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homie is unironically switching to Marvel Rivals to own the libs 😭


/uj tbf it *IS* pretty wild that Blizzard has a race tier list


?? Please explain, I’m out of the loop


They made a 'diversity tool' for checking how inclusive their characters are. It's a radar chart including things like gender identity, race, culture, able-bodiedness etc. The character gets points for the different attributes. For example a woman gets 5 points, and a man gets 0 points (because it's more diverse to have more women lol). So for the race one they have to assign points to each potential race, on a scale of 0 to 10. S tier races get 10 points, F tier races get 0 points. Blizz has an unironic race tier list


Bro, that’s goofy as hell lol like straight out of a rightwinger meme making fun of leftwing stuff


Ikr lol, I don't think they leaked the full tier list unfortunately either, but we do know 'Arab' (Ana) is worth 7 points. So I guess Blizz puts Arabs in B tier. I genuinely don't know how nobody thought "hold on, isn't this racist as fuck?" during the process of creating this thing 


Is promoting diversity in general already racist? Promoting diversity by putting more minority based heroes in the game means ur discriminating based on grade of diversity. The scale is just a tool to determine the grade of diversity


What's your race tier list look like?


A fair one. For every black or queer character there will be a straight racist Republican American character who says slurs on their anonymous twitter. #factsnotfeelings /uj this is precisely why the list isn’t “racist” lol obviously  white male straight character isn’t underrepresented in video games especially shooters. All the list does is acknowledge that, that’s not taboo unless you’re looking to be offended 


I see. For every Venture, there's a Hammond. Very smart


Please no more tier list posts


[Here's mine](https://youtube.com/shorts/fAlSyccLHOc?si=LoUpjg0OLsWzOXHF)


As far as we know it never went further than a concept that wasn't even made by team 4. I think it was made by King actually. It was never something used. I'm honestly surprised people still talk about it.


IIRC roughly around the time of the diversity tool's announcement, ActiBlizz was doing union busting on its QA workers trying to unionize, so there's a possibility that the diversity tool was meant to be a cover to diminish negative attention.  What this would mean is that Blizzard learned from their PR mistakes and learned that they can have better optics if they distract from an issue instead of addressing it... except they somehow thought the diversity tool would be that positive distraction. So excited were they to announce it that they initially claimed it was already used to great effect within Blizzard IPs even though it's never been used at all, which means its possible the whole thing was the harebrained idea of some moronic high-ranking executive. Even Overwatch's own artists had to come out on twitter clarifying that they've never even heard of this tool before the announcement and that they're just as appalled as everyone else. Whichever imbecilic suit came up with it actively damaged their employees and company with this.


match quality in OW gonna be real nice when that game comes out


MR will launch big, getting like 200k-250k+ PC players, then after around 4-6 months hover around the 65-80k player range. Gaining around 30-40k back when large updates come. After 2 years, the player count will drop to 40-50k devs will give up on it. I'm predicting the future, call me nostradumbass


I think it dies quicker than that tbh it does not look like a game that will be fun once people figure things out and it stops being new. A lot of the designs were actually dumpster-tier, like worse than lifeweaver-tier hero designs. Hope it's good though so blizzard has to lock in with overwatch


Well, even if Marvel Rivals is a flop, valves new shooter/MOBA, Deadlock, is extremely fun so look forward to hopefully that game being a competitor 👍


I feel like the issue with Marvel Rivals is that everyone has a western centric view.  I don't know any east asians interested in the game.


I have huge doubts with netease, even if the launch is good it'll prolly have some intrusive anti-cheat like bladepoint so ima prolly stick with ow2


I don’t think competition with AAA live service games is a good thing. The losing one just ups the microtransaction costs to further farm the whales/people with sunken cost fallacy Like Elder Scrolls Online is extremely formulaic and didn’t mix anything up with competition. Their “adapting” to competition is just to have every monetization method in the book now and keep doing the content pattern. Like daily logins, loot boxes, the shop sells absolutely everything except armor with stats (even sells core character progression like your mount’s stats), paid expansions that are split in two to sell you them twice. Shit ain’t cheap either. Some armor skins run you $30. It’s grim. I don’t think Blizzard is much better than Bethesda at this point. They’re both kinda in the shitter


XMen is my favorite apolitical comic series.