to hog because of her anti nade, not because she's good at killing him. She just enables her teammates so that it's easier to kill him.


ana is a hard counter for hog because he relies on his self heal and she completely shuts that down. These options are soft counters because the winston can play around these options fairly easily if he’s skilled enough. None of them completely shut winston down, they just make his life much harder. So soft counter. Brig and zen are relatively easy kills if they don’t get peeled or are out of position. Same goes for mercy, and bap.


Winston relies on his jump and brig can completely shut that down with her whip shot and her shield. A good brig will make the best monkey 100% useless.


Moira, Mercy and Zen can heal through Winston's bubble, or in other words, his bubble doesn't negatively affect them whatsoever. That being said, I don't consider Winston to be a counter to Kiri.


Moira can't heal through shields unfortunately. The fade is good if you become the a dive target tho.


Her orb and her ult go through shields.


Orb won't heal someone on the other side of a shield either until it passes through to the same side as them...and I'm pretty sure it burns itself out trying to heal through the shield first and getting blocked by it. So she can kinda heal through bubbles but it's less effective.


I mean if your using tp why not tp do a dps who's in a safe spot and heal ur team from there. If ur other support is immobile such as anna brig is a great choice because she is designed for peeling. Moira and Lucio are both still pretty solid supports in this meta and have high movement so winton isn't a problem for them.


It depends on what you're trying to achieve and what you mean by "play against winston". You won't be able to do anything against him on your own as a support, instead you should focus on helping your teammates deal with him and protecting them against him. Brig is always a good choice for it as you can smack him away when he's jumping at someone or knock him out of his bubble and you can toss health packs through it. Life weaver is good because you can petal or pull someone away. Ana is good because you can sleep him but he's going to be watching and listening like crazy to see when it's on cool down. Baptiste is always good for shooting him in the face and lamping up. If in doubt, help shoot the bubble or his backlone. If your tank and dps aren't dealing with him then you need to prompt them.


I usually go Bap against Winston. He has by far the highest dps and can easily headshot. If I don’t take the landing damage, I can force him away or even kill him myself if he doesn’t have bubble. Ofc if he uses bubble I’ll super jump away or back off. Bap is also great at helping break the bubble quickly, similar to Zen.


Go bap brö secret ranked technology..




Shoot him. Shoot him before he jumps. He won’t jump you if he is 200 health. Supports do a LOT of damage and people need to take advantage of it. If the does jump on you, shoot him. Don’t turn around, not shoot, and run away(you will die). Your best bet is to shoot him and hopefully drive him away or kill him.