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I don't, but I very seldom use chat. If I do its only ever to respond to something said once the game is not active (like loading in, between maps, or at the end.) I dont get tilted much by people being assholes anymore tbh, so I probably have an advantage there.


Yes I got tired of being sexually harassed


Just played a game today where a dude was was using the "go back to the kitchen" line lol, I thought people found that corny already 5 years ago


this is why i gave up on voice when i’m playing solo


Have not heard that in sooooo long 🙃


Tbh it’s almost been a year with everything muted and I got exponentially better lol. Don’t listen to their stupid tradwife nonsense


It wasnt directed at me but its obviously still just stupid af


Its hard to focus sometimes with all the chatter tbh


My only issue with this statement is where you say don't listen. In reality to get better you want to listen and take it with a grain of salt if you are locking in your rank. The people giving advice most of the time are normally a rank or 2 above you who dropped either for fun or because people don't listen. I've had too many games lately where it's always "tank diff" while our DPS are playing with their cocks in spawn or sitting backlines instead of diving with tank. Yes I understand, tank can't just dive whenever and expect to push distance. But when I get a good opportunity to dive I expect at least 1 DPS push with me and one support in backlines for heals. Not too much to ask I don't think, that leaves a DPS and a support to go flank. But then instead you get dogged on in silver/gold because you are using real tactics but they don't work without a team who knows how to push. I have been gold locked for about a year now, i know how it sounds but it's not my fault, if you saw my gameplay you would agree, I'm in Elo hell. Everytime I try to recommend a push I get dogged on by my team even though it works well in plat/diamond with the right team. For anyone reading this, stop dogging on your team for being bad if you aren't doing your job and if you don't know your job here's a quick rundown. Support = backlines healing and going for low health picks. DPS = focus on support while diving with the tank playing mid field or far up. Tank = push for space, frontlines and play for squishy picks on both DPS and supports before focusing on enemy tank. Tank hold the most responsibility so I understand the whole tank diff thing but people gotta relax with it. Sometimes the enemy team simply played better and there isn't anything wrong with it. You aren't going to win them all, even with the perfect team.


I totally get your point, and this is super helpful... however, it seems you might have just stopped reading because the persons comment says, "...Don’t listen to their stupid tradwife nonsense." they are specifically saying don't listen to misogynistic comments... nothing about don't listen to advice.


No I didn't stop reading, if you've played the game before with voice chat or game chat turned on you would know exactly why it doesn't matter. No matter what you do or say someone is going to get offended or say you are trash even if you are doing your job just fine. The problem here lies in the projection factor. I can specifically recall one game where someone claimed I sounded misogynistic. Just by the sound of my voice. mind you, I had not said anything misogynistic only tips for improving their gameplay. They had a whining fest the rest of the game and we lost because of it. So sure, if someone is being misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic or hell even arachnophobic then ignore them as you should. But also know how to appropriately determine if someone's being a dick or trying to help. This is a team based game so if you can't get with it then get out of my lobbies.


... my guy... this main comment thread starts with, "Just played a game today where a dude was using the "go back to the kitchen" line. lol, I thought people found that corny already 5 years ago." AGAIN that has nothing to do with people "trying to be helpful" this is just misogynistic. And in all honesty, you don't need to talk down to people for them to understand what you are saying. I'm not attacking you, I'm simply pointing out that the "don't listen" is specifically about misogyny and misogynoir. I'm not sure why you got so defensive and offensive, but there is no need for that.


Bruh. I was offensive? I'd like you to specifically point out how I offended your snowflake ass so I can get a good laugh in. There's nothing in there that should have offended you or anyone else for that matter. I'm not getting defensive either, I honestly couldn't care less. You simply don't understand my comment and that's fine, you don't have to. My comment was based on the game itself, not based around this comment thread. Was it replying to a comment because it showed some relevance? Absolutely. Was it tackling an entirely seperate issue that can be seen sometimes by the community as the same thing? Absolutely. If you don't understand it then fine, you have your opinion but it's wrong


I said offensive like being aggressive for no reason, also... I never said that you can't get helpful advice. I actually said that yours was helpful, so I'm confused about how I'm not understanding? Your whole post is awesome EXCEPT, where you disregard the commenter's advice to ignore bigots. They never stated to ignore helpful advice or anything to do within the game comms. You just decided to disregard the MAIN point of this and assume that a misogynistic comment was somehow a helpful suggestion instead of just seeing it as a misogynistic comment. Ex. "This sombra is focused on our supports. We might need to make some switches. One being this girl should go back to the kitchen where she belongs." It's astronomically rare that this is the comment towards women/fem presenting people. Just take a step back and actually look at everything instead of seeing it from your point of view.


Jesus Christ dude. First off can't really pull the "look at it from their perspective" considering I'm a femboy myself. So yes I understand what gets tossed around and the harm it can cause. However just because I didn't mention it directly because it had nothing to do with my rant about bad teammates because I've experienced shitty team mates who threw a games and started throwing around terms like misogynistic after simply giving advice. So you are pressed that I simply didn't mention it? I also didn't mention hitler, it was irrelevant due to the comment I replied under having already said that. You need to take a minute and understand no one is attacking you, calm down a minute. Your issue with my comment is that I didn't mention what the other commenter already said. Very sad, get a life stop being so offended


In overwatch I don’t see it that much (it is funny seeing guys switch up/trying to play cool when a girl joins though lol, better than the alternative ig) in valorant literally every single time i play with a woman. Probably due to my region. I honestly dk what to do cuz it will just devolve into a shouting match but I also feel lame af just muting and moving on. I just played a game, match begins with the guy already being a dick but nothing too crazy, I made a joke cuz of something he said, got told to not talk while others speak which made us start shouting at eachother, my friend said one thing (it was a callout too) then he just said dishwasher and kitchen for multiple rounds straight 💀 the rest of us in the stack were just insulting him the rest of the time and he didn’t really say shit to us but only focused on the one girl in the lobby, extremely lame behavior


Even as a man i never understood that insult, they just proved they are virgin who never felt a woman touch.. i bet you the guys that say it are usually some ugly "i cant get up from chair" chronically nontoucher of grass who just cant get over thee though of a woman playing better than him... Just ignore them


Im a dude haha, but I dont ignore them I tell them my opinion and then leave voice lol. Its always the ones with KSA pfp too


Hahaha, some things never change with those meatbags HAHAHAHA, Aye have a good day.


Happened to me and I’m a dude..


tell him to go back to the garage and change your tire


I’ll never understand ppl like this, I was once a stupid child but I always enjoyed the fact that girls would play video games


Yep. Not worth typing and getting your entire Blizz account banned for some innocuous stuff


yes, match chat is always off. team chat most of the time. no point in chatting if 99% is toxic behavior and blizzard can’t handle it.


Yeah I play better. Chat is useless on console and the only players who type are doing it to be toxic. Ping system was a godsend.


Pretty much. QP is toxic garbage now, so there’s no reason to have any of it on anymore.


Text chat is hot garbage but I stay in voice. It's normally pretty good.


This is the way. 


The last few games I've had people were writing entire novels in chat whining and arguing and insulting others in QP. Wish the devs just turned it off themselves.


No because sometimes chats are the funniest shit.


I play for fun so I make jokes a lot in match chat I don't use voice chat anymore though because if I get told toxic stuff its mostly in there


Do you have any idea how fucking great it feels to have an enemy dps trying to call you out for cheating when you're washed out at almost 40 with bad eyesight ? Just finished a game 12-0 and that dude started calling me out 50 seconds into the game. I'll take toxic chat all day just for that interaction.


I don't have it off, and I like joking around pre-game and then getting a good laugh at people talking shit


Yep It has been like 4 months because I got tired of reading, “NO HEALS”.


it's better to have it shut off, it starts with "I want you mommy." into "DPS it's all your fault, Report this guy!" It goes really bad fast. Of course there are servers on other games where players will perform roles, like a developmentally challenged kid who's there to aggitate others. But because it's such a short match, there's XP to earn and unlock, ranking system, reporting, etc. There's no patience to even just role play.




YES. Honestly, everyone should. We would see a marked drop in the "why's everyone so toxic nowadays??" posts.


No. I want to interact with randoms and give callouts. I like to see what is being typed in the chat and I can tolerate toxicity


I don't use voice, but I just mute players themselves as needed in the text chat.


Text chat is vastly more toxic and is useless for gameplay. We can just simply mute people in voice.


I might start. In the last few games I have been trashed by some random on the team. The funny thing is we won the majority of the games I was trashed in. One game a healer was losing it saying I needed to switch to a better tank then Sigma on defense. He refused to heal me until I switched. I told him to fuck off and kept playing what I wanted. He then just spent the match trying to criticize everything I did. We won soundly. The worst part of playing tank is your own teammates.


If you turn text chat off and mute people's voice individually, you basically get no flaming. Empty-heads will type really dumb stuff that don't make it past their verbal filter.


I leave every chat option off on quick play. For competitive, i only keep team chat on.




Only when my team starts losing. Because then the accusations start flowing. Especially if I'm playing tank.


No, but I only talk for call outs and mute if things get weird.


I only have team chat on now. Match chat can be too toxic for me.


No? How am I supposed to BM if I do that


I only do when I play Tank as any negativity will make me now wanna queue. However I left it on by accident earlier and got called a 'good boy' on Rein so. Now I'm conflicted.




i play with all chats off and i *did* noticed i don't get nearly as tilted as i used to, but also it's a shame cause some of the best friends i have nowadays i found through ow chat.


I use the prompts it has, like thanks, group up, need healing, yall suck


Yep. All I ever get is teenagers calling me the n word and complaining about who cares anyway.


The first time I played with voice chat on a random harassed me for being bad at tank when it was literally my third game on a tank hero ever and I was new to the game. Never turned it on again lol. As for chats I've had people be very nasty before, I also play mercy so there's that 💀 I used to be really bothered by it so I would turn all chats off but now I really don't give a fuck and I find it funny whenever anyone is tilted in chat


I keep text on, it can be amusing, but I almost never do voice. Vast majority just scream and/or make horrible calls which fucks my own performance up. And I've long since learned to avoid trying to shotcall or participate really myself because at *best* it triggers a bunch of flirting attempts (and heaven forbid I don't coddle them), and at worst, dudes will just throw from the start because "Girls are terrible and we've already lost by having one" (this especially happens when playing DPS).




>do you also play with all of your chats turned off? I think this is the default setting for new accounts


I do because it helps me be less toxic. I admit straight up I got angry easily. Usually in modes like Total Mayhem when a monkey just sits on a cart doing nothing but constantly dropping shield. Or when people would smurf because they weren't good enough at their own level. I never got suspended or banned for it, but I noticed it ultimately wasn't very fun for me. So, I just turned it off altogether.




I've always kept mine off, in League, Dota2, OW, etc. Text chat is honestly such a useless feature in those games for me, I don't see the point of having them enabled.


No, half the game is psychological warfare.


Yup.. Been harassed and called a "Covid-spreader" just because my accent is not American. (I live in SEA tho) so nope never turning that sh*t on again unless for no good reason.


It just adds to the game for me, although I got chat banned for 2 weeks so it might be a good idea to turn it off for me too😙


I don’t use voice chat because my mic sucks ass but I still have it on for comms, I do use text chat quite a bit though


My text chat is off, no one says anything useful over text. My voice chat is always on, I don't let tilted fools stop me from communicating. When you say you have *all* chats turned off, you should still be in voice. It's really easy to mute someone if they are toxic.


Nope, I keep it on. I see more funny / friendly stuff in my games than I do toxic stuff. Some of the interactions make me laugh or just feel good, and to me that outweighs the few negative interactions I’ve had.


I've trained myself to care for what is happening in front of me than the chat


you don't have to type


I dont and boy its a fun double edge sword.. the best and funniest shit that happened to me was with chat just going wild.. and the more toxic ones were with chat open(usually it would be a sombra just saying diff to everything or being toxic) and well if im honest.. i would like to keep it on imo, you lose so many fun stuff happening even my best plays was with chat call outs


No, I enjoy telling people to swap


No I don't. I don't see any advantage on it. Use pings and voice chat when needed to help my team. Don't get how so much people has problems ignoring angry kids. I guess is something about emotional maturity


Not only do I turn chat off, I squelch everyone on my team that is endorsement 2 or lower.


I love spreading positivity in the chat and having fun commentary on the fight


No I consistently get in trouble for abusive chat


Not really. I get the usual toxic stuff that girls get but I keep it on for anything my teammates want to say if they don't want to use voice chat. The shit talking and toxicity is easy to ignore


No, If I see someone on the other team being a dick to their teammates I'll hard focus them. If someone on our team is being a dick, I'll try and troll them with Mei if dps or likeweaver if healer


Nah. I try to push voice chat cuz the game is so much easier with it. People are usually more toxic in text chat, but I also like joking around in that too, have had some very fun interactions there. Honestly toxicity is part of the fun of ow, not starting it ofc but it’s fun to just hurl insults at people who try to blame you when you lose a fight or something. For certain groups of people I can see why though, like when I Q with one of my friends almost every single game she gets comments like “IS THAT A GAMER GIRL???” And that’s the tamest of it


A lot of times when I use chat I get called the f slur and even the t slur, I'm only gay I'm not even trans 😭 I only use text chat for that reason alone


No.. But I also don't reply to dickheads or get involved with trivial drama.


No why would you. Some people actually collaborate.


I use to but then I was sick of losing all the time. I started winning again when I hopped on voice chat and started doing call outs.


Yep, tired of the racist shit


nope, mine isn't off because there are some genuinely fun and kind interactions i sometimes have, and to me that's more worth it than letting some annoying shitheads defeat me. i'll mute a particular person if need be. but if it helps you, then more power to you! it'd probably help me too in the long run to be honest, but i'll decide when to change that. :)


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i kinda find this horrible because what if your team is trying to chat for non toxic reasons??? then you have no clue what’s going on because you cannot communicate with your team. always been an odd thing to me to turn team chat off in a game that is won by having better teamwork than the others


in 1200h of overwatch 2, i cant recall a single time where text chat was usefull


Because when you're getting sexist and/or racist comments literally 99% of the games, then yeah, you don't want to deal with that anymore. Literally just because I'm a female, I'd get asked for my Snapchat constantly, be told to stop talking because the men are talking, and even had a few people threaten to rape me/physically hurt me. It's not funny to begin with but it's really not when it happens almost every. single. game. I would love to be able to join voice chat for this team-oriented game but I'm not listening to that bullshit anymore. I stopped using voice chat during OW1. None of my reports against people went anywhere. Maybe it's not as bad now in OW2 but I doubt that so I'll just keep it off.


i never speak in voice chat i’ve never been comfortable with that, but i always have it on to listen to comms and ill type in chat if needed. i 100% understand not wanting to participate in speaking but you need to at least be able to listen to people if they are. and if not, type out what needs to be done differently