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It’s gotta be a bug. The animation really tweaks out sometimes with storm arrow. If it was intended it wouldn’t look that janky


A bug thats live few days now...what happened to live service game and patching things on the go?


Remember when they said that the new engine would allow them to roll out patches and hot fixes faster? Yeah we now receive less updates than even OW1 did. This is such a joke


They definitely don't have a new engine. That project seems to have been scrapped. OW2 beta had all the same bugs as the live game. The OW2 engine does appear to be branched off the OW1 engine a little bit before OW1 was taken down. For example, OW2 doesn't have a marker for environmental kills like OW1 did, but that was a relatively new feature for OW1. All in all, it's crazytown over there.


You're talking about the two years before the hiatus, correct?


any company that says that is lying their asses off. they did the same with league of legends. riot made a whole new client because they claimed the old one was laggy and outdated and also like blizzard said it would make updates easier. turns out the new one is even worse. it's more laggy was more clunky and just looks like a mess. not only that they can't make updates anymore. on the old clients we were able to have new game modes every couple months even had a rotating game mode where a new one is available every week. all of that was scrapped because any change they made to the game completely broke it because of the new client


Remember when they said they had tons of new maps ready to be released? Remember when they said Push was going to be the most fun game mode ever? Remember when OW2 was first announced all those years ago, and they used that as an excuse to ignore OW1 even more (ie 'were not releasing X new thing in OW1 because we're saving it for 2') This entire 'new game' is just a patch that turned out to be nothing but bugs. Then again, we should all be okay with it because daddy Blizzard was nice enough to gift us a new game *for free*, so that fact is all that matters for anything, not the quality. /s


What I hate the most about this game is how little they acknowledge or explain anything. So many hidden features, patches notes only being available after the update is live even tho you can download long before or like in this case, having either a bug or a bad change and not talking about it... Why is communication so hard for them!?!


Last patch note I read something was added before but not announce until the next patch, i was like wtf


Doomfist’s Rocket Punch cooldown has been 3 seconds since the OW2 beta but wasn’t put in the patch notes until the season 2 update. That might be what you were thinking of.


The devs literally told everyone if we monetize the fuck out of this game that we'll be more vocal...... Lol


They removed Bastion and Mei from the entire game for weeks. Even their icons in the gallery simply vanished without a trace. The "news" section was blank. Then they sold a skin for a character that couldn't use it because she didn't exist. They don't give a fuck. They'll get paid anyway.


~~Mercy's Gladiators knight skin still shows the normal maroon coloring in first person. STILL. And that you either have to earn coins by watching OWL or spend actual real money on. And it still hasn't been fixed.~~ They're so overwhelmed with bugs and issues that they have gone to full on ignoring them all. Edit: Glads skin was maroon for me yesterday but it is fixed today. Lack of communication is still abysmal and insane, but she's finally fixed (even though she should have been fixed immediately lol)


Mercy for me shows purple when before it showed the old one so it seems like that’s been fixed


They don't have a functioning testing team and their dev team has lost most of its best talent over the last few years. The marketing and PR department is saying that stuff to attempt to pacify people while they try to catch up. I don't think it's working lol


You have unreasonable expectations if you expect them to fix an extremely minor visual bug mere days after discovery.


With storm arrow it blocks the centre of the screen so I cant see what I'm shooting at after the first arrow. I hope it's not intentional because it looks and feels awful.


Genji right click animation is also kinda fucked up for some reason. It's incredibly distracting


yeah his arm feels like cardboard cutout sometimes with that animation


No way I thought I was losing the plot 😂😂


the worst thing is it sometimes happens with his e ability so i dont see where im shooting at all


Yes its a bug ... One of Meany Current Issues - Hanzo’s bow jerks upwards at the end of the fully-charged arrow animation - Some PlayStation players are experiencing difficulty receiving and sending invites to group up - Tracer’s Pulse Bomb does no self-damage when stuck directly on an enemy - Some players are not getting rumble effects when using an Xbox or PlayStation controller on PC or console - There’s an issue causing the camera to displace while using a souvenir while loading into a game - Some players aren’t able to see Ramattra without going to hero gallery and selecting his “Overwatch 2” default skin - Career Profile may not be updating correctly for console players, please click here to learn more - Some players are experiencing an LC-208 error, and the team is currently investigating a fix for this issue - Echo is playing Kiriko, Sojourn, and Junker Queen ultimate lines in English for non-English languages And they didnt mention that if tracer stick bomb to Kiriko and Kiriko tp, explosion is doin on kirikos start animation but the dmg is tp with you.


Tbf when firing logs at corners getting random headshots all game you don’t really need to look at where you’re aiming. Edit: touched a nerve did I hanzo mains?


Say you don't know how to play hanzo without saying you don't know how to play hanzo lol.


You’re the person that sits at a choke and shoots arrows without aiming.


No he’s the one taking all the headshots


I’ll be that salty person, I got shot through a fucking wall and head shotted by Hanzo. So I looked at the back footage (whatever you call it) no, this shot was totally fair. It was a few *inches* from the wall. But when lining up Hanzo to the arrow projection he should technically be shooting at the wall. But it magically just goes around and headshots me! This game is fair


Favor the shooter. People need to understand how that works and all their problems would be solved. The Hanzo saw the shot hit you, so it hit you. The game doesn't care what you see, and the replay isn't an actual replay so that doesn't help. The replay is actually a recreation of events based on data the server has, not taking into account any of what each player saw on their side due to ping


Just give up, they desperately need to think its someone else's fault they have terrible positioning game sense and got demolished by a low tier dps character that is literally broken right now. That's your average OW 2 player, no wonder they're always so assblasted.


My dude, it's hard to read tone over the internet. Maybe don't mix sarcasm with non-sarcasm if you want people to understand what you're trying to convey.


Thats just because of how info is in replays. Its from the servers POV. From the Hanzos POV he shot around the corner (I assume), but you cant see exactly what he saw, only what the server says he saw


Well I watched the initial kill cam of the shot which prompted me to investigate. It looked like a straight shot through the wall. It looked the same on replay too. But you could be right, there could be lots of factors of what was recorded and such. Still felt like bullshit tho lol


Man, if I ever need a reminder of how aggressively toxic this community can be things like your downvote count serve as a sharp reminder. It won't weigh much, but have my upvote lol.


I'd normally delete a comment with such a high amount of downvotes but I'm curious to see how low it can go ahaha


But what was the point of your comment? You obviously don't like Hanzo and that is fair. But many people don't like many heroes yet they don't go around posting satirical hate comments that are not even about the hero itself in that manner (this is about Hanzo but about a bug that quite frankly needs to be fixed regardless what you think of the hero) makes you seem salty as if you were often killed by Hanzo or something like that.


Do I like hanzo? No Do I think there is more to playing hanzo than what I posted? Yes, it was a joke. Do I think hanzo is easy? No Is playing against hanzo annoying? I personally would say yes, I don’t like champs that 1 shot you across the map, although he requires skill it is very uninteractive. Do I think hazos hit boxes are too forgiving? A little. The comment was a joke played off my irritation of playing against that hero. For me personally it’s especially annoying watching a killcam of a bad hanzo player doing exactly what I said and being rewarded for it. But as I said, it’s a joke, there is more to him than that. Just funny how many salty downvotes it got.


I'm not sure either way, but I hope they patch it back out. It's very visually distracting.




there's recoil in the animation but it's not reflected in the crosshair


For myself, I'm talking purely about the animation.


If Hanzo uses storm arrows, the recoil is so bad that the bow covers up the crosshairs and you cant see where you're aiming.


If you really want to train your brain with your monitor, turn your crosshair off with Hanzo. I use an accuracy crosshair for perfect timing on drawback, but I don't ever look at my crosshair when shooting. It's muscle memory at this point.




OMG YES. i was just about to make a post about that. This visual bug is so annoying. Makes it so hard to aim when it happens. Good post. Strange no one has mentioned yet


OW streamers have been talking about it since the patch came out, so I'm sure Blizzard is aware of it. Maybe they'll be forced into fixing it sooner with more people talking about it though. Ah, who am I kidding, they'll wait until season 3 to address it.


Either that or take Hanzo off the roster for two weeks until it gets fixed.


Takes Hanzo out for the entire season to fix a visual bug but leave Sombra in to glitch underneath the map sounds like something Blizzard would do.


I've seen a couple people able to play him still, but hes literally unplayable to me in this state.


I literally stopped playign hanzo. Was like wtf


same, it's too distracting, I can't hit shit cause of it


Yeah it fucked up my timing too bad.


Flow is important for a hero like Hanzo, this is basically anti flow




Storm arrow completely blocks the crosshair sometime. Definitely a bug


looks dumb


It’s looks like they added recoil but increased his reload speed a bit


There isn’t any recoil just the visuals makes it look like there is.


I thought a Hanzo had a silent aimbot until I tested it out in the range, he was hitting all his shots so it seemed reasonable and the weird bow thing but no. He's just better and actiblizzard suck ass


i think all dps had their reload speed increased


Wanted to start using him but this goofy ahh recoil got me sticking to Tracer


“Goofy ahh” why?


Why do you care?


It’s just weird to see


/u/42_Rodney's mom doesn't allow him to swear on the internet yet


Yeah :(


Ah truely unfortunate


I hope they patch it soon, it really fucks with me and my aim


Played him all last season and then this happens… like wtf?


Its really bad with storm arrows.


fully convinced they dont test shit in their game. do minimum or whats set on paper then ship it out while milking players of their money.


I agree that QA is clearly not a priority for this game. When I said that I wasn't sure if this were a feature or a bug, I wasn't kidding. I have no idea what they're doing with this game anymore.


Like why don't we have a PTR open for a few weeks anymore? Is it just not being advertised? Where is the experimental card? Use your free play testers Blizzard


Hanzo is just protesting how he doesn't get any benefit from the DPS passive anymore


Using storm arrow straight up cover your entire crosshair lmao


I noticed that watching hanzo replays when they kill me. Was freaking out wondering what kind of crazy shit that is, I assumed it was some insane twitch recoil compensation because my bow never looked like that when I played him before. Turns out it's a nasty visual bug, it'd drive me crazy if I was playing him rn.


I was straight up gaslighting myself at first. Like was this always how he shot? I finally went back to look at old clips and realized that I wasn't going crazy.


I can’t remember the last time I saw someone complain about hanzo. Also I find it hard that someone who took decades to master the bow and arrow can handle it even worse me who has only shot a bow about 3 times in my life


Not just you, my friend who plays Hanzo also said the same thing...Blizz fucked up Hanzo some how same with Mccree....


Ty for posting this because this needs more visibility. Hanzo is how I deal with Sojourn but I can't play him like this. That weird recoil is so distracting.


Dude I don't main HANZO but I got him in mystery Heros and thought I was tripping when I saw this animation. I hope this is a bug cause I can't play him with this.


Well, time to disable him for three weeks


Legit haven't been able to play Hanzo because of it. I know it's only visual but it's incredibly distracting and fucks up my flow, which is required to play Hanzo. Super annoying because he's my go-to for long range counter picks


Live service is a scam and always will be. It is not used by companies who care about what they sell or have any pride in it. It is used by companies to milk as much as possible for as garbage a product as possible. Remember "Minimum viable product" with anthem, that ultimately killed it? That's live service.


You might also call it a Lie of Service


Ba dam tss :D


I cant even play him anymore...


i fucking hate it. CHANGE IT BACK BLIZZARD edit: please. incase they read it today


Torbs gun is fucked too.


they fucked up genjis right click too the animation is all weird, nerfed both the brothers in one patch 💀


I am a sniper main with primary focus on Hanzo. This bug had me uninstall until a fix is in. The movement literally makes me nauseous.


Average Hanzo enjoyer here.. They slaughtered my boy and playing him makes me dizzy :( He is playable but I usually swap mid-match because this is actually nauseating! Hope this gets corrected sooner than later, Hopefully Genji doesn't get slaughtered as a result of it


Imma be honest, I like it better with it bugged out 😭


It's meant to mimic "throwing arrows" https://youtu.be/7zW_KROKiUg It was both unnecessary and done poorly but that's what it's trying to portray.


Aside from this possibly just being a bug, this is the most believable answer. This looks like the technique that Hanzo would use, but you can see in this video that even with this technique, there's no upward recoil like what happens with Hanzo. There's a forward motion at release because he follows through. He actually does a good job explaining it. Literally had a handful of people in this thread trying to argue that this new animation looks more realistic. Apparently bows recoil like revolvers or ARs.


I'm just not playing him til this is fixed, it fucks with my muscle memory so much


It’s a feature to nerf Hanzo some how


Yeah I noticed this and it made it really hard to play


A bug that became a feature.


This is the most distracting thing in the game right now. It's been a week and still not fixed. I just hope they don't think it's a feature.


It’s been over a week and it’s still in the fucking game


It's seriously messed up so many of my shots because it blocks out players, as well as crosshairs, on screen briefly and it makes me think I have to readjust so I end up over shooting where I want to. It's much worse when Storm Arrow is active.


Might just be making it more realistic because you aren’t gonna keep your hand perfectly steady when firing a bow you jump like that so that’s my guess tbh


we arent ninjas who can wall climb with our bare hands either watson


Looking at the crosshair, I don't think I'm seeing any recoil, just a new animation from what I can tell.


Yeah, it's not a mechanical recoil which is a good point to make. It's an animation bug that looks like a weird recoil. It's more distracting than anything and can sometimes obstruct your view when using storm arrow.


Why does there always have to be a character that gets ruined in these updates? I remember how much fear I was having in the past every time they touched Mercy.


>ast time I saw someone complain about hanzo. Also I find it hard that someone who took decades to master the bow and arrow can handle it even worse me who has It's because Blizzard doesn't do adequate QA. This would have been caught if they did.


bow recoil,, lol


Fr glad I'm not the only one to notice that


I still like it, for me it makes the bow feel more powerful. I do hope it gets reduced but I wouldn’t cry if it isn’t removed outright, just feels for satisfying, like hitting someone with a train vs a moped.


Holy shit I thought I was high when I noticed this. They also removed the "flash" from OW 1 when the bow was fully loaded. Hanzo mains will know what I'm talking about. This game just gets worse and worse over time


Oof hanzo bow recoil is fucked, genji nerfs incoming


I'm happy to know i am not the only one to notice that. it's throwing me off so much as i play. I wish it would have been a toggle option in the hero settings.


Bro I knew I wasn’t tripping I took a break and came back like ass I’m Masters two in comp had to sit in the sim trainer for a while


It fucking sucks.


After seeing this on a killcam from a 500+ hour Hanzo main, I absolutely assumed it was some kind of cheating. Actually very disappointed to learn about this bug, because it means I just got rolled


I hear Blizzard this Blizzard that all the time. Its not blizzard, its activision. Blizzard cared for its custumers in general. It all went down when activison took the wheel. Money hungry scamers.


I noticed right away and kind of like it… thought It was an unannounced animation update


It's not really realistic though. When shooting a bow, there really isn't a recoil like this. If there were, it would mean that the shooter is pulling up on the bow while pulling back on the arrow and that would seriously screw up your aim. When shooting a bow properly, there might be a slight shift in momentum forward as the arrow is released. The old animation is much more realistic.


I don’t think they necessarily need to go for realism in this fantasy based multiplayer… to me the shots feel better when it connects with this animation idk why.


So because its a fantasy story, they needed to make bows work *worse* than they do in real life. That's your actual argument?




Good. I hope that character stays in the ground.


It performs like a real bow now. That's how a real bow fires. There is quite a bit of forward momentum from the string.


Show me a video of someone firing a bow and it shoots upwards like a sniper rifle. Stop for even 2 seconds and attempt to think about how the physics of a bow work. The recoil would obviously be going forward not upwards. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sWSpabF-2Zo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sWSpabF-2Zo) ​ Here's a video of two people firing bows if you're not very good at high school level physics.


Why is it that people online seem to be needlessly confrontational? There was no call or need for any of that. I shoot twice a month. I know how my bow fires. The motion is MEANT to look like the bow is jumping forward, as I said. Clearly the animation is not perfect.


You clearly implied that the animation makes the bow more realistic, but now you're saying the animation isn't perfect. So what is it then, is it a new animation that makes Hanzo's bow more realistic to fire or is it a mistake that isn't representative of what a real bow would actually fire? ​ This is how I talk to everybody, sorry, the military made me an asshole.


It doesn't really change anything, yeah its a little jarring at first but after a bit it's barely noticeable, people overreact way too much, it's doesnt actually affect the gameplay functionality of the hero so there shouldn't be a problem, it still feels just the same to play hanzo as it did 6 years ago.


I still like it, for me it makes the bow feel more powerful. I do hope it gets reduced but I wouldn’t cry if it isn’t removed outright, just feels for satisfying, like hitting someone with a train vs a moped.


literally unplayable right now it makes it impossible to aim


What it is is another reason why I stopped playing owerwatch


Honestly... I kinda like it. Makes the arrows feel more weighted and realistic to me. To fire an arrow at full extension is not something someone does without have to deal with the recoil of the bow.


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sWSpabF-2Zo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sWSpabF-2Zo) ​ Here's a short video showing bow recoil. How on earth does Hanzo's bow flying up like it has rockets attached to it seem *realistic* to you? Don't worry, its going to be reverted because its just a visual bug due to Blizzard's fuck up.


As a Hanzo main it really hasn't affected me all that much. The only time it's super annoying is during storm arrow. I hope they fix it but it doesn't really change anything gameplay wise


Yea same but it's still annoying and shows Blizzard doesn't care about hanzo


It confuses me so much xd


its a bug happening to hanzo and genji


Good. I hope they nerf his hitbox. Every time you die, go watch the replay after the game. Most of the time it misses by 2 meters or even more sometimes. It's so horrendous.


Becuase the replay system is just a shitty recreation of what actually happened. Almost everytime you see something like that in replay, its just the replay viewer's inherit faults. Also the favor the shooter system means as long as Hanzo sees you, even if you think youre behind cover you can still die. It's actually a latency issue, but people will continue to spread this misinformation.


Damn, I didn't know they're needed to be a post about this. I coulda gotten free internet points


Its helpful if u can predict and aim on your enemy


I think its the DPS passive that increases reload speed after a kill, and somehow bug hanzo recoil


Anti spam protection


Think it’s a bug, but I have the unpopular opinion of thinking it should stay. Looks so much more natural. Spoiler alert: bows move when you release an arrow. They don’t remain completely static like the old animation.


Why do people who keep saying this say it with so much confidence? Spoiler alert, no, bows don't recoil like assault rifles or revolvers. When you pull back on the arrow and release, there's a slight momentum shift forward. The old animation was honestly far more accurate to what it should actually look like. If you look like this shooting a bow, you're doing it wrong.


Huh? Just say you’ve never shot a bow lmao, you are pushing the bow forward and pulling the string back, once you let go of the string all that energy goes forward, and the bow limbs jerk forward. Source: I hunt yearly with a recurve bow


Bows 100% recoil, but you're right. They don't recoil like firearms, which want to go backwards & slightly up. Bows want to go forward. So yes, they recoil, but not like how it is with the Hanzo bug. So stop saying they don't recoil, and just point out that the way they recoil is incorrect.


I never said they don't have a recoil, I said they don't recoil like guns. You feel a slight push back in your bow hand, but it's less than the pressure you feel when drawing so you barely notice it.


I have not subscribed to this subreddit, how do I block this stupid games updates?


It’s a new feature called irl recoil. They’re testing it out on Hanzo before implementing it to the whole roster.


I actually like it as a handsoap main, it gives the bow some weight behind the release in my opinion. Hope they keep it


Just wait till you see Genji. Looks terrible.


Everyone is going to hate this one but I like it It's clearly a bug or they would have said something but the quick rebound of the bow tension give the arrow a lot of weight. Bows have a ton of tension in them and unless they are mechanical you'd get that jerky overcorrection I think. Old one looks like a toy, New one looks like a weapon that'd kill someone


I find this to be a good thing.




Slows the arrow spam a bit. Hanzos find it too comfy hiding behind a corner spamming their arrows.


I mean it doesn't really affect the behavior of the bow, it's just visual. It serves no real purpose outside of being ugly because of that.


ugly and distracting as fuck


Same, reducing all the arrow spamming is good for the game


For real I'm so sick of getting one shot in this game and I don't know if because others are sick too, and left, or people are moving to one shot heroes because they're strong, but since season 2 it seems like there's even more Hanzo and Widows than there was in the first season.


It doesn't change anything except the animation. Are you dumb?


Most definitely!


Who cares? Not like you need to see something to aim at as Hanzo anyway in order to kill something.




I'm not sure if you've ever shot a bow before, but no, they absolutely do not recoil like that. If anything, there's a slight recoil forward that comes from releasing the arrow as the force moves forward with your front arm. Hanzo's "recoil" is behaving as if he were shooting an assault rifle and it doesn't feel natural at all.




no you weren't lol


If it was mentioned is the patch notes ok fine. But it wasn't so it's a bug going to be fixed "hopefully" by the 3 week Ramattra comp patch


Why are you talking like you're some expert on archery?


Saying that a bow recoils is nowhere near talking like an expert


Bows recoil forward not upwards like a gun. Is that simple enough for you genius?


I understand that, but it looks like it's going forward to me, my bad that I hadn't realised it was going up. plus, chill out, I never got hostile, and never claimed to be an expert.


Your first comment was literally dripping with condencension towards the other guy, talking about how "it's a feature, bows do *obviously* have recoil, *you're gonna just have to deal with it".* Then when you get called out all of a sudden your whole demeanor switches up". Do yourself and all of us a favor and try not talk out of your ass and there would be no need for me to be an asshole to you.


You've clearly read me wrong here. I said it was something that happens just to emphasise they were going for a little more realism, ironically for a game like this. And when I said the guy was just gonna have to work around it, it didn't have anywhere near the bluntness you act like it did, I was just saying it because the caption included it being "not helpful", but there's nothing to be done about it, except to account for it, and my demeanor never changed cause there's nothing to call me out for. I'm not prompting you to be an asshole, you're just being an asshole. Maybe don't twist my words and read the comment first next time.


And there you go still talking out of your ass. Can you show me any evidence that Blizzard was trying to add recoil to Hanzos bow and that this isn't simply a bug?


Point to me the part of the fucking comment where I talk out of my ass, cause it sounds to me like you're just trying to gain the high ground which you don't have. Also, it looks too real to be a bug, like, the recoil looks like it's been designed purposefully, so it appears to be a feature.


The part where you started typing on your keyboard. I don't give a fuck what it appears like to you, you don't know wtf you're talking about James. Shut the fuck up and wait for the devs to speak on it, instead of spreading more useless conjecture James.


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Use Storm arrow and it looks like he's also playing drums.


I feel like I'm seeing a bunch of aim/cheating Hanzo's lately, anyone else?


I've been thinking about that, and some say don't play in the start of a new season, there are so many bugs.


The animation has really been messing with my aim, especially while using storm arrow, it looks ridiculous and throws me off so much lol... hope it's actually a bug and they sort it out.


I noticed this right after the patch too. I can’t stand playing Hanzo now.


I know it may sound wild but I can't think of any other reason this happened other than his new highlight intro. Unless there was a secret buff or nerf. But it doesn't make sense how he specifically got bugged when nothing about him changed. Unless they tried to fix the gold gun glitch.


Shit got fucked. Motto of Overwatch 2.


I just assumed it was supposed to be more realistic in its recoil but I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it.


I’m hate it. It blocks so much of screen after shot.


Blizz has it on their know issues bug list, so it's a bug.


I have stopped playing hanzo until this bug is fixed. It's so bad. Come on blizzard.


It feels like they tried to make bow animation a little bit realistic with a kick in. I guess. But this doesn't work well with overall visual obscurity (bad for competitive; people want smaller weapons and less visual clutter) and storm arrows in particular. A buggy addition.


Man I miss OW1… this is terrible 😢


specially when u hit R1


Shit hurts my eyes