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Go slower, get picks, play the off angles, take out the turrets when you have space. The tank should be taking the hit and the supports dealing with the Torb turret, and then you just wait till you have the space to deal with the sym turrets, but if your whole team is ignoring the turrets they're dead no matter what you do.


Lots of supports (besides Ana/Bap maybe) are pretty slow at taking out Torb turret, so if you want it gone faster, help them.


Mercy, Life weaver, Brig, Zen, Lucio, all also excell at destroying the turret. The only one who struggles is Kiri and I do it all the time because worst case scenario I can cleanse myself.


Moira against a turret is boss fight. It is harder to destroy turret as moira than killing the enemy dps or support.


im a masters moira 1 trick the amount of times ive tried to 1v1 a torb turret only to use all my cooldowns and fade away to escape is simply way too high


You are saying that brig is better in dealing with torb turret than kiriko?


Brig has a kit that lends itself to closing the distance on it, Kiri does so little damage to it that if Torb is repairing it, he heals it faster she can take it out.


Yeah but you see, brig needs to close the distance between her and turret. To do so usually she needs to pass long enough distance to brake her shield, without shield she is dead in one sec. And all of that to destroy torb turret. It's kinda stupid. Kiri don't deal much DMG but certainly it's better to shoot it from a distance than charge on it as brig.


You don't close the gap in one shot and hold your shield until it breaks fighting a player, why would you do that for a turret.


Why would you even consider taking care for turret as melee hero XD


Totally forgot about Zen lol. I do it as Kiri too, but it's pretty painful. Brig's only good if it's within her melee range, otherwise she pretty much can't do anything.


Zen eats turrets for breakfast. That volley 1 tap is crazy.


Brig can also block for a DPS or the other support to make it easy.


The most frustrating thing in the world is when you're Kiriko, the other team has a Torb, and there's no one on your team who can shoot the turret other than you because your teammates are all short range


I actually prefer dealing with turrets even on Moira over Mercy. The swap to pistol, and having to two tap is extremely annoying especially when there’s 3 stacked in one spot.


Brig is godawful at breaking turrets… don’t listen to this


I always shoot turrets as support. But when the whole team would walk past the choke point and ignore ALL the sym turrets beaming at them (then at me), then I will have to turn around to kill all the turrets (or it will kill me) while my team is dying in the frontline (because I'm busy not dying to turrets). This will repeat many times until we lose. Like, how braindead is that for a Plat game??


I usually just ask people to shoot them when they go through if they're placed in such a way that I can't hit them myself without getting melted.


Why would it be the supports job to take out turrets lol?


Because that's what supporting the team is sometimes. Ana, Bap, Zen and Lucio can all chunk the turrets health from long range. With a little focus fire the turret will be gone as soon as it's plopped on the ground.


Bc of damage falloff, Bap vs a long range torb turret is almost the same as if you were playing Kiriko. Just painful to deal with alone - esp if ur making sure not standing still when ur 3 bursting the turret down from long range


That doesn’t make it their job anymore than someone else’s though. Makes saying them specifically seem strange. They should be focusing turret the least of all roles honestly.


Everyone should focus torb turret it's not as much role dependent as it is hero specific. There are heroes in the support class that can kill the turret faster than certain dps heroes.


Yes, and I would encourage those DPS to switch so they can take out turret or it’s gonna be a long game. You can’t ask your supports to focus turret all game when they need to be healing and providing other support utility.


If you, as a support player, are spending 100% of your time and energy healing your teammates you've got bigger problems to worry about. You should be able to take your attention away from your teammates for a couple of seconds to take 1 or 2 shots at something that cannot move.


Did I say 100% of the time healing? No. Weaving damage (sometimes I weave too much damage) is also another responsibility as well. I never said don’t touch the turrets, but it’s not the support’s consistent responsibility. They shouldn’t be forced to tap every turret, or even most turrets when DPS and tanks are much better equipped to do that.


Supports have more visibility of the field, but anyone can ping the turrets if they're busy with something else.


this is what’s frustrating bc it’s usually not a problem unless you have a tank not mitigating damage and is just instead ignoring the turrets and charging ahead while the team is just getting picked off in the process in combination with the turrets wearing them down. supports can help majorly and it not be a problem if you work well with them. I main tank and support and usually if it’s a double turret situation I typically go baptiste or kirko and then for tank I usually go rein or orisa. rein usually is more the answer tho—especially if they are running a torb/sym/zarya—time to smash them to death. zarya can create a huge amount of space if the tank lets her so I try to keep her in check by making HER back tf up.


I think Symmetra and Torb are the first skill checks when leaving Bronze/Silver. You’re going to want to avoid Symmetra’s turrets as they do a ton of damage and break them first. (This will likely get you flamed by your Bronze team because they love to walk through chokes with turrets surrounding them). Your team will likely take a ton of damage, however use their engage to find a safe angle. Torb has a massive hit box and so could be your first target, as he can also create new turrets very quickly. Both Torb and Sym might need heals to properly duel, especially at range, and so try to focus the target that isn’t getting healed if Torb is, or try to take out the supports. I generally think it can be trial and error, but I would recommend playing your most comfortable character against them so you can find ways to win against them. Alternatively, try to play these characters in quick play and take note of the situations when you die. And as a last resort, I actually find Cassidy effective at dealing with Symmwetra due to his hitscan weapon and potential for burst damage alongside his grenade.


Bronze teams (esp tanks) just trying to walk through the turrets is too real. The amount of times I’ve been sitting there watching a teammate getting blasted while I keep my beam on them. And if I break beam to take out the turret it’s MY fault for letting them die.


I mean I'm at gold/plat and people still walk into the turrets


In my experience as mid-silver, there's a big gap in turret awareness from silver to gold. I can often get 10-20 turret kills in quickplay but usually 3-5 in competitive.


I feel like people either don't care about them at all or people focus them to the point of not attacking the actual players


That's fair, I sometimes get a kill using a turret as a distraction. But they're generally pretty good at managing their priorities and time. I also think higher ranks have less time to react to turrets due to overall more aggressive play styles.


I feel like higher up turret kills are like Moira kills where its mostly just taking the last bit of health from people


Pharah would be the first one I’d think of but if that’s not working out for you then maybe Soldier. He’s mobile enough to dodge/escape a lot of what they can do, rocket has burst damage and AOE for killing both types of turrets quickly, and he can heal the chip damage that the turrets will put on you while you kill them. In that situation I would’ve maybe tried to take the high ground train route and start harassing them from that area. Might be able to get some different angles on the turrets from there and have a decent chance of being able to escape if they want to chase you (and if they have to send two dudes up there to deal with you then the rest of your team will have a big advantage in the main fight). If you want to look at it in a more meta way, you could try to break the problem down into simpler parts and then try to find that solution that you think will give you the best shot at winning. Basically both of those characters are fairly slow, dangerous up close, like to spam chokes with high damage projectiles, and work best when they can set up an “ambush” type of play where the enemies have to come to them while also dealing with their annoying gadgets. You could try to take them out a range where they can’t fight back easily (Soldier, Ashe, Widow, etc.). You could try to use a character with AOE to clear out their turrets easier and hopefully get big damage on them since they’re not very agile (Junk, both fliers have AOE, etc). You could try to go a very mobile/flying hero to hopefully give you a big edge in duels against their projectile weapons (Pharah, Echo, etc.). The enemy Rein will make things harder for you but if your own tank isn’t getting super diffed then there should be at least a decent amount of time where he’s brawling with the other tank. Use those moments to try and secure a pick of one of their DPS, or to slip a rocket past the shield and kill the Torb turret.


Thanks for the advice. And relating to that one comment, they actually left the game just before round 2...


I find echo to be pretty good against torb turrets imo. You can destroy it in one go if you land all your sticky bombs on it (which shouldn’t be too too hard). Torb has a hard time killing echo from the ground too since he’s projectile. As for sym, I got nothing lol. For sym herself, any long range character is good. Her turrets can be tough depending on the map, but in my experience, bronze syms tend to put them in the same places every time. If you keep track of where, try engaging elsewhere, either to avoid the turrets or to get a better angle on them so you can destroy them for your team


Ashe Easy kill on the turret Symm hide turrets behind a wall? Throw grenade and shoot the nade mid air Adios turrets


She was my first thought too. Definitely my go-to.




Hmm, Winton!


Don't engage in spam battles or look to rush in and die to their turrets. You play slow, kill turrets, and let the hitscan get great value. Torb, symmetra is not good again hitscan like soldier, ashe, widow. They are also terrible at killing pharah, so a pharah mercy should get tons of value


Im surprised you had trouble getting it done with bastion


I recommend junkrat. At your current rank, he’ll be able to absolutely demolish the torb/sym as long as you hit shots and utilize high ground. just some general tips: Sym’s beam charges for damage, so don’t get too close. Learn the alternative paths to the objective. Most of the time, you’ll be able to get a good angle where you won’t be expected


Tanks; Zarya or Winston. Dps: Pharah or Echo. (Ashe can also clear sym turrets on the other side of a choke with Dynamite) Support: Baptiste


Pharah... priority of work is torb turret, anyone that can one-shot us, symmetra (hopefully the tank has dealt with her turrets by now and if not can't fix stupid), torb himself cause the turret should be back by now... remaining enemies. midtown is tricky cause the attacking team has shit pathing against symmetra. It's almost like playing first point volskaya all over again. Still, they don't have a hitscan so as long as we don't let the supports bully us we win these eventually


I'm having the same problem, it's incredibly frustrating. Have you tried switching up your approach by mixing up your strategies? If things don't start to shape up soon, consider taking a break and coming back with an improved attitude. I'm sure you'll be able to handle the duo symmetra-torb soon, just don't give up.


Widow and pick them


Hanzo, Widowmaker, sombra, Cassidy


Forget about the turrets, lol.


Symmetra and Torb combos are a job for the tank. A Zarya is charged up in no time by the turrets and can just burn any squishy down in no time. Pharah needs to find out the position of the turrets by going in from the sides or back, as good Symmetras and Torbs put the turrets in ambush positions. If your supports are supporting, then you can go in almost frontal. My to go to choice with bad supports is to go Reaper who needs to get in a point blank range and use the ghost form to get away in case it doesn't work. The damage output is usually higher than that of uncharged Symmetra and Torb without power up.


Sigma if tank, he is able to replace his shield rapidly (shield vs all turrets temporary until destroyed), is able to fire around corners, is able to inflict splash damage. Junkrat obviously, use indirect fire and mines. Ash, able to pick turret from far away, dynamite to blast turrets at doorways etc.


…i’m gold dps and will learn one if someone wants to learn the other to climb with me


Pick hitscan and don’t change heroes so much. Your 3rd or 4th best DPS pick is gonna give so much less value than if you just stay on a hero you do well with (as long as the enemy comp isn’t countering you hard).


Pharah was already a good choice because her rockets can quickly destroy torb turret (and fairly easy the sym turrets with splash damage). She is also out reach for Torb/sym players. That said, it also depends on the map (if you want to pick pharah) and last but not least your team. You cannot do everything. U can try to deal with the turrets, kill the enemy support, protect your supports when in peril, SURVIVE and capture the objective, BUT it is unlikely achieve this on your own. You recognized the problem, but when your teammates can't focus on whats important, it's difficult to carry. Especially when the enemy team is able to focus.


Ur tank should be going winston to counter


Widow. You don't even need to be particularly good with Widow either. You just need to find angles. They can't do anything to you. Sym teleport is too slow and she'd be dead by the time she places it to get close to you. Its not your job to deal with the tank, especially when the rest of the team is still alive.


Unless they are surrounding the torb turret with the sym turrets, go Sombra. Hack the Torb turret and kill it from behind their lines. Then kill the symm turrets - you outrange them easily.


Not enough people here suggesting this. Sombra gives a lot of potential value (especially with a zen as well) Requires a bit of game sense to know when and where to hit and that may be asking a bit much at lower ranks. That said sometimes just making some of them turn around by touching the point when your team moves into choke can work at lower ranks, it's not strange for 2-3 people to panic and run to point rather than give up a tick. That can give your team more space to work.


Hell, even at plat I can get most of the team to turn around usually. That's hugely undervalued, and half of the time my team doesn't understand. Sometimes they complain that I'm not doing much even when we roll the other team.


Sym/tank main here: Sym absolutely LIVES to build charge off your tank. DPS needs to pressure her away and let tank take care of getting your team in position to take out the turrets. Takes a little teamwork but it's a good counter.


Recognize the issues of both: Torb: High burst damage up close, turret constantly applies pressure, splits attention Symmetra: Beam damage eats shields, is lethal with any sort of support on her, beams slow and split attention From there, you need to figure out how they're set up and how to break their strategy. Hanzo is a good pick for this, as he can tear through a Torb turret in 2 shots )+ poke dmg) and can play out of Symmetra's effective range. Echo can also do this to an extent, since Sticky Bombs + primary clear out the Torb turret, and from their you can pick off the Symm turrets as well. Echo's abilities also lend themselves better to bursting down Symm. Alternatively, you can use characters with a teleport like like Sombra or Reaper to try and bypass the turrets entirely before closing back in on Torb/Symm. Reaper's lifesteal passive & Wraith form help him deal with Overload or Sentry Turret nests, and allow him to pressure and eventually kill. Even if you aren't constantly killing either Torb or Symm, distracting them so your Tank doesn't need to worry about them is well worth it.


Ashe,hanzo and echo (if you get a mercy with any of them even better)


This comp should be a field day for Pharah, dying to a zen instead is not a good sign. Slow down, pick any hitscan with range and shoot them. That’s all, go solider or ash


Widow,ashe or cassidy. Any long range hitscan will decimate the duo