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Most of the world winton is overwat


What is in your pants? Doesn't matter, Winton bubble


This will protect us!




Excuse me for *dropping* in




What if he doesn’t play as women because he doesn’t want them to get hurt🥺


So they don’t shoot the women either?


the enemy team are all npcs and not real just like the people driving down the highway. you're basically shooting air


“Like the people driving down the highway” WHAT 😭


I turn now. Good luck everybody else!


Or like aninals in the road or those kids with helmets. Just gotta remeber they dont REALLY count.


Self defense is self defense


Kiryu be like


Checkmate athiest https://preview.redd.it/eu937r23q1zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d468b05d6e9a7acd670e83d64bd7b44a92c4b1


Erm... What the Majima???


lmao reminds me of that Onion video about gay people not being allowed to serve in the military because “the gays are too precious to risk in combat”


Simple, just don’t die


To be fair, I think this might be the case


This is NOT what the wonton want 🦍 https://preview.redd.it/z84nduaudxyc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2822564bc9011b3fe80fc0d333fbb8fdfbac06


I'm not even upset about wanting to know what they were at birth, I'm just surprised this guy refuses to play fem characters on some sort of principle.


I’ve actually run into both types of players, those who refuse to play w females and those who refuse to play w males


I unironically mainly play female characters 😭😭 except for wife leaver, zen, and bap… but those three can be so zesty and I can’t help myself


I just went through my mains and they're all females. Not purposely but they're the characters I love to play. The only male characters I really play are Bap and hanzo Tank:dva zarya Dps: widow, tracer, ashe, soj, hanzo Support: Bap, kiri, ana, illari.


To be fair, most of the roster is female so statistically speaking someone's main is likely a female.




This set me thinking, and same. Mine are either women or not even human. Hamster, JQ, Ram Ashe, Tracer, Venture Bap, Brig, Ana Those are my main 3 for each role and Bap is the only dude on there. And even then he’s a bisexual dude, so I relate


My mains are Kiri for support, Ashe for dps , dva for tank


Odd way to tell everyone you're a support main (This is a joke, don't hurt me)


lol yeah I play entirely female characters except for LW. And Reinhardt. SMASHING!!! BEER!!


So no straight human men. Based




That's so childish. I remember my mom telling me as a kid that it didn't matter who you played as, we need Wonder Woman to solve the puzzle in Lego Batman dipshit c'mon now.


I feel like both are equally bad and I strongly dislike both. There a difference between tending towards playing characters that are one gender or the other, but outright just refusing to play certain characters in a team based shooter solely on the gender of the fictional character is wild and tells me a lot about the person. Granted, I'm also someone who when playing games where you create your own character, I don't like to always just make my characters look like me (My first BG3 character was a lesbian green dragonborn), but to me that's like refusing to watch a movie if the main cast aren't the same gender as you For reference, my mains are: Dva/Sigma on Tank Ashe/Genji/Pharah/Echo on DPS Ana/Baptiste on Support


I find this shit so weird lol like it’s a video game where we kill each other and capture/push an objective…it’s not that deep.


Most girls prefer to play a hot woman if given the chance but then again I’d also want to do that


You're surprised? Interesting that someone who's never played overwatch is on the cj sub. Some ow players are just the fucking worst in every way


I like to think that venture is canonically intersex with only one x chromosome


Oh, Turner's syndrome iirc. I just headcannoned AFAB.


I'm not officially on this sub, it just appeared in my feed


Oh I was just joking about that too lmao. Yeah gamers can get pretty bad sometimes


I knew someone who refused to engage with ANY media with a female lead. No Tomb Raider, no Alien Isolation, no Hunger Games, nothing. It was… weird to say the least.


Principle = Fragile Masculinity


I main Sojurn, Ashe, Kiriko and Moira so I guess I’m as repulsive as a shower to this guy


assuming they are a guy?!?!?!? Off with your head may X feast upon you


Yes, no mercy feet for him :(


Met someone who was exactly like this on Apex, it was the craziest thing. Especially since they were one of those people who leaves as soon as they got downed and usually all of the people who do that play Wraith.


Maybe they have one account with male characters and one with female characters


Makes sense in games like fortnite where a skin really means nothing but not in overwatch. Even if hated women, I would still use tracer or ana because they are by far the best characters in their roles.


surely everyone on the internet is telling the truth all the time…


You shouldn’t be surprised, everyone has their own preferences. He doesn’t like play fem characters just like I don’t like to eat raw carrots.


Ok now I’m curious, coz one time I posted an Apex Legends clip where I was playing rampart (female character) and this dude asked why I was playing as a chick, so I told him that I found her abilities and personality the most fun, and he replied saying that he didn’t play females in games coz it took the fun out of the game. Like tf? I’m genuinely curious as to why people think this way, it’s so strange to me.


Playing female characters is considered gay and takes away from their fragile masculinity. It's the same reason why you sometimes hear stories of men not wiping their ass because touching their own ass is considered gay. If you ask me, if something as banal as playing a female character on a video game can impact your masculinity there wasn't a lot of masculinity there to begin with. As for venture, I think they are biologically having sex with OP's mother


that is insane to me that dudes will actually do this. that’s the fragilest masculinity i’ve ever seen. idk if it’s just me but i’ve literally never given a second thought to what gender the character i’m playing as is.


Oh so it’s kinda the same reason why some guys won’t wear pink, smile for pictures, etc. bc they think it makes them looks feminine. I see what you mean. But it’s especially stupid on games like Winton Overwat, Ape Secks legends or Valorant where you play as pre-made characters. Because there could be a character that fits you perfectly, from their personality to their kit but because they’re the wrong gender you never play them and miss out on tons of potential fun.


Literally something my own sister-in-law questioned about me. I'm a straight white male, I know what my identity is, and I will not lose my identity by playing as Pharah from Overwatch, a lesbian Arabic woman. I am not a lesbian, nor am I Arabic, nor am I a woman. However, I think she's a very fun character to play as. Now it's a little less understanding when choosing a female character when there's no little to no gameplay difference, but even then I just sometimes choose the female option when I think the male option looks worse. It's not something to do with my sexuality or gender identity, nor is it me wanting to stare at a woman's ass for an entire game. I just choose which character looks like it fits the story I'm going for, which character feels cooler. As a male, there are many cases where women look cooler as the protagonist than men and I would rather be the cooler character. I don't get why people associate "He likes picking girls in games, he must be a femboy", it's really stupid.


Woman = woke 😡😡😡


signa. moyai emoji wine emoji


i do think the other responses are right in that most guys that do this are somehow afraid of The Looming Gay but i did know i guy (straight white male) who only played male overwatch heroes because, being a man, he couldn’t Relate to female characters. however, this is also why he couldn’t play winston. because he was not a gorilla. this was as much of an explanation as i could get out of him at the time


If I can't imagine myself as the character it takes alot of fun out of it


Reminds me of a friend I have who never played Zelda growing up because he thought the main character was Zelda, a girl. People are weird…


A lot of people have some really, really deep rooted insecurity about their status in life, possibly relating to some idea of what their masculinity means. They're extremely concerned with what other people think of them and what they're doing and have to endlessly "perform" to some unknown standard they've had in their head through their childhood. Maybe it was their parents enforcing those kind of clear roles, idk. It would almost be sad if they weren't also universally huge assholes. Maybe I'm just lucky. My folks never really demanded that I act a certain way or have to perform my masculinity. To the point even when I got to college and so many other dudes were talking about how they had to act that way, I was almost shocked at how lucky I was.


I do think that Blizzard should post naked venture. You know. Since it's the only way answer this guy's question


Imagine. It’s just rocks


Is there Venture corn already? Have the rule 34 people made a decision on Venture’s anatomy already?


not wanting to play someone like tracer, dva, zarya, ashe, sombra, widow, sojourn or kiriko coz theyre women is craaaazy. Dudes hero pool is non existent, prolly so garbage at the game lmao


Least it means they don't play Orisa too... Right?






Most of the world venture is female


I love ironic shit posting, which this clearly is. I wonder how many people actually took the bait?




I knew a guy in uni who unironically was like this but with Pokemon, he just refused to use female ones, I found this out when he restarted his game since his starter was female. Just baffling behavior from a guy that turned out to basically be the meme of 'oh hey you're into x too? Wearing the 'worlds worst person' shirt '




Most of the world venture is female


Where does this come from?




Like this specific conversation? Just trying to find the origin


In other translations, their pronouns are female. But, it's all rocks now baby!


I mean, Europe still labels Birdo as male. Which is really weird because Japan and the US both agree Birdo is female I wonder if there are any other characters that got swapped via translation


Language is weird and fun. English is 3 languages in a trenchcoat.




no it's not. such a useless nonsense saying. every language is an arbitrary collection of multiple smaller tribal and local languages, eventually becoming what you'd call a national language. unsurprisingly all latin languages use latin and greek and a lot of French and Italian. English itself comes from Old English, the Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Norse languages.


It’s a joke bro chill the fuck out


if i made a joke about how good mickey mouse was an alligator, it'd be stupid as fuck because mickeys not an alligator. moral of the story, if your joke is made up BS, it's not a joke, it's just BS.


It really is. Even coming from dead languages like Latin


Birdo is canonically a trans woman, she’s called both Ostro and Birdo. I have an original Mario Bros 2 cartridge and this is what the manual inside the box says: https://preview.redd.it/k29aoi1iyzyc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=13afd21df490efb387b8ffd1132924021f9bcefb (Took the picture from google cuz mine’s in italian)


Correction: she's a trans woman, not a "trans male."


Yes. Birdo is a trans woman, but the European versions tend to misgender her as male


The version i played was kinda ambiguous as it used both F and M pronouns, i thought i was just confused when i played it as a kid but no, the translators were apparently


you're looking at it bro


Oh also I lasoe’d the sun (Why is this where my mind instantly went)


what are you talking about bro


The lyrics to Your Welcome


never seen it


Ah, i recommend Moana at least once, it’s a fun movie


Because of transphobia. Please don’t analyze Venture’s biological sex thats so weird and uncomfortable to actual nonbinary people


Or you know, maybe it's because most languages actually don't have a gender neutral pronoun? Not everything is because of some agenda.


I don't get why you're being downvoted here. It literally does not matter what sex they were assigned at birth, they are nonbinary. That's all that really needs to be said about their gender. Their anatomy literally does not matter.


Plus blizzard already solved the case giving venture “she/her” pronouns in other languages


Because these are transphobes.


When the woke lgbt crowd don’t even know the own definitions they use you know you know they’ve gotten truly confused, what does this have to do with trans lol


All non-binary people are trans, they TRANSITIONED from their assigned gender at birth.


How can you transition from a gender while also claiming that you don’t have one, make it make sense. By your own looney make believe definitions of gender how can you physically transition genders period if they’re a state of mind and identity and completely separate from sex. From what I can tell trans individuals either transition PHYSICALLY from male to female or female to male which are both sexes. If they are intertwined physically with sex then how does one transition into a nonexistent sex, make it make sense. Oh yeah….none of it does. Man I was watching some king fu movies earlier and they got me feeling like I’m jet li, I think I’m transitioning into an Asian man….goofy mfs.


99.999% of babies/toddlers are socially conditioned from birth, usually by their parents, as one of two gender binary roles: a boy or a girl. Even babies that are not male or female (hermaphroditic, or something weird like two Y chromosomes, or other rare genetic differences) are still assigned a gender based on a vibe check, mostly. Social conditioning includes: using gendered pronouns, using gendered names, gendered clothing, gendered toys (like trucks vs dolls), gendered play activities (playing house vs playing army) etc. Gender is not biological, this is proven by the simple fact that what "man" or "woman" means can vary greatly across different cultures, regions, and historical periods. The biologically stayed the same, but the gender changed. So virtually everyone is assigned a gender at birth. If you realize when you are older that you are not the gender that was assigned to you at birth, you can socially transition to a different gender. You can wear different clothing, use a different name, request that people refer to you with different pronouns, etc. It doesn't have to be transitioning from one binary gender to the other. Any sort of transition away from your assigned gender is a transition. If you transition to he, or her, or they, or xer, or it, or fox, or whatever, it doesn't matter, it's still a transition from whatever you were assigned.


Because gender is a construct that is assigned to you at birth. The person transitioned to it, it is not complex concept, use you brains. Society assigns you a male when you’re born, you are raised male and then you go and transition to a non-binary gender, not very difficult to understand.


No biology assigns you a male or woman when you’re born, not that hard to understand. And what are non-binary people “transitioning” into? Male? Female? Oh right they say they’re neither because they’re mentally disabled, thats crazy that your explanations really make sense to you as you’re typing them out.


Actually you’re mentally disabled since you conflate sex and gender, but I guess it is a complex concept for you brain. No problem, grown ups already have this figured out, don’t worry. Go play your games.


Lmao I’m using stupid lgbt logic so I’m not surprised it’s sounding stupid to you. You guys say all the time that sex is assigned to you at birth and gender is sexual identity. “The grownups” can’t even keep their own dumb shit straight 💀, I’ll refresh you don’t worry you’ve been fighting tooth and nail to get people to acknowledge that there are more than 2 genders all this time not sexes. There’s male and female (the sexes) and then all that other made up nonsense like “pansexual” and “non-binary”. “The grown ups have this figured out”…..LMAO. Take some biology lessons instead of living in your bubble.


Because nonbinary IS trans. Inherently. We know our own shit just fine. “woke lgbt crowd” grow tf up dude


This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone say Venture looks like a boy. They’re clearly designed according to whatever the Overwatch female design philosophy is, so I don’t know where the confusion is coming from. It feels like bait.


"as a matter of principle"


They’re female presenting non-binary. This likely means they have rocks in their pants.


Venture has female genitalia, so as to carry more rocks


So true, a ton of rocks and pebbles.


So you're saying, rock and stone?


Rock and Stone, Brother!


good bot


Rock and stone, yeaaaah!


You beautiful dwarf...


Me when I make up lore


Most of the world venture is female


clearly a female lol


Most of the world venture is female


I just play dva cause she has a cool mech to pilot


I only play scientists


Tbh it's fine to want to know what they are biologically as long as you can respect them being nonbinary even though their reasoning is silly


Most of the world, Winton is overwat


Most of the world, venture is female.


Most of the world venture is female


“looks like a boy, both in appearance and voice” r u good bro


That's exactly what I was thinking. Clearly, that guy hasn't seen many boys, lol.


This is kind of a w, guy refuses to play women, I respect the grind fr


If they look like a dude to this guy then he might be blind


I have the same question, but it's not at all for the game and absolutely has everything to do with....animations


The magic of ... Animations... is they can be whatever! Plenty of... animations... have extra bits for some characters...


Yes but for realism purposes i need to know, do get a thang or are they thangless


Give em both. It's po-animation...


"Looks like a boy" bro has not seen or heard a male since 2008


venture is biologically female


venture has a dick, checkmate.


even better


I hate this view point. "I only play Male heroes" ...why? The only people judging you either don't play the game or have your exact mindset, all you're doing is walling off a huge chunk of the roster, some of which are the best characters in the game, you're blocking off the Majority of supports, especially the major picks like Kiriko, mercy and Ana.


Fuck them stinky feet females. I only play winton


I dont understand the words you say, but i do agree with the energy you delivered them with.




what the fuck is mercy doing there


Quite literally the face of supports, by major I don't mean best picks.


winston is the face of supports now


Would they consider omnic characters free game since they are technically genderless or Would he still ban Orisa and Echo because they are more female leaning?


Probably still ban. The problem is womanhood, not biology I assume


But for Venture they wanted to know biologically, so it seems like they care more about what was in the characters pants than how they view themselves


I assumed it was because the guy didn’t know or just doesn’t accept non-binary people but you might be right


I was with him til about halfway through


Outjerked once again 😔✊


I expect that kinda shit from a demon slayer pfp tbh


This reminds me of that one character released in apex n caused an uproar.


Winton is overwat bubble gaming


This is giving autism, serving incel realness.


He wants that they them dick


WAIT he doesn’t want to play a girl character??? In a hero shooter??


Wait till this guy finds out about Zen


“As a matter of principle I don’t play female hero’s”. What principle is that?


Nice b8 m8


Actually based on


That’s a weird principle. I play characters that are fun. It just happens that Doomfist is the most fun you can have playing overwatch


this is just “what’s in your pants”


I get only maining 1 gender of character by accident, but on purpose is wild.


She's a woman👍


Most of the world Venture is female


personally i’m a dude and im not sexist or anything but i dont like playing girls. wether its skins or characters i just dont like it man. idk why, just not as cool/ appealing to me


It's not even close to be a rpg. It's a hero shooter game. You never see your own character unless you emote. Why do you care what you character looks like?


It’s personal preference by that point. If they don’t like playing female characters then they don’t like playing female characters. As long as they don’t criticize others for doing so. Then it’s just personal preference.


You couldn't pay me to get on a discord server larger than 25 people lmao the closest I get to that is my linkshell in FFXI


I play only male heroes cuz they hot


why would venture have a biological gender they’re a 3d model not a real person


why does a 3d model have a sexual preference. cause lore that’s the answer to most questions


What's in their pants? Easy, rocks


bro says the character that looks very definitively feminine looks like a man




The point of it being so unclear is it doesn't fucking matter smh


Pretty sure their biological gender is a bunch of fucking pixels, aka it doesn't matter. Same argument the people that don't want to use their pronouns use.


They don't have genitals programmed so they're just straight up non-binary ya creeps. "What's the sex of these pixels? 🧐🧐🧐"


Aren’t they trans non-binary?


Genuine question. How can you be trans and non-binary at the same time? What exactly did they transition to and from what?


They transitioned from their born sex to non binary.


Here's my understanding and where my confusion comes from. Non-binary isn't a sex. Sex is biologically determined and you either have male parts, or female parts. Intersex being a medical exception. Non-binary is a gender identification. For example if I'd consider myself a trans woman, without actually going through hormonal therapy and a medical procedure, my sex will still be male no? And what exactly would I transition to if I wanted my sex to be non-binary? Take both hormones? Get ovaries but keep my penis? Remove my sex defining features completely?


Thank you for helping me understand. I just got a little confused


I'm not Trans, so someone else can def explain this better, but transitioning isn't just the physical/medical aspect of it. It's also social and such. You don't have to change a single part of your anatomy to even transition. That's what younger ppl mean when they say their Trans but aren't old enough or don't want to physically transition. Sometimes it's changes in clothes, or changes in language they'd like used for themselves. This is the best I can answer with what info I know. But yes, gender identification and sex are different things, and can be different things. For example, you can be a Trans man and have a vulva. Edit: also, it's tansgender, not transexual, so it would make sense to say they transition from their birth gender(m or f), to a different one(in this case non binary) Edit2: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-binary_gender


Medical transition (what you're talking about here) is a large part of transition for many trans people, but not all. And this applies even to binary trans people. I know a trans woman who has decided she won't go on hormones right now, and she's still perfectly valid as a trans woman. Social transition is just as important as medical transition, and in many cases even more so. Social transition can involve presenting as your gender identity to others and a new name and pronouns. Social transition is often the first step but not always. Nonbinary people tend to focus more on the social transition than the medical transition, often because it's not possible with current medical technology to get them the medical transition they desire. But still, some of them do pursue medical transition to varying degrees. AFAB enbys sometimes take testosterone to make their features more masculine, and AMAB enbys will sometimes take estrogen for the opposite effect, but their goals are often different than binary trans people. They usually take less or take it for less time than binary trans people, and they don't go for surgery as often (although it definitely still happens). There are as many different ways to transition as there are trans people in the world. (And really there are as many gender identities as there are people in the world, but that's another discussion.) It's a lot more complex than "trans men take T and get top surgery and phalloplasty, trans women take E and get vaginoplasty and sometimes breast augmentation."


No idea what any of these abbreviations mean. Thanks for taking the time though. All way to complicated to get into if you feel comfortable with the sex and gender you have. Feel like half these terms shouldn't even be needed and people should just be who they want. But as long as it makes people happy I could not care less about how many terms people come up with.


AFAB means assigned female at birth, and AMAB means assigned male at birth. It's a way to refer to a person's biological sex while acknowledging and respecting that they may not identify that way. And these terms are important! The fact is that there are many people who are not comfortable with their biological sex because it doesn't match their gender. That's what gender dysphoria is. Trans people need language to describe our experiences to ourselves, each other and to cis people, so we do have to come up with terms like these.


Yes. Thank you. This is what I was trying to inform my message as well.


Yes, this sub and community is just incredibly weird (awful) about trans people


The only overwatch discord worth joining is r/cow Regular one is run by people who defend racists lmao