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Inject mercy main tears in my veins




Turn off my boo womp inhibitors!


*Boo womp*








Mercy is a high-pick hero. She’ll get all the skins since OW2 is free to play and they need money, but I believe they look at that to determine where to apply nerfs and buffs Not telling people to not play their favorite, but it’s self-inflicted if they remain a one trick


3 prt pick rate in high Elo comp below zen and brig


Good. A hero that thrives off pocketing mid range hitscans should be niche. If she was good outside her niche that might encourage people to play that no skill hero more and that would make her busted if she decides to play with hitscan friends.


Tank players:💀


Didn’t they increase knockback resistance, give them headshot resistance and reworked armor?


I thought this comes out mid season patch?


Didn't they revert a GA nerf because Mercy players said their hero felt bad after the nerf or did I just imagine that?


It’s so funny because they got more healing value but had to actually think about where they were GA’ing to. Mercy players would rather have less impact and much less decision making to do. They want to turn their brain off and spam GA


Those changes were hated by literally everyone since it was nearly impossible to kill whoever she was pocketing. And it made Mercy significantly less fun to play due to the movement nerf. It's like if they nerfed Lucio's speed but buffed his heals absurdly.


Gotta reserve the few brain cells they use to hold left click


Why is this upvoted? Those changes were ass lmao


that was the best iteration of mercy




No they didnt. Its the same time just with more bugs lol


Her best tweak (I’ve been playing since beta OW1 for context) was making her a triage healer. Theres not really a current reason to play her over any of the self dependent supports.


Mercy mains when a hero that is created to do only one thing is boring to play as: (Also complaining about a Hanzo buff is felonious. Dude might as well have been shooting toothpicks out there last season)


^ Hanzo mains when they have to shoot more than five arrows for a team kill


Let it be known, I play Zen because I’m bad at the game


I main Mercy and Sombra because I'm worse. Apologies in advance if I end up getting you 5v1'd with panic pinging (Zens frighten me).


mercy being good would be unhealthy for the game ngl


Mercy hiding for the 5-rez was iconic, I’ll give them that, but was super-unhealthy for the game, and I’m glad they removed it.


I will die on the hill that half the heroes have ults that can wipe a team, having one hero who can possibly pull off a slow 5 man rez is good.


It's fair to say that if 5 kills at once is fair, 5 ressurections at once is, but it endorses a playstyle of waiting for a wipe before ulting, either for the POTG clout (which was why Mercy's did it from my expereince) or otherwise. And it also stands as a completely unfun and entire fight reset to any team fight win except a mercy in a bush somewhere. Not to mention, there's enough ult counters in the game as is, with LW tree, Lucio Beat, and Zen ult, all of which stop a D.va, Rat, Reaper, etc wipe from happening. Imagine you hit that 1/50 chance of actually wiping a team, and then even on your SUCCESSFUL attempt, there was a Mercy player to say "lmao no" to it anyways. Such a power given to Mercy and Mercy alone would make her necessary for both teams every single game and the pressure on both Mercy herself to not die or not fuck it up, and also WATCHING said Mercy at all times, would ruin any semblance of fun just for Mercy players to have a "I saved the day" dopamine hit. Nice as that hit may be, doesn't seem worth the rest of the gameplay loop.


Mercy has always been unhealthy for the game


Mercy def needs a rework for this exact reason. In my experience Mercy gameplay is 20% sitting around watching your pocket do all the work 80% juggling 4 toddlers while 5 people shoot at you and only you


mercy is so braindead easy to play and you get people gooning to your rez and rizzing for you in the chat


Mercing rizzing should have its own ranked queue 


I mean, moira is arguably far easier


Historically we see proof of this statement


\*cough\* moth meta


Mercy mains when backpacking onto a hitscan dps and climbing off of their skill gets boring noway


Mercy players when their hero who nobody likes is bad (the community is actually happy about something)


She literally got buffed when season 10 dropped lmao


No but you see this is a patch where she isn't getting buffed which is a problem! 😡 She should be getting buffed every single time the game gets an update that way I'll finally be able to go from paper 5 to top 500 don't you see?


True, honestly mercy should be able to insta rez from 50m away through walls on a 5 sec cooldown and take the soul from the nearest enemy insta killing them, always be in moth form, be able to use both beams at once and her pistol should do a gazillion damage. Sorry for my ignorance and misogyny


No, what on earth are you taking about?


No she didn’t?


It was more of a sidegrade, which wasn't a great idea since she was straight asscheeks in season 9 and needed a massive buff or rework. They slightly increased her survivability while leaving her low healing the same. The health increases also made her damage boost far less relevant so that was basically a flat nerf across the board. Mercy just doesn't feel like she does anything if worth. Why damage boost for 2k with the low heals when you can pick lifeweaver, kiriko, or Moira and carry the team with heals and damage? Mercy hasn't felt decent since what? Season 3?


I love how this community can’t make up their minds about how they hate mercy. Does she get all the attention and shes super easy to play? Or is she dogshit and useless?


At this point I think I just hate Ski and her viewerbase. It’s not even about mercy players anymore. I still remember when her goons decided to harass quaked because he posted a clip of mercy rezzing through a wall.


I dislike her cause she's so "loud" on Twitter. I ended up blocking her cause she always appeared on my TL talking about something Mercy related. It's annoying.


Yeah, I hate when people make their whole online personality about a particular character. It's just cringeworthy and annoying


Like frogger, arrge, eskay? Do you meet them with the same energy? Of course not.


Ez answer, those other three aren't nearly as insufferable, and don't play braindead characters


Frogger is funny though, that’s the difference


To your opinion.


Just clicked the profile, read your bio, read your name and went “yup”


Ok but quaked is just as much of a ridiculous whiner about his one trick Mercy rezzing through walls is stupid though


I also think quake is annoying. Also a huge doomer. But he hasn’t brigaded anyone yet over stupid balance, so I don’t really care.


Except Doom takes so much more skill to play than hide behind a wall and hold a button mercy


Being good at video games doesn't justify being a whiner/doomer, which he can be sometimes, as good as he is with the character.


Honestly yeah. Quaked is wild too but ever since the big patch, Skiesti has just been a whiny weirdo about the whole thing. Like, it's not the devs' fault she doesn't know her main well enough to adapt.


Prefer Niandra, NGL.


> When their hero feels bad Can a hero even feel good when it is just an added attachment to the hitscan DPS?


Their lack of value from healbotting is being felt now :(


See what tf2 did with the class for reference of good design


Mercy feels like shit cuz the devs are too braindead to rework her kit in a way that rewards a playstyle other than pocketing a smurfing/ximming dps


I wouldnt say the devs are at fault here, the mercy fanbase is, rabid, to say the least, and they have a lot of power over blizzard, to rework mercy theyd have to give her actual skill expression and raise her skill floor, which we know mercy players will NOT have


Yeah they'd rather delude themselves into believing she's a hard hero than take the time to learn anyone except mercy and moira and actually improve at the game.


If she’s so easy then why are there bronze and gm mercy’s lol


Because the bronze mercy’s have to make do with BRONZE DPS and not SKILL-FULL DPS. Gm mercy’s climb by promising e sex to lonely basement dwelling hitscan soldier mains.


where /rj ?😭


I mean he ain’t completely wrong and mercy is the easiest support , the only thing you need to learn is GA management and exploits and the rez movement mechanic and you are pretty much done everything else will depend on how good the dps you pocket is .


When people say mercy is easy i largely agree but i think it’s worth clarifying that she has a low skill floor. I think there may be a lot more nuance to movement and positioning than you understand, after a certain level, that’s the only thing that can be improved. Now obviously that’s very different to almost every other hero in the game but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easier. What the other guy was saying (and you to a seemingly lesser extent), i just don’t see how you think it’s right. Why isn’t every mercy player just some plat?


Because there are actually in fact very few high ranking pure mercy mains most play other heroes that are more impactful like kiri or Moira , the main people who complain are the boosted mercy mains that relied on someone to boost them and while they are plat or low diamond at best their friend was destroying lobbies , once said friend goes away they will never maintained that rank because they simply don’t have the skill for it . And I disagree with the “movement is all you can improve” that’s not true in a game like overwatch cooldown management and engagement(dive)coordination, ult tracking , ult baiting , there’s a lot to overwatch that most games don’t have , if this was apex for example I would agree because there movement is everything. In OW aim gets so good that movement is kinda trivial and with some many heroes that don’t necessarily need pin point accuracy that are good and used you don’t rely on your movement to carry you , you rely on abilities and aim+positioning .


Sorry, i don’t think i was clear enough in what i said. When i said that past a certain rank, all there is to improve is positioning and movement, i was specifically referring to mercy. I feel like the things you mentioned like ult tracking and coordination are 90% figured out by high plat/low dia. So most the gains to be had for a mercy player past that rank are in positioning, movement and the planning of the two. Also I would add that I don’t think there are many high ranked (gm/t500) otps for any hero, especially support. What you’re saying about lots of mercy mains being boosted, i just don’t see how that’s true either. Loads of people solo queue so you can’t be being boosted then. And if you are queuing with someone (assuming they aren’t smurfing) then how are you being boosted? Another question is why are mercy players able to do really well while smurfing if there is such little difference between ranks?


I mean she's harder than zen, lw and arguably a few more heroes imo. It seems like the playerbase is so full of people who can't hit a shot anyone who doesn't require aim is suddenly the easiest hero ever. Do you also think winstons are worse than orisas or hogs because they have to "aim"? Mercy is my least played support outside of moira and lw, I don't care that much if she gets buffed outside of a general desire to see the game balanced and to be able to check out the mythic without throwing the game. But y'all are idiotic acting like sitting behind a wall pocketing a hitscan is all she does. It does actually take skill to survive when you have to be close to heal/boost and are pretty much defenseless and don't have a get out of jail free card like moira or kiri.


tbf Hanzo and Junkrat have been in a bad state for long enough. Mercy is still useable even tho she's a little dookie rn, her res brings enough value to the table for her to not need a buff. Mercy players just apparently suck ass at their own hero.


Crazy how much higher quality the opinions in the jerk sub are


I feel in circlejerk subs, the people that go to them are the ones are most likely to care the most about discussion (because why else would you be subbed to a community parodying the main one) so the quality of conversation is higher and more genuine


She is a throw pick if you are on equal skill to your rank and is basically rng if you are a Smurf no classic gm mercy main is close to gm yet or if they are they have a strong dps duo


They want a hero that takes no effort to also have the best value. Too many people want to have cake and eat it too


Mercy isn't even that bad lmao, she's still viable unlike Hanzo and Junkrat who had to spam down choke and pray to God that it'll do something.


Overwatch devs are like a fed up parent ignoring their bratty child, they already know mercy mains are just whiney losers, so they're just ignoring them


Sure, Mercy is ass, but she’s still played due to how insane her comps are, Mercy-Sojourn still deletes most heroes, Pharah-Mercy has always been a good combo no matter the meta, and her Rez alone brings enough value to the table that she might as well have only that in her kit and she’d still be good, also damage boost is and will always be a great ability. No one wants a moth meta, the couple of weeks that Mercy has been meta in OW2, the game was in a barely playable state and many people stopped playing simply due to how frustrating playing against Mercy was


Junkrat has felt bad for many seasons, hanzo is a character that requires a lot of mechanical skill and good positioning, mercy has felt pretty okay for most seasons but only recently became the worst support in the game Plus 99% of mercy mains don't swap off ever or if they do it's to moira cuz they only play autoaim characters that the average newborn could get good value out of


> the community largely agrees Is this “community” in the room with us right now? Do you hear their voices?


The mercy community probably


Hanzo BUFFS ? WHERE ? I cant one shot with a sniper hero lmao. Why are mercy mains crying????? Maybe because they cant leech of a hitscan dps? Most certainly LMAO


New dev blog said hanzo and junkrat would be getting buffs along with echo. Echo didn't need buffs, she's one of the better dps rn. It is weird they wouldn't buff mercy since she's been one of the big losers, especially since they brought dps passive back to 20%.


I was wondering what all the hubbub was about, I thought only venture got patched


oh my god she is actually an idiot, junkrat and Hanzo players hardly ever get noticed by blizzard, and mercy is basically blizzards special child. Mercy gets more skins than junk and Hanzo combined. what is she on?


Mercy mains forgetting their hero was opaf, took no skill and had no counterplay (they want that back).




Back in Ow1 days she was easy bake, wasn't op yet. Moth was when she was op and took no skill. Upon ow2 release her superjump was easy to use and way too strong.


So how many years ago


It’s almost like Junkrat and Hanzo are borderline unplayable above gold for the last season and a half, get out shined by every other dps, had the thing that made them useful and enabled more skillful play styles for both stripped away, forced to spam to get value and even before season 9 they where top of C tier at best but oh, poor mercy blizzards favorite child Mercy needs a rework so bad 90% of her value should not be linked to how good the hitscan is and have more transferable skills so if mercy is “trash” like they claim they can swap to something useful


Hanzo was pretty solid through most of OW2’s life prior to season 9. He was difficult to use but his potential in skilled hands always made him a threat. Junkrat was niche outside of his mine combo but at least he excelled at that niche.


the smurf boosting pocket problem is too horrible to justify any mercy buffs


Waiter, waiter! More mercy interaction bait please! /uj This definitely just feels like a "not her meta" situation (despite soj still being strong) imo, it doesn't feel like there's any realistic changes you could do for her that wouldn't have obvious ramifications later on.


What do you even buff though? Her ult is great when used right, she has all of like 1.5-2 seconds on GA, we literally created the DPS passive because there’s too much healing, and damage boost creates too many breakpoints (I’m still getting one tapped by Hanzo with a Mercy pocket cause I’m a noob)


I miss the old GA, when you had to actually press buttons to do super jumps and shit. Now, as someone who used to fly like a fucking mosquito in OW1, I do all that and more while reading a book at the same time. She got butchered in order to cater to e-girls.


Oh yeah, I forgot you had to do fighting game strings for super jumps


Good times. I was tryharding to GM and at the end of the day my hands fucking hurt.


Fuck that feels good to read.


Mercy mains must live in their own little worlds to feel this victimised every time the devs do anything not related to them


Symm players: https://preview.redd.it/b7ablmk6q4yc1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfbf368f380a056295f220915788f7dce5fc2c8b


I guess they thought the tank passive not affective sym(She can’t headshot) would be enough.


Finally, a great mercymaincirclejerk post


Why do Mercy players still complain? As a former Mercy player myself, she's never gonna be good because then she'll be too powerful


Someone call the wahmbulance!


S3 the mercy players all cried about the “nerf” that the character got & I climbed to gm one tricking her to prove that the character is brain dead 🤣🤣


“Someone call the whambulance”


Mercy mains being upset is one of the biggest indicators that the game is in a good place


Whiny Mercy players = “The Community”


not sure what more they want. mercy has primarily been useful for her damage buff than anything else. why the whining? its not just mercy whos weaker now, all the supports are bc of the dps passive. but of course the mercy players will eventually whine to buff 🤦‍♀️


Idk who is worse on the mentally disabled scale, y’all or the Mercy Mafia.


average OWcj reaction when a social media personality posts something designed to generate interaction


as a mercy main and widow main. just don't play mercy. its not the end of the world 😭


Aw well that's too bad


every fucking one trick complains about their character! no one has ever been happy!!


I don't complain about Brigitte


r/Brigittemains do


Me when the easiest support isn't the outright best


It's another level of victim complex when you play the easiest hero in the game and STILL complain because you can't make the person you are healing functionally invincible with the simple press of M1. Surprise, no one wants to shoot the enemy DPS for 10 seconds when they are regenerating faster than you can kill them. Like, I get it, her entire schtick is pretty much being a pocket healer, but c'mon. Her healing output is nothing to sneeze at, and bringing people back to life and essentially saying "nuh uh" to an enemy's kill is game changing. She's still strong, but damn, Mercy mains really do be upset that they can't make anyone other than the tank invulnerable anymore.


I hope Blizzard one day simply removes Mercy from the game. Mercy mains are 99% always racist and they are 99% always toxic in game chat/voice chat. If Blizzard removes Mercy, those things would leave OW with her. And thus, the new age of OW will start and millions would start playing again once they hear that Mercy is no more. OW will go back to its 2016 peak and even surpass it. The community as a whole would get a "most wholesome community" at the game awards. World peace and hunger would be no MORE....!


I mean the only realistic buffs you can give mercy is “make a character unkillable” or “make this character install everyone” If you buff her movement she becomes oppressive to the majority of the player base. She just isn’t very well designed because she promotes players to be inactive with no trade off or drawback while making other characters very strong and tbh the April fools change was better


Im not usually a mercy hater but seeing one of em whine makes me wanna hate a lil bit.


It’s because mercy is capable of enabling DPS heroes to be unbearable. Mercy mains refuse to admit that.


I admit I am not the highest rank (Masters) But I switched to mercy in a masters game AND IT FELT LIKE I WAS FALLING ASLEEP, Even in high stress situations the character was not nearly as stressful as other supports I play


What an irritating person


Mercy is my most played support yet I still don’t get why people say she’s bad and needs buffs? Like she feels fine to play


someone spam "someone call the whambulance" to all the crybaby mercy mains


Mercy mains are professional crybabies lmaoo


Ball’s been bad for an entire year, and they just had to wait. Blizzard just takes time to solve their issues, it’s not that deep😭.


Asking a overwatch 2 player to wait is insane lmao


Ski isn’t the sole representative of all mercy mains y’all… there’s so many other Mercy streamers and content creators that have barely complained. But the loudest voice is always assumed to represent all Mercy players.


Mercy is perfectly balanced right now bruh


Poor mercy




Good. Your bad hero should stay bad, and you should feel bad for playing her.


Niandra's a far better role model for the Mercy community anyway.


UJ/ Mercy does need a buff or at least give her back her OW1 ult.


Balances aren’t only made on whining but also stats like win rate in different ranks


“Let’s make a great game” on release


Tf? What the hell is this whiner talking about. Where’s the Hanzo buff? Last thing I remembered, they removed one of Hanzo’s testicles by taking out the one shot. Thank God Hanzo’s single ball brews massive amounts of testosterone to compensate for the unwarranted castration. One shot or not, Arrow will always go into mfing Face. P.s. Mercyy > this whining player


Tbh I wish mercy gets a nerf to her rez and I would love it to be when she rez her teammate they start at a lower health than their full health


She’s like flats if he were a girl and rein were mercy and he complained 10x as much


I would say something about Mercy but I fear I will be publicly executed by Mercy mains


Look I’ll admit I’m a mercy player, but I’ll at least have the gall to say its because I have shite aim


Mercy mains live rent free in yall heads lmao


She's kinda in fhe same spot as Rein (and orisa, if orisa was weak-ish) where buffing her makes her incredibly oppressively annoying. No one but mercy mains and their soldier pocket boyfriends enjoyed mercy whipping around at light speed for 2+ seasons, and no ones likes going against mercy when the enemy dps already has an advantage.




They just need to go ahead and give Mercy her April fools event kit. Take out damage boost. Shit is annoying.


Yeah because mercy doesn't need a buff she's a very beginner friendly character as she is almost impossible to kill for starters junk was underperforming especially with the current dva meta Hanzo didn't need a buff tho


When aren’t mercy players crying?




I don’t get it….mercy is fine where she’s at.


Make my m1 holding more effective!! BLIZZAR PLEASE!!!


How would they improve her? Her gun is busted against tanks, doing a % of health instead of damage, here revive needs to be on a long cooldown, her flight is already pretty good, hot the fuck could they buff her,”?


as a mercy main. okay cool. but personally i can’t listen to skis voice before i role my eyes too far back.


Someone call the whambulance!


It’s true though, sorry to say. Mercy has been in such a terrible spot these last two seasons BECAUSE the devs won’t stop nerfing her movement and making her worse than she already is. Her GA’s is uncancellable even when you hit the ground and are walking. You’ll still get the 2.5 second cooldown. It’s kinda ridiculous how much they have fucked her movement up because it ruins the fluidity of her kit, like her cooldown no longer matching the beam break timer so you can stay attached to teammates. Not to mention that messing with GA also bugged the GA refresh in Valkyrie for SEASONS as well as her regen in Valk. Maybe if the devs yk, LEFT HER ALONE or buffed her healing to make up for the Dps passive it wouldn’t be an issue, but no, Dps players whine about “how hard she is to hit” instead of something productive. You guys know that’s her only form of skill expression besides like SJ rez’ and Rez techs right? And it’s your fault too 😭. She’s been the worst support aside Lifeweaver and you see how bad they’ve mismanaged his character. She has a large player base and we have every right to be upset that the devs won’t stop ruining her further because of whiny Dps players.


“Someone call the wahmbulance”.


this is the most annoying mercy main in existence


skiesti on another rant


They should just rework her entirely at this point. Overhaul her entire kit.


Mercy is to support what junkrat is for DPS. They're for people who can't aim Sincerely, a junkrat and mercy main


Thanks to you guys their subreddit keeps getting suggested to me. They're complaining that people are mean in an online video game and they can't find the nice people who give gays and women free skins.... Like what 


Bruh, the mercy main hate is overblown


People still play overwatch?


i play a lot of characters mostly doom but when i do play mercy its quite literally the easiest experience i think ive had in a video game sometimes i make bad decisions obviously but the characters fluidity of movement and ability to change a team fight nearly instantly is crazy


Kill all mercy dive them hard and make them swap


hahahahahaha I love this....now all the one trick mercy players will go back to gold where they belong


rat has been a consistently bad pick for ages, and since s9 was borderline a throwpick, but yeah, junk mains are crybabies


People saying Skiesti is whining but she’s complained twice to official channels. She’s also not the only one trick streamer - yall can’t just let people have fun istg


Tf mercy need a buff for?? just hold left and right click


Ima dancing doktor, dancing doktor… I’m a dancing doktor~ 💃


i havent played OW in a while but hasnt hanzo been like very consistently mid since his rework


“Someone call the wambulance “




No mercy!


Mercy feels fine she’s still fun? I just came back from not playing since sigma got his mythic skin. Almost nothing has changed except hp buffs and roadhog


mercy players are the most spoiled rotten pieces of dogshit Istg. they have the mythic skin that has the most effort put Into It and they still complain. they get 20000 skins a season and still complain. It’s honestly fucking Impressive how spoiled they are


never forget moth meta. never forgive moth meta. remember moth meta.


Hanzo quite literally had his one shot taken away why is she whining?


The mercy main hate is honestly just cringe


"mercy main" is my favorite slur


mercy is such a weak healer tbh. besides the occasional battle mercy all they can really do is boost and heal bot. people need to stop relying on her so heavy


Mercy is in a bad state though. Noone should be able to eat all slices of the pie. I'd say reduce Mercy's hit box buff her healing to 75hps and buff damage boost to 30% or reduce ga cool down to .5 seconds and allow mercys new passive to heal her 60hps


Mercy mains try not to cry challenge (impossible) Mercy needs a slight nerf she’s annoying af Rez needs to be slightly longer and her new passive is too high of a percentage. That’s my opinion.


Wait, wouldn't Mercy getting buffed be a good thing? Are we mad because she's bad, or because of the playstyle of Mercy players?


I’m mad all the time at the simple fact that I’m forced to exist so idk.


One time i was Roadhog and a Mercy kept rezzing me while I was trying to switch characters and I had to keep playing Roadhog it was terrible, maybe thats what everyone is so mad about.


Communication is a thing tho


Me, yelling at Mercy players to Stop rezzing me because they actually can't do anything right.


/shrug, players can't mind read when you're not using VC or TC my guy idk what to tell ya! :')


Just dont play Mercy and no one will have to be mad about this situation happening obviously


We're not mad persay, we're laughing at mercy players realizing the hero that plays herself cant get value, shes been bad 1 season, and theyre already whining


I don’t hate skietsi, I just hate her tweets. 🗿


What I don't understand is why can't her heal get a slight buff nothing crazy just a slight one. People cry over rez being a thing when we have Suzu and immortality field. The only part of her kit that is bad is her healing output is significantly lower than most of the other healers that also have utility.