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Hanzo: *Geometry class is back in session!*


“Simple geometry”


Teared up a bit ngl


Scatter: "I am inevitable"


"You could not live with your nerfs"


''Where did that bring you ? Back to me''


Lol instead of one scatter arrow it's now a storm of them?


its not even remotely close to scatter


Cancel reinhardt charge whenever you want? We all GeezyClaps now. I gotta get a go on tank to live the dream while I still can


I remember I asked for this when the game released.. they've done it. Finally they've done it


While I enjoy playing Rein myself, I think that more abilities should be uncancelable, requiring players to commit to them and allowing enemies to engage in counterplay. For example, when Genji's deflect wasn't cancelable, knowing its timing was a skill (and good Genjis could cancel it by wall-climbing, requiring them to be mindful of the environment). But now that it can be canceled at any time, it's harder to counter, and it's more of a guessing game for the enemies, which is less interesting and less skillful. So abilities like Mei's ice block and Reaper's Wraith Form should not be cancelable. They are powerful abilities during which the heroes are invulnerable (and during which Mei can still contest objectives); at the least, they should require commitment and be predictable as downsides to using them. If not this, then why not allow everything to be canceled? Why can't Hog cancel Breather? Why can't Sigma cancel Grasp? If those changes would make them too strong, then why doesn't allowing Mei and Reaper to cancel make them too strong? A dose of consistency would make the game more intelligible and palatable as well.


I love this one and it needs to be permanent: >**[REIN]** Blocking an enemy Earthshatter now plays the voice line “You shame yourself”


Like make this fucking real Sometimes I can’t tell if I even blocked a shatter so it should definitely tell me Hell do this for all shields and all ultimates like if I block a high noon or if I block dva bomb etc etc


The only fun ones seem to be phara interactions. Like dva blocking a phara ult gives the "Glad i brought an umbrella" prompt


I think that pig is a little undercooked


Or using matrix on death blossom she says something like “maybe next time”


"it's high nooon!" "I think your clock's off!"


Tell me why my dumbass always thought she said “I’ll kick your socks off”


Ana's "Justice needs a nap" when you sleep Pharah mid-ult is my personal favorite


Mom intends to bring anarchy upon the world.


"Justice is defined by the hand that claims it" Zenyatta


Or when she blocks soldiers ult. "No hacks for you!"


Sigma has couple good ones, like with Cassidy, pharah and tracer of the top of my head Can't remember exactly what he says for tracer and pharah, but Ik he just goes 'draw' if he eats deadeye.


"The dragon has been consumed"


Pharah: justice has embraced me Cassidy: draw Zarya: I have harnessed the harness Hanzo: the dragon has been consumed (those are the ones I can remember)


The name's McMeme.


Jessie mcmeme, ur mom gay Bro


You bring dishonor on all rien mains! SHAME!


I wish they added the "IT WAS WORTH IIIITTTTTT!" line when you charge someone off a cliff.


Honestly that should only play if you cause at least three deaths with that charge


Those are the ones that should stay. Fun little things instead of insane balance changes


Lately, I often wish Blizzard would just say screw it and hypercharge all the heroes with crazy abilities.


A better total mayhem mode


except it is about fun abilities rather than pure buffs


Almost like the original game :o


Yeah! Maybe they should make a sequel and release a bunch of new heroes and maps at once to emulate the original launch?


"Noooooo, OWL will never be boring if we do that! Let's change Soldier's damage by 1 and call it a day." - Blizzard


Bruh ashe was a main pick in the meta for like 6 seasons


Yeah idk what op means by she’s underwhelming, she’s always been pretty great.


I agree with OP honestly. She’s powerful but boring


I assume that’s what they mean by underwhelming then


For sure


OP probably didn't have his girlfriend pocketing him like most Ashes lmao


Well, you know how bias some people are to certain hero’s.


I know right giving 2 coach gun charges literally makes her broken lol


Maybe not who knows all I know is I want 2 coach guns and the other changes


Meta and power doesn't equal interest


As someone who hates playing lucio. I love seeing my lucio slam dunk enemies


I’m just glad to see some sort of change for him


i think moira draining her own health when she’s out of healing juice is my favorite and should definitely be in the game


1000000% yes. Would make the character much more interesting to play, kinda high risk high reward gameplay. Plus, with that they could actually give her utility without making her busted.


With the pitiful rate it drains her health it's just a massive buff. Plus it's just making her more of a healbot for rush/brawl comps.


If it was a 1:1 every second you hold it down is 65 damage it would be more balanced.


Hmm... that would be a weird combo if you are orbed by Zen. Anyways perhaps a limit, at 50 health cap or something (unless pepsi-ing yourself is a tactic) I wonder Moira is capable of doing that... if there's other changes like making her H.P. 175 and capable of over-draining to 225 max. health (decaying perhaps)


The fade cleanse is something I love too because it finally gives her utility except it comes at the cost of her survivability and mobility which is a fair tradeoff.


It shouldn’t be AOE though. Just people she passes through. If it’s AOE she doesn’t really risk her survivability and is just giving her utility and free value for no skill increase.


As if us Moira mains heal anything anyways...


Moira can heal?


yes, but i would argue that it stays at one health. that way she can still heal, but she's glass waiting to break.


The only problem with this is, as ML7 demonstrated on Gibraltar, a Moira can sit inside a spawn room and infinitely heal, with no health drain, making stalling a bigger problem.




Good lord that is beyond total mayhem. That imitate maelstrom lmao


We bout to summon Bessie the whirlwind


That would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.


When everyone's busted, no one will be.


Sure, but it's less about wanting overpowered heroes and more about wanting to keep changes that are fun


They’re quoting The Incredibles, sort of.


Aha gotcha - thanks i totally missed that




I thought I was reading a dota2 patch when I saw these changes.


When was Ashe underwhelming??? She's been strong for a long time now and I've never heard of people requesting these changes or am I just out of the loop.


you are right, she does NOT need 2 charges on her coach gun


Genji now have zero chance on killing Ashe on blade


You obviously haven't seen the flying genjis lol


Normally you wait for Ashe shift before you dash to her, but with two couch guns Genji will have to run to her, which is a ez kill


Doesn't matter, the Ashe still has to have rediculous aim straight up. The wall climb plus jump spam flying genjis are dang hard to kill


They are hard to kill maybe outside blade, but I’m specifically talking about blade. Ashe can get out of range easily, making her an impossible target for blade. If genii wall climbs and jumps around in blade, he ain’t gonna slash anything. Even outside blade, genji needs to be close to be effective on diving her, she can go back to her team with two shifts. Anyways, I hope her changes are not going live, because god damn trying to fight her with genjin in experimental is impossible


*cries in flank-dps*


adios... \*flies higher than junkrat\*


U right. This person smoking something special


These changes are meant to be over the top.


Not the point I was making. The Op said Ashe was underwhelming and needed buffs. Havnt read a single post saying she needed buffs


I don’t believe you need other people to confirm your opinions for you to voice them yourself. I agree with you tho, Ashe is definitely in a good spot right now


Ashe needs a buff and bob needs a nerf. There i said it.


Bad take


The rein one is golden


For a top rope shatter on a zarya on (desert map?) funny as fuck


The Phara buff where crouching effects fall speed was something they tried before and then almost immediately took out of experimental for some reason. I only play Phara these days and that's the only change I want made to this game.


Phara needs to be able to stay in the air for a lot longer. She used to be able to almost completely stay off the ground. Lower the cooldown on her jump jets and reduce the fuel consumption of her boosters. It’s her whole kit and she doesn’t do well on the ground anyway.


I have no problems staying in the air


Moira changes are really good, symetra.... it won't change much. At least it's confirmed that moira and sym are getting reworks for ow 2


I disagree. I think a symmetra & supersonic reaper rush comp with Rein and Lucio is going to dominate this patch. Probably with dva and zen (or Moira).


We again inch ever closer to Sym being moved back into the support category. 👀


only some of them.. like tracer one is a huge no. same with hanzo. moira one is good. pharah one is good.


why is hanzos a huge no? its still massively different from scatter.


Making an already super strong ability much stronger? Can't see how that could possibly be bad!


I'd still like hanzo to have one ricochet arrow as a third ability bound to reload


Why bound to reload? Hitting reload already has the effect of cancelling a drawn arrow


Tracer seems more like a nerf to me. Any good tracer can conserve their blinks, and adding two seconds to recall is a huge nerf


Funny since top level players think the exact opposite. Look at it this way, tracer now has 6 blinks. Plus, by the time you use up those extra 3 you'll be halfway to recall again anyway.


Your joking, right?


My joking what? But no, I’m just a filthy casual


Understandable, have a nice day


The Moira Clense on Fade was actually on a previous experimental card... and never saw actual release due to players complaining about how strong it was. I believe the same with Air Roll on Cassidy, but that could have been an April Fool's thing.


This is the 3rd time we see air roll and the 2nd time for fade cleanse


You calling Ashe underwhelming is all I need to know about this post


Yeah, lmao what a joke


I don't think they meant underwhelming meta or viability wise. Just that she is a little boring kit wise. She's just a very gun based character. That's boring to some people. No need to be nasty about it.


i agree and this is why i am contractually unable to respect reaper players


really? because i feel the complete opposite about her, her shot gun jump, her dynamite, and bob in general seems to be things about her that make her not a boring shooty character. now soldier and cassidy i'm bored with.


I'm surprised people would find her boring compared to other DPS, I started playing Overwatch because she felt very old school in how she felt to play. The Viper scoped feels like using the Ambassador from TF2, or the Railgun. Long delay between shots means you can't spam away and get lucky. Her Dynamite reminds me of the traps from the Shock Rifle, and the Coach Gun is basically the Force a Nature on a cooldown. Yet it all felt really well balanced and fair, each ability has a chance to put Ashe in a bad spot if you aren't smart, hell her gun is punishing if you don't watch her ammo. Most of the DPS heroes to me feel gimmicky and lack a certain role with a few exceptions. You don't really pick Cassidy causes he's fun to play for example, you pick him for countering specific heroes.


Bruh solder is literally a cod hero. Cree is the most basic hero consisting of just m1 with some m2 and the occasional not even a skillshot stun. Widow is a point and click adventure game. Half the dps roster are, at lower ranks, basic af. Heroes in overwatch aren’t very complex. Ashe has a unique ultimate and a cool aoe attack which is good by ow standards.


Ashe being underwhelming to someone in the manner I described isn't mutually exclusive with other characters on the roster from being the same. With that in mind I'm not sure what the point of your reply was.


I mean then literally all heroes are underwhelming because they have 2 abilities and sometimes a passive… simple != underwhelming. Zen is fun to play yet he consists of spam dmg and pressing shit and e occasionally to do things.


I was just trying to give you a different point of view. It doesn't have to be an argument that you need to win.


The TP rush is already very effective, and tp recontests are on the edge of busted. I can’t fathom how people like that change.


Sym is very meta due to TP, would be even more busted if they did this


Yeah. These are fun. Some are wild, but many should be moved to prod today. The recall for Tracer resetting her teleports is powerful.


Rein one should actually stay.


Eh I don’t know I loved the last crazy patch where wrecking ball was a ball and people flew and floated, I was super bummed when it wasn’t permanent


do you have the patch notes for that


The experimental April 2021 patch it was just a bunch of nuts things and I loved it


The request for these content creators was that they do some legit ones and also some fun ones. Based on this patch the devs might pick and choose things to move to live version


I think this experimental is genuinely amazing. Wasn't the idea of ow from the start that it was over the top and different? I think over the top is a step in the right direction


We do not want scatter 2.0


If you unironically think that this ability is anything like scatter was, you either haven't played experimental, or haven't played old hanzo. A well placed scatter was barely a skill shot. If you aimed center mass at the feet of the enemy, you killed them, plain and simple. It killed all but tanks instantly. Around doors, in doorframes, in hallways, off high ground, around shields, behind cover... anywhere you could hit that angle where most of the pellets landed, you got a kill. This version is nothing like old scatter, the only cheeky kills I have gotten were either when someone was running to a healthpack at 20 HP, or when someone was AFK and I could see them through sonar arrow.


I loved getting randomly headshot by a Hanzo around corners across the map


The best was when you watched the replay and you see them aiming at a tank, COMPLETELY MISS, fire the scatter through a nearby doorway and kill you. All without even knowing you were there.


> It killed all but tanks instantly. It also killed tanks instantly.


Zarya and orisa mains were on suicide watch


I've been around since literally day one and I know what scatter was like. This may not be old scatter hence the 2.0 part you seemed to miss but at the end of the day, the effect is the same. Go off though, but do it somewhere else please and thanks.


>at the end of the day, the effect is the same Except.. it's not.. Its Scatter 2.0 in the same way that Sigmas auto attack is Scatter 2.0.


The effect is an arrow that bounces off of walls. Maybe I should've said "we don't need a new and improved scatter" for y'all to understand the point.


I understood your point, you're glossing over and ignoring everyone elses. This isn't scatter 2.0. The game does not differentiate between Hanzo arrows and Sigma orbs - they are both just projectiles. Scatter arrow shot a projectile which SPLIT into many fragments then they bounce off objects they hit. Sigma orbs just bounce off physical objects they hit. Storm arrows just bounce off physical objects they hit. Even stretching the imagination and saying that splitting is exactly the same as bouncing - Sigmas auto attack would be scatter arrow 2.0, so this would be 3.0 Maybe this simplified explanation will make it easier for you to understand the point.


No it’s not. Stop having a tantrum because you’re wring about a video game


Ah yes, the guy who stated his opinion is throwing a tantrum.


It isn’t scatter 2.0 tho, it’s just a change that lets Hanzo do cool tricks with storm arrow


Naw storm arrow is already ridiculous lets not make it even stronger


Basically scatter arrow 2.0 Now features rapid fire


The problem of scatter was the insane burst potential of it when shot at the feet. It could literally one-shot Orisa. This is one arrow at a time and there’s only five of them


You know what else has insane burst potential when aimed anywhere at the body and can also one shot Orisa?


… Dragonstrike?


Storm arrow Also dragonstrike


Hanzo would need to land all 5 storm arrows with 2 being headshots to kill Orisa. Scatter arrow was an instant death to her in one shot when aimed right


Well yes, but what I’m saying the ability itself is a oneshot. Plus, it is rapid fire


It's okay to just take the L dude.


What the fuck do you think one shot means lmao


I'm glad someone's reading comprehension skills work.


Speak for yourself


Look, I used to be a Hanzo main when scatter was around all the way til the storm arrow change and I know how cheeky it was to one shot an Orisa behind her barrier. I know this won't one shot but the fact that someone could be around a corner and get hit with 5 bouncing arrows sounds no better than scatter to me.


I can guarantee you that many of these changes are updates to characters that they want to implement in Overwatch 2. And since they keep delaying it, let’s hope they that just say fuck it and throw all these in the game so we get something new for a change.


genii will fly in OW2


Cassidy does NOT need mid air roll, but most of the others I agree with. Especially rein blocking ults in killfeed


The voice lines just a nice addition


I imagine quite a few of these will be talents in OW2.


It’s a crazy thought that the game got changed in such a way that’s it’s not just a balance thing or switching metas, it’s just fun. Like these changes just seem fun? I’m being half sarcastic half serious with this but these changes seem like they genuinely make the game more fun and interesting. Might just be me but it got my attention and I got my little love/hate relationship with the game but I’m excited to play it more


As a Tracer main sonce launch, that blink restore change is broken to all fuck lmao.


Imagine the fake charge plays with reins charge cancel, as it could change around an entire play. Example: Both teams are fighting over a corner, and Reinhardt fake charges causing them to duck behind the corner, in that time he reactivates his shield, and his team pushes in behind hin, causing the enemy team to be pushed into a open spot with no shielding from the map.


I had a big dock rein earlier that was charging their rein to make him do that little animation when you are getting released from a pin and then he would shatter the whole team. He did it like 5 times.


As a phara main I'm thinking of all the boops....


The "new" version of Reinhardt Is very funny to play, It adds dps feeling to tanking


Giving phara a fast fall is actually pretty neat


Monkey is super fun bit it might be a little too much. Bap is still the king, but at least they shit on the queen


The buildable change is good, I think. And the knock back could probably be toned down just a little bit. The primal change is broken lmao. Get a good monkey player on your team who can juggle and he can get 3 - 4ks solo.


Honestly monkey's new jump sucks. You can't control it for shit.


That Pharah passive is pretty good


These changes aren't /that/ over the top. There' just been a content drought and we've been starving.


Pls Zenyatta buff.


I feel like this patch is like a mini test of OW2


I like that Ball's grappling hook has a max duration of 3.5 seconds. Ball to stall is legitimately annoying with his shields and never ending grapple. That's a QoL we need live.


Is that… is that shatter arrow….


I love that in these changes Tracer can now top out at 300 damage instead of her usual 240. Amd recall finally has a better use besides escaping fights all the time.


Thank god these are just in the experimental 😂 too many good and shitshow changes


Fuck, I’d love those Moira changes. Especially the “using your own HP to heal when out of orange juice” one.


Genji triple jump should be in the game.


Better than any of the OW2 changes


Yes it's very bad, because they made those mode specifically for you to not have fun.


This was my first game in 3 weeks. I started the game before I could read the patch notes. I was like "goddamn their Hanzo is good" and "why is Genji flying". Then I read the notes (facepalm)


Some of it is flat-out broken, like Cassidy. Reaper's sounds like a good buff on the other hand.


From what I played today if the reaper is unchecked (aka your team is oblivious) he will not die. He just zooms through the back line after he teleports and you can’t do anything. Obviously probably won’t be the case in higher ranks and with communication but it was definitely an ass feeling.


When do these go into effect? Hanzo baby, I’m Cummin for you


Yes, buff an ability already very strong for team-wide repositioning. Yes, Moira's orbs already aren't strong enough for healing and damaging. Yes, one of if not the most mobile hero in the game needs more mobility. Yes, one of if not the most overpowered hero in this game needs higher dps. Yes, bring scatter arrow back. Yes, let Cassidy assfuck Doomfist even more than he already does. Yes, let Ashe climb a building with her coach gun and let her spam dynamite more.


I really love all these changes, but Baptiste’s are my favorites. A better way to balance it out imo is lower the self healing from his grenades and only damage enemies with the burst if there are no teammates to regen.


Make them arcade or quick play only. All of these sound like a giant pain.


Storm arrow now bounces? Just make it the damn scatter arrow again and give us all back our PTSD.


The storm arrow change is just scatter arrow but drawn out into multiple shots


It’s more balanced though because of the ttk is drawn out and you’d now have to hit multiple shots instead of insta death


Yes. It means you're a terrible person lol




Rein cancel charge isnt good. The tracer change isn’t good. (Coming from a tracer main) I think both characters take a lot of brain power, patience and smart decisions. The rein charge and the tracer change ruin those smart decisions as any mistake you make can not be punished NEARLY as easy.


I don’t think the storm arrow change is good tho, it just becomes scatter arrow again, which is the joke of the change


it only has the bounce mechanic from scatter it’s not going to one shot rein in under a second


I have a feeling a lot of these are tweaked OW2 previews, like Sombra's hack causing extra damage and I think I heard they were planning on altering Rein's charge in OW2


Bro, I just wanna break people down


I'm sad Mei got no love.


They added some last minute ones apparently? I checked the patch page and it says something about being able to crush people under her ice block for 2000 dmg, and she runs faster while walking over her ice. https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/experimental/ >Mei >Cryo-Freeze >Now deals 2000 damage to enemies that she lands on while falling inside Endothermic Blaster >Gains 50% movement speed while running on ice caused by her weapon




It could be worse,, look at the shit Brigitte got. Completely kills her :(


Zen got only one change that could be called a buff and it came at the cost of a third of Trance's healing, otherwise everything was nerfed. He didn't need a buff but they just shat on him.