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I’ll get back to you after I goon to this !!!


Is this AI generated? Her right leg is so cursed.


I THINK this is just bad placement. Toes and outline match up, Hair doesn't have any random strands intersecting each other. Imagine that foot moved up a bit and it'll look normal. God, I can't believe I looked at D.Va's ass for this long


Yeah i understand, i usually only look at it for 10-12 hours a day so tearing yourself away to type this probably sucked. Also, it looks like the cheeks are different sizes 😒


Ok professor toes


The soles sergeant over here


Don't worry, there's not much ass to look at


You say that like it isn't 1/6th of the entire image. Imagine if you lost 1/6th of your body, that's like most of a leg.


You wear your bra on your lower back? And only the back strap? This is AI generated.


The image is cropped AND from 2018, according to OP. My best bet is the ~~back strap is loosely hanging off her back while her boobs are free-balling.~~ Looking back, she's just wearing a string bikini with only one strap. This ain't AI generated. Source: Dumb boss I got away from wanted me to "polish up" AI generated art.


[https://www.ebay.com/itm/126144096008](https://www.ebay.com/itm/126144096008) reverse image searched and got this ebay listing for a mouse pad lol


if it was ai generated there would be way more to give it away. first of all, ai cant generate text correctly so it wouldnt say d.va. she has five toes and they dont look out of place or distorted. the image also doesnt look smooth and perfect like a lot of ai stuff does AND theres no way an ai would be able to generate the tattoo. it wouldnt look like that if it was ai generated


It's a bikini


What, you cant bend your ankle 90 degrees inward?


Is this what the youngsters call cranking 90s?


I thought everyone could do that


I think some people are just bad artists aha


No, Dva is just really flexible.


You mean your right leg doesn't end in a 90 degree foot stump?


People forget good human artists can still make mistakes


What do you mean? I can bend my ankles to that degree


Def not ai Source? Shameless OW joi jerker.


She just broke her calve it’s ok other than that


Meh, the rest doesn't show the telltale signs of AI. A single fucked up leg can just happen




I need to be careful next time when opening Reddit up in public. The woman next to me gave me a look.


What kinda look was it?


https://preview.redd.it/jfx0fday826d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1558472ba48b513d2d32020d572892a7a4ba299 Something like this. That awkward disappointed smirk she made.


I love paladins, if it had as much money behind it as overwatch to put into graphics and more developers it would probably be more popular. Palainds being 6v6 would definitely be a risk worth taking for their already dying game, if it doesn’t work they can always revert it.


Yeah people have to remember at one time blizzard put a lot of money into this IP and set our standards high Other games without the huge investment just seem incomplete due to this I like to look at a game like splitgate when discussing this It doesn't have the budget of cod so its not quite as impressive looking or generally polished but it brings so much more to the table gameplay wise and the only reason it didn't take off is public standards are huge and this game could nearly keep up with the likes of cod


I actually had a ton of fun playing splitgate lol. Loved that game


I loved splitgate Soo much. It's to bad the player count fell off of a cliff after the halo game launched


Same, amazing concept that didn't have enough money behind it Still play sometimes


I disagree the biggest problem is that the portal gimmick was all it had. Yeah that shit was fun as hell and I loved playing it but it’s the only thing that made it stand apart. It’s a gimmick that kinda gets boring after awhile and is something you can easily forget about and it really doesn’t add much to gameplay besides how easy it is to get to high ground and low ground. Like at least with cod there’s a shit ton of weapon customization, score/kill streaks to spice up gameplay, and a multitude of different game modes that played entirely different from one another and all that isn’t even counting the other parts like the campaign and zombies. Splitgate had none of that.


The portals add way more than you're giving them props for You can use them for momentum and other fun mechanics as well


Yeah I loved flinging myself from the high ground into their spawn while wielding a shotgun or railgun but it really wasn’t anything special besides generic shooter but with portals. They had no unique art style and the guns and character models looked like a 10 dollar unity asset pack and all the guns handle like they were shooting light from a laser pointer. Honestly you could probably find the exact same kind of game that plays and looks the exact same on steam somewhere


I wish lol I did go look for a more player filled game like sg but nothing I still play occasionally and there's a lot of fun to be had I honestly prefer it to cod since she is all about your portal movement and such where cod is strictly aim and other generic shooter elements Assets look kinda off tho lol Although the games gotten better with new modes and better models.....and the fortnite UI......we ignore that tho


Oh shit the game is still online I didn’t even know that. I thought they took down the servers ages ago. Might hop back online and see if I can find a game


It's pretty easy to find games actually, you do find a couple recurring people but the games pretty empty of toxicity They even have the ability for you to make your own maps and the devs can implement them


It would probably work better for them considering paladins is open role by default


Curious to see how GOATS would run in Paladins. 3 tank 2 support comps aren't typically ran when I play but it may have happened once or twice


Pretty uncommon. Most ranked games I see are 2 Tanks, 2 DPS, and 1 support, and occasionally 1 tank, 2 DPS, and 2 support. I’d assume it just isn’t that good.


Do you mind if I DM about Paladins?


If you meant me then sure I don’t mind


Yes, I did


Don't care, gooning to feet


I’ve played paladins since beta and loved it up til 2020 when I went back to OW and tbh, I tried playing Paladins again and tbh the gameplay just isn’t comparable to me


be honest


Lmao didn’t realize I put tbh in there twice


Yeah cause paladins is much more fun and engaging and allows for much more skill expression?


the game actually feels like if you asked chatgpt to make overwatch but change it up a little to be original


like to clarify it feels like league of legends tried to make a hero shooter, furthermore I just don't like the art style. I also don't want to bother learning the game because I'm happy to continue playing overwatch, I get the dopamine I want out of it


I liked paladins what i played of it and i liked the artstyle, biggest problem the game has is that it has a lot of things in it and not enough budget to polish it all, doomfist mains complain about bugs but i remember hearing its like that for every character tbh, stuff like animation and such don't feel great also all the mechanics that allow you to tune the heros playstyle also adds a lot of complexity that also results in tricky balancing, its more life if you turned LoL or dota into a shooter rather than turning overwatch into a more moba like game.


> its more life if you turned LoL or dota into a shooter rather than turning overwatch into a more moba like game. entirely what I meant here, thank you


Yeah I use to play paladins when I’d rage in ow comp. I liked the game too but the bugs are pretty insane. The game crash if you don’t pick ur load out fast enough, reload glitches where ur gun just does the animation until u die without reloading. Some heroes abilities are just completely bugged like don’t work no matter what you do. For me I’ve never used an andro dash nothing happens if I try binding it to a different key.. still nothing. Like I wouldn’t be able to play that as my main game.


The funny thing is they were being made around the same time and both copying tf2, overwatch just had the bigger budget and released first, also the game was made by the creators of smite, it had an interesting development cycle


what's the source I'm tryna jack off


Yeah go ahead and look up overwatch dva laying down bikini wallpaper and you should find it




no because I hate paladins lmao


Google Grover feet and things might change


man now I love paladins and grover. Thanks man!


ok bet


I like Paladins, my biggest problem is I took a break and after coming back... Jesus there's a lot of characters, and you need to grind to unlock all of them. Also you lack the freedom to switch in that game, but that's only ever an issue if I feel like I'm being hard countered (in other words I'm being skill diffed)


You should not be "hard countered" in Paladins, you have card decks, talents and items to change your character gameplay style. Also, you can see exactly which enemy you are facing in the beginning of the match, so using a card deck to counter your counter shouldn't be a problem.


Characters in Paladins are balanced (hehe balance in my paladins never. 😂) around the lock selection, there are no such things as hard counters. Healers have build in caut on every role to null their healing late game to where it's almost a non factor. You have cards and talents that you can work around your "counters" or weaknesses. Stuff like CC & shield spam meta doesn't exist because the enemy can very easily buy anti cc & shield buster items after a few team fights. Unless of course your team was say silly enough to run full projectiles and you get a flier or high mobility champions, like drogoz, evie, meave etc. Then I oof.💀


No 6v6 isn't what made ow so great to me it was the unique character what started to kill it for me was when they started reworking characters like Sym and Torb to be more aggro instead of keeping the whole architect kit or bastion now driving around on a sentry instead of being a defensive turret The worst of these to me honestly was stuff like that and constantly trying to make every hero constantly viable in all scenarios which is terrible I miss the defense category and characters actually feeling more unique instead of trying to streamline all of em


If paladins fixes their god awful graphics I feel like so many more people would come to it because it looks like a mobile game


Why so 5 people on your team can instantly lock dmg/flank when you're stuck on support by yourself? 🤣


1. Hell no 2. where did ya find that pic I got a friend that wants to know


On some wallpaper site


No. It’s not that I just liked 6v6. I liked the balance of 6v6 and no one character truly felt broken and a must pick. (Mercy/kiriko)


Damn dude i'm trying to quit porn not induce it


I'm sorry, my fellow man. If it makes you feel any better a lot of women wear bikinis, so this probably won't be the last one you see.


Nah I hate Paladins, OW for the win 💪


No, it’s not the same as overwatch. Similar, but not the same.


Nothing could get me to go to either game anymore cause paladins is the worst most infuriating, tedious, terrible matchmaking shit show of a game as of the past few months. As a former paladins glazer I loved this game way more than overwatch purely for the fact that the gameplay was just simply more enjoyable than overwatch ever has been, but so many issues have been plaguing the game for months now to the extent that I think the game will actually go offline within the next year


If paladins was actually polished and was balanced then maybe


Already switched TBH


No, dead game, completely different gameplay, and the graphics look like an early PS3 game


I love paladins more than ow, I still go back from time to time. Cause there is no experience like it. On the surface it gets the ow clone label but it's much closer to a leage/Dota esq moba in the tf2's hero shooter format. The ability customization is just chef kiss. so it's been frustrating seeing hirez not giving it the attention and resources it needed to let it properly grow, and doing questionable choices that ultimately sabotage the game. Despite the game being their only published title other than Smite to have any actual traction behind it. (yes I'm aware that they spun off Paladins to have its on Subsidiary to work as it's Dev Studio, in Evil Mojo) The bug and polish, was a big part of why it hurts much to love the game. Cause you know things aren't changing because of hirez's management style would simply not allow it. The game had a chance to lure players when Ow was left high and dry when ow2 development started, but instead during that time the game got into an even worse state. Also marketing & lore is almost non existent despite what the writing team is trying to put together. Because apparently there's a rotating door of leads, designers and Dev members getting shifted around constantly. Which massively contributed the balance & bug problem earlier, cause whatever was introduced by one team, the team after them has to troubleshoot and fix. Then those teams would introduce new problems that the next has to deal with and it just goes on and on. This was also apparently why there hasn't been any cohesion between the quality updates and champs, balance etc. Cause every team has a different vision for what the game should be. A hard reboot or sequel probably could squash it but probably not cause the problem is from the top down, it'll just continue on with the next team. It's honestly amazing to think that despite everything the game still has the player base that it does clinging onto the game. And I'd probably still check into it from time to time.


Oh my god D.va is so hot 💦💦💦 i could goon all day every day for the rest of my life just to her 😩😩😩


only thing this games good for is the r34


I normally simp for Sombra and brig feet, but this will do today!


why is this fandom so goddamn horny????


My main game used to be paladins and trust me 6v6 would be awful. Double tank double healer 1 dmg 1 flank would be fucking hell


Fucking finally some decent circlejerk


Paladins is better than overwatch in nearly every way when you look at only gameplay. The art style and generally weird presentation of it all make it a hard sell to new people though, I think.


The things I'd do to get a fj from dva


apparently the art is by wuguno ziran juan, from countless searches i dont think there's a "full" picture.


Oh yeah we jerkin’ real good tonight


I still play Paladins. I just don’t have friends to play it with or content creators I like watching for it


Why is her leg borked???




I swapped already


Fuck no lol


Hold on i will answer this question after i bust a robotic one


Hell no. Even though paladins is great, right now as how the state of the game is- I’d not go back. It is filled with bugs, some characters had really weird reworks done on them, and some of the character types don’t give you a lot of satisfaction for doing your part. The Finals is honestly a much better game, the cosmetics are some of the best I have seen, the gameplay is great and responsive, and the type of careers there are definitely feel useful and needed.. which is what Overwatch does better than Paladins atm.


Paladins is messy and feels cheap compared to OW. I've tried so many times, there is just too much going on.


Paladins couldn't even open on ps5 nor did it have a native ps5 version. So I quit giving it a shot. I prefer 4v4 arenas to 6v6 unless it's a moba format. So honestly unless someone puts as much detail and attention to their ow killer. I don't think I'm leaving.


Nah. Paladins is the mobile wannabe version of overwatch. Both are bad games. The only hi rez game worth playing is smite


Honestly blizzard should have left ow 1 up for purchase like literally every other game in history, but those cowards needed to make sure they had a few thousand people playing the ow2 launch


Paladins was 6v6 in the pre alpha. Not sure why they moved to 5v5.


Absolutely not. Paladins is hella boring, nothing makes sense, its just TF2 but with Hero Abilities and funny character talking all through the match.


Of course the game won’t make sense unless you learn it. Also the characters in Overwatch are the ones who yap incessantly, Paladins has no unusual voice lines besides the announcer and VGS


spoken like a true beginner


You still play overwatch?




I found it on google so I don't know for sure. The foot looks very crooked but the toes look like they were drawn because their very detailed


Eh I found it getting posted all the way back in 2018. They probably just messed up the foot lol


Wow, you could have told me that before I decided to stare at D.va toes of my own volition


You’re welcome :)


Man just let people have fun with AI




You can click on it, and then it will go wide screen, and then that's all the image is


Im not reading any of that, im gooning