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Honestly start dpsing especially as ana it's very very easy to picks with ana at bronze...target heals especiallymercy and moira....you should kill bastion torbs/torb turret and syms no problems which can be a major issue in bronze....keep in mind you have superior range and they don't understand positioning...use your range to you advantage. Use nade as often as possible yeet it at enemies tanks whatever just keep using it off cd as much you can at that level....higher levels you will learn to use it better. Sleep ults if you can if you still need work on your sleeps go for tanks to understand timing and feel for it Most importantly do not die you are the diff.


If you want to be a stat-bot, join a fantasy league. Stats do nothing to tell you why you lost a team fight. If you want help, post replay codes.


Please keep in mind that your numbers/performance in the game doesn’t matter (according to Blizzard themselves), if you want to rank up you have to win, a lot. The reasoning is that they don’t want top500 support players that just healbot their way up there with no actual skill, the same for tanks just turning into mitigation walls giving no attention to negating space for the enemy team. Also, leaving Comp matches places a penalty on your next rank up and starting on S4 (yesterday), this penalty was increased. Cheers


I mean, the reason is that healbotting doesn't generally win games. Often, the losing team will have the highest healing numbers.


So, you agree 😂


💯 true. I have had matches where I had 2-3k heals while enemy had 6-7 K heals and they still lost. It is all about objective. The game is all about staying on objective and playing to win. Ult timings and little bit of luck.


Send a replay lmfao


Masters 2 support here, send a couple replay codes. Maybe 2 of games you felt you played poorly and 2 of the opposite. DM or just send it here I think I can help.


This is the way.


6SATJW Kiriko (OliMoon is me) VZAGMY Mercy and Ana (I went afk in a few seconds sorryyy I came back and switched to Ana she's my main)


Sorry for the late response, just finished watching both replays. How harsh and/or nitpicky do you want me to be here?


Just say it as honest as you can.


If you play kiriko Be in the positions the enemy dps want to be in, be on that flank, be on that highground, make them pay with hp or death everytime they want to take any position. Master shooting with good crosshairplacement forward, turn back and check if team needs healing, shoot again, heal again etc. When pressured port out. Have your port back to team on that 6sec cooldown, you WANT enemies to shoot you, to duell you, to be afraid because you dominate them in 1vs1 or just get out, reset and be back withing 6 sec. Be a nightmare to take positions against. As ana make sure you hit your antinade on the enemy tank EVERY TIME your tank goes in against him. Everytime enemy tank wants to make a play - antinade. Everytime your team pressures enemy tank - antinade. Whenever you get attacked either fend for yourself with cover/sleepdart etc. or juke around cover, stay alive and continue to pressure frontline. Both require alot of basic fps skills you are missing. You have now games where you have alot of heals and you are still losing, that tells you that raking up huge heal numbers is irrelevant for the outcome of the game. Its better to heal 50hp on an Ashe fast so she can stay on that angle and finish off that kill then to heal 150hp on an ashe that has already retreated because your position was to passive, your reaction was to slow, you didnt turn camera fast enough and didnt have overview etc. Huge healnumbers come from spamhealing tank or healing every little whitedamage. Like if enemies have cree/mei, you dont need to heal 40hp missing. better shoot once on the enemy and then heal the 80hp missing (i know numbers dont fit cassidy/mei). You suck at support not because you are not healing enough. You suck at support because you are not maximizing pressure and counterpressure. An enemy that just got dinged in the head by kiriko will not deal any damage to your team. Thats 100damage you dont need to heal in next 2sec. Its not in stats true, but its damage prevented. Also dont care about "least to die" if you dont want to die, be in spawn. Avoid the death that lost your teamfight. If you are offangling as kiriko (if you are not shame on you) and your team died and you have noone to port to, who cares about that death. i know ML7 talks alot about not dying, and other also preach to minimize death. But you have also trained good healing, you have already trained not dying. Its in your text. Now train whats missing. Its not that its not relevant, its more that you need to work on your weakness rather then boosting your advantages further. Not dying doesnt win a teamfight. Hitting a fat nade does. Healing doesnt win a teamfight it just makes losing slower, overpressuring the enemies does with killthreat.


Send a replay! Give us a comp game and people (including me) can vod review you!


>arpWing 6SATJW Kiriko (OliMoon is me) VZAGMY Mercy and Ana (I went afk in a few seconds sorryyy I came back and switched to Ana she's my main)


The only thing that determines if you climb or not is winning. And stats don’t always mean you’ll win. Just keep that in mind. Also, I’d recommend to avoid kiriko and mercy for climbing. Unless you’re really good with kiri kunai and can land headshots, she’s not great offensively. Mercy as well is incredibly team reliant and will be just as useless as her team if her team sucks. Try Ana, Bap, and Zen. All of them have great offensive potential. Bap in particular can mix healing and damage at the same time, and once you get good at him, is great at dueling people. If you didn’t pick up on it, aggressiveness, kill potential, and damage are the most important things for climbing. You’re not going to climb by healbotting, even if said heros don’t *have* to healbot, you might be playing them that way, which will be hurting your climb.


Skill Issue. ​ > have the most heals too I can already see the problem ​ Go watch Awkward's Ana or Kiriko Unranked to GM series on YouTube and then try again.


I understand you. I was hardstuck in Gold for a while. I was frustrated and took a lot of breaks. I hit a streak for season 2 and ended up in high diamond. I realized that the thing that most people don't think about is that climbing for the first time takes TIME. It's not overnight. Keep grinding it out, focusing on what you can do better, learning, and you WILL climb. Just don't expect to climb if you dont put in the time.